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What the Future Holds

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of Kay Marie Halliwell, and Gregor I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

Night has fallen on San Francisco. The Halliwell sisters finally have a quiet night to themselves. No warlocks or innocent to protect. Tonight its a girls night out, that has started with dinner at Quake and then a nice movie. All is quiet for now, but for how long?

Meanwhile in a dark alley, far from the movie theater, a blue, time vortex opens and a man comes running out. He is very well dressed, in a blue suit and red tie. He looks around the strange alley and proceeds to run to the busy street. A few seconds later a young girl, wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt, around the age of 17, with short brown hair and blue eyes also exits the vortex which at once disappears. She holds what looks like a futuristic gun with blue little vials for ammo. She also carries a long samurai sword on her left side. She looks around the alley and then starts to run toward the busy street, gun at hand. When she finally reaches the street she looks for the man in the blue suit. She spots him and takes off running after him. "Stop or I'll shot, Gregor," the girl commands but the man keeps running. The girl tries to fire a shot, but there are too many people in the way. "She's got a gun," someone yells and everyone starts running for cover. One person pulls out his cell phone and calls the police saying that there is a crazy women running around, waving a gun in the air and carrying a sword. The dispatcher then calls all police cars to the scene.

Andy Trudeau just happens to be a block away from all the commotion when he hears the police report of the women who is waving a gun around. He radios in to say that he'll take care of this disturbance. He makes a quick U-turn and heads for the scene.

The girl is still giving chase after the man in the blue suit, but he has too much of a head start and she only has so much ammo. She decides to hold off the chase saying that they will meet again and that next time he will not be so lucky. Suddenly, Andy pulls up to the curb, jumps out of his car drawing his gun, and aiming it at the girl. "Drop the gun and nobody will get hurt!" Andy commands. The girl just looks at Andy and gives him a quizzical look. "Drop it. NOW! Do it. Lets just end it now, peaceful, without anyone getting hurt!" The girl finally complies and lays her gun on the ground. "The sword too." Moaning, the girl takes the samurai out of its sheath and lays it on the ground beside the gun. Andy then walks over and handcuffs her. He puts her in the back of his car and goes to retrieve the sword and gun. He puts the weapons in the trunk of the car and then continues to drive to the station house.

Andy leads the girl into the station house and books her. He takes her finger prints and starts to ask where she lives. "Andy, listen, I know you have to make it look authentic about trying to arrest me but I have no time for this. Gregor is out there somewhere and if I don't find him soon, lets' just say, mom is not going to be happy with me." "How do you know my name?" Andy questions? "Okay, Andy you can lay off the 'I don't know anything' joke but I'm serious." "So am I," Andy responds. "Now, because your a juvenile, I'm going to take you down to the juvenile detention center till one of your relatives comes and picks you up. By the way, what is a girl like you doing with a strange gun like this and carrying a sword?" "Andy, you know I was given one by the council, now give it back!" She starts to reach across the desk but Andy pulls the gun away. "I don't think so. You will be free to go in a few days but I'm confiscating your gun and sword. Now, before we head down to juvenile detention. Now, lets have a name!" "I hate to do this to you, Andy, but I have no other choice." She freezes Andy and retrieves her gun and sword. "I have no time for this. Sorry!" With that she walks out of the stations house.

A few seconds later Andy unfreezes and is shocked. The girl he had just been questioning is now gone, as well as the weapons. The only thing that remains of their encounter are the fingerprints he had taken of her. Andy scans the prints and is trying to find a match in the police date base. It comes up negative. It's as if the girl never existed. Andy just leans back in his chair, wondering what he is going to tell his Captain about the disappearing girl with no past. "Its been a long day," Andy moans.

The girl continues walking but is still confused as to why Andy did not recognize her. "I can't believe Gregor gave me the slip. I almost had him. Oh well. He can't run forever." She continues on her way home. She happens to pass a travel agency that has a calendar hanging in the window. The sign says 'Get away form winter with our March 99 special'. She stops to read the sign. Her smile turns to a face of horror. "Oh my god. That son of a Bitch, he did it. He went back in time. That means he..." She suddenly takes off running, hoping that it's not to late. If Gregor succeeds then her whole future, as she knows it, will be destroyed. She finally reaches Prescott street and runs to house number 1329 (or 7571). The Halliwells house. She knocks on the door but no one answers. She then uses her power (kind of like Prue's) to break open the door. Before she enters the house she pulls a small, little black box out of her pocket and places it on the opposite side of the door bell. Once the motion detector is in its proper place it beeps and lights up. She enters the house and locks the door. She walks into the living room and places her sword and gun on the table. She then grabs the blanket that is hanging over a chair and lays down on the couch. She has had a long day and a few minutes of shut eye will do her good.

Hours later, Prue, Piper, and Phoebe are on their way home after watching the movie. Prue can't believe that Phoebe talked them into seeing Titanic AGAIN. When they arrive at home Phoebe is the first one at the door. "Hey Prue, What's that," Phoebe questions pointing to the motion detector by the door. "I don't now Pheebs. Try and take it off." Phoebe pulls at it but it does not move. Prue then tries to use her power but the motion detector refuses to budge. "Oh well, lets not worry about it now," Piper tells her sisters. Phoebe then opens the door and walks inside and suddenly stops. "Prue, Piper! Where we expecting company today because I think we have an unexpected visitor?!" Phoebe points to the girl lying on the coach who has now fallen fast asleep. "Should we call the police Prue?" Piper questions. "Not yet." Prue then slams the door shut. The girl wakes up, rolls off the couch, grabs her gun, and takes cover behind the table pointing the gun at the sisters. "My god, aunt Prue, you scared me." She lowers the gun. "I though you might have been Gregor." "Who the hell are you?" Prue demands. "Right, you don't remember me do you...well, lets see if I can explain this without giving to much away. Now, this might sound strange but, keep an open mind. My name is Kay, and I'm from the future, well your future." The sisters just stare at each other. "That's it! Piper go call the police and tell them that someone has broken into our house." "No wait, I can explain." Kay gets up, gun still in hand, and starts to approach Piper. Piper, not trusting this person, tries to freeze her but, Kay does not freeze. "I'm a witch too Piper. That's why you can't freeze me. Please you have to believe me. You three are in great danger." Kay goes on to explain. "There is a warlock, from the future, running around and you are his prime targets. You see, in the future, a vaccine has been created. I'm sure you've heard of Tanya Parker, well, her child brought all this information together that created a vaccine that kills warlocks. In the future warlocks are very rare. They have almost all been wiped out because of the vaccine except for a few of them that we have to hunt down. I was hunting one of them down, a warlock named Gregor. He is very powerful in the future but in the year 99 he was still very weak. He had broken into one of the labs that holds the vaccine. I was chasing him through the corridors when he entered the time traveling room. The last thing I saw was him jumping through the vortex. I followed him and found myself here, in the year 1999. If I don't stop him he will destroy the future. I think he will try to make contact with himself and try to combine his powers by rounding up all the powerful warlocks of the present. I think he will also try and kill my mother. If his plan works, the future will be forever altered. Anything is possible. The warlocks might even have taken over the earth. I can't let that happen. Please you have to believe me." "Okay, lets just say for one second that we believe you. Why come to us?" Piper asks. "I can't tell you." "Why did you call me aunt Prue?" Prue questions. "Lets just has to stick together." "Who's your mother?" Phoebe questions. Kay lets out a long sigh. "I might as well tell you. Its better you hear it from me rather then Gregor. You are!" She tells Phoebe. "My name is Kay Marie Halliwell, daughter of Phoebe Halliwell and Piper and Prue are my aunts."

Prue, Piper, and Phoebe slowly walk into the living room and sit down, stunned by the new found information.

"I can't believe that the vortex actually worked. Now on with the plan. I have to find myself and bring together a group of warlocks to help defeat the Halliwells." Gregor walks into a bar. He looks around for a few seconds until he sees himself sitting in the corner of the room. Gregor then walks over to his younger self. "My, my, Gregor you have not changed a bit." The younger one looks up. "Who are you?" he questions. "I am you in a few years, an all powerful warlock. I have traveled from the future to help you." "Help me how?" asks his younger self curiously? "I plan to destroy the Halliwell line. You see in the future warlocks are almost an extinct species but I plan to change that. A scientists, named Parker, has created a vaccine to kill off the warlock population but I plan to change all that." His younger self questions, "Why not just kill the Parker child? It would be easier then going up against the Halliwells." "You see a child named Kay discovers the potential of the vaccine and then the warlock slaughter starts. If I can prevent Kay from being born then I can kill the Parker child a little later and the future as I know it will be changed forever for the better. Then I can return to the future, with new powers, and Kay will be no more. No more running and hiding from witches. The best part will be for Kay to see her future end when I kill her mother, Phoebe Halliwell. I just can not underestimate her. She is very wise and probably has already figured out my plan. I will just have to act fast. She probably has already warned her mother and aunts but she can't save them all. When I attack, there will be no stopping us." His younger self breaks out in a grin. "Then what are we waiting for? Lets go." Both Gregor's exit the bar on the look out for warlocks.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a mother," Phoebe says to herself. "I mean of all people, me! I could always picture Prue and Piper with families of their own but I never thought of starting a family and now here you are. I just can't believe It." "Well believe it," Kay says. "So what's the future like?" Piper asks. "Well once the vaccine was created and I discovered its uses the world has been a safer place. The vaccine has to be injected into the body so that's why its placed in a gun. Its based on the idea of a tranquilizer but with deadly affects. What's nice about it is that if one would accidentally inject a witch nothing would happen. It only affects warlocks." "I still can't believe I'm going to be a mother," Phoebe says to herself. "Pheebs, snap out of it and focus. We need to stop this warlock before he changes the future," Prue says. "So what about us?" Piper questions. "Do we have children in the future as well, and who do we marry?" Kay just smiles at Piper. "I would love to tell you aunt... I mean Piper, but if I reveal to much about the future you could make other decisions that will change the timeline and I don't want to risk a different future. You want to know if it will change, but I still have to live there." "I understand but its just so fascinating. The last time we met someone from the future, it was a warlock." "I remember. You would always tell me that story. It was one of my favorites as a child. I always loved bedtimes because that's when the interesting stories would happen. One day it would be about Piper turning into a wendigo, the next it would be the story of three Prue's and then the next about the woogyman in the basement. But enough of my childhood. We have to create a plan to destroy Gregor before he can cause any more damage. I say we stay in the house where we have a greater chance of destroying him then we would at his hideout." "Is there anyway to track him?" questions Prue. Kay takes off the watch she has on and lays it on the table. "Computer activated tracking device for subject Gregor, Warlock, tracking number 00213." The little band begins to glow and projects a holographic image of the San Francisco. A little yellow spot starts glowing far from the Halliwells house. "That would be our warlock." "Why is he keeping such a distance from the house? If he wants the powers why does he not attack now?" Prue questions. "He does not have enough allies yet. Once he has enough he will attack. Until then their is nothing I can do. We will just have to wait until he plans his next attack. Then I can freeze them, and inject them with the vaccine and watch science take its course." "Sounds good to me!" comments Piper. "By the way. What powers do you have?" "I have all three powers. Lets just say that it's a long story, Kay says with a smile. "Where did you get that pretty locket?" Phoebe questions. "This?" Kay asks holding up a small gold locket with the inscription 'Charmed' on it. "It was a birthday gift from all three of you. I got it last year," Kay takes off the locket and opens it for the sisters. Inside is a picture of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe huddled together and smiling. "So I would always have you close to my heart. Well we had better rest up for tomorrow." The Halliwells agree. "So where are you going to sleep tonight Kay?" Phoebe asks concerned. "I had better take the couch in case Gregor decides to do a night attack. That way I'll be able to stop him before he tries to hurt any of you." They all agree and Prue, Piper and Phoebe march on up to bed leaving Kay downstairs. "Computer activate the outside motion detector." The watch compiles making a few strange noises. Satisfied that the perimeter is safe Kay falls asleep again.

Gregor could not believe how many warlocks refused to go up against the Charmed Ones. He has not found a single warlock willing to take that chance. "I'll just have to improvise." He pulls out a little remote that activates the time vortex. It opens and 6 BIG warlocks exit. Gregor begins his speech. "Welcome my friends to the year 1999. The time for change has come upon us and we will take that step. As many of you know our numbers are declining in the future but we can make a fresh start here. When the Charmed Ones are destroyed the future will be ours. Life will be better when warlocks rule the earth. I have brought you all here to offer you a proposal. Help me kill the Charmed Ones and I promise you a better tomorrow." The warlocks converse among themselves, for a few seconds, and agree. Gregor just smiles to himself. Now all he needed was bait and he knew just the place to get it. "To the Halliwell's house," Gregor commands. The group heads off into the night with a mission: to create a better future!

Kay suddenly wakes up from a premonition she had of warlocks braking in to the house. She grabs her sword and starts to patrol the area. She hears a window braking and the living room. She goes to investigate. Suddenly the door flies open and a large warlock comes into the house. "Carlos but how? He brought you back didn't he?" "Your to perceptive my dear," Carlos says with a heavy French accent. "Un-guard," he says as he draws his sword. He lunges for Kay but she blocks his sword and hits it to the ground and kicks him in the stomach. She draws her sword and points it at his heart. "Where are the others. Where's Gregor?" "Where do you think?" Gregor answers. Kay spins around to see Gregor standing behind her. Seeing this as his opportunity, Carlos grabs Kay from behind. Kay struggles to free herself from Carlos grip but he is just to strong. "Go get the others," Gregor tells the other four warlocks. "And don't forget to put the bracelets on them. Now we shall have some fun." He pulls out a black bracelet and places it on Kay's arm. "Take her to the hideout Carlos. I wish to talk to the family." Carlos does as he is told.

A few minutes later the other warlocks come downstairs with Prue, Piper, and Phoebe. All three are wearing one of the black bracelets. "I thought it would be gentlemanly of me to introduce myself. I am Gregor and I'm sure you have met Kay. I hope that you did not believe a word of what she say." "What are you talking about?" Prue questions. "Well," Gregor breaks into a smile. "She is a very cleaver criminal that we have been chasing for months. Usually she tells people that she is their daughter from the future and they actually buy it. She is a manipulative little brat. Thank goodness I was able to save you in time. Come we shall go to the detention center and I'll show you what I mean." "I don't believe you," Phoebe blurts out, "I trust her more than I do you." "She probably also told you that I'm a warlock who wishes to kill her mother. She says that to everyone, then she kills them when they're asleep. Come, I shall prove it to you!" Gregor then leads the sisters outside and into one of the three cars parked there. They drive off to his hiding place.

Carlos places Kay into an empty room with the Halliwells at the other end. Kay starts to walk over to them. "Phoebe thank god your okay. If they would have..." Phoebe and her sisters back away from her. "Mom, what's wrong?" Kay questions. "How dare you call me that," Phoebe snaps. Prue now breaks into the conversation. "Gregor was kind enough to fill us in on your little trick. Did you really think that you could have fooled us for long?" "No, wait, you don't understand. He IS a warlock and he's trying to trick you. Please, you've got to believe me!" "Come now Kay. Do you really think that they would fall for your trick again?" Gregor says. "How could they believe someone who has a criminal record. Carlos, take her to the detention room." Carlos then leads Kay out of the room.

"SO what are you going to do with her now Gregor?" Prue asks. "We'll take her back with us and put more security on her. She won't be time traveling anymore. Now if you'll excuses me, I have to make final preparations before we transport her back." He walks over to Phoebe and takes off the power suppresser. He tells Prue and Piper that he will remove theirs a little later. He exists the room and locks the door. "Flood the room," he tells his younger self.

Kay is put into another empty room. The second Carlos leaves the room Kay immediately begins to try and break the lock of the little black bracelet called a power suppresser. A few seconds later she has picked the lock on the band and it falls to the ground. Kay walks over to the door and has a premonition of Gregor drowning her family. She uses her power to break open the door. Carlos is standing out side. "I do not think so my dear." "Well I do," Kay snaps back and freezes him where he stands and runs down the corridor.

Phoebe is leaning against the wall when she has a premonition of the room beginning to flood. Phoebe runs to the door but it is locked. "Prue, quickly. Break the door down before we all drown. I'll explain later." Prue tries to, but the little black band prevents her power from being used. "Its not working." Two doors above the Halliwells open and water begins to flood the room. Piper tries to freeze time but the band prevents her from doing so. The room slowly begins to fill with water. Prue looks at her sisters worried for she can not swim. "Don't worry Prue. We'll keep you above the water," Piper says comely. Over the loud speaker Gregor bids the Halliwells a final good-bye. "I hope you will enjoy you death Halliwells. For not even your powers can save you know, thanks to the little bracelets. They prevent a persons power from working. I just love the fact that you believed my story. To think, a mother does not even recognize her own child. Ha Ha Ha."

Kay runs to the room where the Halliwells are being kept. She hears water running and knows the room is filling fast. She breaks open the door and freezes time so that the water stops. "Quickly," she tells the sisters and they all run out of the room. Once a safe distance away Kay pulls out a small pocket knife and cuts both Piper and Prue's power suppresser. "We have to hurry. If Gregor brings anymore warlocks for the future then all hope is lost. I have to stop him no mater what the cost. I want you to get out of here. I'll try and stop them." "Were not leaving you," Phoebe says. "No you can't. You three have to leave," Kay says. "If one of you gets killed it would destroy the future and I can't risk that. Please, promise me that you won't go after Gregor." The sisters promise Kay and she bids them farewell and runs down the hall in search of Gregor. "Come on," Prue tells her sisters. "Are we breaking our promises Prue?" Piper questions. "No, we just happened to have our fingers crossed. Come on." The sisters take off running after Kay.

Kay runs into a large room filled with hundreds of boxes. Gregor walks out from behind some of the boxes, gun in hand. Kay's gun he also holds in his possession. The one with the warlock vaccine. "You know I have studied you Kay. I knew that you would save them and that you would come after me, but there is one thing you did not plan on. I never intended on killing the Halliwells. No, My plan was to kill you all along. Now say your final good-byes." He aims his gun at Kay and fires. Just then Phoebe runs into the room and jumps on Gregor. The gun goes flying but the bullet hits Kay in the left shoulder. She falls, grabs at the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. Prue and Piper also come running in and Prue forces Gregor back into the wall of boxes. Piper runs over to Kay and tries to help her stop the massive bleeding. Piper is beginning to feel a little queasy at the sight of all the blood but she holds it together. Gregor jumps to his feet but Piper freezes him before he can fire another bullet. Phoebe grabs both guns away from Gregor and aims and fires the warlock vaccine at Gregor who then unfreezes and begins yelling as the vaccine enters his body. He pulls out the dart but it is too late he disappears before their eyes. "Prue, behind you Phoebe yells," and throws the vaccine gun to Prue who shots three warlocks behind her. Then she throws the gun to Piper who shoots the last three warlocks. The younger Gregor walks into the room. "What have you done!" he demands. "Saved the future," Phoebe answers and walks over to Piper and Kay. "Enjoy your future while you still can." Prue adds as she walks over to Kay and helps her up. "Lets get you to a hospital."

In the emergency room the doctor stitches up Kay's arm after removing the bullet. He tells her that she is very lucky. None of the nerves were damaged and that she will make a full recovery. A nurse then walks in and Kay asks her if she could do her a favor. The nurse listens closely and tells her, "No problem." She takes what Kay has just given to her and walks out of the room. The Halliwells walk into the room and tell Kay that they can go home. Just then Andy walks into the room. "You," he says addressing Kay. "I still have some questions for you before I can allow you to leave the hospital. Prue what are you doing here?" Andy questions. Prue just smiles and tells Andy that Kay is a good family friend and that they were just visiting her. Andy smiles and says "Sure Prue, whatever you say. I should have known that she was connected to you three," and walks out of the room. Prue just looks at her sister and they shrug it off.

When they arrive at home Kay collects her sword and now empty gun and watch and tells the sisters she had better leave too before their future selves begin to worry about her. She hugs each of them and turns around to leave but then stops and addresses Phoebe. "By the way, when I'm around five years old, keep me away form the expense lamp in the living room. Trust me!" She then throws some sprinkles at the sisters and tells them that when they awake the next morning they will think of this last day as a dream. She presses a few buttons on her watch and the blue time vortex opens and Kay walks through it and disappears.

The next day Phoebe awakes from a strange dream she was having. She goes downstairs and tells Prue and Piper all about it. "That's strange, Phoebe because Prue and I had the same dream." A knock on the door interrupts there discussion and Piper goes to answer it. She returns a few seconds later with a little package with a note attached. The note reads

Keep this close to your hearts. See you soon.

Love, Kay

Phoebe opens the box and pulls out a gold locket with the inscription 'Charmed' on it. She opens it up to find a picture of all three of them huddled together, smiling. Phoebe looks at her sisters who are also giving her a questionable look, "This was in my dream last night. Do you think...!" "Phoebe, we have seen warlocks from the past and future anything is possible." Prue remarks with a smile. Piper also adds "Anything is possible Pheebs. Who knows what the future holds for us? As long as we stick together I think it will turn out just fine." The sisters continue to discuss their day wondering what the future holds. But Piper is right. As long as they stick together everything will be all right.