Sparks Flying #510

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


"I can't believe we made it this long."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"In Boston. I can't believe we all lasted a full semester." Joey answers.

"Yeah." I snort in laughter as we settle further into our train seats. Joey and I are on our way back to Capeside for the holidays and the train is our only means of transportation. "I'm glad those first few months are over with."

"Yeah." Joey sighs in agreement. "Wait, why are you so happy this semesters over? You didn't have to deal with school like the rest of us did ... you have the perfect life, remember?"

"The perfect life?" I ask incredulously.

"That's what I said." Joey retorts.

"How do you figure that?"

"Pacey, you live on a luxury item." Joey tells me flatly, her eyes telling me I must be stupid for not realizing this on my own. "You have a job that you like and that you're good at. What isn't perfect about that?"

"You know ... it does sound good in theory." I admit.

"In theory?" Joey asks, crossing her arms while leaning against the back of the uncomfortable train seats.

"Yes, in theory." I say, wondering why we always have to repeat everything. "But you're forgetting about the every day dramas I have to deal with too."

"Like what?"

"Like ... well ... like job stuff. Trying to get along with my boss ... "

"I thought you loved your boss?" Joey says, cutting me off.

"I did. Before he borrowed my boat to break a couple of the Ten Commandments."

"The .... Which ones?"

"Well, it was mainly that whole thou shalt not commit adultery thing that got to me."

"Oh." Joey says slightly surprised.

"Yeah, to make matters worse, it was with one of the waitresses at the restaurant."

"That one you were talking about a few weeks ago?"

"Karen?" I ask. Joey nods, "Yeah, that's her."

"Oh." Joey says again, still sounding surprised.

"What?" I prod.

"Nothing ... It's just that I got the impression that you two were ... " She trailed off.

"Nah, not really anyway." I answer. Well, at least I was being partly truthful. "What about you? Have you ... met anyone here?"

Joey shrugs, looking down at her hands, "No one special."

I just can't stop myself as the words fall from my mouth. "Holding out for Dawson?"

I hear Joey sigh deeply as she closes her eyes. She opens them again slowly as she begins to speak. "Pacey, there are things between Dawson and me that you don't understand."

I look at her expectantly and she flushes just a little. "I ... When ... Whenever Dawson and I are together ... I always know how it'll end. Our friendship is too strong to go away even after all of the angst we put our relationship through. And while we're together, we have fun. It seems like the perfect relationship, you know. We've been such good friends our whole lives ... how could anything more not be good?"

"But what about ... " I start, but she signals to me that she isn't done yet.

"And even though there isn't that ... intensity, I guess, between us ... and even though when he kissed me sparks didn't exactly fly ... he was safe. And I liked that. The thought of that kind of safety net at the beginning of this year was very appealing."

"So then why did you react the way you did the other night to Jen and Dawson?" I ask.

She shrugged. "I have no idea." She said simply. "It was just as unjustifiable as his reaction was to us." She pauses for a moment before continuing. "I guess I was just hurt that he depended on Jen more than me ... and all of a sudden I went from thinking something was going to happen between us to seeing he and Jen making out in Grams' foyer. It was all a little too much to handle in the space of one dinner. Even though the dinner was terrific." She says, turning to grin at me.

I turn to her, smiling back. "It was pretty good, wasn't it?" Joey rolls her eyes at my mock egotism. Typical.

I think back on everything she's just said to me. I do understand a little more about her relationship with Dawson now. I just can't help but wonder what he'd do if he knew that's how Joey thought of him. It's actually pretty amusing when you think about it.

"So ... sparks never flew when he kissed you, huh?"

"No ... not really." Joey answers, her cheeks coloring lightly.

"Has anyone ever kissed you and made your sparks fly?" I ask with a cocky grin.

Joey, engaging in her favorite form of self statement, rolls her eyes again. "Pacey, shut up."

I smile widely. "Yeah, that's what I thought."


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