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Halliwell Evil

by Big Fan (Kerstin A.)

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story belong to Spelling Television and Constance Burge, with the exception of the wish warlock, Killer, and JoJo I created.

This story is produced by Kerstin. Unauthorized reproduction of text is not allowed. Contact me by clicking my name above for permission.

"I can't believe Phoebe used my credit card again Piper," Prue says angrily as the two sisters enter the house. "I'm sure Phoebe didn't mean to Prue..." Piper tries to go on to explain but Prue cuts Piper off. "Oh sure Piper. She didn't mean to purchase four new dresses and a few shoes for her new closet. She just accidentally charged them to my account. I'll kill her." Prue starts to storm off to Phoebe's room but instead starts to head toward the attic with Piper following close at her heels. "Now Prue before you start yelling at Phoebe... again, maybe you could let her explain." "I'm not making any guaranties, Piper." Prue opens the attic door and finds Phoebe surrounded by dozens of flowers (that she has created with a spell) and laughing her head off. Phoebe doesn't even see her sisters enter the room. "Phoebe," Prue demands. "What the hell are you doing?" Phoebe suddenly looks up shocked. "Prue, Piper. What are you doing home so early. I was just... gardening!!!" Phoebe says with a little laugh.

"Give it up Phoebe. I want you to explain this." Prue throws a credit card bill in Phoebe's direction. Phoebe looks over it slowly and goes on to explain that she had some important interviews and that she needed something new to wear. She tries to tell Prue that when she gets a job she will pay all the money back and she is sorry for forgetting to tell Prue. Prue starts to get louder and tells Phoebe to stop making excuses for herself. That if she really wanted to get a job then she would be out there now looking for one, not playing with the book of shadows. This is about the time that Piper breaks into the 'conversation' that has turned into a yelling match. "OK you guys that's enough. You two are sisters and I know you two have your differences but this is ridiculous. How can we protect the innocent if we can't even work out our own problems by ourselves!" For a brief second there is silence in the house until Prue states its all Phoebe's fault and that if she would be more responsible then none of this would have happened. Now Phoebe goes on the defensive side and saying that she should have stayed in New York where people actually care about each other. Prue just laughs this off saying that people walk a mile around Phoebe's depth. "You know Prue, sometimes I wish I would never have come back. In fact I sometimes even wish I wasn't even born into this family!"

At that Phoebe storms out of the attic, runs downstairs, and out the door. "I could only wish," says Prue. "Prue. I can't believe you. Why do you think Phoebe left last time," Piper says angrily. "One can only hope that she's not at the bus station buying a one way ticket to New York!" "Your right Piper. Its just been a hard day and I guess I just vented all my anger on Phoebe again. When she comes home I'll explain what I meant." At that both sisters leave the attic, full of flowers.

Out of the shadows a women appears around the age of 25. She has short, dark brown hair and is wearing a green amulet around her neck. She smiles an evil smile to herself and utters that fatal word "GRANTED." The next second she is gone.

Piper and Prue have finished dinner and are now waiting up for Phoebe. Around midnight both decide it's time for bed. That night Piper wakes up because a bright light filled her room. She wants to go investigate the cause but she just shrugs it off as being part of her dream and falls asleep again.

The next day Piper comes down stairs to find Prue already up and making her 'killer' coffee. Prue tells Piper that Phoebe did not come home last night and that she is beginning to worry. Piper tells her that they'll call Andy and file a missing persons report... again. At that their Mother and Grandmother come downstairs. Prue and Piper are left speechless. Their mother kisses both of them and tells them that today is going to be a great day. Prue is the first to confront them. "OK. Did Phoebe pull both of you out of the spirit world so that you can yell at us because we got into a huge fight. How many times have I told her that our powers can not be used for personal gain!"

"Prudence," their mother questions. "What are you talking about and who is this Phoebe you keep mentioning?"

"Phoebe. You know about so tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. Our 21 year old younger sister!"

Their mother and grandmother giving them questionable looks. "Prue, I don't know if your pulling my leg but... you and Piper are the only children I had. Unless you know something I don't!" she says with a laugh.

"How can this be" Piper questions. "We go to bed having a younger sister and no mom or Grams. And then we wake up to find Mom and Grams alive and no Phoebe."

Prue walks over to her purse and pulls out her wallet. She starts to go through her pictures trying to find one of Phoebe but with no luck. "Prue look," says Piper as she points to the big picture where all three sisters are supposed to be standing. Instead the picture shows Prue and Piper standing next to each other in front of the house. No Phoebe.

The sisters sit down with their family and explain that Mom was supposed to have drowned and that Grams had also died a few months ago. They go on to explain that Phoebe had come back from New York and discovered the book of shadows in the attic and that Phoebe could see the future and the past.

Mom and Grams take all this in and start to question if maybe black magic was involved in why nobody remembers Phoebe. Prue also tells them about the last fight they had had before Phoebe walked out of the house and that she had said she wished she was no longer part of the family. Prue now regrets having the fight with Phoebe.

The doorbell suddenly rings and Grams goes to answer it. She brings in a package and closes the door. "The white lighters left us some more information about the warlocks we're after." She throws the package on the table and suddenly a picture of Phoebe falls out. Piper goes to pick it up and shows it to Prue. "You see. This is our sister, Phoebe." Piper holds up the picture. "That can't be," their mother breaks in as she grabs the picture from Piper. "That's one of the warlocks we have been tracking down for months. She is very dangerous and deadly. She is the leader of a gang called the Black Shadows. These are the worst type of warlocks there are, with no mercy what-so-ever. I want you two to stay clear from these demons. You are all I have left in this world besides your grandmother and I don't want to lose you two."

With that said their mother and grandmother get up to leave letting their word of warning sink in for Piper and Prue. "Ironic. Isn't it Prue. That the second Phoebe wishes she was no longer part of our family that we find out she has turned toward her dark side. And warlocks for that matter. Its almost like a nightmare or an alternate universe."

"Come on Piper. Lets go check the book of shadows. Maybe it'll explain what's going on here because I am totally confused."

They head upstairs and start to look through the book. Suddenly Prue turns to a page with demons on it. There about half way through the chapter is a description of the wish warlock. Thinking there might be a connection as to why Phoebe is now a warlock Piper begins to read the description.

Wish Warlock

'Looks to be around the age of 25. Her actual age is 4,392 years old. Has short, dark brown hair and always wears a green amulet around her neck. This is the source of her wishing power. To undo a wish one has to destroy her amulet without the use of magic. It must be destroyed by a natural element such as a rock or stone. Once the amulet is destroyed everything will return as it was before the wish was made. Memories forgotten for some, but reminders to all. Be careful what one wishes for. She feeds off wishes made by Good witches.'

"So that's what must have happened. She heard Phoebe's wish and granted it and now we're in this so called 'parallel universe' with a sister who's a warlock." says Prue looking worried at Piper.

"So what are we going to do Prue. Track this 'so called' Phoebe warlock down and try to convince her that in another universe she is our sister... who is supposed to be a good witch... but because of a wish she made... she's now a warlock? I don't think Phoebe would fall for it. I mean it sounds pretty unbelievable. I barley believe it myself." "Well, we have to try something Piper. We can't let Phoebe go on a killing spree of witches. And we have to keep Grams and Mom away from Phoebe in case they decide to go on a warlock killing spree."

"Prue. What if we can't find this wish warlock. What are we going to do then. Live in this reality or try to conform Phoebe the warlock into Phoebe the witch. I can't stand the though of killing our younger sister."

"Piper. We're not going to kill our sister or... what looks like our sister, for now. So, don't give up hope just yet. For all we know there could be a spell in the book of shadows about how to call upon this wish warlock." The sisters continue to look through the book of shadows to find a spell to call upon the Wish warlock.

Meanwhile in an old abandoned warehouse, in the bad part of town, the Black Shadows are preparing for an all out attack on the Halliwell clan. Their leader, who has short, brown hair and brown eyes is a young women around the age of 21 years old. To be in her mere presence one can feel the power she holds over the gang. Her gang! She has a wide variety of powers that she has gained from witches over her many years as leader. Witches she has killed without a second thought. Showing no mercy to anyone. She is a good leader and her warlocks would follow her to the end of the earth and back again. The tattoo (with The Black Shadows written in black ink) on each members arm prove their loyalty to the gang. She had a human name a long time ago but through the years names are forgotten. She is now only know as 'Boss' or 'Shadow'. The name 'Phoebe' or 'Pheebs' (If I type 'Phoebe' with little marks on the side I am talking about the new warlock Pheebs) no longer brings any memories, and she plans to kill the only family that she does not remember. The Halliwells! The plan, to kill them all in their house around 6 o'clock!

After an hour of searching in the book of shadows for a spell to call upon the wish warlock, Prue and Piper have given up. They head down stairs to find their mom and grandmother waiting for them. They begin to question what the girls were doing in the attic. Piper comes clean and explains that they were looking for a spell to call upon a wish warlock. Their grandmother brakes into the conversation telling both of them that calling upon the wish warlock is a very dangerous gamble because it feeds off good witches wishes. She forbids them to try and summon the wishing warlock. Telling the girls that the secret to calling the warlock will die with her (grams) for she is the only one who knows the incantation. Prue pleads with her grandmother but with no luck. (You can see where Prue gets her attitude from.) When she tries to explain why she wishes to summon the warlock her mother brakes in and says that the girls have caused enough trouble for today and that they should go to their rooms and think about what they have done. (remember: these are 24 and 27 year olds and they are still being sent to their rooms) "I also want you two to get a good nights rest because tomorrow we go up against the Black Shadows." says their grandmother.

Prue and Piper reluctantly go to their rooms. The mother follows, thinking this would be a good time to explain their plan when fighting the Black Shadows.

At around 6 o'clock there is a knock at the door and Penny answers the door. When she opens the door there is no one outside. As she turns around there is 'Phoebe' standing behind her with a knife (that is used to focus energy) in black pants and T-shirt revealing her tattoo with The Black Shadows written in black ink on her right arm. 'Phoebe' had used her blinking power (that she had stolen from another witch who she had killed) to get behind Penny and within a split second 'Phoebe' stabs her in the heart and lets the energy of the new power fill her. "I love a good door man," she tells her warlocks as they enter the house. "I want you to find the others. I wish no one killed... just yet!! I wish the daughters alive. The mother is anybody's game." She calls out to the warlocks already heading up stairs. "I want you 6 to guard the attic. Make sure that no witch goes in and no witch comes out alive." One of the warlocks named 'Killer' questions what type of powers they are up against. She tells them that the oldest Prudence or better know as Prue moves objects with her mind. While the youngest, Piper freezes time.

Prue, Piper, and their mother are still discussing their plans about tomorrow's attack when suddenly 10 warlocks break into the room. (No one can see the future so there was no warning). At this, Piper freezes time and Prue throws them out the door. "They're part of the black shadows. I want you girls to run to the attic. Find a spell to kill them. Don't ever forget that I love you two very much. GO!" Prue and Piper run to the attic only to find 6 huge warlocks in front of the door. Piper freezes them and both run down stairs. Prue and Piper suddenly hear a scream coming from the bedroom. Without saying a word both of them already know the answer. That their mother is dead... again! Having been stabbed to death by a warlock. Coming downstairs they find the body of their grandmother lying on the floor. Blood pouring out of the chest cavity where 'Phoebe' had stabbed her.

Suddenly 'Phoebe' appears (using the Blinking power) in front of Piper and Prue with a wicked smile on her face still holding a knife. 'Phoebe' forces Prue and Piper to the ground by using her new power she just stole from Grams. The power to move objects. Both sisters fly backwards and land hard on the ground. Prue tries to clear her head to do the same thing to 'Phoebe' but one of the warlocks hits Prue on the back of the head and she falls unconscious to the ground. Now she (Phoebe) addresses Piper. "You can either fight us and allow 'Killer' to receive a new power from your soon to be dead sister or give up and no harm will come to either of you.... YET! I never go back on my word." The warlocks brake out in wicked laughter.

Piper knows she can't freeze all the warlocks in the room and she can't drag Prue outside and make it to safely. So Piper does the only thing she can do. She puts her hands on her head. Now one of the warlocks comes over to her and out of thin air pulls out a pair of hand cuffs (one for Prue and one for Piper) and a blindfold for the unconscious Prue. He blindfolds Prue and handcuffs her hands behind her back. For Piper he just grabs her arms and tightens the cuffs so she can't freeze time. When Piper sees Phoebe standing there with and evil smile on her face Piper feels sick to her stomach. To see a person she loves so much be so full of hate, that is the last thing that Piper remembers before being knocked unconscious.

Piper finds herself waking up (with a major headache) in an old abandoned ware house. Prue is still lying next to her unconscious (the blindfold having been removed). Both sisters are locked up in a cage with their hands tied behind their back. The cage is the focus point of the overhead lights that are now turned on. No one else seems to be around. The only sound one hears is Prue's breathing and a few drops of water falling from the ceiling when it started to rain. Suddenly the silence is broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. Piper looks up to see one of the warlocks looking through the cage and giving Piper a whistle. Not once has Piper wished that she had Prue's power but, just this once she would like too. The warlock laughs to himself and walks away. Piper has the feeling that she is the only person in the world.

Later that evening Prue finally awakes (also with a major headache) and the sisters begin to talk in a low voices. They discuss what they could do to try and escape but what would they do and where would they go? Their is nothing back at the house for them. The room slowly begins to fill with warlocks. 'Phoebe' walks in last and walks over to the cage. "Well, hello there my little pretties. Did we have a nice nap? I hope 'Killer' and 'JoJo' where hard enough on you! You're probably wondering as to why I have not killed you yet!"

"You don't want to kill your sisters?" Prue questions, hopeful that Phoebe would remember.

"What the hell are you talking about? I have NO family and if I did... I would not hesitate to kill them in an instant! Especially witches! No, the only reason you two are still alive, besides the fact that I already have the Charmed Ones power, is because you lucky two are going to be my bait. Think of it as fishing for good witches." With that said 'Phoebe' gets up and leaves with her demons following her.

Once all the demons have gone. Piper tells Prue to brake her handcuffs. Prue does this with her power and does the same to her cuffs. Then Prue brakes open the cage door. Piper begins to question what Phoebe had meant by using them for bait. Prue also confused by what Phoebe meant shrugs it off and tells Piper that they should try and make a quick exit.

Meanwhile in the next room 'Phoebe' has a premonition of all these good witches braking into the ware house. She tells her warlocks and they prepare for battle. The sound of a crashing door is heard and more then thirty witches break into the room and her warlocks begin the slaughter. Powers are being used which include water, fire, and wind. Both warlocks and witches go flying throughout the room. 'Phoebe' stabs a few witches who are in her way, as she makes it across the room.

Piper and Prue hear the sound of fighting and go to investigate only to find a small war being fought in the tiny room of the warehouse. The screams of the wounded fill the air. Piper and Prue look on in horror when they see 'Phoebe' stabbing all these witches. Suddenly a strange figure appears behind Piper and Prue. "Well," it questions. "What do you think of your wish Prue? This is what you wanted wasn't it? A world where Phoebe is no longer part of your family. No more credit card bills, or worrying where she is at 3 o'clock in the morning or if she will misuse her power. Just ONE wish changed all that!"

"The Wish Warlock," both Piper and Prue say in unison.

Prue uses her power and yanks the amulet from the wish warlock's neck and holds it in her hands. The wish warlock tries to grab her amulet but Prue is too fast. She hands it to Piper and tells her (the wish warlock) this is the last time that she will use her wishing powers against good witches.

At the same moment a witch brakes free of a warlocks hold and pulls out a sword and stabs 'Phoebe' in the heart. 'Phoebe' just clutches the wound and falls to the ground. She disintegrates with Piper and Prue looking on stunned. "Phoebe," both of them yell, but it is too late. Piper picks up a large rock that one of the witches had dropped and she shatters the green amulet. A very bright light fills the room and in an instant everything disappears.

Prue opens the attic door and finds Phoebe surrounded by dozens of flowers and laughing her head off. Phoebe doesn't even see her sisters enter the room. "Phoebe," Prue demands. "What the hell are you doing?" Phoebe suddenly looks up shocked. "Prue, Piper. What are you doing home so early. I was just.... gardening!!! Phoebe says with a little laugh. "Give it up Phoebe I want you to explain this." Prue throws a credit card bill in Phoebes direction. Phoebe looks over it slowly and goes on to explain that she had some important interviews and that she needed something new to wear. She tries to tell Prue that when she gets a job she will pay all the money back and she is sorry for forgetting to tell Prue. Prue is just about to continue yelling at Phoebe when she does something unexpected. She goes over to Phoebe and gives her a great big hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you Phoebe. I did tell you it was OK to charge a few things to my credit card and I just forgot. Its just been a hard day and I guess I just vented all my anger at you again. Forgive me?"

Phoebe just looks at Prue and gives her a great big Phoebe smile and all three sisters walk out of the attic. "The best thing that happened was when you came back from New York." Prue says with a smile. "Really?" Phoebe questions. "Really!" Prue answers.

"I guess we're going to need a lot of vases for all the flowers that Phoebe made." says Piper with a smile.

The memory of the alternate universe and the warlock Phoebe are all forgotten. All three have no memory of that time... except for the wish warlock who steps out of the shadows with her eyes glowing a dark green. She vows that one day she will be back and have a new amulet. And to be careful what one wishes for. The next second she is gone. Back to the place where all warlocks who have failed at their duty go. Never to be seen again.

And the Halliwells go on about their day as if nothing had ever happened. And its better that way. To have the Power of Three under one roof instead of two.