Cookie Crumbs #503

Author: Kate
Rating: PG
Category: pj
Author's Notes: Since we were cheated out of a lot of PJ scenes this season, I thought I'd write in my own for each episode. They aren't romantic, more of friendship, but I hope you like them! Feedback is appreciated :)


I ran into Grams yesterday at the grocery store. It was weird seeing her in such a different setting, I almost didn't recognize her at first. But it was good to see her after all this time. It's nice to know that even in Boston, a piece of Capeside will always be here. You can't think of the creek without thinking of Grams … and her cookies. You could never walk into the Ryan household without smelling the chocolate chips and dough baking in the oven. There's just something about them that makes them taste different from any other cookie you've ever had.

Just the other day I had a mad craving for them. My mouth was watering so much that had I known where Jen, Jack, and Grams are living right now, I would've been there in a heartbeat. I know for a fact they'd be sitting on the kitchen counter in a glass jar with a worn top.

I told her about how much I missed something that was so uniquely her and the small town I grew up in. She just laughed, telling me I must miss Capeside an awful lot to be missing her cookies. She stood firm on the subject of her cookies. She refuses to believe they're anything special.

As I said good-bye to her and started walking toward my boat, I thought about what she had said about me missing Capeside. I hadn't given that town too much thought since I set sail in May.

When my mouth started to water again after thinking of Capeside, I realized something. The powers that be were playing a trick on me. It's simple really. It was some cruel experiment. Like Pavlov's dog. Every time he rang a tuning fork the dog would be conditioned to salivate.

Whenever I think about Capeside, I salivate for Gram's cookies.

Either that, or I would have to admit that the first time I thought of Capeside -- and, in turn, those incredible cookies -- in months was the night I had seen Joey. And admitting that I missed Capeside because of her could have deadly consequences. I can't afford to think about that anymore. I want to be her friend ... and thinking about anything else will bring no good.


Wandering the streets at night in a college town while not paying attention to where you're going is never a good idea. I look to the blond girl who's examining her perfectly polished toenails. "I'm sorry, I should've watched where I was going." I apologize quickly. I'm not in much of a mood to socialize. I figure a quick apology will suffice.

She looks up at me and I'm waiting for the diabolical remark that's sure to come. I can see it in her eyes, she looks mad. However, she's interrupted by her companion who I had failed to notice earlier.

"You've never been light on your toes, have you, Pace?" I look at the grinning eyes of Joey Potter. It reminds me of how we were years ago, combining insults with banter with the girl who could take 'em just like she gave 'em.

"I'll have you know those lessons at The Starlight Dance Studio did wonders for me. I haven't stepped on anyone in at least a few hours."

She grins fully, and if I was in the same place I was 4 months ago, I'd think about how beautiful she looks when she smiles like that and how much I love being the one to put it there.

"Hello? Injured girl here."

"I really am sorry about that." I say, turning my attention away from Joey. "Is there anything I can do? Do you think you can walk on it?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She says, sighing.

"I'm Pacey, by the way." I say, sticking my hand out to her.

"I'm Audrey, the evil roommate." She says taking my hand and shaking it. "I can't believe I finally get to meet the infamous Pacey Witter. I've been hearing about you since September." She winks and I'm not sure what to make of it.

"Infamous?" I say with a laugh.

"She spends way too much time with Jen and Jack." Joey informs me while rolling her eyes. She looks a little uncomfortable talking about the fact that Audrey seems to know a lot about me thanks to her .... no matter what she says about Jen and Jack.

"Ah, I see."

"Don't let her fool you, Pacey. She talks about you quite a bit too."

"Don't let that information go to your head. It's just simple Pacey Withdrawal." Joey asserts nonchalantly.

"Right, well I'd imagine being away from me for 3 months couldn't be easy."

"Well, yeah. But it has to be easier that spending that amount of time without me to look at." She smiles sweetly.

All I can do is laugh at her comment. College seems to have done some good for her. "So I take it you're the unfortunate soul who gets to listen to her snoring every night?" I say, turning to Audrey. She looks like a real pill to deal with day in and day out. I can only imagine what the first few weeks were like.

She gets this evil glint in her eye just before she responds, "So you know of this snoring, huh? I guess that means you've slept with her?"

I decide that I won't take this bait. Instead I answer politely, "We grew up together. Sleep overs were a Saturday night ritual."

"Uh-huh." She says smartly with a grin.

Without even looking, I know Joey's blushing from the ends of her hair to the tips of her toes.

As smoothly as I can manage, I change the subject. "Well I should probably be on my way. But it was good seeing you again Joey. And Audrey, it was nice to meet you."

"You too."

"Bye Pace." Joey says. She looks slightly resigned and her eyes don't quite meet mine.

I smile at her and then we walk our separate ways. I can hear them giggling, and I smile to myself as I make my way to the docks.

One of Grams' cookies would be really good right now.


DC Fanfic