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When I Saw You
Part Two
By Aeris Jade Orion

Rating: NC-17
Pairing: KW/JT, KW/EC
Beta Reader: Scotty Welles

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Warner Bros Studios. Jasmine Tain is mine though, but considering how mean and petty she is they can have her.

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Elizabeth paused, screwing up her nerve, then approached the shorter woman. " Kerry, do you have a moment?"

Kerry glanced up at her, an all-business expression on her face. " Of course, Dr. Corday. What can I do for you?"

"Well, ah, I wonder if we could speak in private?"

Kerry seemed to hesitate, but followed her into the vacant Trauma One. "What is it?"

Elizabeth stood back from her, hands clasped. "This is difficult," she began. "I'm not sure how to approach this..."

"Elizabeth, I have a lot of paperwork to get to, so if you could--?"

"I broke up with Mark earlier," the surgeon cut in.

Kerry's face paled. "Because of me?" she asked quietly.

Elizabeth nodded.

Kerry took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. "I wish you hadn't done that," she said.

"Kerry," Elizabeth ventured, "I know this seems impulsive, but I have long ago learned to trust my instincts in matters like this."

"I thought we agreed that never happened," Kerry stated.

"No, YOU agreed that never happened," Elizabeth replied archly. "I maintain that it did. And I, for one, have no regrets about it, except that I didn't speak up and say so earlier."

"Elizabeth, that aphrodisiac..."

"I won't say that had nothing to do with it," the surgeon snapped, impatiently, "and it may have prompted me into bolder action than I'm accustomed to. But I knew full well what I was doing."

Kerry didn't meet her eyes, subtley leaning agaisnt the table to take some of the pressure off her leg. "Are you sure about that? You were pretty quick to grab me after watching that tape."

"You didn't exactly push me away!" Elizabeth could feel her own temper rising. "Are you still under the impression that I was drugged or irrational that night? Well, what about the following day, when I performed surgery with perfect competence, and then made love to you in the shower? Even when you were hardly looking your most desirable. I am not one who loses complete control of my faculties so easily!"

"Are you saying I am?"

"No! I'm saying that my feelings for you are not the result of any fucking tea!" She took a breath and calmed herself. "Kerry, I know this is awful timing, in light of your relationship with... Dr. Tain..." She had to force herself to refer to her rival that way, rather than describing her in other terms. "But I have to be honest with you. I've had successful, satisfying relationships in the past, but the night I spent with you left me feeling..." She shrugged, helplessly. "I haven't the words. That alone should tell you how deeply you've affected me."

Kerry flinched, as though the words caused her some internal pain. "Elizabeth, we had one impulsive night together. That's not enough to justify throwing away your relationship with Mark." She replaced her glasses. "Excuse me, I really have a lot of work to..."

Elizabeth caught her arm as she tried to leave. "I don't want to be with Mark," she stated. "I love you."

Kerry's head snapped up in shock. She stared at the other woman intently for a long moment. Then she pulled her arm loose with a jerk and stormed out of the Trauma room.

Elizabeth leaned against the wall and bowed her head.

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Kerry got into her car in a huff. To hell with the paperwork, she thought. She'd catch up tomorrow, when she'd gotten this latest development out of her mind. Her car roared to life and lurched out of the dark ambulance bay.

Kerry came to a stop at the red light with a heavy heart. She still couldn't believe the nerve of Elizabeth. Cornering her in an empty trauma room only to tell her that she was in love with her. Elizabeth knew nothing about her, so how could she possibly be in love with her?

The bigger question was, did she WANT the surgeon to love her?

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Elizabeth stared at the apartment door wearily. John had said that Malucci had called up in hysterics. Carter had agreed to come over but had an emergency with a patient at the last minute. Elizabeth had given in before it had registered just what she'd agreed to.

She raised a hand to knock, pausing as the door swung open revealing a flushed Dave. Malucci grabbed her and yanked her into the apartment. "Hey, Carter called and said you were coming," he said. "Check this out!"

"Malucci...What the hell are you doing?"

"Come on..." Dave dragged her into the back of his apartment and into his still-unpacked bedroom.

"I don't know what you think you're doing..."

"Shhh listen..." Dave closed his eyes as the squeaking of the mattress started up again. The low moans became louder until they were screams.

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes, her temper starting to churn. She had been having nothing but a bad day. First her breakup with Mark had gone slightly harder than she thought. He had thought that the whole thing was some elaborate joke, then shifted to outrage at her cheating on him, and finally anger at both her and Kerry. Now Malucci was dragging her into his bedroom to listen to his neighbors having sex. Just what she needed right now.

She opened her mouth ready to let him know exactly how much she appreciated this, but the sudden cry of a female voice cut her off. The deep passionate cry sounded familiar. Dave met her eyes with a seriousness that she didn't think he was capable of.

"That's..." Elizabeth slumped against the wall.

"I know, that's why I called. I don't know what to do. There's no way the Chief would ever believe me." Dave glared over at the wall as the female voice became louder. "How can she do this to the Chief?"

"She won't believe me either..." Elizabeth sighed, if she told Kerry about this, she'd just claim Elizabeth was jealous and trying to get her back. Of course the fact that it was the truth didn't help any. Her jealousy toward Jasmine Tain was developing into true loathing.

Dave raised an eyebrow with a twinkle of curiosity, but remained quiet. "So what do we do?"

Elizabeth looked at Dave Malucci. She was simultaneously appreciative of his concern for Kerry Weaver's emotional welfare and annoyed that he viewed the situation as an excuse for more mischief. But then a wonderfully devious thought occurred to her. "We set her up..." she answered.

Elizabeth walked over to the phone and dialed. "Hello, Randi, it's Dr. Corday. Is Carter still there? Put him on..."

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Carter took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. He wasn't capable of lying, at least not believably. This was different though, this was for a friend. Kerry had been more distant toward him in recent months than when he lived in her house, but that was understandable. She was still a friend in his eyes, and the thought that her lover was cheating on her infuriated him. Kerry wasn't an expressive person, but she deserved better from someone she cared about.

He quickly dialed the number Elizabeth had given him for Dave's neighbor. "Hello, I'm calling for Dr. Tain..." he said to the irate male voice that answered. "Dr. Tain? This is Dr. Carter in the ER. Dr. Weaver asked me to call you and tell you your shift's been moved to night... No, she gave me this number... She should be at home..."

John held the receiver out and stared at it. She'd hung up on him. "Well goodbye to you, too."

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Kerry leaned back in the hot oil-scented water, letting the steam work itself into her sore muscles and throbbing leg. Despite what everyone thought about her, it took a lot of physical effort for her to work full-time. The constant pain in her leg and hip was enough to make her consider using painkillers, but she knew that wasn't an option.

Her physical therapist had recommended on several occasions that she take a more relaxing and less physically demanding job. Every time her answer had been that she hadn't worked this hard to be told she couldn't do something.

The incident that had done this to her still haunted her, always lurking just beyond the shadows. Nicole had helped with that, holding her at night during the nightmares. Drying her tears when the memories struck her.

She stretched her left leg out and winced at how stiff the muscle was. She seriously doubted she'd be running any marathons during the next few days. Kerry laid her head back against the rim of the tub and listened to the phone ringing. It seemed almost urgent.

Kerry grimaced up at the ceiling. There was no way she was about to get out to answer the phone. The click of her answering machine shot through the room followed by her voice. Three beeps signaled the end of her message and the person on the other end started to talk.

Kerry barely registered that it was Jasmine, probably calling to tell her that her shift was running over.

"....didn't mean anything. Kerry, please don't be angry. It was just sex. I don't love him and I truly believe we can work through this..."

Her mind went numb as what she was saying sunk in. The woman that had been her lover all those months, her best friend for so many years, had been cheating on her. Jasmine hadn't even thought she was worth being faithful to after one night back together.

Kerry stiffly got out of the tub and slipped on her light silk robe. How much was she supposed to take in the name of love? She walked into her bedroom and stared at the phone.

She had a decision to make.

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Elizabeth took a long sip from her glass of whiskey while walking out of the kitchen. She couldn't help but feel guilty. Sneaking around behind people's backs, lying, wasn't her style. She liked good old-fashioned confrontations, but she couldn't risk Kerry not believing her. Not after their last, disastrous conversation.

She glanced up as someone knocked at her door. Surprised that anyone would be visiting her, much less at 12:30 at night, she opened the door.

Kerry glanced up at her with pale features. "Did you mean what you said earlier?"

Elizabeth let Kerry enter as she answered. "I don't say things I don't mean."

"I'm sorry. I was such an ass to you..."

Elizabeth stopped her with gentle fingers against her lips. "It doesn't matter."

That was all Kerry needed to hear. Wrapping her hand around Elizabeth's neck, she initiated a kiss, exploring her mouth with the kind of thoroughness one would expect from a doctor. Elizabeth's groans of pleasure seemed to drive Kerry further, ripping the surgeon's shirt open and letting it fall to the floor.

Skin against skin they made their way into the bedroom and lay on the bed, Kerry's hands finding one pert nipple, then the other with long-learned ease. Elizabeth broke the kiss in a lustful haze to find herself on her back. Kerry nuzzled her breasts, using her tongue to tease them.

Elizabeth moaned softly, holding Kerry's head in place. Strong hands pinned Elizabeth's hands to the bed as she moved lower, tonguing her belly button, and biting the firm muscles of her stomach. Elizabeth growled in frustration as Kerry began to nip at the inside of Elizabeth's thighs, deliberately avoiding the one place Elizabeth wanted her. "Kerry..."

Kerry peeked up at her with a mischievous glint. "Yes?"

If Elizabeth hadn't been so desperate for some type of release, she would have been sorely tempted to punch her out. Kerry ducked back down, blowing onto her center. Elizabeth squirmed as the hot breath hit her, sending a wave of tense pleasure through her body.

Throwing her head back, she tried to arch up and meet Kerry's mouth without success. The resounding snarl that came from Elizabeth turned into a gasp as a tongue flicked across her, retreating hurriedly. Twisting more violently, another puff of air hit her center, making her whimper. "Kerry, now!!"

Kerry chuckled into Elizabeth's thigh, making her even angrier. Another flick of her tongue put Elizabeth on the verge of tears. She decided to put her out of her misery and nuzzled her, lightly flicking her tongue over Elizabeth rapidly.

Elizabeth, already being so close to the edge, came quickly, and dragged Kerry up to her, licking the juices from her face. "You are a major tease."

"Consider it payback for the locker room." Kerry kissed Elizabeth into a breathless silence. She didn't want to talk. If she talked, she'd remember, and if she remembered then she hurt.

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The warm sun rained down on her suntanned skin. She moaned softly as the small, lean, slightly calloused hands worked the cool oil into her bare skin. The soft sounds of the waves crashing on the white-hot sand soothing her tension. Loving fingers found a knot in her left thigh and began to work it out. "Mmmmm. Right there..."

She rolled onto her stomach so that her lover could reach the knot better. It melted away into pure bliss, her body arching at the pleasure those wonderful hands brought. "Oh, Kerry. That feels so nice..." She reached out her hand for her lover...and found only air.

The alarm and panic she felt made her wake abruptly to the empty bed. Elizabeth got out of the bed and started to methodically search for her missing lover. Stopping in the living room she sat down tiredly. All of Kerry's stuff was gone and she hadn't even left a note.

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She just didn't understand Kerry. Last night had been incredibly intense, at least physically, but emotionally...? Kerry had been distant, almost cold with her. Not letting her talk or even ask her anything. Unlike their first night together.

The only thing she could think of was that this thing with Jasmine had effected her more than she would ever admit. Elizabeth leaned back wearily. In trying to protect her from pain all she'd done was hurt her. Now she just had to figure out how to get Kerry to open up to her.

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Aeris Jade Orion
AIM: Aeris Jade
ICQ: 51496263
AT&T/Pow-Wow: Jade
Pow-Wow Community: Orion
" This act hasn't been seen in 20 years, and if i'm any judge of talent it will never be seen again."
- Theres no business, like show business