My Fan Fiction

Note: If you happen to be reading along, and the link to the next chapter doesn't work, it's not your computer, it's not Angelfire. It's me. The next chapter probably isn't written yet, however, as I have the memory of an ear of corn, I put the link up when I post each chapter so I don't forget to go back and do it. :) Sorry for the confusion!

Beautiful Stranger- This is an AU Shelle fic portraying Belle as a lonely beautician who has cut herself off from the world. When she meets Shawn her whole world changes, but can they work through the secrets in his past? Author: Robyn, Chapters: 24, Rating: PG13 to NC17, Status: Complete

Between An Old Memory And Me- This is the sequel to Beautiful Stranger. I highly suggest you read that first. Picking up two years later, we explore Shelle's future in this AU world. Author: Robyn, Chapters: 18, Rating: PG13 to R, Status: Complete

See Right Through You- This is an AU Shelle fic portraying Shawn as a 1950's gang leader and Belle as the perfect daughter of a top Salem citizen. Co Written with one of my best friends Riley. Author: Robyn and Riley, Chapters: 18, Rating: PG13 to NC17, Status: Complete

Iced Over- Written for a challenge, this is a complete Shelle smut fic. There were some strange requirements for the challenge so take that into consideration when reading! LOL! Author: Robyn, Chapters: 4, Rating: NC17, Status: Complete

End of the Road: A Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde- Pretty self explanitory, this is a Mason fic with a slightly different ending than the historical Bonnie and Clyde. Author: Robyn, Chapters: 5, Rating: PG13, Status: Complete

Time After Time- A one shot fic. One chapter, prequel, spin off type thing written just for Riley. Merry Christmas Riles, a little early, you better be happy. Here’s your Jystal fic. For those that don’t know, Jystal is a couple pairing of Jason from Days and Crystal (ie. Riley) They were supporting characters in Beautiful Stranger and Between an Old Memory and Me. Author: Robyn, Chapters: 1, Rating: PG, Status: Complete

Half Hearted Request- A challenge by Keely: What if Belle had said yes when Jason asked her out after Shawn had declared himself the father of Jan's baby? And Cynthia never accused Belle of causing Jan to miscarry or Jason stuck up for Belle when she did? Author: Robyn, Chapters: 5, Rating: PG, Status: Complete

Death by Wedding Cake- This is what happens when three really bored friends stay up way to late. This is a one chapter Mason fic. Author: Robyn, Riley, and Hillz, Chapters: 1, Rating: R, Status: Complete

Traveling Soldier- Inspired by the Dixie Chics song of the same name, this Jelle fic is an AU story of a Vietnam era Jason and Belle. Author: Robyn and Hillary, Chapters: ?, Rating: PG-R, Status: In Progress

Swear Not By The Moon- A multi couple fic, this story will dwell mostly on unusual couple pairings such as Jelle, Shimi, and Brabby. Think of Romeo and Juliet, now add another family to the fued and see if you can keep up with the evilness created in this twisted version! Author: Robyn, Chapters: ?, Rating: PG (for now), Status: In Progress

To Love Again- This is another Mason fic, Co Written with my friend Hillary. The fic starts after Mimi was gang raped. A stranger visits her in the hospital and ends up being her sole support, but can she really trust him? Author: Robyn and Hillary, Chapters: ?, Rating: R for subject matter, Status: In Progress

Power of the Bayou- A Shelle, Mason fic, this is slightly different than most of mine. AU, of course, it's set in the Louisianna bayou with many twists and turns. Hopefully! LOL! Author: Robyn, Chapters: ? Rating: PG13, Status: In Progress

Out of Bounds- A Mason Co Write with Riley, this portrays Mimi as an Olympic gymnast with threats out on her life. Who better to protect her than Jason?! Author: Robyn and Riley, Chapters: ? Rating: PG13 to NC17, Status: In Progress

Young- My first attempt at a multi character, this fic has absolutely no plot line, but its fun. Broe, Shelle, Phynthia (ugh thanks to Riley!) and Mason. Author: Robyn, Chapters: ? Rating: PG, Status: In Progress

This site is a work in progress, and with my limited knowlege probably always will be. But thanks for visiting and come back soon to see more of my fanfiction!

Salem Fic Trials!
