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Meet Me in St. Louis

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the old Jackson House at 1410 Heights Way, Louis Thomas Jackson, and Erin Jess Parkwood I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

Evening has fallen over the Halliwell household. "Piper, Prue, hurry. The movie is about to start," Phoebe yells from the living room while sitting in front of the TV. "We're coming Pheebs. We're coming," Piper yells as she comes into the room carrying a giant bowl of popcorn. Prue carries the soda. "Phoebe, This better not be another horror movie that you are going to force us to watch," Prue says suspiciously. "Prue, I'm insulted. I do watch other movies beside horror. This movie has something for everyone including you Prue." "What's the movie Pheebs?" Prue asks after giving Phoebe a 'don't get me started look'. "Well if you ask me in a few years its going to be a classic." "What's the movie Pheebs?" "Scream 2." Both Piper and Prue start to moan. "Phoebe. I thought you said this movie has something for everyone!" Piper questions. "It does. It has romance for you Piper. For Prue... well it probably has something in there that she will enjoy. For me, its perfect. Now lets watch." Phoebe starts the movie while her sisters sit down giving her 'the look'. Hours later the movie and popcorn have run out, Piper and Prue go to bed. Phoebe tells them that she will lock up. She checks the doors and windows and turns off all the lights. She walks upstairs and sees a faint light coming from the attic and goes to investigate. In the attic no light is on. The dim light is coming from no where but it is focused on the Spirit Board. Phoebe walks over to the board and the pointer begins to move. She grabs a pad of paper and a pen and begins writing. The message:

Will you meet me in St. Louis, Louis, meet me at the fair?

Phoebe just looks at the message and wonders who could have sent it. Another witch, like Max, or a warlock trying to steel their powers. It could be anyone. Phoebe puts the note in her pocket and decides to go to bed. Maybe a good nights sleep will help her think.

The next day Phoebe comes downstairs to find Piper reading the newspaper in her PJ's. "Where's Prue?" Phoebe questions. "Claire called and said that Prue had to do some kind of emergency appraisal. Well, you know Prue. She left about 15 minutes ago." "Piper what do you know about the city of oh lets say St. Louis?" "Why do you ask?" Piper says with a laugh. "Well I was just wondering. You see last night I got a message on the spirit board." Phoebe then pulls out the message and hands it to Piper for her to read. "That's not a lot of information to go on Phoebe. There are probably hundreds of Louis's in St. Louis." "I was going to see if I could fine something on the internet. Did Prue take her lap top with her?" "Yes, she did." "Well, I had better get dressed and run down to Bucklands to borrow Prue's computer. By the way, Piper..." Phoebe says with a laugh. "Yes you can take my car to Bucklands." Phoebe runs over to Piper and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Your the best sis." "Yeah, Yeah."

Later at Bucklands, Prue is huddled over some old coins that someone had just brought in. The collection holds mostly coins but for some reason an old wedding band has made its way into the collection as well. Prue begins to look over the ring when a knock on her door interrupts her work. Prue looks up to see her younger sister enter her office. "Morning, Prue," Phoebe says cheerful as always. "Hey, Phoebe. So what brings you to Bucklands?" "I was wondering if I could borrow your laptop. I need to do some surfing on the web. I'm trying to find someone who might live in St. Louis." "Pheebs, we don't know anyone who lives in St. Louis." "Well obviously someone knows us." She pulls out the paper and hands it to Prue. Prue reads over it carefully. "Phoebe. Now don't get me wrong but this so called message does not sound like a cry for help. It seems more like a personal invitation." "Prue, this has to be a cry for help, otherwise we wouldn't have received this message." "Okay, Phoebe," Prue gives Phoebe her laptop. "This time try not to run up the phone bill so high like last time. Okay." "Don't worry Prue. This time I got a great rate that only charges per month so in a way I'll save you a lot of money and..." Claire then walks into Prue's office. "Prue, may I speak to you for a minute? Mr. Chadman is in my office and wishes to have his, what he claims is an antique vase, appraised." "Sure, Claire. I'll be right back, Phoebe." Prue follows Claire out the door leaving Phoebe to herself. Phoebe finally spots the coins and starts to look them over. She notices the wedding band and picks it up to get a better look. Once she touches the wedding band Phoebe has a premonition. It is of the past.

She sees a young, good looking man exiting an engraving shop. He puts the ring that Phoebe has just touched in his pants pocket. He walks down an alley and two thugs approach him. He hands over his wallet but that's not enough. The thugs then search his pockets and find the ring. Then one of the thugs pulls out a gun and shoots the man in the chest. When he is brought to a hospital he is already dead with no identification. Phoebe looks down at the ring. In it is a tiny inscription that has faded through out the years but Phoebe is still able to read it. It says:

From Louis

"Well, I'll be..." Phoebe grabs the laptop and runs out the door, ring clutched in her hands.

A few minutes later Prue comes walking into her office. "Sorry, Pheebs, that it took so long but... Phoebe." But Phoebe is no where in sight. Prue shrugs and walks over to the old coin collection. Everything is there except the old wedding ring. "Phoebe. How dare you." Prue picks up the phone. A few seconds later she hears Piper's voice. "Hello?" "Piper hey. Listen, Phoebe was just here and I think she stole an old ring that I was just appraising." "What? Prue, are you sure?" "Yes, unfortunately. I'll be home in about an hour but when Phoebe comes home ask her if she took the ring by accident will you." "Sure Prue." "Thanks Piper. Your the greatest. Bye." Prue hangs up the phone. "Why does she always do this to me?" Prue packs the rest of the coins away and goes to place them in the safe. She tells Claire that she'll appraise the rest tomorrow. Prue then heads for the elevator and goes to the parking garage and heads home. "Why couldn't I have been an only child?" Prue mumbles as she heads home.

When Prue arrives at home Piper greets her at the door telling her that Phoebe has not come home yet. Prue tells Piper that they have to find Phoebe and get the ring back before Claire notices it missing. "If we don't get the ring back, Claire will probably have Phoebe arrested and charged for stealing. Did Phoebe say anything else before she left this morning?" "She said that she wanted to figure out the message on the spirit board. That's why she wanted your computer. Other then that I have no idea where she could be at. I say we wait and if she's not home by tonight then we'll go searching for her. Phoebe is no longer a child Prue. Our little baby is all grown up and we have to stop worrying about her." "I know Piper, I know. Its just so hard for me. I guess because I practically raised you two I feel responsible for you and Phoebe." "Don't worry, Prue. Phoebe is probably just taking the long way home. She'll be back. Don't worry." Piper gives Prue a big smile. "Your right Piper. Now where's breakfast. I'm starving."

Phoebe has headed to the library. She asks the librarian on some books about St. Louis and she begins to search the archives for newspapers on microfilm. In the books is information about the towns past. It includes photos of the Arch being built and about the 1904 Worlds fair that was held there, where forest park and the zoo are now located. Phoebe reads on about the fair and wonders. Could the message on the spirit board have meant the 1904 Worlds Fair? It did say to meet me at the fair and that was the biggest Fair of all time. Phoebe pulls out the old wedding ring and has another premonition.

This is of the two thugs that had killed the man earlier. One places the ring on a table close to a newspaper. She sees someone pointing to the picture in the paper. It is that of the dead man that they had just killed. Phoebe happens to see the date April 16, 1904.

Phoebe quickly looks through the microfilm and finally finds the right paper. The article reads...

Man Found Murdered

A man was found in an alley close to the old Hudson's Bar. The police are not able to identify the body due to the lack of identification. Police think it was a random mugging. No suspects as of today and police have closed the case for now.

Phoebe prints out the article, picks it up and has another premonition.

She sees the man a few years back. He kisses a girl, and hands her an address. She looks it over and hugs him. He then turns around and leaves. The address is 1410 Heights Way. The woman just smiles and waves good-bye.

Phoebe quickly writes down the address. She is just about to close one of the many St. Louis books when she notices an old house. She reads the caption. 'The old Jackson House at 1410 Heights Way'. Phoebe takes the book to the counter and checks it out. She then hops into Piper's car and heads for a travel office.

Hours later Phoebe finally arrives at home. Phoebe slowly walks into the house when she hears Prue yelling. "Phoebe Halliwell. Where have you been?" "Prue. I'm glad your home. Listen I think I figured out what the message on the Spirit Board meant." "Phoebe, what are you talking about?" Piper questions. Phoebe goes on to explain that she had a premonition when she touched the ring and that she did take it with her. "Phoebe. How dare you. If Claire finds out she'll want to arrest you." "Prue, we can worry about that later. We have bigger problems on our hands." "Phoebe, what do you mean?" Piper immediately questions. Phoebe goes on to explain about the house. "In 1904 a man named Louis Thomas Jackson was an important business man. He had started a small company and it prospered nicely. He had bought a house in St. Louis and moved his soon to be wife Erin Jess Parkwood to the house. He would follow a few days later but first he had to tie up some business. He had promised her he would meet her in St. Louis so they could go to the fair together. His wife would continue to send notes with the same message on it. That message was always 'Will you meet me in St. Louis, Louis, meet me at the fair?' The day he was to meet her in St. Louis he disappeared without a trace. Before he disappeared he had gotten a threat form another business man but the police couldn't prove anything. Erin died years later never knowing what happened to her true love." "Phoebe, what does this have to do with us?" "Don't you see, Piper? The message we received was sent to us for a reason and I think I figured it out." She hands Prue and Piper a copy of the newspaper article about the dead man. "Phoebe, are you saying that this man they found murdered was Louis Thomas Jackson?" "Yes and because he was murdered, Erin never found out and died without ever knowing the truth." "So Phoebe," Prue says with a laugh. "What should we do about it. Call the police and tell them that you figured out a 95 year old murder. Andy would really love us then." "I think we were sent this message for a reason and that is to bring peace to Erin about her fiancee. I know it sounds strange but it just feels right." Piper looks at Prue and Prue takes a long breath. "Okay, Phoebe. I'll call the travel agency and tell them we need three tickets to..." Phoebe then pulls three plane tickets from her purse. "Already done Prue." Prue and Phoebe smile at each other while Piper groans. "We have to take a plane... again!!!"

The next day Prue calls Claire and tells her she is taking a few days off work to visit a sick relative. Piper also calls Quake and tells her boss the same thing. By 3 o'clock Prue, Piper and Phoebe are on a, plane to St. Louis. Piper, who does not like to fly, wishes they could have just taken a bus. About 4 hours later the Halliwells arrive in St. Louis, Missouri. They take a taxi to their hotel. When they get to the hotel the manager tells them that there is only on room left. "So, what your saying is that for my vacation I still have to share a room with my sisters?" "Come on, Prue, it'll be fun. Just like when we where kids," Phoebe tells Prue. "Great, we're in a hotel with only one bathroom." Piper moans. "Suffer" Phoebe tells her. "Just think of this as an adventure." The sisters head on up to their room. They unpack their bags and go out to find a nice restaurant for lunch. After lunch the sisters decide to go sightseeing. They visit the Arch by the river front, the zoo, Old St. Charles, and of course Union Station (which is a mall down town). Prue is complaining to Piper that it is going to take months till she pays off her credit cards again. After a day of shopping they decide to take a taxi home. Finally a taxi picks them up and drives them to the hotel. "So, you folks from out of town?" "Yes, we live in San Francisco." Prue responds. "Ah, San Francisco. I went there once. Drove over the Golden Gate, went down the crooked street. It's nice over there. By the way my name is Dawn. So have you seen all the sights to see in St. Louis?" "Most of them," Phoebe responds. "By the way, do you happen to know anything about the old Jackson House?" "Yes. Its an old urban legend." "Urban legend?" Piper questions. "Yes," says Dawn. "Like the white alligator that supposedly lives in the sewer. But all they ever found where white cockroaches. There is also the tale of the 7 tunnels to hell. Its basically at night when the car's red lights reflect off the sides. What's dumb is that there are only 6 tunnels not 7. We also have the Lemp Mansion that's supposedly haunted because a lot of family members killed themselves in the house. But the worst legend is that of the old Jackson House." "Why?" Phoebe questions.

"The story starts around 1904 when a man by the name of Louis bought a house for his fiancee Erin but he was killed before he could ask her to marry him. Legend has it that every month on a full moon the ghost of Erin Parkwood returns to the house and awaits her beloved's return." "You don't believe it, do you?" Piper questions. "Well I have not seen it but the kids in the neighborhood will tell you that strange things have happened inside that house. On the night of the full moon lights will be turned on inside the house, or a women's crying can be heard. Some say that if you listen to the wind the song 'Meet me in St. Louie, Louie' can be heard playing on an old record player. It is said that anyone who disturbs the ghost on the full moon never returns and the only way to break the curse is to return her husbands love (Ring). But that's urban legends for you. So I take it you would like to see the old house." "How did you know?" Phoebe questions. "Your not the first customers that I have driven to the house! The neighborhood kids make a few bucks because they give tours but never after dark." "Lead the way," Phoebe says anxiously smiling at her sisters at there good fortune. About 15 minutes later they have arrived at 1410 Heights way. "Have a good day ladies," says Dawn and drives on.

The house is very old and boarded up. A large plaque hangs on the gate that tells the legend of the house. A few kids are riding their bikes before dark. One of the kids approaches the Halliwells. "Are you lost?" The boy questions. "No, we're just looking at the house. When do they do tours?" Piper questions. "Lady you have the wrong person. Clark is the only one who has ever entered the house. No one else has. He is the only one who gives tours. Come back tomorrow morning around 10 o'clock. That's usually when Clark gives a few tours before rush hour." They thank him and go on there way.

After dinner they go back to their hotel. "I can't believe we're chasing an urban legend Phoebe," Prue says annoyed. "Who knows Prue. Maybe there is some truth to the legend. It wouldn't be the first time for us." "Lets just get a goodnights sleep so we can visit the house tomorrow. Besides, its a full moon tomorrow and who knows." Piper and Prue just shake their heads and climb into bed.

The next day the alarm clock goes off. Prue doesn't want to get up so she uses her powers and stops the alarm. Suddenly the curtains go up. "Rise and shine," Phoebe says sounding wide awake. "Phoebe, I'd kill you but I'm to tired to move." Piper complains. Finally she gets her sisters up and they go downstairs for breakfast. "Didn't Grams take us to St. Louis when we where still little Prue?" "Yes she did Piper. She told us it was the gateway to the west. And I also remember going up to the top of the Arch." "I remember," Phoebe blurts out. "And then we visited the zoo and I wanted to see the seals." "Right, Pheebs" Piper says with a laugh.

They take a taxi and head to the Jackson House. When they arrive a long line of people are waiting to get inside. The Halliwells stand in line. "Welcome ladies and gentleman. You are about to take a trip into the past. One of mystery and tragedy. My name is Clark and let me be the first one to welcome all of you to the Jackson house." He leads everyone inside the house explaining of the legend. Prue and Piper are keeping up with the group but Phoebe lags behind. A soft voice calls out to Phoebe. "Get out. No one can help. Not even you." Phoebe turns around but sees no one. "Hello. Prue? Piper? Hello." Phoebe wanders off to join the rest of the group. Once outside she tells her sisters of what she heard. They decide to come back at 6 o'clock at night to see if the story of the ghost is true. "So what should we do now. I would love to see some of the museums." Prue tells her sisters. "I want to take a break in a restaurant and go to the park later," Piper adds. "I want to shop with Prue's credit card," Phoebe adds. "Very funny Pheebs," Prue giving Phoebe the 'death look'. "I say we split up for the day and then meet back at the house at 6. What do you say?" Piper and Phoebe agree and go on their separate ways.

By 6 o'clock all three have gathered at the Jackson house. "Okay. You two ready?" Prue questions. Both Piper and Phoebe nod their heads and they ascend the stairs that lead to the front door. They try the door but its locked so Prue uses her power to force the door open. Phoebe pulls out three flashlights that she has just bought and gives one to each of her sisters. About 10 feet into the house the door slams shut. "That was just the wind. Right?" Piper questions. "Sure Piper," Prue ties to reassure Piper. "Do you hear that?" Phoebe questions. They listen for a few seconds. "It sounds like someone's crying." They begin to enter what used to be the kitchen. Suddenly a knife comes flying toward Piper who freezes it just in time. "That was close." "To close," Phoebe adds while grabbing the knife and putting it on an old table. "Did you hear that?" Prue questions her sister. The room begins to fill with singing. 'Meet me in St. Louie, Louie, Meet me at the fair. Don't forget I'm your honey bunny.....' "I would have to say yes, Prue." A faint light is seen in the far corner of the room and the sisters follow it up the stairs. "Prue, Piper. If its a ghost we're following then why is it glowing? Mark was a ghost and he never glowed and when I was a ghost I certainly did not glow (See my story 'The Ghost of Phoebe Halliwell')." "Who knows Phoebe." Once they reach the upstairs a faint voice is heard, "Get out. No one can help. Leave before its too late." "I like the persons advice. Come on Prue, Phoebe. Lets go home." Suddenly the faint light comes towards the sisters. Piper tries to freeze it, but nothing happens. The light hits them and they fall to the ground. A blue light suddenly begins to circle around Phoebe and she falls to the ground in pain. "Pheebs," Piper and Prue call out. "Stop. Prue, Piper help me. AHHHHHH. No Please. You can't take me." Prue tries to use her power but it does not affect the light. Piper also tries to freeze it again but with no affect. When they run, to help Phoebe up, they are knocked down again. "Piper, quick remember the spell in the Book of Shadows?" "Yes." Prue grabs Pipers hand and they began to chant.

Ghost of Erin Parkwood. Reveal thy self.
Let no harm come to us, the protectors of the innocent.
May you reveal thy true form. Reveal it before us now
so that we might behold the ghost of Erin Parkwood.

The blue light begins to glow and then the shape of a women starts to appear in a white dress. Once the transformation is complete, the feature of a young women with long blond hair and green eyes are recognizable. "Stop ghost of Erin Parkwood. I command you," Prue tells the ghost. At that the ghost disappears and Phoebe is left on the ground sobbing in pain. Prue and Piper run over to her and help her to her feet. "Pheebs are you okay?" Prue asks concerned. "I think so. She was trying to hurt me at first but then she stopped. I think she was trying to communicate with me but its just so much emotion she holds. So full of hate, joy, memories. It all came together so fast and it was just too much. I need an aspirin." Prue and Piper hug her saying, their just happy that she's fine. "What does she want Pheebs?" Piper questions. She's trapped here, in this, house. For some reason when her body died her spirit remained here, hoping for her loves return. Or as we put it unfinished business." "But I take it that that did not happen." "Right. She's trapped. and... now she's behind you." Piper and Prue turn around, staring into the eyes of the young ghost. "Leave just leave." "We want to help." Prue tells the ghost. "Help. No one can help." "I think I can." Phoebe tells her. She pulls the old wedding ring from her pocket and lays it on the floor. The ghost looks wide eyed at the ring and begins to sob. She floats over to the ring and gently touches it. She then steps back and the ring begins to glow and shake. A bright light shines from the ring and a mist slowly rises up to form the shape of man. "Louis Jackson?" He turns to Erin and tells her, "My love I have waited so may years to ask you. Will you marry me?" Erin smiles and slowly answers, "Yes I will." Louis picks up the ring and places it on Erin's finger. Then Louis turns to face the Halliwells. "Thank you for returning the ring to its rightful owner. I have waited so long for someone with a kind heart to return me to my true love, and that you did. Come Erin, we have a lot of catching up to do." He takes her hand and they walk away fading into eternity.

"Well, Pheebs you did it! You solved an urban legend! The stories we can tell our children someday!" "Funny that you mentioned children, Prue, because I was thinking about that strange dream I had about someone named Kay... (see my story 'What The Future Holds')" "Not today Pheebs. I'm too tired," Piper says, smiling at her. "Let's get a good nights rest and then go home. Perfect plan what do you say?" The sisters walk out the door to a wonderful star covered evening. The moon shining brighter then ever. The sisters decide to walk to their hotel. Enjoying the sights of St. Louis at night. "Its been a long two days," Phoebe tells her sisters. "I think when we get home we are going to need a long vacation from our vacation. What do you say?" Piper and Prue just smile at Phoebe. "Sure, Phoebe, whatever you say." "By the way, Prue. What are you going to tell Claire about the missing ring?" "That's very simple, Piper. What ring?" The Halliwells walk into the night laughing at Prue's plan.