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By Danielle

Disclaimers: The Characters portrayed within this fic do not belong to me. They are the property of the WB and Roswell Exec. Prod. Jason Katims. There- please don't sue me!

Notes: Set post "The Convention", this is basically a guys fic.

God she's incredible, he thought as he watched her walk across the quad. Why did she have to be so damn gorgeous? He sighed heavily and stared into the can of Orange soda he was consuming. Alex watched her join her little clique of friends- what he called the Isabel Worshippers. Because, let's face it, every guy at West Roswell High wanted Isabel Evans, and every girl wanted to be her. She was the most perfect goddess that had ever landed on this Earth. Of that he was sure.

His eyes bore into her back as she chatted with her followers. Damn her! Why did she have to be so unfeeling? Why couldn't she just give in and go on one date? One little stargazing date wasn't going to hurt anything. Max and Liz got to go on a date, and Maria and Michael, well, they had the Eraser room. Why couldn't she... oh forget it. He was torturing himself. What would the perfect, beautiful Isabel Evans ever see in Alex Charles Whitman?

Max and Michael watched Alex's personal descent into madness with somewhat concerned faces. They sat at a table about 50 feet behind him watching him watch Isabel. They knew what he was going through- the inner monologues and obsessive staring. It was horrifying to watch.

Michael shook his head. "Man's got it bad."

"Yeah." was Max's reply.

"Does Isabel even like him?"

Max thought about the question. "Well, I know she thinks of him as a friend. And she trusts him. I don't know if it's anything more than that though."

"He needs help, Maxwell."

"That he does, Michael."

And without another word, both boys stood up and walked toward their helpless peer.

"Hey Alex."

Alex practically jumped at the voice from behind him. He was too busy watching her as she chatted with some Football player to even hear the footsteps. "Hey Michael. Max. You surprised me."

"Yeah, we're the masters of stealth." Michael replied sarcastically. "You got it bad, man."

Alex looked up at him, then over at Max, who had been silent up 'til now. "Huh?"

Max sat down next to him, and followed his gaze. "Isabel. You like her. A lot. Right?"

"Uh, well, you know, I uh..."

Michael sat down on the other side of him. "Don't deny it, Alex. We see the way you look at her."

Alex gulped hard. "Well, I can stop. I swear I won't do it anymore. Just please don't evaporate me or anything."

Max smiled. "It's not a threat, Alex. We just want to help you."

"You do?"

Michael nodded. "Yeah. We know what's going on. You want to be with her, she won't let you get close. It's just the way it has to be."

"I understand I guess. I know it must be hard to think of getting involved with someone when you might have to leave at any second. No attachments. But I just can't stop thinking about her."

This time it was Max who nodded. "I know. You just see her and everything turns to slow motion."

"You can't even hear her talking to you 'cause all you want to do is kiss her," added Michael.

"Yeah. That's it," Alex said wistfully.

Slapping him soundly on the back to snap him out of his reverie, Michael grinned at him. "This is where we can help. There's only one thing you can do, man. The only thing that'll help you get your mind off of her."

"What is it?"

Max jumped in. "Well, first you have to throw yourself into something- like work or school or whatever."

"My band. I can concentrate on that."

"Good. That's the first step." Michael stated matter-of-factly. "Then the most important thing is, whenever you're around her, you have to think of mud."

Alex looked confused. "Mud?"

Both Michael and Max shook their heads and repeated the one word answer to all their problems. "Mud."

"And this works?"

"Yeah, of course it does. You don't see us walking around all sad, staring at Liz and Maria do you?"

At Alex's non-reply, Michael re-asked the question insistently. "Do you?"

"Well, kind of. I mean, it's not too obvious, well to anyone with eyes..."

Michael scowled at him. "Shut up. I'm telling you it works. Mud is the answer."

Max shook his head in agreement. "It helps, Alex. Trust me."

"Okay. I'll try it." Just then they noticed that Maria and Liz had joined Isabel after she had excused herself from her friends, and the three of them were now walking toward the table where the two teen aliens and one human sat. Alex took in a sharp breath. Now was his chance. He had to resist. She was coming toward him, oh god...

Michael and Max also looked like deer caught in headlights as the three women approached. The guys exchanged a glance, trying to will each other to be strong.

"Hi guys." Liz Parker said as she reached the table.

"Hey", said Maria, as she walked up right behind her.

"What were you talking about?" asked Isabel.

Without hesitation, the three boys replied, "Mud."

Questions, Comments, feedback to Danielle

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