Hee, hee. I have recently been caught by someone for taking things from her site without permission and crediting. So, I guess the time as come for me to create a disclaimers page. Otherwise, I may have to strip the best things on my site. :-) So here goes:

Scripts - Thanks to Eric Aaseon and The Complete Friends Script Index

Sounds - The early sounds from my site are from the no longer in existance Friends Lend an Ear website, so I guess I'm safe from them. Other sounds are from Roni and her site; Nancy's Site; Gua's site; and Amanda.

Pictures - I have pictures from pretty much every site I've ever been to. Some of the best ones are from The One With All the Friends and Friends Album. All of my seventh and eighth season pictures are taken with permission from Ashlee's Tribute to Chandler and Monica. If webmasters of any other sites would like pics credited to you, write me a NICE note and I will. :-)

Keepers - The images on the keepers page all have addresses on them from the sites I got them from. That is why I have not linked all of them to the site. Please don't kill me.

Oh yeah, I am in no way connected with NBC or its characters thereof.

I think I have covered everything. If there are any other webmasters out there who are convinced I got something from your site, please send me a polite e-mail and I will credit you and your site. I really REALLY REALLY don't want to have to remove things from my site, so PLEASE don't make me. :-(

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