First Time #512

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


I knock on the dorm room door and hear muffled voices yelling. I wait a few seconds and study the small slick baord on their door. I take the time to wonder who's been designated "Smelley" and who's "Stinky" before I knock again. More muffled voices. A few moments later Joey opens the door a crack, a scowl on her face. It softens only a little when she sees it's me.

"Well Hell-oo." I whistle as she opens the door all the way and I can see all of her. She blushes deeply, pulling the knot tighter on the towel that covered her body.

"Shut up." She says, turning around.

I shut the door behind me with a grin as I hear Joey tell Audrey, who's in the bathroom, that it's "only Pacey."

"Now would you hurry up and get out of there?" Joey yells, not even trying to cover up her annoyance.

"Joey, I told you, I have to get ready for work."

"You've been in there for an hour! I need to get my things." Joey protests. I take a seat on a bed and sit back to watch. Nothin' better than two chicks fighting .... Especially if one's in a towel.

"Here!" Audrey shoves an unclothed arm out the door, handing Joey a small bag which I assume is her makeup.

Joey sighs, "I need to get dressed, Audrey."

"And there's a perfectly good room out there for you to get dressed in."

"But Pacey's here." Joey says, her patience waning.

"Come on Jo. It's nothing he hasn't seen before." Audrey says and turns the blow dryer on, ending the conversation.

Joey closes her eyes and sighs. "Turn around, Pace."

"What? Why? She's right, it isn't anything I haven't --"

"Pacey!" She cuts off my teasing tone. "It's been a very, very long day. I just want to get dressed and go out and forget about my obnoxious roommate and the urge I have to strangle her in her sleep. Now just turn around or I will hurt you." She ends defiantly.

I turn around and hide my smile. "Trouble in paradise, huh?"

"Just when I think she's turned into a civilized human being she reverts back to the old Audrey. The one I don't so much like."

"If it's any consolation she won't be home until after midnight tonight. Brecher's making her close."

"Okay, you can turn around."

I look at Joey who's now sitting in front of the small mirror they have. She opens the bag that Audrey handed her from the bathroom and starts putting on makeup. She's changed into a pair of a jeans and a dark sweater that must be Audrey's ... tight with a deep neckline.

"Goin' out?" I ask.

"Yeah." She answers shortly.

"I thought Jen and Dawson were going to a movie." I say.

"They are."

"But doesn't Jack have plans too?"

"I think so."

"So then who .... oh." I say dumbly as I put two and two together.

"What?" She asks as I continue to look at her.

"Nothing ... I just forgot how high maintenance you are when you're getting ready for dates." I cover, my tone joking. I guess I'm just trying to get a rise out of her ... to see if I still can.

Joey turns around, about to argue with me when Audrey comes out of the bathroom with a flourish. Only Audrey can turn work clothes into something from 'The Moulin Rouge.' Her white shirt is adorned with ruffles, her black pants tight, her shoes heeled.

She smiles at Joey as if they haven't been fighting all day. "So who's the lucky guy tonight, Joey? No, no! Let me guess. Prof. Wilder?" She asks with a menacing glint in her eye.

"Professor? Professor who? Surely you know better than to get involved with a teacher .... Joey have you learned nothing from me?"

"Relax Pacey. I'm not going out with my professor."

"Don't tell me you're going out with Elliot again." Audrey says, annoyed.

"Elliot?" I can't stop myself. I point my finger at Joey, doing my best E.T impression. I open my mouth to finish the imitation when Joey cuts me off.

"Pacey, save it."

"What is it with you and the guys you date, Joey?" Audrey asks, slipping on her shoes.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"Have you ever dated anyone with even a slightly normal name?"

"Hey!" I say, deeply offended.

Audrey rolls her eyes as someone knocks on the door. Joey jumps up to get it, grabbing her coat. "Hey," She says to the guy I can only imagine is Elliot.

"Hey." He smiles.

I look at Joey. She's relaxed now. She's been uptight and moody since the second I walked through the door. All it takes is this Elliot character and she's ... happy.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

She waves good bye, shutting the door behind her. Audrey turns to me. "You moved on a long time ago, Pace. She's allowed to too."

It's times like these that Audrey reminds me of Jen. Too damn perceptive.

"I know." And I do ... it's just that this is the first time I've seen her with someone else. And this is the first time in a long time that I haven't been the one to put that look on her face. It's the first time I've ever missed it. "You ready to go?" I ask Audrey, offering her my elbow.

She takes it and we leave.


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