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Title: The Unknown
Author: AnneB.
Rating: PG-13 to eventually NC-17
Category: M/L (duh…who’s the author?)
Summary: Post-Viva Las Vegas…MUST END THE TORTURE!!!
Disclaimer: As much as I’d love to take creative control of the show Roswell and end all of our pain…sadly none of this belongs to me…Roswell belongs to the WB, Jason Katims, and all of those producer people, and Melinda Metz…please don’t sue me…you’ve caused me enough pain already! The song Unknown is by Lifehouse. I don’t own that either, surprise, surprise!


This doubt is screaming in my face
In this familiar place
Sheltered and concealed
And if this night won’t let me rest
Don’t let me second guess
What I know to be real
Put away all I know for tonight
And maybe I just might
Learn to let it go
Take my security from me
And maybe finally
I won’t have to know everything

I am falling into grace
To the unknown
To where you are
And faith makes everybody scared
It’s the unknown, the don’t-know
That keeps me hanging on to you

I got nothing left to defend
I cannot pretend
That everything makes sense
But does it really matter now
If I do not know how
To figure this thing out

I am falling into grace
To the unknown
To where you are
And faith makes everybody scared
It’s the unknown, the don’t-know
That keeps me hanging on to you

I am against myself again
Trying to fit these pieces
In walking on a cloud of dust
To get to you

I am falling into grace
To the unknown
To where you are
And faith makes everybody scared
It’s the unknown, the don’t-know
That keeps me hanging on to you


When he appeared before her she almost ceased to breathe as she stared up into his golden, amber-colored eyes that seemed to be almost glowing with emotion. He offered her his hand, gesturing towards the dance floor, and she followed him without question…allowing herself to be engulfed in his arms as they swayed together to the soft music.

She melted into his embrace instantaneously…it had been so long, and it felt so good…like a dream come true…like coming home after a long interlude. For a moment she allowed herself to forget all the complications between them, and let herself be transported back a year to a happier time when they could be together without question, without complications.

And then she remembered everything that had happened…and remembered that he wasn’t even supposed to be here…in Las Vegas…

The whole trip had been torture for her…like pouring salt water into open wounds. Everything she did, everything she saw, was a constant reminder of what this city would have meant to her, Liz Parker, and the one time love of her life, Max Evans.

" I thought you'd be at the airport by now." She asked him softly, honestly curious about what brought him back. He had been so set in his path to abandon this vacation and head back to the real world.

"I was on my way…" He admitted to her softly. "…and then... I had this weird moment..." His voice trailed off, as he stood there pondering everything that had happened. It was all just so strange…but it felt right at the same time…like it was the way things were meant to be.

"What do you mean?" She asked him curiously…uncertain as to where all of this was leading.

"I saw this... vision. You and me... jumping out of a cab... like we'd just been married in Vegas." He explained to her, chuckling softly to himself. Now that he had said it out loud it all sounded so ridiculous…but it was true…he had seen it.

Liz stared up at him in shock, barely believing the words she was hearing. Her mind raced a mile a minute, as a million different emotions fluttered through her.

Amazement, wonder, at the fact that Max’s mind could reach across the boundaries of time and pick up on an event that would have happened, and now never would.

Hope…at the knowledge that this vision effected him probably just as much as the knowledge of that reality effected her.

Need….need to tell him everything, explain to him that what he saw was real…that he wasn’t crazy. That it had happened.

Fear…fear that she would break down and tell him, only to bring the same fate upon them that they had suffered through in that world.

Desire…to drag him to the Elvis Chapel right then and there…make that dream a reality once again.

"That's... weird." Was all that she managed to choke out, as she battled with her inner self, trying to find the words that she truly wanted to say.

"Yeah. It was like... a memory flash... of something that really happened. But it couldn't be." Max mumbled, finally admitting to both her and himself why it had effected him so much…because it felt as real as every flash they had ever experienced between the two of them…and he desperately needed an explanation for that…even though he knew that Liz wouldn’t have one for him. So instead he just went to her for support…hoping that maybe he could loose himself in the ‘what ifs’ he always felt when he was with her…the memory of all that he wanted from them and never had…probably never would have.

Liz’s inner struggle took a turn at his last words. She so desperately wanted to tell him the truth…it was defeating the fears and doubts that overwhelmed her soul. Hesitantly, Liz looked up into Max’s eyes…ready to spill her guts, end the secrets and lies that had consumed her life for the past few months.

"Max…" She whispered, as she clung to him desperately…she wanted to tell him, she needed to tell him. She couldn’t lie to him anymore. "Max…" She repeated his name again…as the music faded and the moment ended, loud choruses of applause erupting around them as Maria took a bow on the stage and embraced Michael lovingly.

On the dance floor though, Max and Liz just stared at each other, trying to figure out the words to say. Max was in shock…he recognized the tone in Liz’s voice at the end there…the tone that said: "Max…I have something important to tell you." Was it possible that she could explain his vision…that she knew something that he didn’t? He needed to get them out of there…somewhere quiet where they could talk…this wasn’t the place. Searching the room wildly with his eyes, they fell on a side exit door across the room.

"Come on…let’s go somewhere and talk." Max suggested, engulfing her hand in his own and quickly leading her across the room and out the door to the back alley.

Part 2