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Our Little Piper

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the Mrs. Collins, Jimbo, Kelly, Jack, Sara, David, Katie, Jess, Matt, Danny and Professor Hydegan I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

Phoebe slowly approaches the house. She pulls out her keys trying not to make a sound and opens the door. She looks at her watch. It reads 1 AM. Closing the door, without a sound, Phoebe tiptoes to the stairs in the dark. The lights suddenly turn on to revile Prue and Piper standing in the hallway, in their robes, demanding to know why Phoebe is so late. "I was... ahhh... club hopping... with... some friends," Phoebe says with a little laugh. "I don't buy it Phoebe," Prue says angrily. "You've been coming home late for about 6 months now and I demand to know why?" "Prue give it a rest okay. I'm not a little kid anymore so stop treating me like one." "Phoebe, Prue and I are only worried about you. We just don't want to see anything bad happen to you. Who knows what kind of people are running around at this time of night?" "Okay Phoebe. I'll stop treating you like a child if you finally start showing some responsibility." "Prue, why don't you get off my back." Phoebe's temper is beginning to rise. "You are not my Mom Prue, so lay off." Phoebe then turns around and storms up to her room. "Why do I always let her get to me?" Prue asks Piper with a tear coming down her cheek. Piper goes over to Prue and hugs her. "Lets just get a good nights rest and by tomorrow everything will be forgotten." "What would I do without you Piper?" "You would have to learn how to cook," Piper says with a smile on her face.

The next day Prue and Piper are already downstairs, eating breakfast when Phoebe finally comes into the kitchen. "Good morning Piper. Prudence." Prue giving her 'the look'. "Morning Pheebs did you sleep well?" "Yes I did. Thank you for asking Piper." "Phoebe, Listen. I'm sorry about last night. Its just that I worry about you two because I don't want to lose you. Your the most important things in my life and I guess I just become over protective. I guess it just effects me the most because I'm the oldest. Forgive me?" "Sure Prue. I guess I should have called to tell you that I was coming home late." Prue then gets up and walks over to Phoebe and gives her a big hug. "This is a Kodak moment," Piper tells them. Now that the tempers have cooled off, the Halliwells begin to discuss their day. "So, Phoebe, have you found a job yet?" Piper questions. "No, not yet but I have the feeling that in the next few weeks something will open up. By the way. What are you two doing next Thursday?" "I have to help organize the remaining antiques for that weekends auction." "I have to work late at Quake. Why do you ask Pheebs?" "Nothing," Phoebe says a little disappointed. "I just thought that it would be nice to go out sometime. Oh well. Forget about it." "Well I had better leave," Prue tells her sisters. "Yeah, Me too. Bye Phoebe." Both Piper and Prue walk out the door to go to work. Phoebe then finishes her breakfast. She finally hears three honks on a car horn. She runs to the closet, grabs a backpack, and runs out the door. She jumps into a red convertible, with three teenagers in it. "Ready to roll?" the driver of the car questions. "Lets rock or we're going to be late," Phoebe tells them and they drive off.

At Quake, Piper is not having a good day. They have just hired a new waiter, named Jimbo, but he keeps spilling everything. Piper has frozen him so many times that her power is beginning to drain. "Piper. Telephone for you. Its your sister Prue." Kelly the waitress tells her. Piper takes the phone and goes to one of the back rooms. "Hey Prue how's it going?" "Fine Piper. I was just wondering about Phoebe." "I'm sure its nothing Prue. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself. Plus she did take those self defense classes." "Your right Piper. Well I got to go. The slave driver calls." "I take it you mean Claire." "Exactly. See you later. Bye." Piper walks out of the room when Martin, her boss calls. "Piper. I have a meeting today and I need you to stay a little later tonight till Chris, the night shift manager, comes in. Is that okay with you?" "Yeah, sure. No problem Martin." "Good. Well, see you later." Piper picks up the phone again and calls home. She gets the answering machine. She leaves a message saying that she will be home a little late tonight till Chris comes in. Piper hangs up the phone, turns around, and Jimbo crashes into her, spilling today's special all over Piper. "Piper, man I'm so sorry. It's like I didn't see you there." "Its okay Jimbo. Really. Just clean it all up." "Cool." He proceeds to get the broom. Piper is left with a dirty shirt. She tells Kelly that she'll be back later, that she is going home to change her clothes. Once outside, Piper walks to her car but then stops. Someone has parked behind her car so that she can't drive the car out. "Great. Can this day get any worst?" Piper goes to the curb and hails a cab.

Piper finally arrives home to an empty house. "Phoebe! Hello! That's strange. Phoebe didn't say anything this morning about going out." Piper shrugs it off and goes to her room. She changes into a different pair of jeans, and a gray T-shirt. Piper throws the dirty clothes into the washing machine. She wonders what she is going to do about Jimbo. She really does not want to fire him but what else can she do? She can't go on freezing him because her power has already drained. Piper wonders if there is a spell to boost her power to its full strength again so she walks up to the attic to consult the Book of Shadows. Kit, the cat follows as well. Flipping through the Book, Piper finally comes upon a spell. It says that it will regenerate a weakened power. Below is a warning to not add to many tea leaves or the spell turns into a shrinking spell. Piper gathers all the ingredients, including the tea leaves, thinking she'll just freeze Jimbo a few more times till he finally gets the hang of carrying all the heavy plates, however long that will take. She puts everything into a caldron and adds a few tea leaves, putting the bottle of tea leaves on a stack of books nearby. She begins to say the incantation.

May my powers that have weakened be regenerate till this evening.

A white cloud begins to fill the room. Meanwhile Kit decides this would be a perfect time to get some attention so she jumps on the table, knocking the tea leaves into the cauldron. "Kit, No!" Piper tries to freeze time but her power is still to drained and she can only watch it fall. The potion begins to bubble and Kit runs out of the room. The mixture continues to bubble and then it explodes. Finally the mist has cleared and Piper finds herself 4 inches tall and everything else around her huge. "Oh my god. This day just keeps getting worse and worse." Piper moans.

Piper finally makes it to the steps. Being 4 inches tall, it takes a while to get from place to place. She lets herself down the first step. "1 down. About 40 more to go." Hours later Piper has finally made it to the living room, exhausted. "I'll never take steps for granted again." She walks into the living room when suddenly Kit jumps on Piper. Piper is able to free herself and runs under the couch, Kit close behind her. "Kit what's wrong with you. Its me Piper." Kit just hisses at her. "How do you like that. The hand that feeds her is turning into a snack." Kit tries to reach Piper with her paw but Piper is luckily out of Kit's reach under the couch. Piper wonders why Kit is trying to eat her when she looks at her clothes. "Great. I have a gray T-shirt on. I must look like a large mouse. Where's Phoebe when I really need her?"

Prue is still in a meeting with Claire. "By the way, Prue, I need you to stay a little later. Mrs. Collins is coming by and she has a nice collection of antique jewelry and she wants Bucklands to sell it, but she can't make it until 6. Is that okay?" "Sure Claire. No problem. I'll just call home and say I'm going to be late." Prue calls home but gets the answering machine. She says that she'll be working late and that she'll be home around 7 or 8.

Meanwhile Piper hears the phone ringing. The machine answers it. Its Prue's voice. "Hey, listen. I just wanted to tell you that I'll be working late so I'll see you two around 7 or 8. Okay got to go. Bye." Piper looks at her watch and sees that its only 3 o'clock and Kit is still hovering in front of the couch waiting for Piper to come out. She looks around and sees an ant running. She tries to freeze it but her powers are not only drained but they have weakened, do to the state that she is in at the moment. "Great. Just Great!" She finally hears the door open and Phoebe's voice. "Prue. Piper. Anyone home? Good. Coast is clear." Kit goes to greet Phoebe at the door. "Hey Kit. Are you hungry girl? Come on. Lets go get something to eat." Phoebe walks into the kitchen with Kit following close behind. "Phoebe. Phoebe." Piper yells but Phoebe does not hear her. Phoebe then comes into the living room and drops her backpack by the couch only a few centimeters from where Piper is hiding. Phoebe walks over and checks the messages on the machine. The first one is Piper's about her staying late at Quake and the second is Prue's about staying late at Bucklands. Piper now wishes she hadn't made that call. Now no one will miss her because of the message and they won't know she's at home because her car is stuck at Quake.

A knock at the door interrupts Piper's thinking. Phoebe answers the door. "Good news. My sisters won't be home till later so we have plenty of time to study." She walks into the living room and about 5 teenagers follow. "I love your house doctor Phoebe." "Thanks David. Hey can I get you something to drink before we hit the books?" "That's cool." Phoebe walks out of the room, returning a few minutes later with some grapes, chips and soda. "Hey David. Why do you always call Phoebe, Doc.?" "That's easy Katie. Phoebe's initials are P.H for Phoebe Halliwell and Doc just fits her. You know a Ph.D." The door bell rings again and Phoebe answers it. 2 more teenagers come into the room. "I would like you guys to meet. Jack and Sara." Phoebe tells the other five already sitting in the living room. "That's David, Katie, Jess, Matt, and Danny, so come on in and lets get started."

Piper, who is still hiding under the couch, wonders who all these people are. She is also beginning to get hungry, but she does not want to risk these other people seeing her.

Suddenly a grape falls down and rolls under the couch where Piper is hiding. "Beggars can't be choosers." Piper mumbles to herself and starts to eat the fallen grape.

"So Phoebe. Who's coming to your graduation next Thursday?" the one named Jess asks. "I asked, but Prue and Piper both are working that day and they probably don't even want to come." "Phoebe, how can you say that? Your graduating from collage... with honors I might add. Do your sisters even know that your back in college?" "No," Phoebe responds. "I just don't know how to tell them. Besides I think they know something's up because I've been coming home late for a few months." "What have you been telling them?" David questions. "I told them I was club hopping, but I think I need to come up with a better excuse." Phoebe says with a smile. They all have a good laugh at that. "Its just I've been up late studying and doing the work. Also my two jobs are killing me." "Where are you working Phoebe?" Danny questions. "Well. I took a job as hostess at club Kaboom. I'm also a lounge psychic at the Blue Lagoon. Just till I pay off my collage loans. Which is only about 2 pay checks away. Then I'm going to quit and start looking for a better job."

Piper, who has finally finished the fallen grape, is listening to Phoebe's conversation. "Pheebs is back at college and she never told us! I can't believe it. No wonder she's been late. Plus she's holding down 2 jobs."

"Anyway," Phoebe tells her friends. "We better finish studying for the finals coming up or Professor Hydegan will fail some certain students in this room and there will be no graduation." They start studying and around 6 o'clock they all call it a night. Phoebe leads them all to the door and tells them she'll see them tomorrow.

Piper runs out from under the couch and yells "Pheebs. Down here." But the second Piper appears, Kit is on the hunt again and Piper has to run back under the couch.

Phoebe, is now in the kitchen cooking dinner. She then sits down to eat and whistles for Kit to come. Kit turns her attention away from Piper and heads to where Phoebe is sitting. She jumps up onto the table and begins purring when Phoebe pets her. After dinner Phoebe cleans up the dishes and walks upstairs. She comes down a few minutes later wearing her workout suit. She heads into the sunroom and begins practicing her self defense moves on Slam Man. About half way through her workout the phone rings and Phoebe answers it. Its Kelly, the waitress, from Quake asking if Piper plans on coming back to work. Phoebe questions what she means. Kelly fills Phoebe in on the accident and that Piper planned to go home to change her clothes but she never came back to work. Phoebe hangs up the phone and is very worried. Could a warlock have grabbed Piper before she made it home? Phoebe then goes up to Piper's room. Piper must have made it home because her purse is laying on the bed. She touches Piper's purse and has a premonition of the past of Piper shrinking. Phoebe then runs up to the attic, where it is still very cloudy. "Piper. Are you here?" No answer. Phoebe then sees that the Book of Shadows is open. She walks over and reads the spell of how to regenerate a power. Looking down she sees the warning of adding to much tea leaves. Phoebe looks into the caldron only to find a jar full of tea leaves in the potion. "Oh my. Piper you didn't." Phoebe then looks around. She has no idea how small Piper could be and prays that she did not step on her sister. Phoebe then runs into Prue's room and begins to dial Bucklands number.

Prue is still talking with Mrs. Collins about her antique jewelry collection when her phone rings. Prue answers it. "Prue listen. Its me, Phoebe. We got BIG problems." "Pheebs can't this wait. I'm in a meeting with a client." "Prue its about Piper." "Okay Pheebs. I'll give you 5 minutes." "Pipers disappeared and when I went upstairs into the attic to check out a certain book..." "Phoebe, does this story have a point." "The point is Prue, I think Piper was trying to cast a spell and I think it backfired." "What makes you think that?" "The spell was to regenerate ones power but if too many tea leaves are added the person casting the spell shrinks." "What makes you think that that's what happened to Piper?" "In the caldron is a whole bottle of tea leaves and no sign of Piper. Plus Quake just called and told me that Piper was supposed to work late but she never showed up after going home and changing clothes. Plus I had a premonition!" "Okay Pheebs. I'll be home as fast as I can." Prue hangs up the phone and tells Mrs. Collins that she has to leave early because of a family emergency. She tells her that Amanda will finish the appraisals and runs out the door before Mrs. Collins has a chance to answer.

Phoebe walks downstairs slowly, hoping that she has not stepped on Piper. Suddenly the door flies open and Prue comes running through the door. "Did you find her yet?" Phoebe just shakes her head. "Well we better find her fast before something happens to her. Piper, Piper can you hear us?"

Piper, who had fallen asleep, wakes to hear her name being called. "Prue, Phoebe." "Did you hear that Prue?" They walk into the living room. "Piper. Where are you?" Phoebe asks. "Under the couch." Phoebe motions for Prue to lift the couch with her powers. Prue does this. "I see her," Phoebe calls. She holds out her hand for Piper, who jumps on slowly, telling Phoebe not to drop her and that it is about time, that they found her. Once Phoebe has picked up Piper, Prue puts the couch down and walks over to Phoebe. "Come on Pheebs. Lets try and reverse the spell. They head on up to the attic and place Piper on a table. "It's about time you found me. I'm having a really bad day. First my power drains, then I try to regenerate it and Kit spills all the tea leaves into the caldron. Then I shrink and it takes me hours to make it downstairs. Then I'm almost eaten by our loving cat. My sister does not even hear me when I call her name." Piper tells Phoebe. "Well just be glad we found you." Prue tells Piper. "I found it. I found it," Phoebe tells her sisters. She shows Prue the incantation. "Okay Piper. Here it goes."

Prue and Phoebe began to say the incantation.

The one so small, may you grow and be tall once again.

A white mist starts to encircle Piper, just when Kit comes into the room. Kit sees the small 'rodent', Piper, and proceeds to pounce on her. Just then Piper slowly grows to her normal size and Kit attacks, biting her toes. "Ouch. Kit." Kit jumps back and runs out the door. Prue and Phoebe go over to hug Piper. "So Pheebs," Piper questions. "Tell me some more about the college your going to and this graduating with honors next week and not telling us anything." "What?" Prue questions. "I don't know what your talking about Piper." Phoebe answers, now a little uneasy. "Oh come now Pheebs or should I say Doc. What about all those people you had over today. You know David, Jess, Danny, Jack, Sara, Katie, and Matt. The ones who almost stepped on me when I was hiding under the couch." "Pheebs, What's all this about." "Okay. I'm busted. I didn't want to tell you two in case I failed but I enrolled into college to get my diploma. I only had to take a few courses to graduate so I got 2 jobs, one as a lounge psychic and the other as a hostess to pay for the expenses. That's why I am coming home late. I've been working and studying. I'm sorry." Prue and Piper walk over to Phoebe and give her a big hug. They tell her that they always knew she could do it.

The following Thursday Prue and Piper are seated near the front row with camera at hand, watching Phoebe, getting her diploma.

That evening the sisters are celebrating at Quake. Phoebe tells them that she has quit both of her jobs and is hoping to find a better job. "So Piper. What ever happened to Jimbo?" "He quit Prue. It seems some director came into Quake and now Jimbo has his heart set on becoming an actor. So he quit and the world is a safer place with no cat trying to eat me." "Well, I'd like to propose a toast. To Piper who is no longer being chased by Kit, To Phoebe who graduated, with honors, from collage, and to me who didn't get hassled by Claire for leaving an important client hanging and letting Amanda take over." "I'll drink to that," Phoebe says lifting her glass. "Me to," Piper says doing the same thing. "And to the power of three. May we live long, happy, healthy and tall lives together." "To the power of three" Prue and Phoebe say together and they go on discussing their plans for tomorrow. The power of three safe again.