No Better Off Than Before #513

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


I walk into the coffee shop looking for a good cup a coffee and a quiet place to sit and read. However when I walk in and see Audrey, I know that idea just flew out the window.


"Hey, Audrey." I say, taking a seat next to her. "I thought you were working."

She shakes her head, "Not for another fifteen minutes. Pacey was nice enough to treat me to a drink before I had to go." She says, motioning to Pacey as he walks toward us.

He's carrying two cups as he takes a seat beside us. He sits the drinks on the table, handing one to Audrey. I take the other, much to his dismay, as I say hello.

"Hey to you too, Coffee Fiend." He says. "What're you doing here?"

I hold up my required reading. "Looking for a place to sit and read this."

"Too good for dorms, are ya?"

"Better believe it." I say before I take a sip of the drink. Much better than the dining hall's coffee.

"Oh, please, Joey. You're only here because you know Prof. Wilder comes here." Audrey smirks.

"Right ... Because I am, afterall, still in seventh grade." I say rolling my eyes, but I'm still not quite able to keep the color from rising in my cheeks.

Audrey grins. "That's what I thought. Well, I'm off to work kids. Don't miss me too much." She says, picking up her purse and throwing us a small wave.

"So you went with the professor, huh?" Pacey asks after a moment.

"Audrey talks way too much."

"That she does." He agrees. He's silent for a moment before continuing, "You know ... I never thought you'd dump the nice guy for the forbidden one."

"Really?" I say, looking at him. "Cause I seem to remember turning my entire life upside down by doing just that two years ago."

Pacey looks at me for a second before it dawns on him what I'm talking about. "I guess I sorta forgot about that."

I look at him, slighty shocked. "You forgot about us already?" I ask.

"I didn't mean it like that." He answers quickly. "I just don't let myself think about it too much. It'd be too hard to be your friend if I did." He finishes quietly.

"It'd also get in the way of those pesky little sexual affairs." I say and he tries to decide whether I'm kidding or not.

"How'd you ... "

"Pace, you don't let Audrey know things you don't want anyone else to know."

"It's not that I was trying to keep it from you ... "

I close my eyes and shake my head, trying to rid all of this from my mind. "Don't. I didn't want to know about it in the first place. Let's not delve deeper into this subject."

"It bothers you?"

"Well ... yeah. It's not like I think I should be the one with you ... " I shrug, "I don't know .... it wasn't that long ago that we broke up, you know. It's still a little to soon to be hearing those things, no matter if we're friends or not."

He nods his head in agreement. "I know what you mean. It's definitely different hearing Audrey talk about you."

I roll my eyes heavenward. "Do you think duck tape would keep her quiet?"

"Nah, I doubt it." He laughs. "But as much as I really don't want to hear about .... I do. And I have a pretty good idea of everything that's happened with this professor --"

"Pacey ..." I say, trying to cut him off.

"Just hear me out for a second, okay?" I nod. "I've been there. I know how great it is at first. But .... you're only going to get hurt."

"I'd get hurt no matter who I was with."

"You don't know that." He says.

"Yes, I do. In every other relationship I have." I point out.

He looks away for a moment before turning back. He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "My point is that I have been hurt .... a lot in every relationship I've ever been in. But it was worth it every time. Wasn't it worth it to be with Ms. Jacobs? And don't lie to me because I still know you better than you think."

He sighs as he tells me it was, in fact, worth it. "But," he continues, "it could be different for you."

"Oh, Pacey. Don't give me that." I say tiredly. "I'm not as young and stupid as I used to be. I have a little bit more experience now and besides that, I am of legal age. That may not make it legal .... but it's a hell of a lot better than if i were 15. I don't need you or anyone else for that matter telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I'm a big girl and I can make my own decisions."

"I know that. I just don't want to see you hurt."

I want to point out that he's been the source of most of the hurt I've felt in that past 8 months .... but I don't. I sigh and look at him, softening a little. "Let's not talk about this anymore."

"I think I can do that." He says after a moment, trying to perk up. "Why don't I go get you another cup of coffee?" He offers, motioning to the empty cup. "I might even get one for myself."

I smile, "Nah, that's okay. But you could take me out to dinner ... I know this great place down the street. Has an awful chef though .... but I think he's got the night off so it won't matter anyway." I smile sweetly.

"You're just too cute Potter." He says, holding his hand out to me. I take it and he helps me up. We walk together down the street and I realize that this is what I need ... a nice dinner out with an old friend.

I may not be any better off than I was before ... but I have a feeling things are going to be alright.


DC Fanfic