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Rocker of Evil

by Tim

We open with Prue and Phoebe attending a Heavy Metal concert. Although Phoebe is enjoying herself, Prue looks like she would rather be anywhere else in the known universe.

Performing on stage is the newest sensation in Heavy Metal Rock, Dangerous Daniel, who looks somewhat like a young Mick Jagger. Dressed in all black, he struts back and forth across the stage, sprouting out his songs.

Finally, Daniel calls a five minute break. At this point, Phoebe turns to Prue and asks if she is having a good time. "Wonderful." Prue replies in voice that sounds like she is having her teeth pulled. Prue goes on to say that she can't believe Phoebe talked her into coming to this concert.

Phoebe replies that since she had two tickets, she had won them in a radio contest, she would treat one of her sisters to the concert. She had asked Prue because Piper had stated that she had to work late this night. "Lucky girl." Prue mutters.

Phoebe goes on to say that Dangerous Daniel is truly a sensation. Just a few short weeks ago, no one had ever heard of him, but then he had released a CD which had shot up the charts to number one overnight and since then his concerts have been packed full. When Prue asks if Phoebe finds this somewhat strange, Phoebe just shrugs it off.

Dangerous Daniel comes back on stage and begins his closing song.

Phoebe tells Prue that she has to see this. As Daniel sings, a giant bat materializes out of this air behind him and begins to fly around the auditorium. When Prue asks just what is going on here, Phoebe tells her to relax, saying it's only special effects.

The song ends, the bat disappears, and Daniel thanks his audience for coming. Prue and Phoebe get up to leave, Prue being glad that this night is finally over. Suddenly a security guard walks up to them and asks for Phoebe Halliwell. When Phoebe identifies herself, the guard says that she has been invited backstage to see Daniel in his dressing room. Although Prue would rather just go home, Phoebe is thrilled and practically drags Prue along with her as they head backstage.

Daniel greets them in his dressing room and congratulates Phoebe on winning the contest. He goes on to say that he enjoys meeting his fans. Phoebe replies that she is his greatest fan.

Suddenly Prue states that is was very lucky for Daniel to shoot up to the top as fast as he did. Daniel replies that luck had nothing to do with it, his new manager, a man called Ben Radxluck, was the cause. When Prue asks Daniel to clarify, Daniel just says that Radxluck had the necessary connections. Prue is about to ask another question, but Phoebe silences her with a glare, Prue backs down, for now.

Daniel then asks Phoebe if she would like to have dinner with him tomorrow night. Of course Phoebe accepts. Prue is about to object, but Daniel reassures her that he will be the perfect gentleman. Prue grudgingly accepts the situation.

Soon after, Phoebe and Prue depart, with Phoebe clutching a CD Daniel had autographed just for her. Once they are well clear, Daniel pulls out a cell phone and dials his manager's number. "Ben, she took the bait." He hangs up, smiling evilly.

Piper is home now and is reading in the living room when Prue and Phoebe arrive home. Piper asks how the concert was, to which Phoebe replies that she had a great time. She tells Piper about Daniel's invitation to dinner. "He asked you out?" Piper asks, astonished. "Yes, what of it?" Phoebe replies. "After all I am his greatest fan." Practically floating on air, Phoebe heads up to bed.

Piper asks Prue just what is this all about. Prue says she doesn't know yet, but she is determined to find out. Prue says she has felt uncomfortable about Daniel ever since the concert.

The next day, Prue goes down to the police station to see Andy. When Andy asks what brings her by, Prue says she needs a favor from him, could he dig up any information there is on Dangerous Daniel. When Andy objects, saying that he has no reason to, Prue tells him about Daniel's interest in Phoebe. Although he is still skeptical, Andy says he will do it, but that Prue owes him big time for this. Prue thanks Andy and leaves.

A few hours later, Prue is at work when Andy calls and tells her what he has found out. Dangerous Daniel's real name is Malcolm Toms, and up to a few weeks ago the only jigs he could get is in low grade night clubs. Prue tells Andy about Daniel's manager "A guy called Ben Radxluck." Andy says he will look into it and get back to her.

Later on, Prue visits one of the night clubs Andy told her about and asks the owner about Malcolm Toms. The owner replies that Malcolm was a four-eyed dweeb who could barely carry a tune. "Now he is some big huge rock star. Go figure."

Prue then stops by Piper's work and takes Piper aside, telling her about the days events. Piper is troubled now as well, agreeing that Daniel seems to good to be true.

As evening approaches, Phoebe is going through Prue's wardrobe, picking out a dress, when Prue and Piper enter the room. Prue says that Phoebe should cancel the date, Piper adds that they just don't know enough about Daniel and that Phoebe shouldn't trust him. Phoebe gets angry, telling her sisters that they are just jealous of her, that she has a date and they don't. She storms downstairs.

At this point the doorbell rings. Phoebe answers it and sees a man standing there who identifies himself as Daniel's private chauffeur. He has orders to pick up a Miss Phoebe Halliwell. "That's me." Phoebe replies. The two of them leave. Prue and Piper look on, but decide not to interfere for the time being.

Phoebe is driven to the San Francisco Hilton and escorted to the Penthouse Suite. Daniel welcomes her, saying that in order to avoid the autograph seekers and reporters that would interfere with their date, they would have dinner here.

As the evening progresses, the two of them get comfortable with each other. Daniel talks about his rise to fame and the costs it has on his private life. He is glad to have met a down home girl like Phoebe.

Phoebe is very flattered and tells Daniel about her life (of course she doesn't mention the part about her, Prue, and Piper being witches). She talks about her time in New York, her grandmother's death, and her subsequent move back to San Francisco.

As the evening winds to a close, Daniel asks Phoebe if she would like to accompany him up to his new cabin in the mountains this weekend. He assures her it would just be the two of them, no staff or autograph seekers. Phoebe says yes. As Phoebe gets ready to leave, Daniel grabs and kisses her. Although she is surprised at first, Phoebe quickly gets over it and returns the kiss.

When Phoebe arrives home, she finds Prue and Piper waiting up for her. She says she is sorry for the harsh things she said to them earlier. They accept her apology. Phoebe tells them that she and Daniel had a wonderful evening, and that she is going to his cabin with him this weekend.

At this point, Piper says that perhaps they have misjudged Daniel, but Prue is still unconvinced of his innocence. She takes Piper aside and whispers something in her ear.

Saturday morning, Daniel arrives bright and early at the Halliwell house. When Phoebe answers the door, he tells her that if they leave early enough, they can get away from the city before the reporters start sniffing around. Phoebe quickly packs her things and the two of them take off in a small car Daniel has rented just for the weekend. As they pull away, Prue and Piper emerge from the house. Quickly they get in their own car, following Daniel and Phoebe at a safe distance to avoid being detected.

A few hours later, Daniel and Phoebe arrive at his mountain cabin. Phoebe looks at the beautiful view of the mountains. Daniel states that it is perfect for privacy, here the two of them can be alone, safe from the prying eyes of the world. The two of them go inside.

As soon as Daniel gets a fire going, he takes Phoebe in his arms, intending to kiss her again. At this point, Phoebe's powers kick in, and she has a vision of Daniel strangling her! She breaks away. When Daniel asks what is wrong, she says she knows he intends to kill her. "Why?" She asks.

Realizing he has been found out, Daniel drops the act and says this is all just part of an agreement he has with his manger, Ben Radxluck. "He said he would make me rich and famous. In return all I had to do was kill you and your sisters. So far he has kept his part of the bargain, I intend to keep mine." He looks at Phoebe with contempt. "You don't really think I had feelings for you? I can have any woman I want!" He advances on Phoebe.

At this point, Prue and Piper burst into the cabin. Prue uses her powers to throw Daniel across the room. He hits the wall and crumples to the floor. Practically in tears, Phoebe runs to the comfort of her sisters, telling Prue that she was right all along. The sisters leave the cabin.

When they are about halfway back to their car, they hear a shout. Daniel comes charging out of the cabin with a hunting rifle and fires at the Halliwells. Piper freezes the bullet in mid-air and the sisters quickly step out of the way.

When time unfreezes, the bullet resumes it's course towards the former position of the Halliwells. It passes into some bushes and then a great roar is heard. A huge grizzly bear, which Daniel's bullet had grazed, gallops out of the bushes and charges at him like a runaway locomotive. The Halliwells turn away as the grizzly proceeds to tear Daniel to pieces.

The next morning, the Halliwells are back home, watching the news. The anchorman is talking about "The sudden tragic death of new Heavy Metal Rocker Dangerous Daniel, who was killed at his mountain cabin by a rogue bear. We go live to..." At this point, Phoebe turns the television off.

Piper comforts Phoebe, telling her she knows what it is like to date someone who wants to kill you, referring to the warlock she dated back in episode one.

At this point, the phone rings. Prue answers it, it's Andy, who says he has something she better hear.

Phoebe decides that she just has to be a little more careful when she picks her dates. She breaks off as Prue comes back into the room with a grim look on her face. When Piper asks what is wrong, Prue replies that Andy had looked for Daniel's manager, but couldn't find the man. Prue pauses, takes a breath, and says that Andy realized something that the sisters, in all their haste had missed: Ben Radxluck is an anagram of Rex Buckland!

At this point the Halliwells fall silent. Ever since their adventure in 2024, they knew that Rex would one day return. Now it seems that day has come, and Rex is out for revenge. Although he failed this time, no doubt Rex will one day try again. "When that day comes." Prue vows. "We'll be ready for him." Piper and Phoebe nod in agreement as we fade out.