Eyes Only: A Dark Angel Fan Site

Episode Guide

Dark Angel premiered on Oct 3 2000 and I instantly fell in love with it and had to make a web site...i've liked Jessica Alba since Never Been Kissed and Michael Weatherly since he was on Loving/The City which got cancelled in 95/97 respectively...Hey Played Cooper Alden and was my fave character so I'm so happy that he is on a new hit show...

This site was just created on Oct 5 2000 and will hopefully be fully operational in the coming weeks...I only know basic HTML so if anyone has any experience and would like to help please e-mail me...also e-mail me with any info or fanfic and I will add it and give you credit...also e-mail if you have any comments or suggestions...thanx and I hope you like this site... Vote for me in The Original Jessica Alba Top Sites List

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Email: eyes_only_da@yahoo.com