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Revenge of Kairos

by Tim

We open as two archeologists are exploring a cave in the hills of New Hampshire. "Mike!" one of them calls to the other: "Over here, look at this." Mike comes running. "What is it, Shane?" he asks. "There seems to be some kind of door here." Shane says as he points to the rock face in front of him. Mike takes a closer look. "By God, you're right. There is a door here and it's made of stone. Wonder who made it?" Mike suggests that perhaps the Indians could have made it. "We won't know for sure until we see what's inside." Shane says. "Let's get to work." The two men begin hammering away at the door and soon manage to force it part way open. "I think it's coming." Shane says with excitement. "I think..." Suddenly he starts to scream as something sucks him in through the half open door. "Shane?" Mike calls with fear in his voice. "Shane what happened?" He watches as the door opens of it's own accord. Suddenly, what appears to be a red-haired man in his early fifties shoots out of the chamber and grabs Mike. "You're friend fed me well." the red-haired man says as Mike struggles in his arms. "But I need more." The red-haired man then proceeds to tear Mike to pieces. "Ah yes!" the red-haired man says: "Feed me! For I, Kairos, have been imprisoned here for a hundred and fifty years! Now I will seek revenge on all the descendants of the one who imprisoned me!"

The next morning, in Halliwell Manor, Piper is lying in bed when Phoebe comes into the room, a glass of orange juice in her hand. "Here you go, Piper." Phoebe says as she sits down and hands the glass to her sister. "Hopefully this will help cheer you up." Piper takes the glass and drinks the juice. "Thanks, Pheebs." she says after finishing it. "But really, I'm fine. It's been over a week now since Leo..." she trails off, unable to finish. Phoebe places a hand on Piper's shoulder and says: "I know how you feel, Piper. You really loved Leo, losing him really hurt you (see my previous story "The Hunted" for further details). But I just hope Prue and I have been able to help you." Piper smiles back at her: "You have, Pheebs." she says: "Let's go down and have some breakfast."

Prue is in the kitchen, drinking coffee, when Piper and Phoebe enter the room. "Piper, how are you?" Prue asks. Piper replies she is fine and then comments: "Isn't it ironic that our former enemies, Rex and Hannah, are having a better love life than we are?" Phoebe just shrugs her shoulders: "Life is funny." she looks at her watch. "I gotta go. I promised Sister Mary that I would help her with moving some crates at the shelter today." Quickly, Phoebe hurries out. "I have to get going too." Piper says. "I'm interviewing a new bartender today. Hopefully he'll turn out better than the last guy. That animal should fry, after what he almost did to poor Pheebs (I refer you to Denny's story, "Time and Again" for further details), not to mention those other girls he raped." Saying good-bye to Prue, Piper also heads out. Soon Prue herself is on her way to Buckland's.

Later on, Halliwell Manor is deserted, when Kairos arrives on the scene. Seeing no one around, he tries to get into the house, but something forces him back. He tries again, but the energy field won't let him through. Cursing his bad luck, Kairos decides to try another tactic. Using his mental abilities, Kairos begins to track the movements of the Halliwell sisters.

Later on, Prue is at Buckland's doing cataloging, when Claire comes into the office. "Prue, there is a young woman here with an artifact that she wants appraised. She specifically asked for you. I hope you don't mind." Prue says she doesn't mind and asks that the young woman be sent in. Soon a familiar figure enters the office, holding a small figurine. "Jessica!" (for more details on Jessica, see my story, "Night of The Demons and also Denny's story, "Time and Again") Prue says, after Claire has left them alone. "What are you doing here?" Holding up the figurine, Jessica replies: "Well I had to think of a legitimate reason for coming here. But we really need to talk." Prue is curious as to why Jessica is so distressed. "The reason being is that Kairos is on the loose again." Prue is baffled: "Who's Kairos?" she asks. Jessica then tells her story:

"Kairos is a Warlock who gets his powers from feeding off pain and agony he inflicts in others. In 1849, your Great, Great, Aunt Sarah and I tracked him down to his lair in the New Hampshire hills. After a fierce battle, we managed to seal him up in his own lair, but just before that, he swore that one day he would get vengeance on all those who imprisoned him, or their descendants, depending on how long he was imprisoned. Yesterday, the white-lighters informed me that he had escaped and was heading here to San Francisco, apparently his Demon contacts informed him of the location of you and your sisters. That's why I'm here, together, the four of us can put a stop to Kairos once and for all. But I fear he is already targeting Phoebe. He will go after her first, because her powers are the most passive."

Indeed, at that same time, Phoebe has left St. Joseph's on an errand. She gets about half-way down the street, when she is hit from behind and everything goes black.

Jessica seems to tense up. "He's got Phoebe." she tells Prue. Prue goes out to tell Claire that an emergency has come up and she has to leave at once.

Piper is busy at the Quake, when Prue and Jessica arrive. "Jessica?" Piper asks and freezes time so the three of them can have a quick conversation. Prue and Jessica fill Piper in on Kairos and his abduction of Phoebe. The three of them head out. Time unfreezes and the employees at the Quake are baffled as it seems that their boss has vanished into thin air!

Phoebe wakes up to find herself in room full of dust and cobwebs. She is strapped down to a table of some kinds. Suddenly she sees Kairos enter the room. "Who are you?" she asks. "I am Kairos. You are Phoebe Halliwell, a descendent of the witch who imprisoned me so long ago. Now I am here to take revenge upon her descendants, plus as an added bonus, I get the fabled Book of Shadows as well, once all of you are gone."

Back at Halliwell Manor, Prue, Piper, and Jessica, meet to discuss how to retrieve Phoebe. "There is only one way." Jessica says. "We have to defeat Kairos. Here is how we do it, remember how we generated an energy field when we fought those Demons?" Prue and Piper nod, remembering how all of them had saved the teenager, Ralph, from the clutches of a gang of real Demons. Jessica continues: "That energy field was generated by the combined powers of you three, with me acting as a conduit. We have to do the same thing with Kairos, only this time we project an energy beam. Once that beam hits Kairos, he will lose his corporeal form forever. He will become pure energy, scattered to the far corners of the universe, forever formless and powerless. But we have to hurry, for I'm sure that he is already slowly killing Phoebe to feed off her death agony."

Indeed Kairos is already to begin. Leaning over Phoebe, he pulls out a scalpel. "Now this will be nice and slow." he says mockingly. Phoebe is too horrified to speak. Slowly and painfully, Kairos proceeds to slash both of Phoebe's wrists.

Back at Halliwell Manor, the doorbell rings and Prue answers it. It's Andy and he has some bad news. "I just got a call from Sister Mary at St. Joseph's. Phoebe is missing." Not wanting to give away the fact that she already knows, Prue acts surprised. "What?" she says. Andy continues: "Sister Mary told me that she sent Phoebe out on an errand to get some supplies. She got worried when Phoebe didn't come back. I just thought I would let you know." Prue thanks Andy and says to call her if he turns up anything, Andy promises that he will and departs.

At this time, Phoebe, her life blood pouring out of her wrists, is slipping away. "Don't fight it." Kairos says. "Let death take you. Feed me!" Indeed Phoebe's eyes close and she seems to slip away.

Suddenly, Phoebe finds herself standing in front of Halliwell Manor, with no idea as to how she got there. As she walks up to the front door, it opens for her by itself. Phoebe enters the house and finds it different somehow. Going into the living room, Phoebe stops short as she sees two familiar figures standing before her: "Mom! Grams!" Phoebe says as she runs towards them: "I'm so glad to see you two!"

Meanwhile, Jessica seems to tense up. Piper asks what is wrong. "It's Phoebe." Jessica replies: "She's slipping away."

Overcome with emotion, Phoebe hugs her mother and grandmother. "Does this mean I am dead now?" she asks them after a moment. "No Phoebe." Mom replies: "It is not yet your time. Think of this as a meeting place, where our two worlds connect." Grams walks over and places her hands on Phoebe's cheeks. "We're so proud of you and your sisters." Grams says: "You have carried on our legacy with grace and honor. However, now you must return to Earth before it is too late." Phoebe has mixed feelings: "But I want to stay here with you two." she turns to Mom: "I want to know you, I never got a chance. You drowned when I was very young, please let me stay. Just for a while?" Mom smiles at her youngest daughter. "We will get to know each other someday, but now your sisters need you. Go to them, Phoebe. Do it for me and Grams." Phoebe considers. "Of course I'll go." she says: "But remember I love you both very much." Phoebe hugs Mom and Grams again. "We love you too, Phoebe." Mom says: "And we always will, no matter what."

Jessica relaxes. "Phoebe's coming back." Prue asks where she is. "Right here." Phoebe's voice says. They all turn and see Phoebe, or rather her spirit, standing before them. "I almost crossed over." Phoebe tells them. "But Mom and Grams were there. They told me to come back." Piper nods her head. "We believe you, Pheebs." she says. "But now we have to find your body before it's too late." At this point, Jessica speaks up. "There is a way to do it." She turns to Phoebe. "Since your body is still alive, your spirit is still linked with it. If you concentrate, you can home in on the location of your body." Phoebe closes her eyes and clears her mind. Soon a picture forms of an old house, located on the edge of town. "I see it!" Phoebe says. "I know where it is. Follow me."

Kairos looks on at Phoebe's body, her face getting paler and paler. Then Phoebe's spirit walks through the wall. "Well what have we here?" Kairos asks mockingly. "Come to watch your own body die?" Phoebe just smiles back at him. "No, actually we've come to kick your Warlock butt! Now!" Suddenly, Prue, Piper, and Jessica burst into the room. Kairos has barely enough time to react before Piper freezes him. "Phoebe, quick, back into your body." Jessica says and Phoebe's spirit re-enters her body. Jessica then uses her powers to speed up time on Phoebe's body. Phoebe's wrists heal and her blood replenishes itself. Just as Phoebe sits up again, Kairos unfreezes. "YOU!" he screams, once he sees Jessica. "But how? You would have to be a hundred and fifty years old!" Jessica stares back at him and says: "Actually I'm a lot older than that! Which is more than I can say for you." She turns to the Halliwells: "Quickly now, join hands and repeat after me:

Once again we Sisters Three,
call upon the powers of thee!
To you who worships the Devil's might,
Vanish forever into endless night!

Suddenly the energy beam projects out of the combined powers of the Halliwells and channels through Jessica. Kairos writhes with agony once it strikes him and in a flash of light, he is gone forever.

What was once Kairos shrieks with agony as his mind is torn asunder and scattered to the very edges of space. Let it end! His fragmented mind cries out. Let it end! Let it end! But it never will.

Later on, back at Halliwell Manor, a grateful Phoebe is thanking Jessica. "This is the third time I owe you my life. First you saved me when I was stabbed, then you rescued me from a would-be rapist, and now you save me from another vengeful Warlock. How can I ever repay you?" Jessica just smiles at her. "Just carry on your family legacy. That is thanks enough for me." Phoebe then changes the subject. "I just wish I could have stayed with Mom and Grams a little longer. Now I know how you felt, Prue, when Mom came back and helped save you from the Fear Demon." She looks at her sisters and Jessica. "I love you all. Group hug time!" All four of them embrace.

Later, Jessica is heading back home when she sees the spirits of Mom and Gram. "We just want to thank you for looking out for them." Mom says. "Anytime." Jessica replies. "You have three wonderful daughters. I would be proud to call them my sisters."