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The Great Power Swap

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the Shelly who I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

"What would I do without cameras?" Shelly questions her cat. "Cameras can do anything. They can hold a memory or destroy a witch. Soon I shall have the power of three and no one can stop me." "Meow," Snowball, the black cat, questions. "Oh does my little Okey, Pokey, not understand mommies little plan. Well, I will tell you, as long as you can keep a secret. Warlocks are foolish demons. They take the Halliwells on in one-on-one battles. They try to kidnap, kill, or separate them by force, but none have succeeded till now." She holds up a picture of the Halliwells seated at Quake. "With my plan I will attack when they are their most vulnerable. HAHAHAHAHA"

"Come on Prue, you have to hit Slam Man harder then that. And Piper, what was that? This is not slap Slam Man. This is kill Slam Man, so I want to see some better hits, kicks and punches." "Who died and made her boss?" Piper questions Prue. "I heard that. Come on you guys. How are you ever going to learn how to defend yourselves if you just want to play around." "Well I am sorry, Phoebe, but I have had a really hard day and..." "Then why are you not killing Slam Man. Think of him as Claire, only taller. And Piper think of him as Martin only green." "Not tonight, Phoebe. I am too tired." Piper takes off her gloves and walks upstairs to take a hot bath. "Maybe tomorrow Pheebs. I have an auction and I need a goodnights rest. Sleep well." "Yeah. Night, Prue."

Looking through her crystal ball, Shelly sees Prue and Piper getting ready for bed and sees Phoebe checking if everything is locked up. "Can you believe it Snowball? If this spell works then each will wake up with a different power. It had better work because 50 dollars for a spell. I mean please, but no matter. Once I receive the power of premonition I will be unstoppable. Then we will show those psychics down at the lounge who holds the real power. Now let us begin." Shelly takes the photograph and wraps a rubber-band around it. She then places it inside a cauldron and begins to chant.

May the power of three go round and round and where it stops I will never know. Make the power not be the same and that each is switched until the full moon.

The cauldron begins to bubble and then a flash of light appears and then is gone. "I love a good spell in the morning don't you Snowball?" The cat just begins to purr. "I wish I could have cast this spell sooner. One day to receive the power of premonition is not enough but it will have to do. Now how about some breakfast?"

Prue comes into the kitchen and asks how Piper is feeling this wonderful sunny morning. "I am so tired this morning, Prue. It feels like a truck ran over me in the middle of the night, plus I have a major headache. How are you?" "I feel just like you. I thought it might have been because of Phoebe's self-defense training but we really didn't do much yesterday so who knows? Maybe we are getting sick!" "Sick, don't say that. I can't be sick." "Piper I was just kidding. How is Phoebe feeling this morning?" "She told me her hands were hurting. You can ask her. She is in the sun room working on her self defense moves." "She is really getting good. Before we know it she will be stronger then we are!" Prue puts her cup of coffee down but accidentally knocks the cup over. "Prue look out!" Piper yells an hurries to freeze the falling cup of coffee but nothing happens. The cup falls to the floor and shatters. "Piper, what is wrong?" "I don't know, Prue. I just could not freeze it."

Meanwhile Phoebe is in the sun room practicing her moves on Slam Man. She accidentally bumps into a table and the lamp begins to fall over. Phoebe tries to catch the lamp but something happens instead. The lamp freezes. Phoebe slowly steps away from the lamp and looks at her hands that no longer hurt. "Prue! Piper! Get in here!" A few seconds later Piper and Prue appear in the doorway. "Pheebs. What's wrong?" Prue questions. Phoebe just points to the lamp that is standing in mid air, frozen. "Piper?" Phoebe asks. "Please tell me that you just froze the lamp!" "I would love to Phoebe but I could not have frozen it because I tried to freeze Prue's cup but nothing happened." "Phoebe what were you just doing?" "I was working on my moves and knocked over the lamp. I tried to grab it and it just... froze. But my hands no longer hurt now." "Prue what is going on here?" "I wish I had an explanation but I don't have one." Suddenly the lamp unfreezes and falls down. "Okay listen I have to run or else I am going to be late for the auction. I will call you two later. Bye." Prue runs out the door leaving Piper and Phoebe looking at the fallen lamp. "I guess I better get a broom." Piper tells Phoebe. "I don't think you have to worry about that Piper." Phoebe tells her. "Look!" Piper looks up to see the broom floating into the room. "Phoebe I want you to do exactly what I say. Okay?" "Sure, Piper. What is it?" "Pinch me!" Phoebe does as she is told. "Ouch. Okay so this is not a dream. Hey, Phoebe my headache stopped." "Wait a second. If I can suddenly freeze things and you can move things, that means that Prue can..." "See the future. But how Phoebe?" "Maybe some warlock is after us. I mean, think about it. We go to bed one night having our rightful powers and in the morning we have each others." "But what would be the point? I mean we still have the power of three." "Well think about it Piper. We each know how our powers are activated and how to control them, most of the time. But if we suddenly get someone else's power we have to start all over again..." "And we have to learn how to use them. Just like when we first got our powers." "Exactly!" "We better tell Prue." Piper walks over to the phone but Phoebe puts it back down. "No Piper. If Prue really does have the power of premonitions then you had better get over to Buckland's and bring her home." "Are you sure? I will be fine!" "Okay." Piper hugs Phoebe and runs out the door.

Buckland's is flooded with people. Prue is looking over a few more items. She accidentally drops her pen and tries to pick it up with her powers but it does not work. She retrieves the pen and walks back to her desk. She touches one of the artifices on her desk and suddenly has a premonition of the past seeing someone picking it out of a store window. "Oh my..." Suddenly Piper comes running into the room. "Prue are you okay?" "Piper I think I just had a..." "A premonition. Yes, Phoebe and I already know all about it. And let me guess, your headache is gone to." "Piper, what is going on?" "Short story. For some reason our powers got switched last night and now we have different powers. Come on."

Shelly happily looks at her crystal ball. "And to think in a few hours I will see the future. Now it is time to claim my prize." Shelly puts Snowball down and walks to the window in her room. "Now Snowball. What mode of transpiration shall I use today? Bus, car, or cab. No, lets do it the old fashion way, by blinking." The next second she is gone.

Phoebe in the mean time is at home practicing on Slam Man again. "Hello, Phoebe dear." Phoebe turns to see a woman behind her. "Who are you and how did you get in here?" "My, my, my. So many questions and yet so little time. What ever happened to the days when young ones like yourself would respect authority?" "You still have not answered my question," Phoebe tells her, preparing for an attack move. "Do you like cats? I love them." Suddenly the door flies open and Prue and Piper come running through the door. "See, Piper, I told you I was right about the premonition I had in the car." "So you are the one now blessed with the power of premonition. Good. I hope you have enjoyed it for as long as you could." Shelly pulls out a small dagger and tells Pure to hold still. Prue tries to throw her across the room but remembers that she can not. "Phoebe, quick freeze her." "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot." Phoebe freezes Shelly and Piper throws her across the room. Phoebe then runs upstairs and retrieves another pair of hand cuffs. She throws Prue the cuffs and Prue cuffs Shelly to a chair. "Did we not have fun?" Shelly asks. "Well there goes my perfect plan!" "And what was your plan?" Prue questions. "I wanted the power of premonition." "Why do you want the power?" Phoebe asks. "That power could have decided my future but no, I had to receive the blinking power and my younger sister received premonitions. I would have had premonitions too, if a warlock had not killed her before I had the chance too." "You would have killed your sister for a power?" Piper asks shocked. "Anything for power! You would too if you wanted too." Shelly tells Phoebe. "No, I could not. I do wish I had a different power some days but I would not kill the ones I love for their powers." "Then you are weak and foolish." "No she is not." Prue tells Shelly. "I could have been rich and famous. But no. Now I will never be able to pick the winning lottery numbers or be a world famous psychic. Oh well." Shelly suddenly disappears from the chair and appears behind the Halliwells. "To be or not to be used to be the question but not anymore." She pulls a dagger from her coat and stabs herself in the heart. She falls to the ground and slowly fades away.

When the Halliwells wake up the next day they feel fine. Their powers have now been returned to the rightful owners. Prue can move things, Piper can freeze time and Phoebe has premonitions again. "I just can't believe that a witch like Shelly was so consumed with hate and greed. It over took her like a virus. Do you think that could happen to any of us?" "I hope not." Piper tells her sisters. "I don't think that will happen, Phoebe!" "Why Prue?" "Well, I think as long as we stick together we will be just fine. Plus I think we have a close bond that Shelly never had with her younger sister." "Plus we helped raise you Phoebe. I think anyone who would suffer through that has no need to kill you." Phoebe gives Piper a look and throws a sponge at her. "I mean all her greed took over and eventually she went crazy." "It just shows you that we have to stick together and watch out for each other." "As if we have never done that before right, Prue? Well, enough talking. Come on. Its Slam Man time and this time I am taking no excuses." Phoebe drags Prue and Piper into the sun room. "Now I want to see some good kicks." "Yes Ma'am," both Piper and Prue tell her. "That's it. Down and give me 20." Phoebe says with a big smile on her face. Happy that all is well in the Halliwell House hold again.