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The  Humble  Author  of...



- Image stolen from the Pink Floyd album "Wish You Were Here"! -

Why does this image accurately represent the Author of Eccentric Obsessions!?

A. The gentleman has no face and is invisible since he wants to go through life anonymously.

B. The small suitcase is deceptive as it is actually quite old, it has obviously been around the world, and it contains a Large amount of Baggage.

C. The man is handing you a Crystal Clear disk of fascinating data, containing no bull.

D. The fellow is impeccably dressed, and always wears a hat.

E. The guy is Lost in the desert of Life!

And Remember!  The author of this site has been spayed And neutered by Bob Barker to help protect the pet population!

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I, Claudius  by Robert Graves.
From the dust jacket of the Modern Library edition: "Claudius lived from 10 B.C. to 54 A.D. in Ancient Rome. Despised as a weakling and considered an idiot because of his physical infirmities, Claudius survived the the intrigues and poisonings of the reigns of Augustus, Tiberius, and the mad Caligula to become Emperor in 41 A.D. I, Claudius, written in the form of Claudius' autobiography, unfolds a panorama of startling events in this scandalous era. Violence, blasphemy, incest, black magic and vice flourish with a fine disdain for the good opinion of history in a book that is one of the classics of modern fiction, and the best fictional reconstruction of Rome ever written."
          ISBN 0394608119  - Modern Library edition (sadly out of print).
          ISBN 067972477X  - Trade (Oversized) Paperback edition.
          ISBN 0848805119  - Hard cover edition.

Filmed Versions? - Charles Laughton tried to make a movie of the novel in the 1940's but gave up. In the 1980's the BBC (BBC2 actually) produced a very good miniseries (though it was obviously done on a television budget), starring an excellent Derek Jacobi as Claudius and with a striking performance from Sián Phillips as Livia.

She  by H. Rider Haggard.
From the dust jacket of the Indiana University Press edition: "When it appeared in 1887, H. Rider Haggard's She caused a sensation and became one of the best-selling novels of the nineteenth century. The idea of a powerful woman endowed with immortal beauty and penetrating intellect ruling a savage people among the ruins of a vanished civilization in the heart of Africa captivated Victorian readers. Freud recommended the book to his patients. Jung equated its imaginative power with Dante's Inferno and Wagner's Ring. Continuing to fascinate later twentieth-century readers, the book has never been out of print and has won new audiences through numerous film versions."
          ISBN 0253320720  - Annotated Hardcover (sadly out of print).
          ISBN 0895263289  - Trade (Oversized) Paperback edition.
          ISBN 0192835505  - Oxford World's Classics paperback edition.
          ISBN 0891907068  - Hardcover with novel Allan.
          ISBN 1902058054  - Paperback with novel Allan.
          ISBN 0898456290  - Books on Audio Tape version, not read but performed excellently as a radio-drama, with Kathleen Turner (sadly out of print).

Filmed Versions? - There have been some very bad film and television adaptations during the twentieth century (under various titles), most of which only skim the shallow surface of the psychological depths of the novel. The best of these is probably the rarely seen 1925 film version from Great Britain, though the 1935 film version (DVD) with Randolf Scott isn't all bad.

SPACE For Hire and Look Out For SPACE  by William F. Nolan.
Absolutely, without question two of the funniest Science Fiction/Private Eye novels you will ever read in your life. From the Introduction by William F. Nolan: "Sam is a direct reflection of my enthusiasm for old pulps, early Warner Bros. gangster films, and, of course, the wondrous landscape of science fiction. He's Bogart in a space helmet, blasting his way out of the Black Mask era into the World of Tomorrow, popping in and out of alternate universes, bedding down robots, being captured by mice, laying eggs, and generally raising merry hell on a dozen planets. He's hypnotized, seduced, slugged, double-crossed, tortured, brainwashed, drowned and fatally shot. Among other things. Once again, my hard-knuckled private eye from Mars is happily punching and shooting his way around the galaxy."
          Space for Hire   - Paperback edition (sadly out of print).
          Look Out for Space   - Paperback edition (sadly out of print).




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