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Fire of Innocence

Five years ago General Hospital caught our attention and hearts in the amazing storyline between Lucky Spencer, Elizabeth Webber, Nikolas Cassadine, and Emily Bowen-Quartermaine. But now, the four musketeers have grown up and gone their separate ways. In eary 2003 we witnessed a new generation of teen idols in the making. With the aging of Georgie and Lucas, Dillon's reintroduction and aging, as well as the new introduction of Kyle, the teen scene was back again with full force. These teens aren't the goody-two-shoes as portrayed by previous GH young adults. With underage sex, drugs, and illegal activity, they portray a highly controversial, yet more realistic group of teens. You can catch Maxie, Georgie, Dillon, Kyle, and Lucas on General Hospital, Monday through Friday, check your local listings. But if it's the behind the scenes and historical action you're looking for, explore our departments and delve in our info!


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