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10/5/01...Monty Python's 32nd Anniversary! Finally an excuse to bring out those nice red uniforms the kids are embarrassed to see you in...!

10/25/01...This website is beginning to look a bit After a big move (house-wise) by the Webmistress, this site should start looking pretty snazzy.

10/27/01...And Now For Something Completely Different: John Cleese turns 62 today.

11/16/01...Harry Potter opens in Theaters! Look for John Cleese as Nearly-Headless Nick!

11/29/01...Remembering the Dark Horse: George Harrison dies of cancer at the age of 58.

2/1/02...."He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!": Terry Jones turns 60!!!

3/29/02..."Have you ever, you know, slept wif a lady?": Eric Idle turns 59! Hazza!!

begin at the beginning