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Judgement Day

By Danielle

Disclaimers: No one belongs to me sadly. They all belong to the WB. Can I somehow get in on this network?

Notes: VERY Random goofy fic that flew into my head this evening.

"No way. Mine are way better."

"Dude, I'm going with no on this one."

"But mine are so soft, so touchable."

"Ah, see there's your problem- mine are spiky and jut out at every angle. That is the epitome of cool."

"No way- you can ask my girl. Mine are great. Honey come here!"

"You can't ask her- she's biased. We can ask my girlfriend. She would never lie."

"How do I know that?"

The two girls came striding in from different directions. The blond walked up to her man and kissed him on the cheek. "Did you want something?"

"Yeah- I need you to be the judge in a little contest I got going with this guy."

The red head walked quickly to her boyfriend and grabbed his hand. "Is that why you called us out here?"

The shorter of the two males shook his head in all seriousness. "Yeah. It's important."

The girls looked at each other, smiling. "It's a tough decision, and we can't be impartial. You know who we need?"

Instantly the short, dark-haired fic author appeared. "Danielle. We need you. You can make the judgement."

Taking the task very seriously, the young woman strode purposely around the competitors, touching first one's then the other's. She took into account texture, style, and length. In the end, though, the decision was rendered.

"Michael, I'm sorry. Oz's spikes are cooler."

The taller boy gasped, then buried his face in Maria's shoulder. "How could you? He hasn't even been around in like 10 episodes. And I'm an Alien!" Maria rubbed his back as she gave the author a withering stare.

Willow spoke up for Oz. "Well, he's a werewolf! And he's coming back soon. Aren't you baby?" She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Oz just smiled in victory. Danielle stepped toward the teen Alien. "Michael, it's nothing personal I swear. You just need a trim and some gel, and then we'll re-judge the whole thing, okay?" She waved at Oz, blowing him a little kiss, then snapped her fingers and was gone.

Oz stepped over to his competitor and offered his hand. "No hard feelings?"

Michael straightened and stubbornly shook on it. "No. But if you don't mind me asking, how do you get them to look so… spontaneous?"

Oz nodded. "Many people have asked. It's all in the technique…"

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