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Luck of The Small

by Tim and Kyle

DISCLAIMER: This story is based upon the series, Charmed, that was created by Constance M. Burge. All Charmed characters are the property of Spelling Productions.

NOTE: This story is based upon a "lost" episode which may or may not have been produced. I have made certain adjustments to the story to fit it into the continuity I have established with my other stories. This version is my own personal take on this idea. Based on an idea by Sheryl and a teleplay by Brad Kern entitled "Luck of The Straw", re-written by Jethro and Kyle.

Throughout the history of Ireland, the legend of leprechauns has prevailed. Some say that leprechauns are evil, some say they are good. There are those that hold to the idea that if you catch a leprechaun, he is obligated to give you three wishes. Other say that if you catch a leprechaun, he has to lead you to his pot of gold. But what if none of those legends are true, what if leprechauns are something different altogether? What if the Halliwells ran across a leprechaun? What if?

It is a pleasant spring day in San Francisco. It is Saturday and Prue and Piper are out in the backyard of Halliwell Manor. Piper is setting up the barbecue. "Here we go," she says. "We haven't had barbecued hamburgers in quite some time." Prue, reading the newspaper looks up. "Where has Phoebe got to?" she asks. Piper replies: "I guess she must be on her way back from Jessica's place by now." Sure enough, Phoebe arrives on the scene. "Well Jessica's plants have been taken care of again. I'm sure she'll be happy when she gets back from Paris in a few days." Phoebe then wanders into the house. A few moments later she comes back out, dressed in her workout clothes and carrying her Slam Man. "Just thought I would get a few licks in to build up my appetite." Phoebe then begins her self-defense moves on Slam Man. "She's going to wear that thing out," a smiling Piper comments. "Still it does come in handy." Prue points out. "Remember that Demon she took down in Hell?" (see my story "Journey to Hell" for further details) Piper says that Prue is right before turning her attention back to the barbecue.

While all this is going on, Kit is prowling around the yard. She sees something small and green and gives chase. However, whatever is it gets away. She stops to lick herself, her collar necklace shines in the sun.

Still working at the barbecue, Piper notices the cat's strange behavior. "Now what has gotten into Kit?" she asks herself. "She is licking herself out in the sun, she never does that. Wonder is if she is chasing mice again." Soon however, she turns her attention back to the barbecue and gives it no further thought.

At that point, a small voice cries out. A voice the sisters cannot hear. "Oh what I am going to do?" The voice goes unanswered.

Later, the Halliwells sit down at a picnic table that is set up in the middle of the yard and eat their meal, Phoebe is talking: "So I think we should hold a baby shower for Hannah," she says. After a few seconds of silence, Phoebe continues: "After all, she isn't our enemy anymore. Besides, who else has she got in the world? Any girl friends she made have had in her original human life are long gone (Hannah's original life was revealed in my story "Sword of Power"). So what do you two think?" Piper considers, "Sure, Pheebs." she says: "Let's do it. I can provide the food." Prue speaks next. "Oh well, why not? I suppose it's all in good fun." she takes a bite of her hamburger and looks around. "Where's Kit? Usually when food is around, you can't get rid of that cat. She thinks she is a dog sometimes, I swear." Phoebe scans the back yard, but there is no sign of Kit. "Well maybe she has found something else to eat. Cats can be very strange at times. I'm sure she'll turn up soon enough." Piper gives an odd look to Phoebe and whispers: "Did Prue just say `I swear'?" Phoebe just shrugs, hoping Prue didn't hear.

Kit is lying in some bushes. Her eyes is on something that is hiding under some rocks.

Piper says: "Now this is a good burger." Smiling, Prue replies: "Yeah, you always say it's good when you don't have to make it. But, you..." At this point, Piper cuts her off: "I know, I just meant it's good because I am not at Quake, cooking for someone else." Phoebe smiles at Prue, who looks surprises at Piper's tone of voice.

After their meal, the Halliwells begin to clear the table. Piper picks up a load of dishes and heads towards the back door of the house.

The thing Kit has been eyeing makes a break for it, the cat following close behind. "Meoww!"

Phoebe sees the danger first: "Piper! Look out!" she calls, but it is too late. Piper, absorbed in holding the plates, doesn't see Kit cut across her path and trips over the cat. Plates go flying as Piper falls and hits her head on a stone. She is knocked out.

Prue and Phoebe run over to their fallen sister and gently turn her over. An ugly bruise is now present on Piper's forehead. She opens her eyes. "Lie still, Piper." Prue says, "We'll get Dr. Milner to come over and have a look at you." She looks around and growls: "Damn these rocks! I knew we should have cleared them out! So stupid!" Phoebe looks stunned that Prue used such harsh language. Before she can comment on it, Prue continues: "Quick, we have to call Dr. Milner."

Piper's head is pounding like a drum. See sees her sisters leaning over her, but in her delirium, she cannot remember who they are. She looks to her right and sees what appears to be a little man about six inches tall, dressed all in green. She manages to raise her right arm and point at him. "Who is that thing?" she asks weakly. This effort proves too much for Piper and she passes out. Phoebe looks over to where Piper was pointing, but sees nothing. "She's seeing things." Phoebe says to Prue.

The little man, who is a leprechaun is known only as Seamus (pronounced SHAY-MUSS), is very interested in what has just happened: "It can see me? Wait I..." he says, trying to get Piper's attention. Seamus is dismayed when Piper passes out again. This could be my only chance. he thinks to himself.

Soon after, Dr. Arthur Milner arrives at Halliwell Manor. Although he doesn't usually make house calls, the Halliwells are an exception as Dr. Milner has been the family doctor to the girls ever since they were born, in fact he had delivered all three of them. With Prue and Phoebe's help, he manages to get Piper up to her room and into bed. After checking her over, Dr. Milner makes his prognoses: "Well she took quite a knock on the head." he says: "But I don't think there is any serious damage. All she needs is a few days rest and she should be back to normal." He examines Piper again and proclaims: "Yes, this is not that bad." He writes a prescription, which he hands to Prue. "She may get a fever, the pills I'm prescribing should help. Of course if she does take a turn for the worst, get her to a hospital A.S.A.P. Do you understand?" Prue and Phoebe thank Dr. Milner for coming and say they will take his advice. Phoebe is puzzled: He could have been nicer. She thinks to herself: Why would he ask if we understand?

Later, Prue goes to the drugstore to pick up the pills Dr. Milner prescribed as a precaution. Phoebe stays at Piper's side.

Unseen by Phoebe, Seamus comes into the room. He walks over to the bed and climbs up onto it.

Once again, Piper wakes up: "Pheebs?" she asks in a weak voice. "Yes, Piper, it's me." Phoebe replies, leaning over. "Don't you worry, everything is going to be okay." Piper winces and then spots Seamus near the foot of her bed. "He's back." she says and points to the leprechaun. "Who's back?" Phoebe says as she looks to the same spot. "Piper, there is nothing there."

At this point, Kit comes into the room. Spotting Seamus, the cat takes after him again. "Oh bother!" Seamus says and leaps off the bed, Kit right behind him.

Phoebe is outraged: "You stupid cat! Don't you know that Piper is sick. What has gotten into you?" Of course, the cat gives no clue as to what is going on and runs out of the room, like she is chasing something. Phoebe turns back to Piper: "Sorry about that. I don't know what has gotten into Kit today. Guess she didn't want to cuddle with you after all." A confused look comes onto Piper's face and she replies: "Who are you? It's not your cat's fault. She's chasing the little man in green." By now, Phoebe is getting kind of worried: "Okay, Piper, you just get some rest now. We'll talk about little green alien men again later." Piper is too weak to argue and soon drifts off to sleep. Looking down at her, Phoebe thinks: Looks as if she has partial amnesia. Well I know what having amnesia is like. But all this about a little man in green? What is this, early St. Patrick's Day and she's seeing leprechauns? No, it can't be, those are just legends. Boy that knock on the head REALLY must have jarred something. Hopefully she'll get over it soon enough. Phoebe gets up to check a calendar and then walks the short distance to the restroom.

At that same time, Prue is at the drugstore, picking up Piper's prescription, when she runs into Andy. "Small world." Andy says: "What brings you here?" Prue smiles and says: "I could ask you the same thing. After all I did drive all the way downtown to get to this special herbal store here is Chinatown. So tell me, Andy, what brings you here?" Andy replies: "Funny I asked you first. However, my partner, Morris, wanted some special Herbal medicine for his cold, so here I am. So... how about you?" Prue explains about Piper's accident, Dr. Milner's visit, and the prescription he wrote up. Andy looks worried: "Are you sure Piper will be okay? Shouldn't you get her to a hospital?" Prue shakes her head and replies: "Dr. Milner said there was no serious damage, but added that if she took a turn for the worst, take her to a hospital. I trust Dr. Milner, according to him, Piper will be okay after a few days of rest and relaxation. I mean I drove here, just in case." Andy agrees, but adds: "Call me if you need me. I would like to help if I can. Nice to see you again, Prue." Prue says that if the situation arose, she will call Andy. Both say their respective good-byes and comment on how it is such a clear and sunny barbecue type of day. Then they leave, Prue heading back home, Andy off to deliver the Herbal medicine to Morris.

Meanwhile, Phoebe is trying to get a call to Jessica in Paris. She hopes she can get Jessica to come home and use her time speeding up power to help heal Piper's injury. However Phoebe cannot get through. "Damn, cruddy long distance service to those lame foreign countries." Phoebe then pauses to think: Did I just say damn for some reason? She thinks nothing more of it. Meanwhile over in a small corner of the room, Seamus hides his eyes under a shirt on the floor. Looking around, Phoebe thinks: I better pick up the mess in this room. Prue will be back soon. She goes over and picks up the very shirt Seamus is under. Of course, Phoebe doesn't see the leprechaun and walks off. Thinking Kit might see him, Seamus says: "Oh no. I have to hide from the animals." He runs off, his shoes making a little pitter pattering sound. Phoebe stops and turns around. "That's odd." she says to herself: "I though I felt something. Yeah, sure, next I'm going to be hearing things and Prue will think I'm the one who bonked my head. Pull it together, Halliwell!"

Prue comes home, just as Phoebe is putting shirts in the washer. Prue asks how Piper is. Phoebe replies: "I don't know. She keeps babbling about a little man in green. I think she is hallucinating. Getting knocked on the head can do weird things to you. Remember what happened to me?" Phoebe falls silent as both she and Prue recall time Phoebe had hit her head and had gotten amnesia (which happened in my story, "Forget Me, Phoebe"). "Piper doesn't seem to be that far gone." Phoebe continues: "I think she still knows my name. But she is drifting in and out of consciousness. Say did you know St. Patrick's Day is coming?" Prue, puzzled as to why Phoebe would bring up this matter now, replies: "I guess it is, why do you ask?" Phoebe shrugs her shoulders and replies: "Nothing, just thinking." Prue holds up the container of pills: "Maybe these will help Piper." Phoebe is curious: "Whoa, what did you get? Will it help? Where did you get that prescription filled? China? I can barely read these letters." Looking at the bottle, Phoebe continues: "What does this say? Not harmful to witches, is it?" Prue replies kind in a quiet like voice squints her eyes at Phoebe. "Oh stop it!" she growls. They both head up the stairs.

Meanwhile, Piper is in an uneasy sleep. She shifts around, moaning. Prue and Phoebe come into the room and walk over to her. When Phoebe touches her shoulder, Piper suddenly sits up and yells: "SCREW YOU, BITCH!" Phoebe jumps back, remembering what happened the last time Piper uttered those words. Then Piper seems to come out of it and looks at Phoebe: "Sorry about that, Pheebs." she says slowly: "I was having a nightmare. I was changing into a..." Phoebe comes over and gently eases Piper back down onto the pillow. "It's okay, never mind that now." she says and gives a look to Prue which seems to say: As if we needed to be reminded of that Wendigo nightmare! "You just rest now, Piper. Prue has bought you some pills to help." Phoebe places a hand on Piper's forehead and sure enough, she is running a temperature. At least the amnesia seems to have cleared up. Phoebe thinks. At this point, Prue steps forward, holding two of the pills and a glass of water. "Here you go, Pi...." she pauses. "What is it?" asks Phoebe. "Pip..." Prue stutters, and then seems to regain control of herself. "I don't know what is going on here. My head feels weird. I've never stuttered before. It's almost like I forgot her name. In fact, for a second there, I couldn't remember my own name!" Prue is puzzled as she hands the pills to her ailing sister.

At this point, Phoebe is thinking: As long as no one is talking in another language! Prue states: "It says take two of these pills. This should help your fever break." A grateful Piper takes the pills and drinks the water. She settles back down, ready to go back to sleep, but then asks: "What about the little man? What does he want?" Prue looks at Phoebe, and then replies: "Don't you worry about it. Pheebs and I will take care of...of uhh any little man. You just get some sleep." Phoebe motions Prue over to the window. Once she is there, Phoebe whispers: "You okay, Prue? I mean you aren't mad about Andy, or something like that, are you? Something really weird is going on here. If this keeps up, you'll be foaming at the mouth and Piper's head will be spinning around." Puzzled, Prue replies: "No, I'm okay. Why do you ask? This isn't a case of Demonic possession." Looking around, Phoebe replies: "Things just seem odd. I felt this sudden urge, like a surge of, I don't know, anger or strength maybe." Prue nods her head and replies: "I wondered about that myself. My head felt weird for a second also. But I think we are both fine. It's just us being worried about our sister." This sounds logical to Phoebe: "Yeah, and our silly cat. Is she okay?" Prue smiles and says: "Don't worry about Kit. She has her own protection." Phoebe is puzzled: "Protection?" she asks: "I didn't say anything about her being in danger. Why did you say that?" Prue shrugs her shoulders and says: "I don't know." An idea strikes Phoebe: "Perhaps we should check the Book of Shadows for..." But Prue cuts her off and says: "Don't worry, Rex is not here to play mind games with us. Not unless he's gone back to his evil ways and forgot to tell us." she says, mentioning their former enemy turned friend. Prue's voice is so reassuring that Phoebe forgets what she was worried about to begin with.

At that same time, Seamus has managed to give Kit the slip for now. Desperate, he wonders how to gets Prue and Phoebe's attention.

Prue and Phoebe come back downstairs and go into the kitchen. "Well what do you think?" Prue asks. Phoebe replies: "I'm not sure. She really believes she has seen a little green man and our cat is acting odd." Prue looks at her: "That little green man again? Why is she seeing something like that?" Phoebe replies: "Remember what we were just talking about? I have felt weird all day. It also seems you were acting different as well. Maybe it's just Piper's cooking." She smiles, to which Prue replies: "Just don't let Piper ever hear you say that." Phoebe continues: "Not that it's that time of the month. Speaking of the month St. Patty's day is coming up and I wonder if maybe lep..." Phoebe breaks off as the kitchen lights start going on and off all by themselves. Now Phoebe is a little on edge: "What is going on here?"

Of course it's Seamus, still unseen, has found a way to manage this trick, hoping to get their attention.

Phoebe is scared: "Please don't tell me the Boogeyman has escaped again, I don't want to go through that horror again." She remembers being possessed by the evil shadow being. "Oh the Woogyman. Heh, yeah, well let's not jump to conclusions, Pheebs." Prue says. "I think we should look into this before we do any panicking. Besides, we are the owners of this house. Old house, but still our house." Phoebe then gets somewhat defensive: "Well you don't have to get so smirky, Prue. I just said that maybe it's something like the Woogyman." Prue also starts to get a little steamed: "Okay, Pheebs. That's enough." Phoebe yells back: "Don't snap at me. Who said they were going to move the rocks in the back yard?" They start arguing louder. "Well it's not like you're busy at work or anything. What did you do around the house?" Prue asks with irritation. "I picked up the clothes." Phoebe says. This bit of humor seems to break them out of the argument. "Okay, Pheebs." Prue says: "I'm sorry. What has gotten into us?"

Seamus is about to do something else, when Kit spots him. This time however, there is no place for him to run to. Slowly he backs up against the wall as the cat closes in. He raises his hand and his finger starts to glow. He thinks to himself: I don't want to hurt you, animal. Just as he is sure he is about to be eaten, Kit licks him! Seamus realizes that Kit never meant him any harm, the cat had just been curious about him. He puts his hand down the glowing stops.

Prue makes a decision: "I will go and look in the cellar." She and Phoebe seem to be getting along again. Slowly, Prue heads down into the cellar, Phoebe stays at the top of the stairs, looking on nervously. "No." Prue says: "Everything looks normal down here. I don't think it's the....heh heh, Woogyman." Phoebe graciously thanks God for that, but comments: "Not funny!" Prue apologizes and then adds: "No Phoebe, there is no Woogyman fitting that description down here." Meanwhile, Phoebe has wandered away from the cellar door and cannot hear what Prue is saying: "What?" she calls. Prue has the same problem: "What? Phoebe I can't hear you!"

After Kit takes a step back, Seamus looks on almost in shock as he notices Kit's Charmed symbol collar. "My lucky stars." Seamus says to the cat. "I couldn't have harmed you if I wanted to. I don't think anything has the power to effect that." He continues in his Irish chipmunk voice. "Why yee has the symbol. This symbol protects you, it means you are a witch's familiar. Perhaps that is why the one sister could see me. This is great if I can find a way to answer them. Perhaps they can help send me back to my gold and my home. That is if they are helpful little witches." Kit watches in amazement, more than curiosity. Kit's ears prick up when Seamus says little witches. Seamus lifts his hand. A green like light is glowing off the end of his finger. Kit looks on as the finger appears to be growing, the cat begins to hiss a little. "It's okay, you silly animal." Seamus says: "Why would I hurt my only chance of getting home. For you see, I am lost." At first, Seamus does not think Kit understands. The cat then backs up a little and stops hissing, she continues watching. "I was starting to wonder why I was talking to you." Seamus states. His finger stops glowing and the lights in the house go out.

Phoebe looks around: "Prue!" she calls. "Yeah it's a little dark." Prue replies, still in the cellar: "I think I am going to come back up now."

Seamus seems to have made friends with Kit. "This is not working like I hoped." he says to himself: "I must do something." He mounts the cat and rides her upstairs like a horse! When they get to Piper's room, Seamus once again gets up on her bed. Piper is asleep, so Seamus decides to try and get through to her. Using his power, he begins to play music and sings a classic Irish song:

The minstrel boy to the war is gone,
In the ranks of death you'll find him.
His father's sword he has girded on,
And his wild harp slung behind him.
"Land of song," said the warrior bard,
"Though all the world betrays thee,
One sword at least thy rights shall guard,
One faithful harp shall praise thee."

As Seamus sings the song, Piper begins to sing it as well, in her sleep.

It is still dark downstairs. Phoebe turns around and sees a face: "Ahhhhh! My gosh, Prue, you scared me!" Prue smiles back sheepishly: "Sorry." she says. Suddenly there is a loud -POP- crackling sound and the lights turn back on. "Gees, Prue" Phoebe says. "What?" Prue replies. "Nothing." Phoebe says: "Just thinking, you are scarier in the light." Prue folds her arms: "Very funny." she says: "Now let's go check on Piper."

Prue and Phoebe are now coming upstairs to Piper's room, when they hear her singing the song. They come into the bedroom to find their sister fast asleep, but singing none the less. "What's going on here?" Phoebe asks quietly. "I don't know." Prue replies: "I've never heard that song before. It sounds... well,.. Irish, however." At this point, Phoebe has an idea: "I think I can find out more about this." Prue looks curiously at Phoebe and comments: "Really?"

Later, as St. Joseph's Shelter for the homeless, where Phoebe does volunteer work, Sister Mary Catherine is unpacking some boxes when Phoebe arrives. "Phoebe." Sister Mary says: "I was just thinking of you. But I said we didn't need you this weekend. I thought you were going to relax at home." Phoebe replies: "Yes, relax. Well actually I'm here for another reason, you're of Irish descent, aren't you, Sister Mary?" Sister Mary nods her head and replies: "Yes, my great- grandparents came to America to escape the Great Potato Famine. Why do you ask?" Phoebe replies: "Well my older sister, Piper, had an accident today." she goes on to tell Sister Mary about Piper singing the song. "Oh yes," Sister Mary says: "The song is an old Irish melody called The Minstrel Boy. It was written a long time ago. I didn't realize your sister was interested in Irish songs." Phoebe shakes her head and says: "That's just it, she isn't. She seemed to know, or have learned, this song out of nowhere." Phoebe pauses and then continues: "She also keeps talking about a little man in green." Sister Mary looks at Phoebe for a second and then says: "A little man in green? Well, it sounds like Piper is describing a leprechaun. There have been legends about them in Ireland for centuries. I guess your sister must have read something about Ireland somewhere and now it's randomly being remembered. I recall how sick you were when we took you in here." Sister Mary remembers a delirious and feverish Phoebe come stumbling in the door. "I hope your sister will be okay. If you want, I will say a prayer for her tonight." A grateful Phoebe says: "I would really appreciate that, Sister Mary. Thanks for the information on that song."

Prue is waiting when Phoebe comes home: "Sister Mary confirmed it for me, the song Piper was singing is Irish. She also told me about leprechauns, which answer to the description of the little man in green Piper keeps talking about. Not little green men, see a difference?" Prue folds her arms: "But Phoebe, leprechauns are just legends, they don't really exist." Phoebe comes back with the reply: "How do we know that for sure, Prue? After all we probably would have said the same thing about witches, until last fall, that is. Remember, Boogeymen don't exist as well. Right? " Prue considers: "You may have something there, Pheebs. Perhaps we should consult the Book of Shadows, just to be sure. I wonder if Grams ever was in Ireland?"

A short while later, Prue and Phoebe are going through the Book of Shadows. "Here we are." Phoebe suddenly says, pointing to a certain page. Sure enough, a leprechaun is pictured there. "You're right, Pheebs." Prue says and begins to read the entry beside the picture:

"Leprechauns are native to another dimension, a magical realm that connects to our world at random times and places. For reasons yet unknown, most of the connections to our world come out in Ireland, so many leprechauns have adopted Irish names and characteristics. Leprechauns have magical powers, the amount of which is still not known. Although leprechauns are invisible to humans, animals such as dogs and cats, can see them. Leprechauns also live by strict code, which forbids them to reveal themselves to humans, unless they are captured. That same code decrees that a leprechaun cannot give himself up willingly to the humans. They must capture him. A good witch of the Halliwell family can send a lost leprechaun back to his native dimension by reciting the following incantation that appears below."

Prue closes the Book. "Oh wow. Who knew? I should thumb through this Book more often." Nodding her head, Phoebe replies: "Later." Prue agrees with her and continues: "Well this could explain a lot. If a leprechaun is here, maybe he is the one causing all this mischief." Phoebe adds: "Well this probably explains why Kit has been acting so weird all day, probably because she can see our little guy. What I can't understand is why Piper can see him, the Book says they are invisible to humans unless they are captured." Prue considers: "Maybe the blow to her head did something. Affected her mind in a way that see can see the leprechaun." Phoebe has an idea: "Maybe Piper can help us find him." Prue shakes her head and says: "Not in her present condition. She's too sick. We'll have to do this on our own. The Book didn't mention a safe way to catch the leprechaun, did it?" Phoebe shakes her head. "No, how safe do you think it is?"

Seamus, who has been listening to the whole conversation, says: "Yes, now you two are on the right track."

Coming down the stairs, Prue and Phoebe see Kit. "Oh Kit, if only you could talk." Phoebe says as she picks the cat up and suddenly has a vision:

The leprechaun is running around the house. "Oh I'm lost! Please help me! Please!"

The vision ends and Phoebe turns to Prue. "Oh my, I've just had a vision." she says as she puts the cat down. "What do you mean?" Prue asks: "You didn't touch anything." Phoebe replies: "I touched Kit." "Is that possible?" Prue asks and then considers: "Well your powers are growing. What did you see? How did it feel?" Phoebe replies: "It felt different. Like a voice calling to me. I never felt what an animal feels, but it was peaceful. I kind of could see through Kit's eyes at what she did all day, and what she was going to do later. It was very strange." Prue is concerned: "You okay, Pheebs?" Phoebe nods and replies: "Yeah, but we do have a leprechaun here. He needs our help." Phoebe looks at Prue, who then replies: "Help for what?" Phoebe replies she doesn't know. Prue makes up her mind. "Well I guess the only way we are going to get to the bottom of this is to capture our little intruder. Tomorrow, I'll get the necessary supplies. I hope Piper will be okay." Phoebe replies: "I don't think he will hurt her." Folding her arms, Prue says: "We don't know what it might do yet."

Later, Phoebe goes up to look in on Piper. Piper is awake, but staring into space. Phoebe quietly tip-toes over to her bed and places a hand on her forehead. Piper's fever hasn't broken and so Phoebe is really starting to get worried. A closer looks reveals that Piper's eyes have changed colors again to a weird yellow, hazel blue. That's odd. Phoebe thinks: When she was little, her eyes were green blue, then they changed to brown when she got older. I wonder if Piper saw a leprechaun when she was little? Do kids see them, the Book of Shadows says no, but I wonder. Why are her eyes changing again? Piper closes her eyes and falls back asleep.

The next morning, Prue and Phoebe are having breakfast and discussing the situation. "I'm really getting worried, Prue. Piper's fever seems to be getting worse. I don't think those pills are helping very much." Prue nods her head in agreement: "Well if her fever hasn't broken by tonight, we'll take her to the hospital. Now about our little uhhhh..." she can't find the right word. "Friend." Phoebe supplies. "Guest." Prue says and continues: "I have a plan to catch him. Un-harmed of course, you would think you wanted this thing as a pet." Phoebe smiles anc replies: "No, just worried. Kit and Slam Man are enough pets for me."

Later, Prue goes to an old Army-Navy surplus shop in Alameda. Going through the area that has all the traps for sale, she selects a humane one. "After all, we just want to catch the leprechaun, not kill him." she says to herself. She leaves after purchasing the trap.

After she has purchased the trap, Prue comes home and walks in the door: "Well I have the trap to catch the lep..." she breaks off as she sees Andy standing there. "Lepus!" she quickly amends: "I have the trap to catch the Lepus, which is...uhhhh, Latin for ..." she smiles: "Uhhh, rabbit!" Andy walks over to her and says: "Really? You don't say." He then changes the subject: "I came by to see how Piper is doing." he says as his eyes fall onto the trap. "What's all this about? Lepus? Rabbits, as you say?" Phoebe comes to the rescue: "The truth is, Andy, that we have had this problem with a wild rabbit that gets into our garden and eats our plants. So Prue went and got, uhhh..., bought this humane trap. We are going to catch him, take him out into the country, and release him. As for what Prue said when she came in, well she has been reading this fancy scientific journal with all these Latin words and she was just showing off. Right, Prue?" Phoebe asks, hoping Andy will buy it. "Right, Phoebe." Prue replies: "No leepas stew tonight. I just can't get enough of my Latin." Andy replies: "Right, it's Lepus, by the way." He decides to change the subject back to Piper. "I'm really getting worried about Piper. Shouldn't you two be getting her to a hospital?" Once again, Phoebe speaks up: "We plan to, if she doesn't improve by tonight." She starts to push Andy towards the door: "We'll call you if we need you." Andy turns back to Prue: "Promise me that?" he asks her. "Of course." Prue replies. Andy thanks her and leaves.

Walking out to his car, Andy pauses: "Wild rabbit? It wouldn't surprise me one bit. These days, nothing about the Halliwells surprises me. Lepus, Lepus, I am going to have to look that one up."

Prue and Phoebe take the trap out back and conceal it in some bushes. "So just how are we going to get our leprechaun to enter this trap?" Phoebe asks. "I have a plan." Prue says: "It'll work. Trust me."

Later on, Seamus is still lurking about the house, he is caught between his dilemma and honoring the Leprechaun's Code against just revealing himself, he knows he could be punished for that if the other leprechauns found out. Suddenly a smell strikes him, something that he has never smelled before, and it smells delicious. Quickly, Seamus traces the smell out of the house and into the back yard. He enters some bushes and sees before him some food he has never seen before. He approaches and begins to eat it. "This is the Food of The Kings!" he proclaims. Suddenly he steps on the catch that release the door of the trap and BOOM, it closes behind him.

Prue and Phoebe emerge from the house, having heard the trap close. "It was a good idea to heat up some of Piper's pasta sauce. I always wondered who that secret ingredient was meant for." Phoebe says: "No one, not ever leprechauns can resist it." They walk over and take the trap out of the bushes. It appears empty. "Okay, little fellow." Prue says: "We know you're in there. May as well let us see you."

Seamus considers.

Prue continues: "I can feel this cage is just slightly heavier, you must not weigh much in our world. Okay I don't know much about the code of leprechauns, but no is going to know about you, trust us. We need to see you."

Seamus still waits.

Phoebe tries a plan of her own: "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." Prue is baffled: "What are you doing, Phoebe? It's a leprechaun, not a cat!" Phoebe replies: "I don't know, maybe he can understand the word `kitty'. It's just a feeling I have." Sure enough, Seamus appears to them. "I'm thankful you caught me." he says: "I'm glad I didn't have to break the Leprechaun's Code." Prue is amazed: "Whoa, you talk?" she asks. Phoebe just smiles.

Soon, Seamus is freed from the trap and is standing on the picnic table as Phoebe then asks why Seamus is here to begin with. "It was a mistake." he replies: "I stumbled through one of the gateways to your world and ended up here in this strange land. Most of the gates open to the country you currently know as Ireland, those gates stay open for quite some time. The one that I came through closed behind me right away, leaving me trapped here. I came to you because you are good witches, a leprechaun can usually tell. That and your animal has the symbol." Prue replies: "I see, the animal. We call it a cat." Seamus tries to pronounce it: "Ka.. Ka.. Cat. I am not afraid of your cat, just never seen one. You think you can send me home?" Phoebe is amazed. "That's all?" she asks. Seamus replies that is indeed all he wants. Phoebe is baffled: "No helping find a pot of gold so we can be rich? No where's me lucky charms? Prue steps in: "Pheebs, we should be glad he is not here for our powers." Phoebe replies: "Or our gold, if we had any." Prue turns back to Seamus: "Consider it done." she says.

Before long, Prue and Phoebe have gotten the Book of Shadows from the attic and are ready to recite the incantation, when Seamus says: "Wait a minute. Let me do you two a favor as payment for helping me." He closes his eyes and seems to glow green for a second. "There yee go." he says. When Phoebe asked what he did, Seamus replies: "You'll see for yourself in a few minutes. Now Prue says: "Okay, let's do it. Let's say this incantation." she and Phoebe speak it:

Together we Halliwells band,
to let out a helping hand!
Return this lost traveler,
back to his native land!

Seamus looks around, seeing he has not gone anywhere.

Phoebe is worried: "Oh my God, Prue. Do you think it takes the Power of Three? We can't do this if Piper's strength is not up." Prue shakes her head: "I don't think so, Pheebs. It should work even if just one of us said it. Darn it! He can't be stuck here. Must be something else we can try.

Meanwhile, Andy is back at the station, looking at his computer and muttering to himself: "Lepus, Lepus. Am I doing this right? Latin words. I can't find a thing on rabbits. Wonder if she meant rats?" He glances over at the calendar and notices how close St. Patrick's Day is. He opens a drawer and pulls out a book of symbols. Lost in confused thought, Andy ponders: "I wonder if a Lepus Day is celebrated in Canada." Looking through the book, Andy stumbles upon the symbol Kit has on her collar. Quickly he punches it into the computer and looks at what pops up on the screen: "The symbol is not Egyptian, Greek, or Roman. Looks like an Irish symbol of some type, representing three symbols protecting a circle of Wicca. Wicca? What is that all about?" Andy forges on ahead: "Maybe it's Lemus, like Irish and I am spelling something wrong." Andy types in Lemus and up pops Seamus, but no description is found. He reads on: "Refer to leprechauns? What does that have to do with anything?"

Back at Halliwell Manor, Phoebe has an idea. She gets Kit and brings her to where she and Prue are standing. She tells Prue to touch Kit's symbol and does the same herself: "Okay, let's focus on our little friend here:

Together we Halliwells band,
to let out a helping hand!
Return this lost traveler,
back to his native land!

Phoebe can't help but add: "We really mean it this time."

Seamus now appears to be enveloped in a rainbow of lights. "Thank you!" he calls out, waving to Kit and the sisters. "Meow" Kit seems happy. Seamus then vanished into the rainbow of light, transported back to his own world.

A confused look crosses Phoebe's face: "I don't even think I remember his name!"

Suddenly, Piper emerges from the house. "What's going on out here?" she asks. Prue and Phoebe run over to her. "PIPER!" Her head seems to be healed and it seems Piper is as healthy as ever, even her eyes seem to have returned to normal. "Piper, how are you feeling?" Phoebe asks. Piper shakes her head and says: "I can't explain it. One moment I was lying there sick and in pain. The next moment the pain is gone and I'm feeling great. Except for being a little tired." Phoebe smiles: "Tired? You slept most of the time." Piper looks at her: "Did I?" Phoebe replies: "Yes you did."

After a few minutes, Phoebe comes up with the answer: "Wait, I remember, Seamus did it. As a favor for sending him home." Piper is puzzled: "Who's Seamus? I am missing something here?" Prue comments: "I thought you didn't remember it's name." Phoebe replies: "I don't know, it just came to me. Seamus is part of some royal empire of some kind. In his world, he's a prince, or something like that." Prue considers: "Oh, and it's a he." Phoebe smiles back and says: "Yep."

Soon Prue and Phoebe begin to lead Piper back towards the house. "Don't worry, Piper." Prue says: "I'll explain it all to you over a cup of coffee, cocoa, or tea. Whichever one you want." Piper pats her stomach and says: "Thanks, Prue, but I think I am hungry for some hamburgers or something." Phoebe groans: "Not again." she says. Piper just smiles: "Except this time, you cook and we stay inside."

While all this is happening, Kit runs into the house. As the Halliwells follow, Phoebe pauses and looks towards the sky. She sees a bright rainbow and think: Godspeed Seamus, wherever you are. Thanks little green guy, heh, heh. Glad we are all okay and you are too.

Later on, at the police station, a frustrated Andy finally gives up after having searched for hours and finding nothing. Putting his face in his hands, he groans: "Why me?"