Study Break #509

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


My writing class is going to be the death of me. That I am positive of ... unless biology or political systems gets to me first -- which is not outside the realm of possibility.

However, there is one good thing about all of these classes. They will be over with in a matter of weeks. Meaning I only have a matter of weeks until finals. And then my reprieve will be knowing that I only have seven more semesters left until it's all over with ... assuming I graduate in four years.

And yes, that is the only good thing about my current world of higher learning in the quest for greater knowledge.

I look up from my notebook, easily distracted in the small coffee shop. But I have no other place to go. Audrey's too loud to provide me with a conducive studying environment. And the library's too quiet. Besides, neither place serves coffee products for 8 bucks a pop ... hell, no one could pass up a deal that good.

So the coffee shop it was. It's not such a bad place to study. There's a bunch of other students here too so it remains pretty quiet .... but not too quiet. The perfect place to study ... except for today. I'm too stressed out to concentrate today. It seems a lot more fun to people watch. Well, maybe fun isn't the word I'm looking for. Maybe it's just more fun then studying.

But I am trying, I really am.

See? Look at this. Something about flagella and other things with funky names. This must be my biology book.

Good job, Joey.

And just when I think I'm on a roll, the door jingles, signaling another customer. I want to turn around so badly to see who it is. Not that I think I'm actually going to know who it is or anything, but it's instinct. It really is. However I manage to restrain myself. I came here for a reason.

But then it jingles again. I just can't restrain myself this time. I turn around and sigh in relief when I see Pacey and Jack. Maybe they'll provide me with a break. Jack quickly takes notice of me and they walk over to my table.

We all say hello as they sit. "It must be finals time." Pacey says, pushing books and notes out of his way.

I sigh, "Take me away from this mess, please." I beg, laying my head in my arms on the crowded table.

"Poor Joey." Jack says, ruffling my hair. "I haven't even had time to think about finals."

"Too busy with the frat life?" Pacey asks.

Jack rolls his eyes good-naturedly at Pacey comment.

"You wouldn't be making fun of Greek life, would you, Pace?" I ask.

"Nah, never." He assures, half jokingly.

"Good. You shouldn't knock it until you try it." I say, smiling a little at Jack. He smiles back.

"And have you tried this frat life?" Pacey asks me.

"As a matter of fact, I have." I answer defiantly.

"Joey at a frat party. I just don't see it." He says.

"It was actually a frat formal." Jack tells him.

"And how did that go?" Pacey asks.

"Pace, has there ever been a formal that any one of us have been to that hasn't ended in destruction?" I ask.

Pacey laughs, "I actually can't think of one."

"Well, this one was no exception." Jack says.

"Yeah, Jack tried his hand at pimping." I say.

"Pimping?" Pacey asks incredulously, an amused look at his face. He turns to Jack, "Really?"

"Not one of my finest nights." Jack admits.

Pacey laughed, "I gotta hear this."

"Another time. I'd rather not get into it so soon. It's still a little too fresh and embarrassing in my mind." Jack says, shaking his head.

I laugh, "What prompted you to sell Audrey off anyway?"

Jack shrugged, "I figured I'd help others get laid if I was doomed to be the only one not getting any."

"Don't worry Jack, you're not the only one." I say, reaching out and patting his hand.

"Are you offering yourself to me, Joey?" Jack asks with mock seriousness.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, that's exactly what I was doing."

Jack sighs dramatically, "If only I knew you wanted me this much two years ago."

"If only," I say, turning to Pacey in time to catch his smirk. Too bad this couldn't be a little more weird and awkward.

Jack takes a couple sips of my drink before directing his attention back to Pacey. "So how's the cooking life, Pace?"

"Eh, one of the waitresses just quit. Makes the place a little less entertaining." He answers.

"The hot one?" Jack asks.

"Aren't you gay?" Pacey asks amusedly.

"Doesn't mean I can't look." Jack says. "Don't you ever find anyone of the same sex attractive?"

"No." Pacey answers assuredly.

"What about you Joey?" Jacks says, turning back to me.

"Sometimes," I answer.

"Now, you see, that's one of those things I would've loved to have known when we were together." Pacey says.

"Not attractive enough to have a threesome." I answer. "You know, I wouldn't so much mind getting off the subject of sex."

"We should get going anyway." Pacey said, checking his watch, "We promised Grams we'd be by her church about 5 minutes ago to help move stuff."

"Coffee will just have to wait until afterward." Jack says.

"Are Dawson and Jen going to help?" I ask.

"They're still not back from New Hampshire yet."

"Oh, alright." That's weird, they were supposed to be home two days ago. "See you two later then." I say in response to their waves.

I look at the mess before me again. I think it's obvious by now I'm not going to get anything done. I pack my stuff up and head back for the dorms.

After all, I still have two weeks to do this.


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