Sailing Still #507

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


"I'd have to say that was one of the more successful parties we've had involving anyone from our little group."

I look up to see Joey walking toward my boat. I smile, "That's not sayin' a whole lot."

Joey grins, seeming to mull it over, "Well, there weren't any fist fights ..." She says, climbing aboard.

" ... Or any games of strip poker ... " I say, taking a seat on the deck beside her.

"And hey, no one left crying."

"Well, you also didn't see Dawson this morning."

"The hangover was that bad, huh?" She asks.

"Look over the side of the boat. I'm sure the remnants of his hangover are still all over the place."

Joey smiles a little before responding, "I'd like to say he didn't deserve it."

I look at her earnestly, "I think he even knows he deserved it."

Joey nods slowly, "You talked to him about it?"

"It came up ... he didn't mean it, Jo."

She becomes very quiet then and when I'm sure she's not going to respond, she says, "You don't have to look out for me anymore, Pacey. I can take care of myself."

"I know." I answer simply, "But that doesn't mean I'll ever stop."

Joey stands then and starts to look around the boat, "Well, I came by because I was pretty sure you'd need help cleaning up."

I look around the boat as well, taking in the beer cans and empty bottles. "You know me too well."

She laughs and picks up a trash bag, throwing beer cans in it quickly, straightening up as she went along.

"Have you done this before, Jo?"

"What do you mean?" She asks, looking up at me as I help her pick up the remains of my party.

I smile, "The way you clean you'd think you and Audrey throw parties every weekend."

Joey laughs, "Nah, this skill comes from picking up after her messes when they become too much to live with. Besides, she prefers to drag me to parties, not throw them."

"And you go?"

"Sometimes. Don't look so surprised Pace. It's not like I wake up in a different bed every weekend ... I haven't changed that much since you left."

I can't help but laugh a little. "But you have changed."

She stops, "Really?"

"Yeah, the big city agrees with you, Jo."

She shrugs, "Well, another summer at sea wasn't so bad on you. You seem happy."

"I am," I say. "I'm very happy. I've got a place on the water, a dream job, great friends, very little responsibility .... " I break off and look at her grinning face.

"The perfect life for Pacey Witter."

I smile, "It ain't so bad."

We finish picking up after the impromptu party in silence. It's easy to remember how well we worked together. It makes me think back to our summer in the Keys. I guess being on a boat with Joey will always remind me of that summer. How much fun we had, all the great things we did.

I would have never thought that one year later we'd be here, in Boston, on a boat that wasn't ours. It may not be what either one of us expected, but it isn't such a bad place to be.


DC Fanfic