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Season 1

1. Pilot

Michaela: "Maybe I belong in a different world."

Michaela: "I believe I spelled it out quite clearly. That's Michael with an 'a'. My father was expecting a male."

Reverend: "So was I."

Reverend: "There are no respectable, single women living in Colorado."
Dr. Mike: "That's a shame, Reverend. Every town ought to have at least one."

Michaela: (to Hank) "I'm not a lady, I'm a doctor."

Michaela: (reaches for advertisement she put up at The Mercantile) "You took it down."
Sully: "No, I'm answerin' it."

Sully (to Michaela): "Sometimes life just has a way of takin' its own course."

2. Epidemic

Sully: "Will she live?"
Cloud Dancing: "She fights hard."
Sully: "Will she live?"
Cloud Dancing: "That is up to you."

3. The Visitor

Sully: (to Mrs. Quinn) "You know, maybe if we had a doctor like your daughter, my wife and baby would still be alive."

Michaela: "Sometimes, Mother, I think you must really hate me."

Dr. Mike: (to Colleen) "Never hide behind the fact that you're a woman. And don't give up on your dreams just because you're afraid you can't achieve them in a man's world. You just have to fight even harder to make them come true".

Elizabeth: "Michaela? Does that man live here?"
Michaela: "What man?"
Elizabeth: "That ... that ... savage."
Michaela: "Oh, you mean Sully."
Elizabeth: "Umm. Umm. Sully."
(knock at the door)
Michaela: "Savages don't knock, Mother."

Michaela (to Elizabeth): "There are some women, you meet, and it's as if you've known them forever. Other women you can know for a lifetime, and it's as if they're complete strangers."

4. Law of the Land

Kid Cole (to Dr. Mike): "Nice little town here, peaceful like. And ya can't beat the view."

5. The Healing

(Colleen is crying) Mike: "Lots of people were unpopular in school and grew up to be well-liked."
Colleen: "Like who?"
Mike: "Well, umm....Abraham Lincoln!"
Colleen: "Yeah, but they shot him!"

6. Father's Day

7. Bad Water

Mike: "Thank you, but I don't need you to wait on me."
Sully: "There's no shame in lettin' people help ya."
Mike: "I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you I could do whatever you could. Now look at me, I'm almost helpless."
Sully: "Why dontcha quit tryin' so hard."
Mike: "Old habit."
Sully: "Give it up."

8. Great American Medicine Show

9. Cowboy's Lullaby

10. Running Ghost

Mike: (to Thaddeus Birch) "Who can I blame if Sully can't ever walk again?"

11. The Prisoner

12. Happy Birthday

Brian: (to Sully) Why don't you marry our Ma and be our Pa?

Sully: "Good race."
Cloud Dancing: "No. I could not have beaten you.....What are you running from?"
Sully: "Nothin'."
Cloud Dancing: (nodding his head knowingly) "Woman troubles. I have seen it many times. It has been many seasons since you have had love."
Sully: "I ain't sure I'm ready."
Cloud Dancing: "Once you were afraid of horses. Now you ride like the wind."
Loren: (to Sully while he's looking at one of the dresses on the stand in the store) "What you gaukin' at?"
Sully: "Nothin'."

Michaela: "I know what people are saying about me, that I'm an old maid."
Colleen: "That's not what they're sayin'."
Brian: "Yeah, no one's said nothin' about the maid part."

Sully: "Nice sign."
Michaela: "Thank you." (turning to face the owner of the voice) "Sully?"
Sully: "What? Can't a man get dressed up for a special occasion?"

13. Rite of Passage

14. Heroes

15. The Operation

16. The Secret

Hank: (to Dr. Mike): "Michaela Quinn's never afraid."

Hank: "What's it like to walk on water, Michaela?"

17. Portraits

Brian: "Why do they need suits for swimmin'? I don't wear nothin'!"
Michaela: (tongue very in cheek) "I think it's because it's cold.....right, Sully?"
Sully: (caught off guard) "Somethin' like that."

Mr. Watkins: "You must be in one of my photo's."
Sully: "I can't promise that."
Watkins: "I've noticed that you have difficulty makin' promises."
Sully: "What do you mean?"
Watkins: "It's just if a woman like Dr. Quinn looked at me the way she looks at you? I'd fall down on one knee and promise myself to her forever."

Sully to Michaela: "The truth is I care about you all a lot... especially you."