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The Wall of TIBET - Notice Number Four


Excerpt from a speech by Elie Wiesel

given on April 28, 1993 in Washington, DC

on the plight of Tibet.


Why has Tibet been forgotten for so long?  Why has China chosen to invade it? China is so huge; why does it need Tibet?  And why is the civilized world so complacent about it?  Why aren't we using more efficiently our moral power, our political power, our intellectual power, our spiritual power to help a small nation with noble religious traditions?  A nation that has been invaded by armies and repressed by totalitarian doctrines.  Why are we silent when Tibet needs our voices?

This is especially poignant to some of us who believe in nonviolence of which Tibet is an inspiring symbol.  Tibet seeks neither territorial expansion nor political domination.  Tibet's only ambition is to be free and now to regain its freedom, its sovereignty...  If to be free is the most important goal of all, then to help someone else to be or become free must be the most sublime and rewarding of human endeavors.


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