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Past, Present & Future

By Danielle

Disclaimers: Sue me not oh makers of the great and wondrous Roswell, for I am but a poor musician.

Notes: Okay, so this has been brewing in my little noggin for a few weeks now. I was just waiting for the finale to confirm a few things before I started writing it. And now that it has, on with the show. A future fic, starring our Candy couple, Michael & Maria.


Soon after they healed Nasedo, school ended, and they left Roswell for the summer. They left to find themselves and to learn how to use their gifts properly and for the purpose they were intended. To free their race from the slavery it suffered on their home planet.

They didn't know that the summer long separation would do more damage to our fragile friendships than they could withstand. Instead of 6 as a whole unit, we once again became 3 and 3. Or more correctly 5 and 5, counting Tess and Nasedo, Kyle and Sheriff Valenti.

They came back with more skill and determination to fulfill their purpose than we'd ever known they possessed. They passed their days in school, waiting for a time when their human obligations would be fulfilled. Every free moment they had was spent researching their enemies, determining their weak points and locations throughout the country.

Occasionally they called on us for help in their research or for the meaningless tasks they couldn't concentrate on themselves. But for the most part they had separated from the only people who knew their secret- trusting that despite the distance we would remain true to them. That we'd understand what they needed to accomplish could not be completed with any attachments to the human world they lived in.

When we graduated 2 years almost to the day after they had left the first time, we knew they would soon be gone again. This time most likely for good. In our minds we were all prepared to see them for the last time, but our hearts never got the message. One night, about a week after school had ended, I lay in bed, tossing and turning, trying not to think about the difficult path that lay ahead of all of them. A shadow passed my window, and I threw off the covers, my eyes searching for the figure I knew would be outside in the rain, like he had been so long ago.

He didn't say anything to me, he stood there, wet and cold, letting the rain and the tears I knew were there wash over him. He stepped forward and placed his hand on the glass. I mimicked him, feeling his heat burn me through the windowpane. He stared into my eyes, and the pain and sorrow I saw there was overwhelming. My eyes welling up, I mouthed the 3 words I had never said to him, but had felt for almost as long as I had known him. "I love you."

He remained still, as if he was memorizing my face, then just as quickly as he had appeared he walked off into the night. That was the last time I saw Michael Guerin. And now, 10 years since I've held him in my arms, and 8 since I've seen his face, I still think of him every day. I wonder where he is and if he's still fighting. If he has a family and if he's back on his planet safe and sound. But most of all, I wonder what it would be like to see him again. And if he still thinks about me as much as I think about him.

Part 1

"Mom! I need you!" She shouted toward the back room, hoping her mother would emerge from creating whatever new alien-themed trinket she was concocting to help her run the store, which was currently overflowing with tourists.

"Be out in a minute, Maria!" The blond groaned, then turned back to the throng of impatient people waiting to buy their very own alien antennae. Knowing that aliens were real, one would think Maria DeLuca wouldn't want to participate in their exploitation by working in her mother's tourist trap/new age store. However, she figured the less most people knew the better, so she helped to perpetrate the age old stereotype of Aliens with huge eyes and glowing skin that most had come to accept as the truth. She rang up a key chain that said, "I got Abducted In Roswell" and swore to herself that if she ever ran this shop alone she was never selling Alien merchandise in it.

Finally Amy Valenti appeared from behind the door and took Maria's place at the cash register, so Maria could help customers on the floor. She glanced down at her watch- 3 PM. Jimmy would be here any second, which meant her mom would be heading home with him. She felt the need to be a perfect mom to her 6-year-old son since she had never gotten a chance to be there after school for Maria.

As if on cue the door opened and her little brother came waltzing into the store as if he owned it. " 'Ria!" He ran at her, his little backpack making a swishing sound as he approached lunchbox and messy paintings in hand. She scooped him up into her arms and hugged him tightly. "Hey little man! How was school?"

He cast his eyes downward as he admitted, "I got another timeout for talking too much." Maria chuckled to herself and looked over at her mom, still ringing up customers.

"Jimmy, I hate to tell you this, but you are probably going to get a lot more of them if you are anything like your big sister. It runs in the family." She kissed his cheek and put him down, taking his hand and leading him toward the counter where their mother was working. "So what else happened at school?"

He smiled a semi-toothless grin. "Some mean boys were picking on Kaitlin, so I scared them away for her."

Maria playfully rubbed his hair. "That was very nice of you Jimmy. I'm sure Liz and Kyle will be glad to hear you were sticking up for your favorite niece."

He rolled his eyes at her. "She's my only niece Ria! Thank goodness! I hate girls."

She laughed again. "That will change Jimmy, believe me that will change." They reached the counter as Amy rang up the last of the tourists. Jimmy waited for the elderly couple to get out of his way before he made a flying leap for his mother. "Hi Mama!"

Amy caught him and spun him around. "Hi honey! Want some cookies for your after school snack?" His eyes widened and he nodded vigorously. "Okay then, you wait out here a minute while I go out back and pick up. Then we'll head home, okay?"

"Okay, Mama. I'll stay her with 'Ria and help her sell things." Amy and Maria exchanged a grin as Amy headed out back to put away her work. Maria looked down into the smiling eyes of her little brother. Sometimes she marveled at the way her life had turned out. When her mother married Sheriff Valenti her junior year, she wasn't surprised. But at least she felt a lot safer around the Sheriff and Kyle now that they knew the secret. The trick was keeping it from Amy, which wasn't that hard a task since Maria, Liz and Alex barely ever hung out with Michael and the Evans' anymore.

In fact, once Max was out of the picture for good, Liz and Kyle were able to be friends again. But it wasn't until they both went to college at UNM that things became serious between them again. They eventually got married after college. Their daughter Kaitlin was 5, a year behind Jimmy in school, and one of the brightest little girls in Roswell. Liz was working on getting her doctorate in Molecular Biology, just like she'd always wanted. And after school was done, Kyle took his business major and decided to start his own company. He now owned Valenti Construction, and was happy building new homes in and around Roswell.

Maria herself had decided to go to Santa Fe State, where she had also majored in Business, so she could come home and help her mother run the shop. She wanted to take it over someday and sell her own homemade herbal shampoos, bath oils and fragrances. She loved experimenting with new scents. Jimmy always said she smelled like a garden. She'd had boyfriends on and off at school, but she had never settled on anyone specific. And Roswell, while giant metropolis and sea of eligible bachelors it wasn't, was her hometown, and where her family was. So after she'd graduated, she'd come home for good. She lived in a small apartment above one of the other Main Street shops with her cat. And she was happy with they way things had worked out. Or so she told herself on a daily basis. After all, life could be much worse.

"Hello, Maria." She hadn't even heard the bell above the door ring; she was so lost in her thoughts. But before she even turned around, she knew who was standing behind her.

"Michael." She stated without looking. "You're back."

Part 2

Maria spun on her heel and looked into the eyes of the only man she'd ever loved. His expression was calm, but his eyes betrayed his nervousness at seeing her. She let her gaze fall away from his, and took in his appearance. He looked good. Very good. 10 years had done nothing to diminish his rugged good looks, and his hair, while a bit shorter, was still as spiky as ever.

"Who is he?" asked a small voice from behind her.

She quickly shook herself out of the daze that seemed to have settled over both her and Michael and turned back to Jimmy. She held out her hand for him and he stepped forward, eyeing Michael and trying to decide if he liked the look of this stranger that seemed to know his sister.

"Jimmy, this is Michael. He and I were friends in High School. Michael, this is Jimmy."

Jimmy held out his hand like his father had taught him to, and Michael squatted down on his haunches, smiling, and shook the small hand that had been offered to him. "Nice to meet you, Jimmy."

"Nice to meet you, too." The boy looked up at Maria strangely as if asking what he should do next. Maria smiled at him and said, "Want to go out back now so I can talk to Michael?"

He nodded vigorously, and picking up his backpack, stepped through the door to find his mother. Maria watched him go, then turned back to Michael, who had remained quietly waiting for her to be done with Jimmy.

"Your son?" he finally asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Maria shook her head. "My little brother. My mom got pregnant when I was in college."

Michael smiled at her. "So, he's Jimmy, as in..."

"James Valenti, the Third, yeah. Weird huh?"

Michael nodded. "A little." He shuffled his feet and looked down at the floor.

Maria felt so awkward, but at the same time, so intrigued as to why he'd returned to Roswell. But she didn't want to grill him, so she started slowly. "So, are you here alone? Are the others with you?"

"Just Isabel and me." She noted that he looked away as he said her name, and as he shoved his hands in his pockets, she saw the silver band on his left ring finger. She paused as she realized it must mean that Isabel and Michael had given in to their destiny and gotten married.

She cleared her throat, a bit thrown, but not really shocked. "Oh. So, are you two home for a visit? I didn't think you could take time away from what you were doing. I mean, I know how important it is, so I didn't figure there'd be time to stop by..."

He cut her off. "Maria, it's over. All of it. We won. Our people are free."

"You mean... it's all over. Your parents and families are all free?"

He nodded. "That's why we're here. We wanted to come home. For good."

Blinking as the realization of what he was saying sunk in, she blurted out, "You mean you're moving back here? To Roswell?"

Again he nodded, and seemed to be gauging her reaction to the news. "I wanted to see if any of you were still here. I mean, to let you know, you know, so you didn't just see us on the street and fall over from shock or whatever."

She looked at him blankly. "Oh, sure, that was very considerate of you. I mean, yeah I would be shocked if I suddenly saw you out of nowhere. Thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome. So should I warn anyone else? Liz? Alex?"

Maria snapped back into focus as he mentioned her two friends. "Um, well, Alex is in LA. He's been a session bassist for a few years now, so, I mean I can tell him the next time I talk to him. And Liz, well, she and Kyle-"

"Liz married Kyle?" Michael asked, interrupting her. He didn't seem angry or upset, just mildly shocked.

"Oh, yeah, they got married right after college. They have a daughter, Kaitlin. She's 5. Anyway, I could let them know if you want?"

He smiled in thanks. "Sure, if you don't mind. Like I said I just didn't want to shock anyone. And I figured since it's a small town, we'd be bound to run into one another."

"Where are you guys staying? I mean, did you buy a house or are you looking for an apartment or something?"

"We're staying at Isabel's parent's house for now. We're looking to see what's available."

"Oh, okay. Well, I guess we'll have to get together some night. You know, so you can fill us in on what happened with everything."

"Actually, I'm not sure Izzy's ready to talk about all that. But if you maybe want to go get some coffee or something sometime..."

What? Was Michael asking her out? Mentally, she shook that thought away. He was married for crying out loud. He was just being nice, wanting to fill her in on his life and stuff. She was over him- she could handle it! "Oh sure. I mean I'd love to hear about everything. Why don't you give me a call when you're settled in. You must be jetlagged, or spaceship lagged or something. My number's in the book. Or you could stop by here some afternoon and we could get some lunch."

"Sure. That sounds good. Well, I better let you get back to work. I'll see you soon." He turned and walked toward the door. He paused as he reached it, turning back to her. "I missed you, Maria. I really did."

Not able to speak, she simply nodded and watched him exit the shop. Her stomach knotted as soon as he was gone. She had to call Liz. Liz would know what she should do. I mean, who would have guessed she'd ever see him again? And that it would affect her so much?

Part 3

Maria had just reached the phone behind the counter when her mother poked her head out from the back room. "Maria? Who was here? Jimmy said something about a man named Michael that you used to know. Not the same Michael, right? I mean, he hasn't been around in years."

Maria looked at her mother, still in awe at his appearance. "No, mom, it was the same Michael. He's back."

Amy smiled. "Ohhh, my little wrestler! He was a sweet boy." She gave her daughter a wiggle of the eyebrows to indicate that maybe Maria should consider him.

Maria laughed. "Mom, I think he's married. To Isabel of all people. And he just got back- I have no idea what he's been doing for the past 8 years. Let me get to know him again before you have me married off to him!"

Her mother simply smiled. "Okay, Maria, whatever you say. It's just I remember all too well how much you used to care about him. Maybe things could work out this time." The blond rolled her eyes at her mother's interference, but held her tongue. "Fine, I'll stay out of it. I'm taking Jimmy home now and I'm going to make dinner. You want to eat with us?"

She shook her head in the negative. "No, I think I better go home. I have things to think about."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

"Yeah. See you then. Bye, Jimmy!" she called to her brother, still waiting in the back.

"Bye 'Ria!" came his faint reply. Her mom stepped back through the door, closing it behind her. Maria grabbed the phone, dialing Liz's home number, knowing she should just be getting in from picking Kaitlin up from school.


"Liz, it's me. You are never in a million years going to guess who just showed up in my store."

"Um, I dunno, the president?" she replied sarcastically.


"Michael who? Michael Jackson?"

"Michael Guerin."

There was a crashing sound and then a scramble. "Maria are you still there?"


"Sorry. I dropped the phone. Michael came into the store? Just like that?"

"Yeah. Just showed up to say hi, that he's back in town with Izzy and they're moving home."

"You mean it's all over? The war? Everyone's free?"

"That's what he said. They're staying at the Evans' house for now while they look for someplace."

"You mean together? Are they married?"

"I think so. He has a wedding ring on. Isn't this weird?"

"That is the understatement of the year. So what else did he have to say? Anything about what went on or about Max and Tess?"

"No, he just said it was over. I suggested that we should all get together so they could fill us in, but he said he didn't think Isabel would be up to it. Then he asked if I wanted to get some coffee sometime and we could catch up."

"Just you and him? That's kinda weird Maria, especially if he's married."

"I know, but I'm too curious to not go. I have a customer, so I have to go, but I'll keep you updated, okay?"

"Okay. Talk to you later."

Maria hung up the phone and exhaled loudly. Michael Guerin was back in town, back in her life sort of. What a strange day it had turned out to be.

Part 4

It was 2 days later when she finally heard from Michael again. It was around noontime and she was stocking the shelves with Roswell postcards, when the bell above the door jingled. She turned to welcome her customer, but her voice died on her lips when she saw it was him. "Hi."

"Hi." he responded quietly.

Despite the fact that he said he'd be in touch, she was still unnerved by his presence. It was strange to have him come back into her life after such a long absence. "So, can I get you something? Alien boxer shorts? Floating alien in a tube keychain? Beam me up Scotty shirt?"

He smiled and shook his head no. "I was wondering if you were free for lunch today? We could have that talk, you know, if you're not too busy."

Her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't been completely sure that he'd intended to tell her anything until that moment. "Oh, sure. Let me just tell my mom she needs to come out and cover the store." Maria put down the handful of postcards she was holding and headed back behind the cash register to the door marked "Employees Only".

Her mother was sautering two pieces of metal together into something Maria was at a loss to describe. "Mom, can you cover the register for a while? I'm going out for lunch."

Her mother looked up from her task perplexed. "Out for lunch? Alone?"

"No, Michael asked me if I wanted to go catch up."

Amy Valenti's face broke into a wide grin. "Oh, Michael asked you to lunch? Very interesting."

"Mom, I'm sure he's just wondering what I've been up to for the past couple of years. Nothing more."

"Sure, Maria, whatever you say. Just be back by 3, okay? I have to get Jimmy home and start dinner for your father."

"Okay. See you later." Maria grabbed her light jacket off the coat rack and headed back out to the front of the store. "Ready?" she asked.

"Yep. Where do you want to go? You better pick- I don't remember what's good around here."

Maria paused to think as they walked through the door out onto Main Street. "Well, we could always go to the Crashdown. The menu hasn't changed much over the past few years, and you were always a fan of the burgers."

He smiled. "Yeah, except when I had to cook them." He continued to walk down the street toward the diner when a though occurred to him. "Hold on. Do you mind if we find someplace a little quieter? You know, considering the subject matter, we might not want so many ears around."

She stopped mid stride. "Yeah, you're right. No place is really that quiet around lunchtime." She looked up into his eyes and for a moment was transported back in time, when a request to spend some time alone would mean they would rush off to his apartment to make out for a few hours. And before she even knew it, the words flew out of her mouth. "Well, we could go to my apartment."

Michael's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and Maria found herself scrambling to explain. "I mean, I could make us something to eat, and there'd be no one around to overhear-"

"Okay." His reply had cut her off mid-explanation, and now she was speechless. She had just invited a man she barely knew anymore, who she used to be in love with, up to her apartment for lunch. Alone. Smart, DeLuca, real smart, she berated herself.

"So where is it?"


"Your apartment. Where is it?"

"Oh. Um, it's over here, across the street." She stepped off the curb to cross to the other side, not even daring to see if he was following her. But when she stopped to find her key and slid it into the lock, she could feel his presence behind her. She turned the key and held the door open after her as she started to walk up the stairs. His footsteps echoed softly behind her as she reached the top and turned right, walking quickly down the hall.

She unlocked her door and turned to look at him as she opened it. "Well. Here we are." She entered the apartment, and he followed, closing the door behind him.

Part 5

As Michael shut the door, a flying ball of fur suddenly accosted him. Staring down in amazement at the thing trying to eat his foot, he looked to Maria for help.

Laughing, she reached down and pulled her cat off of Michael's leg. "Space Boy! Stop it." She held the creature close to her heart and rubbed his face with her cheek. "Hi sweetheart."

Michael grinned in amusement watching her cooing at her cat. Then a thought struck him. "You named your cat Space Boy?"

Putting the cat on the ground, she reddened, embarrassed that Michael knew she'd named her cat the special nickname she once had for him. "Well, yeah. I mean, look at him. He's all spit & vinegar until you get to know him. But once he likes you, he's very cuddly. Plus look at the way his fur sticks out all over the place. If that doesn't scream Michael Guerin nothing does." Maria cleared her throat. "So what are you in the mood for?"

He looked very confused for a minute, until she clarified. "To eat? We are having lunch, and I don't know about you, but I'm starving."

"Oh, lunch. Yeah, right. Well, what have you got? You know I'll eat anything."

"How about I make a salad and heat up the homemade macaroni and cheese I made for dinner the other night?"

"Sounds great to me. Want any help?"

"No, I got it. Why don't you get yourself a drink and we can talk while I chop?"

He nodded and moved to the refrigerator, taking out a can of Coke for himself. "What do you want?"

"I'll have some Iced Tea I think. The glasses are in that cabinet right there." She pointed to the cupboard next to the refrigerator, and as he was retrieving her a glass, she moved to grab some veggies out of the open refrigerator door. Both were quiet as he poured and handed her the drink and she grabbed a cutting board and a knife.

After she washed the ingredients off and Michael had seated himself on one of the tall stools at her Breakfast Bar, she got up the nerve to ask, "So, what have you been up to since I saw you last? Fighting the forces of evil? Freeing your home planet from the tyrants that enslaved your race? Traveling the country as a wandering circus performer?"

Knowing she was trying to break the tension, he smiled shyly. Where do I even start? , he thought to himself. Finally he just shrugged. "Tell me about you first."

"Me?" she asked as she cut up a cucumber. "I'm boring. I just live here and work at the shop. That's it."

"Come on Maria. Where did you end up going to College? What was your major? Do you sing anymore? Ever been married?"

She smiled down into the bowl she had gotten out to hold the salad. "Okay. Santa Fe State. I majored in Business. I don't really sing anymore, except to myself and Space Boy. And no I've never been married. Done. Your turn."

"Why don't you sing anymore? You were so good at it. I always thought you'd be a rock star."

She laughed out loud. "Me? A rock star? I don't think so. I was never that good."

"Never that good? Maria you were awesome. I can't tell you how many times I begged Max for the jeep so I could drive to wherever to see The Whits play. Whenever you were on stage, I was mesmerized by... well you were all so good." He broke off, realizing his mistake.

Her head still down, she asked quietly, "You came to see us play? I never saw you."

"I know. I sat in the back a lot. But you were great, Maria. Better than great. You were amazing to watch." He was suddenly very interested in the shiny surface of his soda can.

She smiled up at him. "Thanks. But you know, after we all went to college, it was never the same. I mean, we played together on breaks and over the summer and stuff, but we all liked totally different music by then. And then Alex decided to stay in LA permanently, so it kind of killed The Whits. Besides, I had always planned on taking over the shop eventually, which is why I majored in business."

"Oh. So right now, you manage it while your mom makes new Alien memorabilia?"

"Yeah. She has a little work area out back and she's always coming up with some new thing. She opens up at 8 after Jimmy goes to school and I come in at 10. She leaves at 3 and I stay until we close at 7. It works out pretty well that way."

"Sounds like it."

Maria finished slicing a tomato and threw it into the bowl on top of the rest of the veggies. "So enough stalling. I want to hear about you guys. Did you ever get to go home?"

He seemed solemn as he answered. "Yeah, we did. We've all been there for the past 2 years. It wasn't what I expected."

"No? Why not?"

"I don't know. I can't really explain it. But even though we were home, I still never felt like we fit in. That's why Izzy and I came back."

Maria paused in her stirring of the Mac & Cheese at the mention of Isabel's name. "How is Izzy?"

"She's good. She's happy to be back. But I don't think she's really processed everything that's happened to us over the years. She gets so sad sometimes..." He broke off again, not knowing how to continue.

"Michael... you don't have to hide anything. I want to know everything that you have to tell me. Please don't hold back."

He smiled at her and picked up the salad bowl. "I won't. I promise. Just... some of it's hard to talk about. I'll tell you everything. But let's eat first, okay? I can handle this conversation better on a full stomach." Placing the bowl on the table behind him, he reached for her hand and guided her to sit down next to him. "Where do you keep the plates?"

Part 6

Maria could barely contain the questions that kept coming to her as they ate lunch. She could still scarcely believe that Michael Guerin was sitting across from her, eating normally, as if 10 years had never passed. Weird. So weird.

She remained quiet as he finished his salad and dug into the plate of Mac & Cheese. Suddenly a thought struck her and she stood and walked to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a small bottle of Tabasco Sauce. Walking back to the table, she handed it to Michael, who smiled.

"You remembered." He poured a liberal amount on his dinner and began eating it with gusto. "This is great Maria. I miss this."

"What?" She asked slowly.

"Just being here. On Earth. Things are so simple here. I guess I never realized how happy I was in Roswell until I left."

Smiling at him, she dug into her own plate of food and they finished the rest of the meal in a companionable silence.


Michael stood and grabbed the plates, walking toward the sink with them. He rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher with the silverware. "Do you need more Iced Tea?" he asked.

Maria had remained seated at the table watching as he cleared the table for her. "Michael, you are stalling. And yes, I would like more Iced Tea." He smiled at her shrewd perception and refilled her glass. He walked back to the table and handed it to her. "Thanks. Now talk." she commanded.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk. I don't know how to explain this, Maria, so I'm just going to get it over with as fast as possible, okay?" She nodded and he began. "We left. We tracked our enemies all over the country. Me, Isabel, Tess & Max. Nacedo would call once in a while with a tip from the FBI headquarters, but for the most part we were on our own. And one by one, we took them out."

"Okay, good start. You found out where they lived and you..." she cut off waiting for him to fill in the blanks.

"We killed them, Maria. We had to. It's like we were designed to be hitmen for our race. These other aliens couldn't sense our presence because of out Human bodies. The only reason they even knew we were out there was because we had used the communicators. But once we learned how to use our powers, they were sitting ducks."

Maria looked into his pained eyes. Obviously the killing hadn't sat well with him. She remembered back to the day that he'd killed Agent Pierce, the first time that he'd used his powers to kill. He'd obviously never gotten over that feeling that he was a murderer, despite the fact that he had to get rid of these aliens for his race to survive. She reached out her hand across the table and touched his arm, snapping him back to reality. "I'm sorry, Michael. That must have been hard for you."

He nodded. "It was. Strange to think that was the only reason they created us. But we did our duty. Eventually we took out all the Phylibans stationed here. Then it was time to take the war home."

"How did you get there?" Maria asked, drawn into the story.

"Whenever we neutralized one of the enemy, we had access to their network of communicators. We knew there must be a ship somewhere out there, and we knew that once we killed them all, we could get home using it. And there'd be no one to warn the Phylibans that we were coming. It took 6 years, but we finally got them all, and found where the ship was hidden. Once we had the ship, it was practically done."

"What do you mean?"

"See, the ship was our way home. All we needed was someone to fly it."

"Nacedo?" Maria asked.

Michael nodded. "We got him to take us home. And we used the weapons on the ship to take out the main Phyliban headquarters and power stations from Space. Once that was done, all we had to do was lead our people's insurrection."

"An easy task for 4 genetically designed people I assume?" Maria asked sarcastically, since Michael implied that leading an insurrection was child's play.

He laughed. "No, of course it was tough. A lot of people died. Especially theirs. But we won in the end. Our people were free. It was what came next that was the hard part."

Part 7

"Why? What happened next?" Maria asked, dying to know.

Michael paused. "Let me go back a little. Explain some other things before I get to that, okay?"

"What kind of other things?"

"Things about us. About Me & Max, Izzy & Tess. You know we were destined to be mates. But did Liz ever tell you that we were created using Human DNA and the DNA of the former leaders of our people?"

"She mentioned something like that, but Alex and I never really understood it. I don't think we wanted to hear anything about Aliens at that point."

"I understand. Well to make a long story short, Max was the leader of our people in his first life. He was married to Tess. Isabel was his sister, a great warrior, and she fought together with her intended, Max's 2nd in command."

"You?" Maria asked. Michael simply nodded.

"When we died during the first Phyliban war, Max and Izzy's parent's had our DNA mixed with Human DNA material and sent out a ship to Earth, where they knew we could grow up safely. But the Phyliban's found out and sent a ship after ours. Our ship was damaged in the fight, which is why it crashed. The Phylibans' remained on Earth in case we had survived, and were to send word if the Communicators were ever used."

"Wow. That must be strange to know you've lived before. I mean I've always believed in reincarnation, but this is a little different, right?"

"No, it's a lot different. They didn't count on us resisting our destinies. They wanted up to pick up where we left off. I mean, you know I'd always thought of Iz as a sister, and here they were telling me I had to BE with her."

"I can see how that would be disturbing, yes." Maria smiled at him shyly, knowing how difficult it must be for him to talk about this with her.

"It was easier for Max & Tess. They didn't grow up together. Nacedo said we didn't HAVE to have children, but that any offspring produced by the four of us would have the same special traits as we did, and would be the future leaders of our planet. It was expected that we would procreate for the good of the race." Michael stopped, not knowing how to explain. Taking a deep breath, he continued. "We waited. For a really long time. All 4 of us. I mean, how could we bring kids into our lives- we were always travelling, always in danger. That's no kind of life for a baby."

Maria waited as Michael reflected. After a moment, he resumed his speech. "But after a while, always being alone together, something changed. It was like we were all we had. And by that time it only seemed natural..."

"Michael, what are you saying?"

He exhaled and looked into her eyes. "We got married. Isabel & me, Tess & Max. It was a double wedding. About 2 years before we finally killed all the Phylibans here. We wanted to make it legal, at least on Earth. It just felt right."

"Oh," was all Maria said. Even though she had suspected he and Isabel were married, hearing him say it threw her. She looked up at him, sensing that he had more to tell her, but he was hesitant. Finally he cracked.

"We have 2 children- twins. A boy and a girl. Just like Max and Izzy. They're 3. They were born about a year after we got married. You should see them, Maria. They're so beautiful."

A tear formed in the corner of her eye as she listened to him talk about his babies. It was obvious that he loved them to death. Who would have ever pictured Michael as such a loving and devoted dad? He reached into his wallet and pulled out a worn picture.

Maria took it from his hand and studied the children. He was right, they were gorgeous. The little boy had blond spikes poking up all over the top of his head, and the little girl had blond hair that fell in waves to her shoulders. They both had Isabel's chocolate brown eyes and Michael's cheekbones. "Michael, they're beautiful. What are their names?"

He smiled softly. "I got to name our son. I named him after the two men who had made a difference in my life. Phillip Maxwell Guerin."

"After Mr. Evans & Max? That's so nice Michael." She smiled at him through watery eyes. Michael reached across the table and grabbed her hand, looking deep into her eyes as he continued.

"Izzy named our daughter. Alexis Maria. After the 2 most important humans in our lives. So we'd never forget where we came from, and what we had to leave behind to get there." Maria's eyes had spilled over by now, and as he finished speaking, she stood up and walked to where Michael sat, enveloping him in her arms.

Part 8

After a minute, Maria pulled away as quickly as she had launched herself at him, and Michael felt her embarrassment at getting so emotional. Or was it her disappointment that he and Isabel had actually ended up together? He wasn't sure, but in any case, she moved back to her seat at the other end of the table.

"So is that where Izzy is now? With the kids at her parent's house?" Maria asked tentatively.

"Yeah, they'll be staying there for a while until we can find them a condo or apartment."

"Oh, well there's a nice apartment complex out where the Trailer park used to be. They're really nice and not too expensive. I'm sure you could find one that would fit you all."

"I'm sure we could, too. If I was going to be living with them."

Maria looked at him intensely. "What do you mean, Michael?"

"There's so much more to the story, Maria. Let me finish and then I think you'll understand, okay?"

She nodded, unable to fathom why Michael wouldn't be living with his family.

"Well, once we got home to our planet, we led the insurrection. And like I said we won. Eventually the Phylibans were defeated and our people were free to lead whatever lives they chose. But they still wanted a leader. Someone to make the hard decisions and to help defend in case the Phylibans regained their former strength. Someone to bring our people into the new era of freedom."

"Max?" Maria asked, already guessing whom they chose.

"Yes, most of us wanted Max to lead us. The problem was that there was a small faction unwilling to let a part-human lead our race, even though he was essentially the same person he'd been in his first life. They insisted that if Max was going to lead them, that he should be more acquainted with our native customs and practices. They wanted Max and all of us to "re-immerse" ourselves into the culture."

"What exactly does that mean?" Maria asked, befuddled by the whole thing.

"Well at first it meant that they just wanted to teach us their history and stuff- no big deal. We learned all about their true physical nature and powers we would never be able to access because of our human side. We spent the better part of a year becoming what they wanted us to be. But the final step was the hardest part. See they believed in order for us to become fully inducted into their ways, we had to forget about our human lives. They wanted us to have our memories of Earth permanently removed."

"But, I don't get it- they needed you guys to be human to beat their enemies, but once that was over they wanted you to forget who you were?"

"Basically. Tess was okay with it right away. She'd had a pretty crappy life with Nasedo dragging her all over the country all those years. She just wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere."

"I can understand that. But what about Max and Isabel- I mean, they have their parent's here. What did they think?"

"See, that was where it got difficult. None of us really wanted to forget our lives here. Even me, as horrible as my life was up until we met you guys, I still felt that my connections to Earth made me who I am. I didn't think I could give that up. And neither did Isabel. And we wanted our children to remember where they were born. Max didn't want to let go at first either, but he was their chosen one. He felt obligated to be the leader they needed."

"Wow. That must have been a hard decision for him."

Michael nodded, then continued, "Another thing that made it hard for him was that he found out Tess was pregnant with their daughter. He didn't want to risk taking Tess back to Earth while she was pregnant."

"Why? Is it bad for the baby?"

"Well, it's kind of like flying when you're 9 months pregnant- they don't suggest it. And, well, when we traveled home on the Phyliban ship with Nasedo, Isabel was pregnant again. She lost the baby on the way home."

Maria's eyes welled up again, and she whispered. "Oh, Michael. I'm so sorry."

He tried to smile through his own watery eyes. "Max didn't want the same thing to happen to Tess. He saw how badly it hurt Izzy, and it was their first baby- he really wanted a child. So, he decided to go through with it. He knew it was the only way that they'd let us all stay there, you know if at least he and Tess went through with it. So for all our sakes, and the baby, he finally let them wipe out his memories of Earth."

Maria was amazed. "So what did they do to them?"

Michael made a face. "There was this whole ceremony, and they were basically brainwashed. They remembered the basics of who and what they were, but it was like we didn't matter to them. Max barely acknowledged he had a sister anymore- it was all about the people. That was another really hard thing for Isabel to deal with. She still cries about it sometimes."

"That's so sad Michael. I can't believe they would do that to you guys. Force you to choose like that."

"It got worse, believe me. After we backed out of the integration process, everyone was really uneasy around Isabel, the kids & I. We represented a part of their lives they wanted forgotten. They hated to think of themselves as the prisoners that had been for so long. We were too human, too different, and they started to hate us for it. In the end Max asked us to leave. I mean, I know why he did it, he was trying to protect us too, but it just hurt so much. I mean I lost my best friend- Isabel lost her brother. We were devastated."

Maria reached out and took Michael's hand. "It sounds awful."

He nodded. "It was pretty bad in the end. That's why we're back."

Michael paused, and Maria let him sit in silence a minute. Then her curiosity got the better of her. "Well, I'm glad you guys are here. I wouldn't want you to forget us. The thing I still don't get is why you're not staying here with Isabel and the kids."

"I'm staying in Roswell, but not with Isabel. We're getting divorced, Maria."

Part 9

Maria blinked and her mouth dropped open. "You're getting divorced? Why?"

"Lots of reasons, actually. Isabel isn't the same since we went home. She's broken, Maria. I can't even talk to her anymore. She's just too full of hurt and resentment over everything. I think she blames our destiny for everything bad that's happened- like losing the baby and Max. Dedicating her life to killing another race of people. Everything has really taken its toll on her."

"Well, I can definitely understand that. I mean, how could she go through all that stuff and not come out different. But she shouldn't blame you, Michael. You were forced into that life too."

Michael shook his head. "No, she doesn't blame me. But it's like I'm a reminder of everything she's lost. All she ever wanted growing up was to be normal, human. She never really accepted that we were different until she was forced to. If Max had never healed Liz and started the whole chain of events that led to us finding out who we were, I really think she would have tried to live the rest of her life as a Human. Maybe even married Alex and had kids."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, I do. Because lets face it, Maria, I love Isabel. But I've never been really in love with her. And she's never been really in love with me either. We've been pretending for god knows how long. And we were happy for a while, and we both love our kids so much. We don't hate each other or anything; it was a mutual decision. But it's almost like she wants to forget the past 10 years and pick up where she left off. Except for Alexis and Phillip, she wants no reminders of what we went through. I respect that, but I can't forget. And for us to keep pretending and trying to make it work would be too hard on both of us. That part of our life is over. She needs time to heal, and so do I."

Maria couldn't wipe the look of shock off her face. The things that Michael had just revealed to her were so... personal. Intimate details of his life. I mean, she had wanted to know, but now she felt like she knew too much. It was a lot to process. But there was one thing she knew she wanted to do. "Michael, do you think it would be too much, I mean, would it be okay for me to come by to see Isabel and meet the kids sometime?"

The smile that broke out across Michael's face was angelic. She hadn't seen that smile in 10 very long years. "I think that'd be great, Maria. I think Isabel could use a friend right now. And I really want you to meet the kids."

She smiled at the man she had once fallen so in love with. He was different now, more worldly, mature. But the Michael she used to know was under there somewhere. She could sense it. And she had really missed him. Isabel, too. More than she could admit to Liz or her mom, or even to herself. She was glad they were home.

Maria glanced down at her watch. "Oh god, it's almost 2:30. I really should get back to the store. My mom is going to kill me for taking so long."

Michael grinned at her. "Can I walk you back to work?"

"Sure." She smiled at him as they both stood up from their seats. Maria grabbed her keys off the table and shoved them in her pocket. She led the way to the door, and as Michael was about to walk through it, she stopped him. Pausing a moment as though she was unsure of herself, she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thanks for telling me. I know it must have been really hard for you."

He squeezed her back, happy that she'd let him unburden himself. "No, it wasn't. It's always been easy to talk to you, Maria." She pulled away slowly and led the way out the door into the hallway.


As they walked down the street, they were both assaulted with memories of times past. Times before destiny had found the aliens, before Tess and Nasedo had come, before Max had been taken and before they left for that summer. That summer that had driven a wedge between the 6 friends. A wedge that was now on it's way to being dissolved, at least between Michael and Maria.

As they reached the storefront of Maria & her mom's shop, Michael reached between them and took Maria's hand in his own. "It was really great catching up with you."

"I know." she answered, feeling stirrings of their former connection come back to her. "I think we should do lunch a lot more now that you're going to be around."

"Yeah. I think that's a great idea."

"So... good. And I could help you find a place for Isabel and the kids, and one for you. I mean, I know where all the new developments are and stuff."

"Cool. You think you could help me find a job, too?"

"Absolutely. Give me a call. My number's in the book."

"Okay. I will. Soon. And then we can plan when you can come see Isabel and the kids, okay?"

"Yeah. I'd like that a lot." She smiled up at him, and without thinking Michael leaned down and kissed her quickly on the cheek. "I missed you, Maria."

"I missed you, too." Reluctantly she withdrew her hand and stepped inside the doorway, waving as he walked away. "Talk to you soon."

He raised his hand in acknowledgement that he heard her, and yelled, "I'll call you later."

She nodded and stepped inside, a serene smile plastered on her face.

Part 10

It had been over a week since she and Michael had had lunch together at her apartment. He'd called her later that night and they'd talked about places where he could start looking for a house for Isabel and the kids. Maria had given him several suggestions, and after looking around, he'd found a duplex for sale. It was actually more perfect than he could have imagined- he would take one side for himself and Isabel and the kids would have the other. With some help from the Evans' they were looking into taking out a loan from the bank to buy it.

Maria had also given him a few suggestions for jobs, and while he wanted something local, resuming his former position as a cook at the Crash Down hadn't appealed to him. They had made plans to look through the want ads together later today, but first there was the business at hand.

She stood on the doorstep of the Evans' house, nervously twining her fingers together. It was Sunday, her day off, and she had made plans to see Isabel today. It had been weird arranging it with Michael, but he said Isabel was thrilled with the idea, so Maria had agreed to make the visit as soon as possible.

Her finger was poised above the doorbell when the front door flew open. Isabel stood before her in the doorframe, a blond child wrapped around each leg. "Maria? Is it really you?"

Maria smiled, taking in the scene. Who could have pictured the Ice Princess as such a devoted mother? "Yeah, it's me," she answered quietly.

Isabel ignored the kids holding her down and leaned over to envelop Maria is a warm hug. "It's so good to see you! How have you been? Oh what am I thinking- come in!" She released the shorter woman and stepped aside to let her enter. The Evans house looked the same as always, only more cluttered with toys.

"Can I get you anything to eat or drink? A cup of tea or something?"

Looking down at the angelic faces of Michael and Isabel's children, Maria felt her heart skip a beat. If things had worked out differently, these might have been her babies. Shaking her head to clear that thought, she answered her hostess. "No, I'm fine for now. Thanks."

Phillip released his mom's leg for a moment and stood up straight. "Mama?"

Isabel smiled down at him. "Yes, Phillip?"

Pointing at the unfamiliar woman in the room, he asked, "Who's this lady?" He made a facial expression that was so Michael as he said it that Maria burst out laughing. She smiled at Isabel and said, "Wow, for 3 he's very articulate."

"I know- he never stops talking. And asking questions!" She bent down and took her son's hand in her own, then prying Alexis off her other leg, took her hand as well. "Phillip, Alexis, this is a friend of mine and Daddy's. Her name is Maria."

Alexis's eyes widened. "That's my name too!"

"I know honey, it's your middle name. We gave it to you because Maria is a very good friend of ours."

"Then I like her." said Phillip, smiling. He let go of Isabel's hand and reached out for Maria's.

Surprised, Maria hesitantly held her hand out for him to take, and as his baby fingers closed around her own, she felt tears stinging the back of her eyes. "Hi Phillip. It's very nice to meet you. You, too Alexis." The little girl hid her face behind her mother's leg, but flashed a quick smile at Maria.

Maria looked up at Isabel, smiling. "They're beautiful, Izzy. I'm so happy for you."

Isabel grinned her thanks and leaned over to pick up Alexis. "Come on guys, let's go have a snack." She led the way to the kitchen and Phillip followed, dragging Maria along with him.


Later, when Michael entered the house from doing the yard work that Mr. Evans had requested he take care of if he got the chance, he was happily surprised to find Maria and Isabel chatting in the living room while the kids played at their feet.

Standing in the doorway, he watched for a minute in silence. He hadn't seen Isabel so animated in months. She was obviously thrilled to have someone to talk to. And the kids seemed to like Maria as well. It was funny to watch Phillip playing with his cars and trucks, intentionally driving them over Maria's foot to get her attention. She smiled at him, and as she pulled him up into her lap, he continued to drive the toys over her arms and shoulders. Alexis was definitely in awe of the woman whose name she shared. She sat quietly on the floor between the two women, looking from one to the other as they chatted, as if she was taking in every word. Suddenly she stood and tapped Maria on the knee. "Yes, Alexis?" Maria asked sweetly.

"Can I sit with you, too?"

"Of course you can!" She helped the girl climb up into her lap and Alexis made herself comfortable between her mom and Maria on the couch.

Michael smiled at the sight. It was amazing to see Maria with his kids. If only... well he wouldn't think that. He wouldn't trade his children for anything. They wouldn't be themselves if their mother weren't Isabel. They were just as much Izzy's as they were his, and he'd never want to take that away from her. Especially not after everything she'd been through. But a part of him did wonder what children that belonged to him and Maria would look like.

That thought flew out of his head as Phillip spotted him in the doorway. "Daddy!" he shouted as if he hadn't seen Michael in days then jumped off Maria's lap and came running for him. Alexis was right behind him, as usual wanting to do whatever her brother did.

"Hey guys!" he greeted as he scooped them up into his arms, hugging each tightly.

"Daddy, you're yucky!" said Alexis, making a face at the sweat and dirt Michael was covered in.

"I know, baby! I'm sorry to get you all dirty!" He put her down and she ran over to Isabel.

"Mama, daddy got me dirty!" She stated, pouting a bit.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry. We'll have to make him wash your pretty dress, ok?" Isabel said with a laugh.

"Can I put on another dress?"

"Ok. Come on Phillip, we better get you changed, too. It's almost time for dinner and I don't want you getting food all over your clothes." Michael put his son down and he started to follow his mother and sister to their bedroom to get changed. He stopped first to look at Maria. "'Ria, can you come visit again?"

She smiled at the boy. "Sure Phillip, whenever you want."

"Tomorrow?" he asked.

"We'll see. I can't promise, but maybe."

He clapped his little hands together and ran down the hall to find his mother. Maria turned to Michael.

"They're so cute!"

He grinned at her as he wiped his forehead. "They seem to like you. Watch out or Isabel will have you over everyday to play with them."

"That'd be ok with me. Of course Jimmy might get mad if I spend too much time with other kids, but he'll get over it." She quieted, taking in the sight of Michael, drenched in sweat; T-shirt plastered to his chest. She cleared her throat, asking, "So, Mr. Evans has you doing manual labor already?"

He smiled. "Yeah, I have to earn my keep. At least until I find a real job. Did you look in the paper at all today?"

"Yeah, I did, but most of the jobs are for Dishwashers and bartenders. Neither of which you are."

"True. So nothing, huh?"

"Well, I did have this one idea, but I don't know if you'll like it."

He seated himself on the edge of the couch next to her. "Oh yeah? I'm pretty much open to anything right now- what is it?"

She took a deep breath. "Well, I know someone who owns a construction company and he's always looking for new guys. It pays pretty well, and I know you'd be good at it."

He considered it. "Sounds okay so far- what's the catch?"

"You'd be working for Kyle. Now Michael I know you were never fond of him, but he's my brother and I know if I asked he'd do it-"

He cut her off mid-sentence. "Ok, sure."

She stopped. "What did you say?"

"I said sure. Kyle and I were never best friends, but by the time we left, I think we'd gotten used to each other. I'll take it as long as it's ok with him."

Maria looked a bit shocked. "Ok, cool. I'll ask him later. If he says yes, you can probably start tomorrow."

"Awesome. I don't know how to thank you, Maria. You've been so great." Without thinking he reached out and drew her into a hug. Ignoring the sweat, she hugged him back. He pulled away. "Oh, god, I'm sorry. I forgot I was all gross."

"It's fine. And you're welcome. I should go though. Family dinner on Sundays."

"Oh, ok. Well then, I guess I'll talk to you later, after you talk to Kyle."

"Ok. Bye Isabel! Bye Phillip, Bye Alexis," she yelled down the hall.

Two little bundles of energy came flying down the hall, half-dressed. Both attached themselves to her legs, hugging tightly, much like they had done with Isabel earlier. "Bye, Maria!" they said in unison, and released her, running back toward Isabel who was standing in the hallway.

She waved at Maria. "Bye. Give me a call- we'll take the kids to the park or something, ok?"

"Absolutely. Talk to you later." She turned and looked at Michael. "Bye." She headed toward the door, and he opened it for her. Stepping through to leave she grinned at him, happy to have spent the day getting to know her friend again, and thrilled to have met Phillip and Alexis.

Michael watched her walk away down the path toward her car before closing the door behind her.

Part 11

The drive to her parent's house had been a daze as her thoughts kept travelling back to the sight of Michael in that tight, drenched, T-shirt. He was in good shape. Really good shape. She could scrub her dirty clothes on those abs. Just thinking about him... well she should stop it. Isabel was her friend too, and they were in the middle of a divorce. Even though it was amicable, what kind of person would she be to make a move on her friend's ex-husband?

Her thoughts were dispelled as she pulled into the driveway of the Valenti home. She parked behind Liz and Kyle's car, and hopped out, ready for another of their weekly family dinners. The tradition had been her mom's idea, started the summer after Kyle & Maria's freshman year at college. It was during the Sunday family dinner that Maria had learned her mom was pregnant with Jimmy and that Kyle and Liz were getting married. They had planned the wedding during these dinners and later Liz and Kyle had announced that their family would soon be growing again.

Maria usually had little to contribute. What was she going to say? Oh, well I sold a gross of Alien Cocktail stirrers at the store, and once again I was stood up by a blind date. Not that she was bitter. The dinners were a great way to keep up with Jimmy and Kaitlin, and to hear news about Liz's parent's and the Crash Down and Valenti Construction. It was just that sometimes she felt very left out- as if the world continued to turn while she stood still.

Stepping out of the car, she headed for the front door and let herself in. "Hey mom! I'm here."

James Valenti the 2nd stood up from his armchair as she entered. "What, no hello for me?"

Laughing, she stepped into his open arms for a hug. "Hi dad." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as she pulled away.

"That's better," he said. "So what have you been up to today?"

"Not much. Just visiting an old friend."

"That wouldn't be Michael Guerin by any chance would it?" asked her mom as she entered the room followed by Liz, both of them carrying platters and dishes of food to the dining room table.

"If you must know, mom, I was actually visiting Isabel."

Liz put down the food she was carrying and spun to look at Maria. "Ooh, you were? How is she? Did you meet the kids?"

Maria put down her purse and walked around her stepfather toward the table to help. "She seems ok. She just looks really tired. She's had a lot to deal with, you know?" Maria had mostly filled Liz in on what had happened during the years the aliens were away from Roswell.

"Like what?" asked Amy, curious.

Maria had forgotten for a moment that Amy wasn't privy to the knowledge of the Alien's true origins. "Oh you know, family issues and marriage stuff. They're getting a divorce you know." She hoped that information would throw her mother off the trail of the truth for a while.

Amy processed that tidbit and raised an eyebrow. "You don't say! Michael and Isabel are getting divorced- and they're moving back to Roswell? Looks like you might have a shot with him after all, Maria."

She rolled her eyes in her mother's direction and turned back to Liz. "Anyway, yes I did meet their kids and oh my god, Liz they are adorable. Phillip just talks and talks- he asks questions all the time and he makes such Michael facial expressions- it's so funny. And Alexis. Oh she's so quiet, but so sweet. You just want to give her a doll to play with and some pretty clothes to wear. She's going to look just like Izzy."

"It sounds like you had fun."

"I did. She wants to get together and take the kids to the park. I think you should come and bring Kaitlin. And we can bring Jimmy too if he wants to come."

"You think she'd be okay with that?"

"You think who'd be okay with what?" asked Kyle as he entered the room with Jimmy on his back and Kaitlin in his arms.

His question went unanswered as Jimmy and Kaitlin spotted Maria. "Auntie 'Ria!" Kaitlin yelled as her father put her down. She bounded into Maria's arms for a hug and a kiss.

"Hi sweetie! How are you?"

"Good. Where have you been? Jimmy & me have been waiting for you for hours!"

"Yeah," Jimmy added from his perch on his big brother's back. "We wanted to play hide & seek with you."

"Well, maybe we can play after dinner, ok?"

"Ok, but we better hurry up & eat. Mommy likes me to go to bed pretty early after Sunday dinners so she can stay up and talk to you and daddy and Grandma & Grampa. Right mommy?" she asked, turning to Liz.

Liz laughed. "Well, maybe we can make an exception tonight if your auntie feels like playing."

Kaitlin clapped her hands together. "Good. Let's eat!"

The adults laughed at the little girl's exuberance. Amy smiled at her granddaughter. "If you say so, Kaity. Come on, Jim. Kyle put Jimmy down and go grab the roast."


Later, after dinner was finished, and the group was working on the coconut pie that Amy had made, Maria broached the question of getting Michael a job to Kyle.

"So, Kyle, how's the Construction business these days?"

Kyle looked up at Maria mid bite, confused. "Fine. We're working a lot. There are a bunch of new developments going up. Why?"

"Are you by any chance looking for any new people?"

He smiled, pretending to be obtuse. "Why, Maria? You interested in putting together a few houses?"

She smiled at him sweetly. "Oh definitely, Kyle. Lord knows I've always wanted to work with my hands."

He chuckled. They always fell so easily into their old "banter and squabble like siblings do" repartee. "Why do you want to know really?"

"Well, I was thinking. And you know you don't have to say yes, but I was thinking... maybeyoucouldgiveMichaelajob." She blurted the last part out so fast most people would have needed an interpreter. But she'd been his sister for 10 years now, and Kyle needed no such help.

"Michael Guerin? He wants to work construction?"

"Well, he's having trouble finding work, and I know he'd be good at it. He just wants to be able to support his kids, Kyle."

"Was this your idea or his?"

"Mine. I thought I'd ask him if it would be okay to ask you, you know, if you needed any more help?"

He stuck his fork in his pie, and lifted another bite to his mouth. "I figured it was your idea. Michael isn't the type of guy to go begging for work." He chewed and swallowed, thinking all the while. "Well, if it's okay with him, I could definitely use another guy on one of my crews. Have him come see me in the morning, ok?"

"Really? Kyle thanks so much! I'll go call him right now." Maria rose quickly from the table and moved toward the kitchen to use her parent's phone. Kyle, Liz, Jim and Amy watched her go, stunned expressions on their faces.

Looking at the empty spot where her best friend had just been seated, Liz was astonished. "She's a total goner already."

"Took her long enough to find someone. Figures it'd be Michael." Kyle added.

Amy stifled a giggle; "I haven't seen Maria so giddy in years." The adults looked at one another and laughed. Jimmy and Kaitlin wondered what was so amusing, but continued to eat their pie, knowing they wouldn't be let in on the secret, but happy that Maria was happy.


"Hi, Mrs. Evans? This is Maria DeLuca. Is Michael there?"

"Oh sure, Maria. Hold on a second." There was a brief pause as she went in search of her soon to be ex son-in-law. A moment later, Michael's deep voice resonated on the other end of the line.

"Hello? Maria?"

"Hi, Michael. I just wanted to call and tell you that I talked to Kyle."

"What did he say?"

"He said yes. You can go to the office in the morning and he'll set you up on one of the crews."

"Oh, Maria, that is so great. Thank you so much. I completely appreciate your help. He doesn't mind?"

"No, he didn't seem to. In fact, he seemed happy to help."

"Awesome. Maria, you have been so great. Let me take you out to dinner to thank you."

"Oh, Michael... I don't know if...I mean, what about Izzy?"

"Why would Isabel care? She knows we're friends. And she knows how much you've helped me... all of us, in fact."

"I don't know, Michael. It just seems weird is all. Me going out to dinner with you when you're married. And to one of my old friends."

"We're getting divorced, Maria. It's fine. And I'm your old friend, too, right? Please say yes. You've been so great, and I want to show you my appreciation. Please?"

The pleading tone in his voice was too much to refuse. "Ok. I guess so. As long as it's ok with Izzy."

"I'll ask her if you want me to, but really it's fine. How about Friday night?"

"This Friday? Oh, um, sure, I guess so."

"Cool. I'll talk to you tomorrow and we'll make definite plans, okay?"

"Sure. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Maria. And thanks again." The other end of the line went dead, and Maria slowly replaced the receiver on the hook. She had just agreed to go out to dinner with Michael. Alone. On a Friday night. What was she thinking?

Part 12

"Oh, God, Liz I can't do this! What was I thinking?"

Liz Valenti smiled at her best friend's reflection in the mirror. Maria was wigging out over this Michael date. "Maria, what is the big deal? He asked you to dinner to thank you for helping him out- it's not romantic, right?" Liz smiled to herself at her use of reverse psychology to calm Maria.

"Of course not! I mean, why would it be? He's in the middle of getting divorced; he's got more important things to think about than dating. You're right, Michael's just taking me out to thank me." Maria took a breath, and began to apply her mascara.

Liz grinned at her friend's denial. Of course there would be some romance to the evening! This was Michael Guerin that Maria was going out with- her first love. The man she never got over. She'd bet her life that something romantic was going to happen tonight. She just had to convince Maria that it would be romance-free or she'd never go.

Putting the finishing touches on her face, Maria spun around to look at Liz. "Okay, so how do I look?"

"You look fine, Maria. Very nice in a non-date like way."

"Good." She paused. "Liz, do you really think this is okay? I mean, I know Isabel said she didn't care, but I still feel weird." Maria's thoughts drifted back to earlier in the week, when she and Liz had met Isabel, Phillip & Alexis at the Elementary school playground.

Maria had taken Jimmy with her after school that afternoon, leaving her mother in charge of the shop, and had gone to pick up Liz and Kaitlin. Isabel gave Liz a warm hug upon their arrival, and the kids had gotten along well. After Jimmy and Kaitlin had promised to make sure to look after Phillip and Alexis on the slide, the three adults sat down to talk.

"So, Liz, how are you doing? How are things with Kyle?"

Liz smiled at Isabel's inquisitiveness. Maria had mentioned Isabel's surprise when she told her that Liz and Kyle had gotten married. "Kyle's good. His company is doing really well, and I'm working on my doctorate. Things are great."

"That's great. I'm glad to hear it. Tell him I say hi and thanks so much for hiring Michael. It's going to help us out so much. We can start making payments on the house soon." Isabel had turned to Maria. "Speaking of Michael, I hear you guys are going out to dinner Friday night."

Maria gulped hard. This was the conversation she'd been dreading. "Oh, yeah, it's no big deal. He just wanted to thank me for helping find the house and for talking to Kyle for him. It's okay, right? I mean, I wouldn't want things to be weird between us."

Isabel laughed out loud. "Yeah, it's fine! Don't worry about it, really, Maria. Michael and I know where we stand- we're both free to do what we want as long as it doesn't have a bad effect on the kids."

She exhaled the breath she'd been holding. "Okay, great. I just didn't want to cause any tension or anything."

Isabel smiled. "No worries. So Liz, do your parent's still own the Crash Down?"

Maria had wandered off at that point, to let them catch up and to make sure the kids were okay. She had both Michael and Isabel's reassurance, but she still felt strange. And now, here she was, 20 minutes before Michael was coming to get her, and she was just trembling with anticipation. She was glad Liz had agreed to come over. She needed someone here to calm her and make sure she looked good, but not too good, for this thank you dinner. She didn't want to give Michael the wrong impression.

Liz shook her head in acknowledgement of Maria's earlier question. "Maria, it's fine. Isabel gave you the ok. What are you so worried about?"

"I don't know. It's just, you know, it's Michael. Me & Michael."

Liz nodded. "I know. Maria's there's no reason to be nervous. No big deal, right. Just keep telling yourself that."

"Right, right. No big deal. Just dinner." Maria took a deep breath, then stood up from her spot in front of her Vanity. "I think I'm going to throw up." She turned and sprinted toward the bathroom as fast as her high heels would allow her to go.

Liz sank down on the bed, chuckling to herself. She hadn't seen Maria this worked up since she used to sing with "The Whits". Oh, but she'd be 20 times worse if she knew what Liz and Isabel had talked about while Maria watched the kids that day at the playground. Isabel had asked Liz if her parent's still owned the Crash Down. "Yeah, definitely. Why?" she'd replied.

"Well, this might sound weird, but I was hoping they might hire me as a waitress?"

Liz was shocked. "Isabel, you want to wait tables?"

The tall blond had laughed. "Well, not particularly, but I'm not qualified to do much else. And besides, I really don't want to rely completely on Michael to support the kids. I was hoping they had a nights & weekends shift open. You know, that way, Michael will get out of work at 5, and he can feed the kids dinner while I go to work. I can work until 11, and be home to get enough sleep to be up at the crack of dawn with Phillip and Alexis. And he can watch them on the weekends when I'm at work."

"That sounds like a good plan, actually. Kind of like what Kyle & I did until Kaitlin was school age." Liz paused, trying to think of a tactful way to ask the question she wanted to. "Isabel, I have to ask... are you sure it doesn't bother you about Maria and Michael spending time together? You've been a family for so long, it must be strange to think of him with someone else."

Isabel thought for a moment trying to think how to explain her feelings. "I guess it's a little weird to think of him with another woman. But Liz, I don't love him like that anymore- I'm not sure if I ever did. I want to be happy and I want Michael to be happy. And we can't make each other happy. We just weren't meant to be together. Maybe he and Maria are. I know how he felt about her in High School. He never said it, but it was in his eyes- even after we left he never stopped thinking about her. I think that deep down, he still loves her."

Liz had been more than a bit surprised at Isabel's honest proclamation. But she had to agree. "I know she still loves him. With the other guys she's been with, she never had that look in her eyes she had when she was with Michael. I know she's tried to forget him, but I don't think she ever has."

"What do you say we try to make sure they end up admitting how they feel? I mean, we both know how stubborn they can be- they might need a nudge or two in the right direction, if you know what I mean?"

Smiling in agreement, Liz had replied, "Oh, yeah. I definitely know what you mean." So now, along with Isabel, she considered it her mission in life to get Maria and Michael back together. And despite the fact that Maria was possibly getting sick in the bathroom right now, Liz intended to make sure she was ready to go when Michael arrived.


"Oh my god, Liz, was that the doorbell?" Maria was reapplying her lipstick and trying to stay calm when she'd heard the buzzer ring.


"Oh my god. Can you get it? I'm not ready."

"Sure." Liz stepped out of the bedroom and pressed the button to buzz Michael into the building. A few moments later there was a knock at the front door. She steeped over to it and unlocked it. "Hi, Michael."

"Oh, Liz, wow! How are you?" He gave her a quick hug, this being the first time he'd seen her since he'd come home.

"I'm good. How do you like working for Kyle so far?"

"Well, I actually like it a lot so far. I'm hoping to be in charge of my own crew once I learn everything. But that'd be up to Kyle."

Liz smiled. "I'll put in a good word for you. You might need it- taking out the boss's sister is generally frowned upon by Valenti Construction."

He winked at her. "I promise I won't give him any reason to fire me. I'll be a gentleman." They shared a companionable silence before Maria entered the room a minute later.

She was wearing a black dress with a peach sweater over it. Her hair was pulled back into a tight twist, and she was wearing black high heels to match. Michael's mouth dropped open of it's own accord.

"Wow, Maria, you look great. I mean, not that you don't usually, but... you know what I mean."

The blond blushed a bit. "Thanks, Michael. You look nice, too." He was wearing black jeans and a sport coat and tie. His hair was brushed back off his face, and he looked, dare she think it? Amazing. "So... where are we going?"

"I was thinking we'd go to La Cucina di Napoli if that's okay?"

"Yeah. I mean, great. I love Italian." She looked at Liz. "Thanks for coming over to drop off that, uh, thing..."

Trying not to burst out laughing at Maria's pitiful lie, Liz replied, "Yeah, no problem. I'll see you tomorrow. It was good to see you again, Michael. I'm sure I'll see a lot more of you now that you're working for Kyle."

"Definitely- and I want to meet your daughter soon, okay?"

"Sure. Bye, guys." Liz headed out the door leaving Maria to fend for herself.

There was a palatable silence that engulfed the room as soon as the door had closed behind Liz. Both Michael and Maria were consumed with drinking in the sight of one another. Finally, Michael recovered enough to ask, "Ok, so are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be." Michael held out his arm for her, and surprised at his chivalry, Maria accepted it and let him lead her out of her apartment, and down the stairs toward the car.

Part 13

Driving to the restaurant, Maria was quiet. She hadn't driven anywhere with Michael since, well since their break up. Her thoughts drifted back to the 1st time she rode in a car alone with Michael. Marathon. She smiled to herself, and as Michael fidgeted with the radio he noticed the smirk.

"What?" he asked simply.

She shook her head. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking how long it's been since we drove anywhere together."

"I know." He smiled with her. "Weird, huh?"

"Yeah, completely." She looked down at her hands resting in her lap. "So, how's work going? Tough first week?"

He glanced in her direction as he maneuvered the car along the main roads of Roswell. "No, actually, it's been pretty cool. The guys are easy to get along with, and I like building things. Makes me feel useful."

"Of course you're useful! How's Kyle treating you?"

"Surprisingly well. He didn't even blow a gasket when I told him I was taking you out tonight."

She looked at him, surprised. "You told Kyle we were going out?"

"Yeah. I hope that's not a problem."

"No, it's not a problem, it's just that he tends to get a little overprotective is all. Especially if I agree to go out with one of the guys from work."

"Well, like I told Liz, I'm not going to give him any reason to fire me. So I figured I'd be open about it with him. He was cool."

She was silent as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. After shutting off the car, Michael slipped out the driver's side door quickly and came around to open Maria's door for her. "Milady," he quipped with a smile while holding out his arm. Smiling back at him, she took the offered arm and together they headed inside.


Things remained relatively mellow throughout the salads. They ate in companionable silence, both trying to figure out why things between them seemed so charged with unspoken energy tonight.

The waiter brought out their main courses, and as Michael took the first bite of his Sausage and Shrimp Fra Diavolo, he looked over at Maria. "So, Phillip won't stop talking about you."

Maria swallowed the first bite of her Eggplant Parmesan. "Oh really?"

"Yeah. He keeps asking when you're coming over to play. It's kind of funny. Like he thinks you're one of his friends."

Maria laughed and sipped her wine. "That's so cute. How's Alexis?"

"She's good. And I'm pretty sure she likes you just as much as Phillip does. She's been insisting we call her Alexis Maria."

Smiling, Maria took another bite of her food. "That's funny. I'll have to come over soon for another visit. Before they go into Maria withdrawal."

Michael smiled back at her. "I'd hate for that to happen. How about tomorrow?"

"Sure. I'll call Isabel in the morning to see if it's okay."

"It's fine. And Isabel's working tomorrow, so I have the kids."

"She got a job? Where?"

"Didn't Liz tell you? She got a job working nights and weekends at the Crash Down."

"Isabel's going to waitress at the Crash Down? Oh, I can't even picture it. She'll have to wear the antennae and everything!" Maria began to giggle at the thought of Isabel in the silver headgear.

Michael laughed, too. "I know, it's really funny to think of her in that get up. But she seemed like she really wanted to do it. She wants to provide for Phillip and Alexis as much as I do."

"That's great, Michael. When are you guys going to pass papers on the house?"

"Next week. And we'll be able to move in at the end of the month." He paused, putting down his fork, and reached across the table, taking Maria's free hand in his. "Thank you, Maria. You've helped us so much."

She blushed under his intense gaze. "You're welcome. But really, it was nothing."

"No, you're wrong. It was a lot to ask of you. Especially considering the way things ended when we left."

"Oh, Michael, you don't have to..."

"No, Maria, I think I do have to. I want to tell you how sorry I am about everything I did to you. Everything I put you through. It was selfish and wrong of me. And I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that I hurt you."

Maria was stunned. She literally couldn't speak. Before she could respond, he'd stood up, pulling her up with him. "Let's dance, okay?"

The fact that there was soft music playing and an empty dance floor had escaped her until that very moment. Not trusting herself to speak, she nodded her agreement and let Michael lead her to the middle of the floor.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as Michael's hands pulled her close to him, pressing her to his firm chest. Finally, they came to rest on her hips, and Maria gave an involuntary shudder as currents of desire ran through her veins. She wound her arms around his neck, twining her fingers together at his nape. This was familiar, and sweet. Michael pulled in a ragged breath as his fingers slowly began to caress the flesh above her waist. Maria's fingers twitched in anticipation, wanting to bury themselves in his hair, but finally settling for brushing over his taut neck and shoulder muscles.

Is it possible for the air to feel heavy? Maria thought to herself as her eyes slipped closed, reviling in the feel of Michael's hands on her body. The temperature in the room must have gone up at least 50 degrees in the last 5 seconds, because suddenly she was burning. Feeling a little weak, she leaned her forehead on Michael's chest, and his face found its niche in her neck. Slowly they swayed back and forth, shifting their weight from one foot to the other. She took in a deep breath, smelling the sweet musky scent of his cologne. This was amazing. "Michael..." she breathed huskily.

"Yeah?" he replied as the song ended, looking down into her eyes intensely.

Suddenly time jerked forward again, snapping Maria back to reality. She swallowed, trying to regain her composure. "I think our food is probably getting cold."

He stepped back, and she felt chilled as his warmth was replaced with an air-conditioned draft. "Oh, right," he said sounded a bit disappointed. He took her hand again and led her back to the table.


"Well, I guess this is goodnight." Maria said as Michael pulled up in front of her apartment.

"Do you want me to walk you up?" he asked quietly.

"No, I'm fine. But thanks for asking."

"So I'll see you tomorrow?"

Maria looked puzzled. "Tomorrow?"

"To come visit with Phillip and Alexis?"

"Oh sure. That sounds fine. I get off work at 6 tomorrow night."

"I have a great idea. Izzy is working all day tomorrow and the kids are probably going to miss her. Why don't you meet me & the kids at the Crash Down after work to get a bite to eat? Then you can come over after dinner and play with them and help me get them to bed. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. I'll meet you at 6 then. Call me if anything changes."

"Sure. Bye, Maria. I had a good time." He smiled at her as he leaned over and pressed his lips to her cheek.

Her heart leapt to her throat as she felt those lips on her skin again. Closing her eyes, she could almost imagine they were pressed to her mouth. "I had a good time, too. I'll see you tomorrow." Maria popped open her car door as he pulled away, and stepped out into the street. He watched her to make sure she got in the building safely before driving off.

Part 14

Liz had called Maria at work the next day to find out the details of the date.

"So, how was it?"

Maria played dumb, knowing her friend was going to make more of this date than she should. "How was what?"

"Maria, you know perfectly well I mean your date with Michael."

"Oh, that. It was fine."

"Just fine? Nothing happened?"

"Well, mostly nothing. Actually there was this little something."

"I knew it. What happened? Did he kiss you?"

"No, of course not. Don't be stupid. But he asked me to dance."

"To dance? A slow dance? Romantic in nature perhaps?" Liz prodded.

Maria chuckled. "I guess you could consider it romantic. It was right after he apologized to me about how things ended between us in High School."

"He apologized? Michael Guerin? Wow, he really has changed. So what did he say exactly? How did he ask?"

"Well, he said he was selfish and wrong, and that he was sorry he hurt me. Then he asked if I wanted to dance. He took my hand and we walked over to the dance floor. We danced for the rest of the song and then we went back to the table to finish eating."

"Oh, come on Maria- I need details! How close did he hold you? What did you do with your hands? What did he do with his? Who broke away first?"

"God, Liz, what are you doing? Writing a romance novel?"

"No, but this is important stuff. It'll help me decide how interested in you he is."

"Oh for crying out loud- I told you, it's not like that. It was a thank you dinner."

"Sure it was. Details, please?"

"Fine. He held me really close, and the room got humid all of a sudden. I rested my head on his chest, and he put his hands on my hips. My arms were around his neck, and I pulled away when the song was over."

"Was he upset?"

"I don't think so. He was quiet for a minute or two afterwards, but I don't think he was mad."

"Hmmm. Well, personally I think this means he's very interested in you. And don't tell me you aren't interested in him because I know you too well, Maria."

"Oh you think so? Then tell me this- what happened at the end of the date?"

"Oh so you admit it was a date?"

"Shut up and answer the question."

"Okay, fine. He drove you home and offered to walk you up to your apartment. But you were still freaked out by the dance, so you said no. Then he wanted to ask you out again, but knew it would freak you out even more, so he made plans for you to come visit with the kids. Right?"

Maria gulped. Maybe Liz did know her too well. "Well, just because you guessed..."

"Aha! So when are you seeing him again?"

"I am meeting Michael and the kids for dinner tonight at the Crash Down. Where their mother works I might add. You know, Isabel, the woman he's still married to?"

"Getting divorced from, you mean. But the most important question is, is that where the evening ends? Or did you say you'd help him baby-sit and get the kids to bed?"

Maria paused, which Liz took to mean she was right. "Oh you are so in for it, Maria."

"What do you mean?"

Liz sighed, hoping this reverse psychology ploy would work again. "It's obvious to me that you're falling in love with him again."

"What? Are you crazy? I've had lunch with him once and had one semi-date. That does not equal being in love with him."

"Well it seems to me like he wants to pick up where you two left off, and if I know you, which I think I've proven I do, you are going to be in love with him again in days. Do yourself a favor and don't go tonight."

"Liz Parker, I have never heard anything so stupid in my life! You think I'm so easy to influence that I'll fall in love that quickly with a man who left me 10 years ago? Well I'll tell you something- you're wrong! I can go have dinner with him and the kids no problem. And you know why it's not a problem? Because I feel nothing, I repeat nothing for Michael. Do you hear me?"

"If you say so, Maria. I'm just looking out for you is all."

"Yeah, well, I'm a big girl, and I can make my own decisions. And if I want to go to dinner with Michael again tonight I will. I have to go, there's a customer here." Without waiting for a reply, Maria hung up the phone.

On the other end Liz giggled to herself. Oh, Maria, she thought, you're already in love with him again. You probably never stopped loving him. She just hoped beyond hope that things would work out better this time.

At the store, Maria was fuming. How dare Liz try to tell he she had no self-control when it came to Michael. I have self-control, she thought. I choose whom I want to love, and I choose not to love Michael Guerin. And just to prove it, I will go tonight, and have fun, and NOT love him. So there, Liz! She took the alien hairbrush that an old lady was buying for her granddaughter and rang it up unceremoniously.


Promptly at 6 PM, Maria closed the store and headed over to the Crash down. When she arrived, Michael was already seated in a booth with the kids. Isabel was at another table, waiting on some truckers, and Michael had the menu open in front of his face. She opened the door and entered, waving at Izzy, who had looked up. The she slid into the seat across from Michael, next to Phillip. "Hi."

Phillip grabbed her arm. "Maria! Wanna know what I'm going to eat?"

She smiled at Michael, who by now had put down his menu, then looked to his son. "What are you going to eat?"

"A hot dog and some French fries!"

She smiled at his exuberance. "That sounds yummy. What are you getting Alexis?" She looked to the little girl who sat diagonally across from her next to her daddy. Alexis smiled shyly. "Grill cheese."

Maria grinned. "Well, those both sounds good!" She turned to look at Michael. "Hi. Were you guys waiting long?"

"No. Only about 5 minutes. Isabel's getting their drinks. How was work?"

"Fine. Saturdays are always busy, though, so I'm kind of wired from all the coffee I drank today."

"I guess that mean no caffeine for you," Isabel said as she approached the table with 2 chocolate milks, setting them in front of her children.

"Thank you, Mama!" they said in unison, to which Maria burst out laughing.

"God, could they be any more adorable?" Michael and Isabel both beamed with pride.

"So, are you ready to order or do you want to hear the specials?" Izzy asked as she pulled her pencil out of pocket.

Again Maria laughed. "Well, this is a switch. You waiting on me. I think I'll have a Sigourney Weaver, hold the pickles. And a water."

Isabel wrote it down and looked at Michael, who ordered for himself and the kids. She walked away with the promise, "Okay, it'll be right up."

As she watched Isabel go, Maria commented to Michael, "That's what I used to say. And unless Jose got a lot faster in the past few years, I'd say it'll be at least 20 minutes."

He smiled then turned to his babies. "So, why don't you guys tell Maria all the fun things we did today?"

Phillip immediately went into a monologue about the fun they had, only letting Alexis get a few words in edgewise. Maria listened contentedly, thinking that spending time with Michael and the kids was a very pleasant way to unwind from work. She listened to Phillip's stories, looking forward to spending the rest of the evening with these beautiful children and their father.

Part 15

"Yes, there is a monster at the end of this book. It's me!" Maria read to Phillip and Alexis, who stared at the picture of Grover on the last page. "The End!"

The kids started clapping and laughing. "Yay, Maria! Another one!!" Phillip said.

Michael laughed. "I don't think so, buddy. It's like an hour past your bedtime. Come on." He held out his hands to the kids, who jumped off the couch and took them. Maria watched as they started to walk out of the room, but then Alexis stopped and turned. She shyly walked back to the place where Maria was seated, taking baby steps, and held out her hands.

"Will you tuck me in, Maria?"

Maria's face broke out in a watery grin as she tried to keep from crying. God, she already loved these two children so much. They made her feel so special. "Of course I will, Lexi." She reached out and scooped the little girl in her arms and stood up, walking over to where Michael and Phillip waited in the doorway. As she approached, Phillip held his hand out for Maria's. Michael smiled at his ex-girlfriend, then led the way down the hall, holding Phillip's other hand.

As they reached the room where the kids were sleeping, Maria put Alexis down and she and Phillip sprang into their beds. She was surprised to see two children so eager to go to sleep. When she babysat Jimmy or Kaitlin, she usually had to bribe them with sweets to get them anywhere near bed.

Alexis burrowed under the covers and Maria tucked them in around her, cocoon like. "Goodnight, sweetie." She kissed the little girl on the forehead and then walked over to Phillip's bed, where Michael had already tucked him in and said goodnight. "Goodnight, Phillip."

"Maria will you come see us again?"

"Sure, kiddo. I'll come and visit every chance I get. Deal?"

Phillip smiled a baby grin. "Deal. Goodnight, Maria." She kissed his forehead, too, and waited in the doorway for Michael to say goodnight to Alexis. Michael joined her after a moment, and they shut off the light and closed the door behind them.

As they walked back toward the living room, Michael turned to Maria. "Thanks so much for tonight. They love it when you visit. I think they had a lot of fun."

"Well I did, too. Though it's tough find a place to hide and seek with them when they can move the furniture with their powers."

"Yeah, I know. They're too little to understand why yet, but we've told them they can't use their powers in front of anyone unless we say it's okay."

"I take it you let them know I was in on the secret."

Michael smiled as they sat back down on the couch. "Yeah. I had a little talk with them this afternoon."

"And what else did you tell them about me?"

"Not much. But then again, I really don't know too much about you anymore, do I?"

"Michael, I'm basically the same person. Just a little older and hopefully wiser."

He reached over and brushed a lock of hair out of her face. "Does that mean...?" He stopped talking as he tucked the strand behind her ear.

She swallowed audibly. The room was warming up again. "Does that mean what?"

His hands traveled downward, toward her waist as he spoke. "Does that mean... you're still ticklish?" And with that, his fingers found her rib cage and he began to tickle her furiously.

Maria gasped in surprise as his fingers met her body, then she began to laugh uncontrollably. She fell backwards, against the arm of the couch as Michael continued to torture her. "Stop, Michael! You have to stop! I'm going to pee my pants!"

His face became determined as he leaned over her, pressing the advantage her position gave him. "You have to say it first."

"Say what?" she gasped.

"The magic words."

Trying to control her flailing limbs, she managed to say, "I don't remember them."

"Oh, well, then I guess I'll be tickling you forever."

"Fine, I remember them. Michael Guerin is the handsomest and most irresistible alien on Earth!"

He stopped, and Maria gasped for breath. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Maria whacked him playfully on the arm. "You jerk! Why did you do that?"

He was still leaning over her, when she finally noticed his proximity. He looked down at her, hair unruly, chest heaving, face flushed. "I don't know," he answered honestly, unable to tear his gaze from hers.

She cleared her throat, feeling the tension mounting between them. "Well, don't do it again."

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't want you to." His hand came up to cup her cheek, and his face began to move towards hers at an excruciatingly slow pace.

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

Her hands seemed to move of their own accord toward his firm chest, feeling the muscle and then sliding up around his neck, drawing him closer. "I don't know."

"Don't you?" he asked simply before closing the space between them and effortlessly capturing her mouth with his.

The pleasure of feeling his lips on hers again was almost too much for Maria to bear. There was no shyness between them after all this time- it was as if they'd never been apart. Quickly, his tongue swept into her mouth, bringing with it that sweet Michael taste that she'd missed so much.

Michael's hand moved from her face up into her hair, brushing it out of the way as he pressed his body closer to her on the couch. An electric current seemed to flow between their bodies, crackling and sparking to life the old emotions that lay dormant in them for too long. Maria responded to his touches by sliding down the couch's arm so that her back was flat, making it easier for their intimate contact to continue.

Their mouths separated after what seemed like an eternity, and she felt Michael's lips on her neck and collarbone. She didn't dare open her eyes for fear it would all be a dream. But the breathy whisper of her name from his lips let her know she was awake and in heaven. "Maria. God, Maria, I missed you so much."

Moving her hands over his taut back and shoulders, she whispered back. "I missed you, too, Michael. Please, don't stop."

His hands had roamed down her body and were running up the lengths of her legs and sides. Michael had settled himself nicely between her legs, and she could feel him pressing into her lower extremities. Instinctively her legs wound themselves around his waist, pulling him even closer to her core.

Finally he brought one hand up to cup her breast. He ran his thumb over the nipple, watching it harden through her clothes. "God, you feel so good," he said quietly.

"You do too," she responded before crushing her lips to his again just to feel that jolt run through her body. This feeling was something so unique to her encounters with Michael, she'd almost forgotten it existed. No one made her feel this good. This alive. No one but Michael.

Suddenly her lips froze on his as she heard a car pull up the driveway. "Michael, Isabel's home."

He kept his eyes closed, pretending that the moment wasn't over. "Who cares? Come here," he practically purred against her neck.

"What? Get off of me!" She moved so quickly, he didn't even have time to register it. In a flash she had straightened her hair and clothes and was sitting in the armchair across from him. The door opened and Isabel appeared.

"Isabel! How are you? Long day? Well, I should get going now." She stood and grabbed her jacket and purse. "Bye, Michael." She moved toward the door.

He stood up quickly, following her. "Maria, wait..."

"Tell Phillip and Alexis I'll see them soon, okay? Bye!" She muttered quickly, and waving at Isabel, closed the door forcefully behind her.

Michael pressed his hand to the door Maria had practically slammed in his face. "Don't go," he said to no one.

Isabel took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack. "She doesn't understand, does she?"

"No. I don't think she does."

Isabel patted him on the shoulder in a sisterly gesture. "It's okay, Michael. She'll come around."

Spinning and pressing his back to the door, he frowned. "I hope so. I need her." He slid to the ground, sitting dejectedly in the entryway, knowing that he'd never get Maria out of his mind tonight.

Part 16

More than a week had passed since she'd seen Michael. And truth be told, she was glad. What had happened between them... it felt too right. Maria knew that if Isabel hadn't come home, she might have done something she'd have regretted. She'd been surprised when Michael hadn't called her the next night after work, but relieved as well. This whole thing was so confusing for her.

She'd gone to see Phillip and Alexis one day last week on her lunch break, and Isabel hadn't mentioned Michael at all until Maria asked how he was doing. They were getting ready to move, and she said he'd been really busy between work, packing, and fixing things up at the new house. Maria had feigned indifference, but inside she'd been a little disappointed. He'd kissed her, touched her, in a way that made her feel things she hadn't in ages. She couldn't help but want more.

Of course that realization made her feel even more guilty. The guy was trying to get his life together. He still had a wife and two kids to think about. How could she be so selfish as to want even more of his time. No, she'd definitely leave Michael alone. She told Liz as much when her best friend had called her several times that week trying to pry details of her Saturday dinner out of Maria. Her two Sunday dinners were no better, since all Kyle could talk about was how well Michael was doing at work. And that of course prompted Liz to again try to get details from Maria.

But she'd made up her mind. She needed to stay away from him. And she'd stuck to that decision for over a week now. It was Monday, the most dreaded day of the week for her. But at least it was almost time to go home.


At 10 past 7, Maria grabbed her keys and set the alarm on the store's main door, shutting and locking it behind her.

"You shouldn't walk home alone at night."

Maria nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of a distinctly male voice behind her. Spinning, she saw Michael leaning against the building, tapping his foot.

"God, Michael, you scared the hell out of me! What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you."


"We need to talk."

Trying to regain her composure and retain her dignity, she stared to walk across the street, not bothering to see if he was following her. She knew he was. When she reached the door of her apartment building, she felt his presence behind her as she tried to find the right key to fit the lock. Having him standing so close was really unnerving her. "So, um, what did you want to talk about?"

"I think you know, Maria. Let's go upstairs and talk in private, okay?"

She swallowed hard as her key slid home and she unlocked the door, leading the way up the stairs to her apartment. Again, she fumbled to find the right key to her apartment door, and after a minute, Michael simply reached around her and unlocked it using his powers. His hand traveled to the knob and he pushed the door open, entering before her. She followed, closing the door behind her. Before she could speak, he pulled her into his arms and crushed his lips to hers.

Almost involuntarily, she found herself returning the kiss with fervor. She leaned back against the door for support. Michael finally broke the kiss. "I couldn't wait any longer."

Maria opened her eyes and tried to process what he was talking about. "Huh? For what?"

"For you to realize how you feel."

She raised an eyebrow in surprise and confusion. "And... you know how I feel?"

"Yes. Because I feel it too."

He hadn't completely released her from his embrace, and was slowly running his hands over her body as he spoke, making it hard to concentrate. "Michael, it doesn't matter what we feel. You need time..."

"I've had time. 10 years without you is too long."

She blushed but continued. "You didn't let me finish. You need time to get settled in again, and to finalize the divorce. Time to be alone to think about things."

"I've thought about things. I need you, Maria."

"Michael, it's all so fast. You and Isabel..."

"Maria, I haven't been with Isabel in over 2 years. Since before she lost the baby. We tried to make it work, believe me. It just doesn't. It won't ever again. That's why we're getting divorced. I don't love her like that. I've been used to being alone for too long. And the minute I saw you... that all changed for me. All I've wanted to do since I got back is be with you. And I know you feel it, too. You just have to let yourself."

"I can't Michael, it's too soon. You just got back- I'm not even sure what I feel."

"You're not sure?" He kissed her again, this time pressing her to the door with his body, causing a delicious friction that made her body tingle. His lips roamed over her face, leaving a damp trail until they finally reached her neck. He began to suckle ever so slightly on her pulse point before pulling away. "I think you're sure. You just have to listen to your heart, Maria. Trust your feelings."

Her chin sank to her chest. "Michael, I want to trust my feelings, so much, but I did that once before and it got me nothing but a broken heart. Can you promise me that won't happen again?"

"Maria, I promise you that I love you. I don't think I ever stopped. And if that's not enough, then I don't know what I can say that will change your mind."

Her eyes locked on his, brimming with tears unspilled. "Say it again."

"I love you, Maria. I always have and I always will."

She reached out and touched his face, pulling him closer to her. "I love you, too, Michael."

His lips descended on hers again, and no further thoughts of stopping him came to her mind. She was going to follow her heart for once, no matter what the consequences. She inhaled a sharp breath as Michael leaned over and swept her into his arms, carrying her toward the bedroom.

Part 17- NC17 (if you are not of age, please skip this part. You will not miss any of the story as it is recapped in Part 18)

Kicking the door shut behind him, Michael made his way to the bed carrying the woman he left so long ago. Maria's arms were wound around his neck, pulling him close to her. They had never broken their kiss from the entryway, and now Michael pulled away just long enough to place her on the bed.

Maria's doubts took the opportunity to surface again. She sat up quickly, saying, "Michael, I... are you sure we should..."

He silenced her with a quick kiss. "Shhh. I'm sure. And you know you are, too. Please, let me love you?"

Unable to form the words to reply, she nodded her head in agreement. It had been so long without him, she had forgotten how sweet and caring he could be when they were alone together. Every word he'd said to her since they got into the apartment echoed in her head as he knelt down beside the bed and pulled her into his arms. His head was pillowed on her chest and he took a minute to hold her to him tightly. His embrace was firm, possessive, but tender. It felt good to have him hold her like this again. Better than she remembered.

She breathed in the scent of his hair, slightly running her fingers through the back of it. It was so soft. So unlike what you would expect. But then again, so was Michael. At her movements, he lifted his eyes up to meet hers, and the love she saw there nearly overwhelmed her. She moved in to kiss him, hoping that the act would express the feelings she had been desperately trying to hold back.

Michael quickly took control of the kiss, leaning forward to ease Maria's body down on to the bed. He placed one knee on the edge of the mattress while pushing them both up toward the headboard. He touched her everywhere, hands exploring, worshipping her as he had so long ago. Maria's senses were on overload- all that she could feel, smell, taste, hear and see was Michael. The dizzying effect of his kisses and touches was already driving her crazy. She needed more of him.

As she had wanted to do since the day she saw him in that sweaty T-shirt, she untucked his shirt from his jeans and pulled it over his head. Ever so slowly she ran her fingers over his well-muscled chest. God, he was gorgeous. Ignoring any wrong feelings she might have had, she placed a kiss over his heart.

Michael nearly groaned in response. "Maria." Her name still sounded like a prayer when he whispered it. Slowly, as if savoring every taste of her, he inched her shirt up and placed kisses on her stomach, trailing upwards as he removed her blouse. The shirt was quickly off, and he kissed his way back down over her body. Then his hands moved up and covered the areas where his lips had just been. He slipped one bra strap off her shoulder, placing a kiss where it had been.

Maria was in heaven. In her adolescence she had thought she knew what it was like to want Michael, but 10 years and a bit more experience later, she was close to ripping his clothes off. Her hands rested on his perfect rear-end for a minute, before moving around to unbutton and unzip his jeans.

"Not so fast, baby," he said as he kissed her throat. "We have all night. And I want to take my time."

"But, Michael," she moaned breathlessly, "I want you so much. I don't think I can wait much longer."

He laughed against her stomach. "For someone who wasn't sure a little while ago, you seem pretty sure now."

Maria didn't take too kindly to being laughed at. "Shut up and kiss me."

He lifted his head and looked her in the eye. "Your wish," he said as he kissed her lips, "is my command." His hands roamed down to cover her breasts and Maria sucked in a harsh breath. "Oh, god, Michael, that feels good."

He reached behind her and unclasped her bra and slowly pulled the fabric away from her body. Tossing it on the floor, his eyes drank in the sight of her. "Wow. No way you need an Aqua Bra these days."

Maria just giggled, a little embarrassed. "I'll take that as a compliment, I guess." She paused, taking in his distance from her. "Why are you so far away? Come here."

He covered her body with his own, loving the feel of his bare skin against hers. The sensation was exhilarating, and his blood pounded in his ears. "Maria, I've wanted you like this for so long. It's all I've dreamed about since before I even got back."

A tear escaped and rolled down her cheek. "It's all I've dreamed about since I met you." He kissed the wetness away.

"The let's make our dreams come true." His mouth covered her taut nipple, causing flickers of pleasure all over Maria's body. She moved her hands to unzip his jeans again, and this time he didn't stop her. She slid her hand inside his boxers and began to massage him intimately. Michael moaned in pleasure, then began to remove her jeans as well. Tugging them off her legs, he threw them on the floor next to her shirt and bra, then stood up and removed his jeans and socks.

Standing in only his boxers, he stepped back to the bed, covering Maria with his body once again. Hands explored and tongues dueled, until Michael reached up and pulled the sheets of the bed down, rolling so their bodies were under the covers. Maria wound her legs around Michael's waist, bringing his as close to her as possible. She wanted to melt into him, never to be separated from the man she held in her arms again.

When he finally slipped her panties off, then removed his boxer shorts, he took a minute to stare into her eyes and hold her close to him, almost unable to believe this was finally happening. He kissed her forehead sweetly, and looked down into her eyes. "You're everything I've ever wanted."

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me." She pressed her lips up to his once again as he slid into her. Time stopped as he did- she'd never felt so full in her life. Michael was making love to her. It was all she needed.

Before he could move within her, she fell into an abyss of pleasure, and as he pulsed and rocked forward toward his own ecstasy, she built again. As he exploded in bliss, her name was on his lips, and she climaxed again simply from the sound. Lungs burning and bodies throbbing in afterglow, Michael curled around Maria, drawing her to rest her head on his chest. They both drifted to sleep, content and still joined in body, heart, and soul.

Part 18

Maria woke groggily to the sound of her alarm blaring in her ear. God, was it 9 am already? She went to roll out of bed but the realization that she was completely naked hit her. The previous night's activities came flooding back and she reddened a little in embarrassment, but mostly pleasure. She and Michael had... several times in fact. And it had been amazing.

She looked at the pillow next to her, prepared to see his spiky head. But the only indication that someone had slept beside her was the indentation in the pillow. It was then that Maria finally looked at her clock. 5 am. What the heck was going on? Where was he?

She gathered the sheets around her and walked to the bedroom door. As she opened it, she was assaulted with the incredible smell of Pancakes and syrup. She walked out into the main living room to see Michael standing in front of her stove in the kitchen, dressed in his black jeans and T-shirt and humming to himself as he cooked.

"Michael?" she asked, very confused.

"Oh good, you're up! I set the alarm for you so we could have breakfast before I have to go to work. I hope that's okay?"

She blinked in disbelief, nodding. "Yeah, it's fine. You made pancakes?"

"Yup. You do like pancakes, don't you?"

"Oh, sure. I just... I didn't know you could cook."

He grinned at her. "One of my many talents." She smiled back, and he stepped out of the kitchen toward her. When he reached her, he enveloped her in a bear hug, kissing her neck. "Good morning, sunshine."

Maria just beamed with happiness. "Good morning. What time do you have to be at work?"

"6. So we have a little while to eat and stuff before I have to go."

She raised an amused eyebrow. "Stuff? What kind of stuff?"

"I'm sure we can figure that out. Why don't you put some clothes on and come eat. Or better yet, don't put any on. Just come eat."

Maria chuckled and pulled away from his embrace. "I'll be back in a minute." She walked back toward the bedroom, and grabbing an oversized T-shirt and a bathrobe, she headed for the bathroom. She changed and brushed her teeth- no need for morning breath kisses- then walked back out to join Michael at the breakfast table.

He's set two places; both had a plate overflowing with pancakes, a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. As Maria sat down he'd just stuffed the first bite into his mouth. He looked adorable with his cheeks stuffed, and Maria had to lean over and plant a kiss on his syrupy mouth. "Mmmmmm, sweet. Now to what do I owe the pleasure of being treated to a homemade breakfast?"

Michael swallowed his food. "I think you pretty much owe it to a wonderful evening. Thanks for last night. It was..."

Maria blushed. "I know." She began to butter her pancakes individually.

"So, do you think we can talk about some things?"

She nodded, sipping her coffee. "Sure. What kinds of things?"

"Well, things having to do with us. I was thinking, you know, that we could go out tonight and celebrate."

"Okay, that's fine with me."

"Good, and I was also thinking, well I know it's kind of sudden and we'd have to wait a little until my divorce is final, but... I want to marry you."

Maria coughed so loud, you'd have thought her lung exploded. She grabbed her juice and washed down the piece of pancake she was choking on, then looked at Michael, eyes as big as saucers. "You what?"

"I want to get married. I love you. You love me. We can move into my side of the duplex together. We can be happy, Maria, I know it. So what do you say?"

"I say you've gone crazy is what I say! Don't you think it's a bit, oh I dunno, sudden? We've been on, like, one and a half dates. We can't just get married- what will you tell your kids?"

"I'll tell them the truth. That I love you, and I want to be with you. What's wrong with that? I know it's fast, but it just seems right, doesn't it? Unless you didn't mean what you said last night."

She reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "Michael, of course I meant what I said. I do love you. With all my heart. But I just feel like getting married would be jumping the gun. I mean, we still need to get to know each other again, and I don't know, but it just seems like it's all too fast."

He shook his head. "Maria, it's not like we'll be getting married tomorrow. The divorce will take at least 6 more months to be finalized. I think we should get engaged and then when we feel the time is right, then we should get married."

"Michael... It's... you're..."

"And you can move in with me now if you want to. It'll be perfect. You and me and Alexis and Phillip all the time. Perfect."

"Okay whoa! Hold on a second. Let me process this. You want to get engaged have me move in with you and help raise your kids. And you decided this all in a matter of hours? Don't you think you should think this over a little?"

"What's there to think about, Maria? We love each other. You know we always have. Even all this time and a few galaxies apart couldn't stop us from loving each other. The kids love you and you love them. I know what I want in life. You, me Alexis, Phillip, and maybe a few more kids of our own. I want the rest of my life to start as soon as possible. With you in it. We've wasted enough time, don't you think?"

You know, he actually makes a little sense, she thought. She was quiet a minute, thinking about everything. It would be so great. But who was she kidding? She couldn't decide the rest of her life in a second. "Michael, it's not that it doesn't sound amazing, because believe me it does. But I can't just change my whole life in a matter of minutes like this- I don't know if I'm ready to get married and settle down or be a mother. I... it's too much!"

"What's too much? Me? Us? Maria, I love you. I want you now. I want you forever. I don't want you to be some girl I used to go out with or my friend that I sometimes run into who comes and visits with my ex-wife and kids. I want to be with you. Not just in the past, but in the present and future. You're everything to me. I don't know how I put that on hold for 10 years, but being with you has brought everything back and multiplied it like a million times. When I think of my future all I see is you."

Maria had started to cry somewhere in the middle of his proclamation. "Michael. I want to say yes, but it's a big decision. At least let me think about it for a while. You can't just decide we should be together and have it happen instantaneously. I wish you had at least consulted with me before you decided our entire lives together. I need to think about this."

He stood up, shock and dismay written on his face. "Are you saying you won't marry me?"

"I'm not saying anything yet, Michael. It's not like I'm deciding what shirt to wear, I'm decided the rest of my life, here!"

"You think that's what this is for me? A snap decision? Maria, being with you last night meant so much to me, the though of not spending every waking second of the rest of our lives together is like torture. You know this is right. Why can't you admit it?" He got very quiet. "Or maybe it didn't mean as much to you as I thought.

She wiped at the tears streaking her face. "It did! You know it did. Please, Michael, don't do this. Don't make me choose right now."

"Fine. Take your time. You know where to find me when you've thought it over." He turned on his heel and headed for the door. He stopped with his hand on the knob, then spun around and came marching back. He grabbed her around the waist and planted a hard kiss on her lips. He looked into her eyes, the most intense look on his face that Maria had ever seen. "I love you, Maria DeLuca, and I want to marry you. Think about that while you're deciding the rest of your life." He let her go and stalked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Maria sank into the chair, head cradled in her hands and cried her eyes out. What the hell was she going to do?

Part 19

Liz was putting a bowl of cereal in front of Kaitlin when the phone rang. "Hello?" She heard muffled sobs, then a choked voice said, "Liz?"

"Maria? Is that you?" The only response she got was a nose being blown. "Maria, what is it?" On hearing her favorite Auntie Ria was on the phone, Kaity yelled out an indecipherable "Hi Auntie Ria!" with her mouth full of Cocoa Puffs.

Liz walked into the living room, where she could talk freely. "Maria. What happened?"


"Michael? You haven't even seen him in a week. What did he do?"

Maria took in a ragged breath. "He was waiting for me outside work last night. He said he wanted to talk."

"And did you talk?"

Maria sniffled. "No. Not really."

"Well what happened?" There was dead silence on the other end of the line. "Maria, are you still there?"

"Yeah." She began to cry again.

"Maria? What the hell happened?"

"We... we..." Maria was so upset she could barely speak. It was then that Liz caught on to what Maria was trying to explain without explaining.

"Oh, Maria, you didn't, did you?"

"Uh huh," was her response. She didn't elaborate.

"And this morning he acted like an ass? Blew it all off, right? Guys are so predictable. Damn him, I thought he'd changed."

Maria cleared her throat. "No, Liz he did change. He made me breakfast and he was so sweet. And then he asked me to marry him."

"WHAT? He asked you to marry him?"

"I know! That's what I was like. It's all so sudden. And he got mad when I said that. He told me it must not have meant as much to me as it did to him. I asked him not to make me choose so fast- to give me some time. He said fine and then he walked out on me. What do I do, Liz?"

"Wow, Maria. I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I can't just decide to get married to a guy I haven't seen in 10 years. I'd be a mom automatically, and not that I don't love Phil & Lexi, but it's too much too soon. And he just freaked when I said that."

Liz took a deep breath, trying to process what her best friend was saying. "Maria, you just gave me a list of things that you can't do. That's all well and good, but what matters is do you love him?"

"Of course I love him, Liz. You knew that a week ago. It's just I don't know if I'm ready for this."

"Well then, that's what you have to decide. It's a big commitment. Be logical about it, and you'll have your answer."

"Great, the scientist rears her head! Liz, this is a matter of the heart- I can't process it logically."

"Well, then, Maria you better think long and hard about it, because if Michael is as mad as you say he was, then he must be pretty serious about it."

Maria grunted in annoyance. "Why can't you just tell me it's a bad idea and get it over with?"

"Because, Maria, what if it's not a bad idea? What if it's the perfect thing for you? What you've been waiting for your whole life. I can't tell you what to do, here, Maria, because if it were me I'd say no way. But I'm not you. So if you're waiting for me to shoot the idea down then you came to the wrong place."

Maria paused, letting her friend's words sink in. Liz was right about one thing- she really needed time to think about this. "Thanks, Lizzie. I guess you're right."

"Okay, good. Now, forget that part- how was it?"

"Being with Michael?"

"Duh. Was it what you expected?"

"Liz, it was everything I ever imagined and more. It was perfect. It felt so right. And when he asked me to marry him, he made it sound so amazing. I wanted to say yes so badly, but my head was screaming that it was a bad idea. I don't know what to do. How can I say no to a lifetime of love like that? But how can I say yes?"

"I don't know, Maria, I honestly don't know."


Maria hung up the phone and looked at the clock. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to go in to work today and sell stupid alien trinkets to tourists with a smile on her face. She had enough alien problems of her own.

She stood up and started clearing off the table, throwing away the pancakes that Michael had made for her. She felt as if she were throwing him away. God, why did he have to be so demanding? Why couldn't he have just let things progress naturally? But he did make it sound so nice.

She could picture it in her head so easily. Mornings she'd get up and make him breakfast before he had to get to work, then she'd go visit with Isabel and the kids before she headed to the store. When she got home, he'd have dinner on the table for her and Phillip and Alexis, then together they'd give the kids a bath and read them a story before bed. Michael was right- it would be perfect.

Angrily she stood up and threw the dishes in the sink. How could he expect her to make a life decision like that on a whim? Damn him! He was always making the decisions for her! He came to the Crashdown the night of the heatwave and started their relationship. He broke up with her at the Soap Factory party when he said she was being too intense. He pushed her away and then when she least expected it he'd do something nice like make her a homemade napkin holder or wrestle a huge guy for her and her mom. And then there was the night he came to her when he needed someone to hold him. The final straw was when he'd pushed her away that last time and ended their relationship after he found out his destiny and told her he loved her.

Dammit- he was always in control of things no matter what she tried to do to change that. Well, not this time, mister, she thought to herself as she headed toward the bedroom to get ready for work. This time I am making the decision, and I'll be damned if he tries to rush me into something I am not ready for or maybe even don't want. With determination she grabbed a pair of jeans, a shirt and a towel and headed into the bathroom to shower.

Part 20

Weeks passed. She thought. And talked. To those closest to her, and to herself. Jim had told her to follow her heart, but to be careful. That was his way, after all- instinctual caution. Her mother told her to go for it. But that was Amy Valenti in a nutshell- all impulse. How do you think she ended up married to the sheriff?

Liz was scientific about it. She analyzed both sides thoroughly, coming up with pros and cons for each side. Too bad neither the pros nor cons made it any easier a decision. You could look at it from too many angles, the pros became cons, the cons became pros, and Maria became frustrated.

The first Sunday after her night with Michael she had walked into her parent's house only to be barraged by questions from Kyle.

"What the hell did you do to Michael?"

"What do you mean what did I do to him?"

"I mean, what did you do? He comes to work and he doesn't even speak. Or when he does he snaps at the crew. I asked him if you two had been spending any more time together and he growled at me- practically ripped my head off. He said 'You don't talk to your sister too often do you?' I asked why and he said, 'Ask Maria.' So what did you do to him?"

Maria sank down on to the couch, burying her face in her hands. Liz had walked out of the kitchen, and placing a hand on Kyle's shoulder, she started to dissuade him from the topic. "Kyle, why don't you come help me peel the potatoes."

"No, Liz, it's fine. Kyle wants to know what I did, I'll tell him." Liz nodded and moved away, leaving the stepsiblings alone to talk.

Kyle sat down next to her, his face softening. "What happened, Maria?"

"Well, Kyle, to make a long story short, he asked me to marry him, and he got mad when I didn't say yes immediately."

"Marry him? But he's not even divorced yet. And you've only been out a few times, right?"

"I know- that's what I said. But he said he knows what he wants and he doesn't want to waste anymore time apart. Which I can also understand."

"Wow, I'm sorry. I didn't know things had gotten so intense so quickly. What are you going to do?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out for a week now. I just don't know."

"Well if it helps any, I know he's miserable without you. Kind of like I was when Max and Liz... well, you know. Anyway, he must love you a lot to want to make it permanent so quickly. Even I waited a couple of years after Liz and I got back together to pop the question, and you know how much I love her."

Maria smiled at her brother, and on impulse, leaned over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Kyle, that actually does help."

She'd gone away from that conversation slightly more enlightened as to what Michael was all about. Which was good, but it didn't make the decision easier.

A few days ago she'd been really desperate and while playing hide & seek with Jimmy and Kaitlin she even got their opinions.

"So guys, let me ask you something. If someone you loved wanted something from you really badly and you weren't sure if you could do it, or if it would be good for the both of you, what would you do?"

Kaitlin looked up at her, really seriously. "Is it a bad thing you could get into trouble for? Something Grampa could arrest you for?"

Maria laughed. "No, honey, it's not a bad thing, it's just something I'm not sure I want to do."

Jimmy looked at Kaity and then at Maria. "Do you love this person a whole lot?"


"More than mama or daddy? Or Kyle and Liz and Kaity and me?"

"Well, not more. It's the same amount of love, but a different kind. It's love like Mom and Dad love each other and like Kyle and Liz. Understand?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"So would you do what they wanted you to even if you weren't sure it was something you wanted to do?"

Kaitlin nodded her little head. "Well if it's not a bad thing, and you love the person a whole lot and it will make them happy, then you should do it. Cause mommy says you should try to make the people you love happy."

Jimmy shook his head no. "But what if it makes Ria sad? You don't want her to be sad do you?" He looked at her. "Will it make you sad, Ria? Cause I don't want you to be sad."

"I don't know if it'll make me sad. I think it might make me happy. Very happy. But I'm scared."

Kaitlin looked confused. "Why would you be scared to be happy?"

Maria looked at the children sitting with her. "I don't know, Kaity, but sometime Adults get scared about things when maybe they don't have to be."

Jimmy looked at his sister and then to his niece. "Adults are weird." Kaity nodded. "Really weird." Then they got up and went to play in the sandbox, leaving Maria to her thoughts.

She had pretty much come up with a decision after that. Now she was just avoiding telling him. She was going to turn him down. As much as she loved him, the thought of jumping into a life together so quickly, well she just didn't think she could handle that. But she also knew that when she told him, he was going to be more than upset. He'd probably never talk to her again. And she wasn't sure she could deal with that either. But she was going to have to get used to life without him again. How had he become her whole world again in such a short time?

Her thoughts about how to break the news to Michael were still swirling in her head when she heard the bell over the store's door ring. Her jaw dropped when she saw who walked in shaking the rain off of herself. "Isabel?"

"Hi. Can I talk to you?"

"Um, sure. I was just about to close up, but..."

"Good, cause I'm on break- I only have a few minutes."

"So... I guess you know what happened."

"Yeah. I know he asked you to marry him."

"Isabel, I'm sorry, I didn't want any of this to happen, it just kind of did. I'll stay away from him. I don't want to rip your family apart."

"Well, I have news for you, you already are."


"My children have asked for you every day the last three weeks. They want to know where you are and why you don't come make daddy smile anymore. For a few weeks there, he was the happiest I've seen him since before we left Roswell. Now, I don't know why you're stalling, but if it's because for some reason you think he and I are ever going to get back together then you're crazy. Maria, he loves you. He wants to spend his life with you. I know there are a lot of things you need to work out, but is any of that more important than how much you love each other?"


"No, no buts about it. You two were meant to be together. If anyone knows that, I do. You want to know how? Everytime I kissed or touched him, his mind would flash to images of you before he could control them. It was like you were a part his subconscious, so deep a part of his self, that you were like breathing to him. And if I have to show you that to get you to see the truth, then so be it." Isabel walked across the room and grabbed Maria's hand, staring deep into her eyes.

Suddenly images of Michael crashed into her mind. Images of him as a boy, and all the pain and trouble he went through, images of him after they left Roswell, the things they did and lived through. And every time something bad happened to him, an image of Maria would appear in his mind and comfort him. She was the first thing he thought about in the morning and the last thing at night. She saw images of he and Isabel, trying to be happy, but neither of them really concentrating on the relationship. They were together out of loneliness and desperation, not out of love. That's why their marriage never completely clicked. She felt every emotion and thought he had ever flashed to Izzy, including how he felt after he saw Maria that first time in her store. His heart had leapt into his throat at the sight of her, the longing apparent as he had to stop himself from pulling her to him and kissing her senseless.

Her mouth hung open, her mind not knowing how to respond to something like that. But then she realized there was no way her mind should have been involved in this decision at all. Every emotion and feeling she had screamed for her to be with him. And that was something she couldn't deny, no matter how little sense it made. That was how he loved her, and now it finally dawned in her- it was how she loved him.

Maria snapped back to reality as Isabel released her. "Oh my god, Isabel, I... have to go. I need to talk to him."

"Glad to see you've come to your senses. Now quit thinking and just go do it before you talk yourself out of it."

"Yeah, I um," she headed for the door, determined but still confused by the revelation Isabel had just presented her with. "Can you like zap the place and lock it up for me? I..."

"I got it. Get out of here before I throw you out."

Isabel smiled as Maria went running out into the rain. She turned to go shut off the lights when she heard the bell again. Maria, already soaked, stuck her head back into the store. "Thanks, Izzy. For everything."

Isabel smiled and waved her out, and Maria went running off again. As she cut the electricity and stepped out into the street, locking the door behind her, she grinned. "You're welcome. It took you long enough," she muttered to herself, then started back down the street to the Crash Down.


Michael lay on the couch in a lump. The kids were already in bed, and he had nothing to do but sit around and think of her. Oh, he was an idiot. Why did he push her like that? He knew Maria, and when you forced something on her she was sure to reject it. He really had overdone it, but he wanted her so badly. It was a good thing he'd had work and the move to take his mind off things. He was settled now, they all were, in the duplex. The kids had two bedrooms- one on his side of the house and one in Isabel's. It was just easier that way. He had been hoping Maria would move in, too, but the longer it took her to think about things, the less hope he had.

She was going to turn him down. And it was all his fault. How was he going to go back and pretend that he didn't feel as strongly as he did? But he'd find a way. He'd have to. Because no matter what Maria's answer he did not intend to lose her.

He'd just flipped off the TV when he heard the knocking on the door. He glanced at his watch. 7:45. Who could that be? Dragging himself up, he went to answer it. He was surprised to say the least when he saw a dripping wet Maria standing on his stoop. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could she launched herself into his arms, crushing her mouth to his. He stumbled back inside the house, clutching Maria to him while slamming the door with his foot.

Finally she pulled away from him. "Michael I am so sorry I took so long to think about things. I'll marry you and move in with you and be a second mom to Phillip and Alexis and have tons of babies. I'll do anything as long as you promise me you'll never stop loving me. Please?"

"Of course I'll never stop loving you! I never have and I never will. But I'm the one who's sorry. I never should have pushed you. We can take things slow- as slow as you want. We can backtrack all the way to just dating if you want to. I don't care as long as we can be together. I don't want to lose you, Maria. I love you."

"I love you, too." She wiped the wet hair out of her eyes. "So, you mean we don't have to get engaged right away?"

"No, we don't, unless you want to. And you don't have to move in either. Though I would really like it if you did."

"Can we take our time and work everything out? Like discuss everything and plan our future together?"

"Absolutely. We'll decide where we stand and if and when we should get married. When we should have kids and whatever else we need to talk about. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. So we're not fighting anymore? We're okay?"

"We'll be fine. We'll work it all out. It'll all be fine." He grabbed her to him in a tight hug, then released her to look into her eyes.

They stood awkwardly for a moment until Maria broke the silence. "So... what do we do now?"

He pulled her over toward the couch. "Well first, we get you out of those wet clothes. What did you do? Run here?"

"Actually, yeah. I didn't even bother to go home and get my car. You know, once realization dawns, you kind of have to act on it."

"I guess so." He grinned. "After we get you dry, I think we should sit down and have a long talk." He kissed her softly. "Or, we could finish making up first."

"Ooh, I think that sounds best." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Promise me we'll always be together? No matter how many disagreements we have and how many times I freak out and get scared."

"No matter how many times I act like a stubborn jerk, I will always love you, Maria, and we will always be together. I promise."

He kissed her hard. "Now lets get those wet clothes off." She giggled as he leaned her back on the couch and began untucking her shirt. She smiled, a heavenly sight for Michael. He had Maria. Now and forever. And everything was going to be perfect.


6 months later…

"Come on, guys, we have to hurry!" Maria hurried Phillip and Alexis along in picking up their toys. "We're going to be late for dinner."

Phillip threw the last of his toys into the toy chest and looked to his sister. "Hurry up, Lexi, I'm hungry!"

Maria burst out laughing then turned as Michael came up behind her and began to rub her shoulders. "You're kind of tense. Why?"

"I don't know. It's the first time we're bringing them to Sunday dinner and I want them to like my family."

Michael smiled in reassurance. "They already know Jimmy and Kaitlin, and they all get along great. And you know Liz loves them. Your mother loves all kids, so that's not really a big problem, and I wouldn't worry about the Sheriff and Kyle. It'll be fine."

"Okay, well then maybe I'm just nervous about our news, okay?"

"Maria." He kissed her on the cheek. "Relax."

"Easy for you to say. You're always so calm about everything. When did that happen exactly?"

"The day you moved in. After that I didn't have anything to worry about. I knew it would all turn out for the best."

Their conversation was interrupted by Alexis' announcement. "I'm all done!"

"Okay, let's go put your coats on." The newly 4 year old twins followed Michael out of the room toward the coat rack and Maria tried to gather her composure for what she was sure was going to be a disaster of a Sunday dinner.


"Mom, dad, we're here!" Maria called as the entered the Valenti home. Phillip and Alexis stood behind Maria and Michael, looking a bit scared. Maria turned and helped them take off their jackets, then took each by the hand. "Come here, guys, I want you to meet my family."

Amy and Jim had come out of the kitchen moments earlier, the remnants of coconut pie still a little smeared on the Sheriff's chin. "Having dessert a little early?" Maria asked sarcastically.

Amy laughed and Jim wiped his face, a bit embarrassed. He stepped forward and shook Michael's hand. "Good to see you again, Michael." He then gave Maria a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Maria."

She smiled at her stepfather as he looked down at the Guerin kids. "And who do we have here?"

Maria knelt down to speak to her future children. "Alexis, Phillip, this is my dad, Jim, and this," she pointed to her mother, standing next to her husband, "is my mom, Amy." Amy beamed at the kids.

"Hi, Alexis, hi Phillip. You don't know how long I've been waiting to meet you!"

Phillip scrunched up his little face. "Why?"

Amy laughed and looked at Michael. "Oh they are adorable. Come on, let's take them outside to play with Jimmy and Kaitlin." They four adults led the way out to the back yard, and upon seeing their playmates, Phillip and Alexis smiled.

Alexis pulled on Maria's skirt. "Ria? Can we go play now?"

"Wait one second." She motioned Kyle and Liz to get up off the porch and come say hi. "Guys, you remember Kaity's mommy, Liz, right? And this is my brother Kyle. He's Kaitlin's daddy."

Liz waved and Kyle looked at the twins. "Hi guys. How are you?"

Alexis looked Kyle up and down without saying a word. Phillip, on the other hand, was never at a loss for words. "You look like a cowboy. Do you have a horse?"

The adults burst out laughing, since many a time Liz had tried to get Kyle to stop wearing those shirts that made him look like he belonged in the rodeo. Kyle smiled, then picked Phillip up. "Horse? I'll show you a horse!" He put the boy on his shoulders and began to run around the yard. Phillip screamed with laughter, and Alexis, Kaitlin and Jimmy began to run after him, laughing.

Michael stepped over and took Maria's hand. "See. I told you there was nothing to worry about."

Maria grimaced, before whispering in his ear. "That was the easy part."


After dinner the group was indulging in dessert, more of Amy's coconut pie, when Amy finally put her fork down and looked at her daughter.

"Okay, Maria, spill it. You've been quiet all night, and I know you. You're only quiet when you have something important to say."

Maria nearly choked on her pie, but quickly washed it down with a sip of her herbal tea. "Oh, well, we, that is, Michael and I…"

She looked to him for help, but he just smirked, letting her know he was going to make her announce this on her own.

"Fine. It's just that, well Michael's divorce was final last week, and we're going to get married."

Amy beamed and Liz clapped. "Finally. I thought you two would never get it over with."

"Oh that's a nice thing for my future Matron of honor to say!"

Kyle, however was more perceptive than the rest of the group. "That's not it. There's something else."

"Oh, well, we were thinking something small, maybe in like a month or two? Does that sound cool?"

Jimmy looked up from his pie. "It's cool with me, Ria."

Michael was the one who laughed loudest this time. "Good thing, little man, because I wouldn't have married her without your permission."

"Does that mean I can call you Uncle Michael now?" asked Kaity.

He smiled. "Sure. I've never been a Uncle before."

"Me neither," added Kyle. "So when are you two going to do something about that?"

Maria blushed, and Michael was the one beaming this time. "Well, actually…"

Liz stood up, nearly knocking her chair over. "Maria DeLuca! You're pregnant and you didn't tell me!"

Maria began to babble, just like her old self. "Well, I wasn't even sure until Friday, and I figured I'd tell you all at the same time. I'm sorry!"

"Sorry, my ass! Get over here and give your mother a hug!" cried Amy, so proud that she was going to be a grandma again.

Kyle stood up and walked over to where Michael was sitting. "You're lucky, man. If you weren't going to marry her, as a brother I'd have to beat the crap out of you."

"What would you do with your best crew chief in the hospital?"

"Oh, good point." He smiled. "Congratulations, Michael." He shook the alien's hand, happy that his sister was happy.

Jim walked over to Michael and completely forewent the handshaking, giving the younger man a hug. "You take care of her."

"You know I will, Sheriff."

"Will you call me Jim for crying out loud? You're marrying my daughter!"

Michael laughed. And Maria came back to sit next to him after receiving congratulatory hugs from her best friend, her brother and father. She turned to the kids, seated at the small table to the right of the adults. "Well guys, we're all going to be a family. What do you think about that?"

Phillip smiled, mouth full of pie. "I like it." Alexis added a resounding, "Me too."

Jimmy looked at Michael and then at his sister. "You better have a boy baby, cause I am sick of girls."

Maria smiled at her brother, and looked around the table at the faces of her loved ones. How on earth did she get so lucky? She looked at Michael. "I'm so happy. I love you."

He put his arm around the back of her chair, then leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I love you, too." Placing his hand on her tummy, he rubbed it slightly. "You too, little guy. Or girl."

Maria placed her hand over his. "I never thought the future would be this good."

"Me neither. But I hoped." He kissed her cheek. "I told you it would all work out."

"I think I knew it, too. I just never believed I'd be this happy."

"Well, believe it, Maria, cause things are only going to get better."


"I do." He smirked at his little pun.

She smiled and gazed at the engagement ring he'd placed on her finger just the other day. "I do, too. "

Questions, Comments, feedback to Danielle

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