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Hey Pretty

By Danielle

Disclaimers: Not mine- not the characters, not the song, not the lyrics, not the poem in the song, not Poe, not Roswell, not anything but the story itself which came out of my sick little imagination. Enjoy!

Authors Notes: Have you heard this song yet? I mean the "Drive-By Remix" with the poem read by Poe's brother? So cool- and I thought of a certain pair of Roswellians. I dunno if it works- you be the judge! This is rated NC-17 so please don't read this of you're under age!!!

I was just minding my own business, walking down the street toward the Crashdown, when all of a sudden, she came roaring up behind me out of nowhere. She was driving a brand new BMW convertible, black, like the leather pants she'd poured her body into that morning. Her shiny silver metallic tank top flashed in the bright sunlight and she inched her sunglasses down to look at me over the lenses. Raising a beautifully sculpted eyebrow, she asked, "Hey Pretty... don't you wanna take a ride with me, through my world?"

I nearly swallowed my own tongue. I had never in my entire life seen the girl look this hot- and that was tough considering she was the most gorgeous girl I'd ever laid eyes on. Her blond hair swirled around her face as a small breeze picked up, and when she noticed I still hadn't answered, she smiled. "Well?"

Without a word, I launched myself into the front seat, jumping over the closed door, and careful not to get my dirty boots all over the black leather interior. She pushed her sunglasses back up and we were gone without looking back.

Before I knew it we left the confines of Roswell behind, and were cruising through the desert, wind in our hair. The sun was just setting and the sky was turning a beautiful shade of pink- one that closely resembled the shade of her lips at the moment. As we drove through the shadowy landscape, she pushed the car faster and faster, then she'd slow it down for a second, and then race the engine again. I felt as though my heart was in my throat, and I think that's exactly where she wanted it. It was pounding so hard, it drown out the sound of the wind rushing past my ears.

I watched her as she toyed with the gear shift- it was a standard after all. She had a certain way of caressing it that made my mind reel- she'd gently pull it down to shift to 2nd and 4th gears and slide it up quick and tight into the 1st, 3rd and 5th positions. While she was just coasting, she would absently run her fingers gently over the top of the stick, as if tickling it. It made my mouth dry and my groin twitch.

Finally she pulled the car over just as the sun was disappearing below the horizon. Purple, blue, and gold streaked the sky, and she dropped the car's seat all the way back, pushing until she was lying prone looking up at the beauty of the sunset. I quickly followed suit with my own seat, and enjoyed the quiet moment, hoping against hope that our little adventure was far from over.

She turned her gaze from the sunset to me, and I felt as if my body was going to turn into a puddle right there in her front seat, her gaze was so hot. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"You're beautiful."

She smiled the smile of a woman who knew how beautiful she was and knew exactly how to use it to her advantage. "Do you think so?"

My mouth began to move of it's own accord, the words flowing like water from a dam with a quickly growing crack down the center, about to burst in every direction with the force of a volcanic eruption. "Yeah I think so! Everyone thinks so. How could they not? I mean, look at you. Your hair, your eyes, definitely your body. I can't look at you without my mouth watering. How can you ask that question?"

Mentally I was kicking myself, willing my mouth to stop working, the words to stop spewing out of my mouth in a stream of pure babble. Shut up, play it cool, I begged myself, but my shock and excitement were overriding the part of my brain that controlled my ability to think rationally.

But she took it all in stride, smirking at my exuberance. Then she looked at me in a way I had only dreamed about- like she was a starving woman and I was the last morsel of sustenance in 50 miles. That exquisite eyebrow arched again, and she rolled her head to look me in the eye. "Do you want to touch me, Kyle?"

My mouth dropped open. I began pulling deep breaths into my lungs, almost hyperventilating at the realization that she actually wanted me to do what I had been thinking about since I first noticed her at the age of 11. I swallowed hard, and without responding to her question, reached out and brushed my fingers across her cheek. Her eyes drifted closed, her breath caught in her throat, and she pressed her face into my palm. She felt so smooth, so warm, so not like I'd expected. But then I'd never expected to ever actually be able to touch her.

She sighed and I leaned over further, pressing my upper body to hers and placing a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth. She immediately turned to me, and faces inches apart, our eyes locked. Staring into the deep pools of her eyes, liquid and molten hot, my heart thumped loudly in my chest. So loudly I'm surprised she couldn't hear it. Her lips parted a little, whether in surprise or to speak I'm not sure, but I decided not to waste anymore time. I had no idea how long this little mood of hers would last, and I didn't want to lose another second to my own hesitations. Before she could move away, I closed the small gap between us and captured her lips with mine.

She tasted sweet and the taste stirred a craving in me that I knew could only be satisfied by one thing. Her. My tongue pressed to her lips, begging entrance, and so slowly it almost killed me, she began to part them for me. When I had gained full entrance to her mouth, I took my time exploring it, letting my tongue stroke and massage the inside of her cheeks, her tongue, and the roof of her mouth. She moaned quietly, deep in her throat, and I knew that she was enjoying this as much as I was.

As slowly as I dared, I began to move my hands away from her face and down her shoulders. She was smooth as marble, but not nearly as cold. Finally my callused, scarred, unworthy hands made it to their destination. Cupping her softly, I let myself brush my thumb lightly over her taut nipple, the hard nub evident even though her clothes. I held my breath waiting for a response, hoping it wouldn't be to smack me across the face. But to my extreme delight, she pulled back and looked me in the eye, her eyes half-lidded in pleasure, and whispered "Pinch it."

I wasted no time complying with the request, and began to tweak her between my thumb and forefinger. I had no idea what this was doing to her, but I knew that soon there would be very little doubt as to exactly how turned on I was. She pulled my face back to hers and kissed me hard as I toyed with her, her tongue doing the exploring this time. She let me experiment with how hard or soft to tease her, grinding her breasts up into my waiting hands when I did something right, her body doing the explaining for her. Soon, she was rocking in the seat, her body moving to touch mine in more intimate places, hoping to draw me closer to her. She didn't need to hope.

Gently, I moved to cover her body with mine, and at the same time, slid my hands under her silver halter-top, only to discover that she wasn't wearing a bra. I knew she could feel me pressing into her hip, and she easily slid to her left a bit so that I was settled more comfortably and intimately between her legs. Then smiling that all-knowing grin once again, she bucked her hips up into mine and let her hands trail down and across my ass, pressing me down into her. I groaned at the pleasure that shot through me, and suddenly her hands were pulling at my shirt, begging me to remove it. I had no choice now- I was under her spell and loving every minute of it.

She tossed my shirt next to us on the seat and dipped her mouth to plant a soft kiss over my heart. I think she could feel my heart racing beneath her lips. The day had darkened considerably and we were bathed in half-light from the crescent moon that was beginning to appear in the sky. I removed her shirt then, throwing it next to mine in the passenger seat, needing to see her skin glowing in the moonlight. She was alabaster and ivory, and I couldn't help wanting to be closer to her beauty. I brushed over her softly before lowering my head to take one rosy peak into my mouth. Her skin tasted as good as her mouth had and I swirled my tongue around and around, wanting to take in as much of her sweetness as possible.

She gasped at the sensation and buried her hands in my hair, roughly scratching at my scalp as I laved her with my tongue. Then her hands were everywhere- my back, my arms, my ass, clutching and massaging as I drew her pleasure out. Finally and without warning, she slid her hand down, between my body and my boxers, lower and lower, until she had me firmly in her grasp. I nearly cried out at the sensation, her cool hands running roughly over me, stroking me until I thought I'd burst.

I pulled my mouth away to kiss her lips once again, and this time it was no less explosive, as I could feel her nails running up and down my length as our tongues met again. My hands had traveled back to cover her, and were caressing and kneading her breasts until she grasped one firmly and slid it down to the zipper of her tight leather pants. "Pull it," she said, and in a moment of unspoken communication, I knew she was talking about more than her zipper.

Drawing out the suspense, I flipped the button open at the top of the zipper, and tugged at the silver tab so slowly I thought she was going to grab my hand and do it herself. But she played along, let me think I was in control of the situation, and when it was finally unzipped, she kissed me so hard I had to gasp to get air back into my lungs. Her hands were moving over my body again, this time unzipping my jeans and sliding inside to inch them and my boxers past my hips and down to the floor.

Finally I was exposed to her eyes. She seemed pleased at the sight, and ran her fingers over me again. I tried in vain to control the sensations she was causing in me, but she was too good. I knew it wouldn't be long before this was over if she kept stroking me like that, so I moved my hand down to still hers. Then, as if to return the favor, I slipped my hand over the exterior of those leather pants and began to caress her in long concentric circles. She moaned then, and began whispering inaudible things that made little sense to me, but seemed to excite her all the more.

Knowing it was near time to bring this liaison to a culmination, I inched her pants over her hips and down her legs- those long lovely creamy smooth legs that I was hoping would be wrapped around my waist in a matter of minutes. She grinned at me, and I looked down to see that she wasn't wearing anything beneath her clothes- proof that she had planned this seduction from the start. Her leather skin was shed and she lay beneath me, naked and beautiful, shining like a star in the evening sky. I ran my fingers over her most intimate place, smiling when I felt her shudder beneath me.

Gentle but insistent, I let my index finger trace her contours before pressing it to her entrance, as if asking for permission to probe her further. I looked up at her face, which was contorted in pleasure, and knew it was okay to go on. She was warm and moist, fleshy and sensitive, and I quickly added my middle finger to the equation. She gasped in my ear and I began to rub her in circles with my thumb while slowly pumping in and out of her. Her mouth twisted up into a grin and she pulled my head down to hers again, our mouths meeting in hurried nips and licks. I continued my exploration of her until she took me in hand again, rubbing and tickling like she'd done to the stick shift earlier. At the point when my brain could no longer function logically, she moved me to the juncture of her thighs and I let my hand slide out of the way of our intimate touch.

Lips still moving over each other, I inched up until I was a hair's breadth from entering. She shifted her hips and moved her legs to wrap around me like I'd been hoping she would. It was then, as I looked down at her, mouths intertwined, and bodies about to be, that I realized what was about to happen between us. I had been so caught up in the moment, I hadn't taken time to let it process, and now as I pressed myself to her intimately, the magnitude of what was happening hit me full force.

I smiled down at her, and as I did, I pushed in deep and hard. She met me with her hips, thrusting them up to mine, and bit gently on my earlobe, murmuring breathy encouragements to me as I drove us home. I began moving in and out, increasing the pace until both of us were sweating, glistening in the moonlight, making love in the front seat of her two door BMW. I patterned my thrusts after the way she had driven us here- fast and slow, alternating back and forth in a relentless and ancient motion until there seemed to be an endless flow between the two. After mere minutes, she groaned aloud, then seemed to clench around me, grasping and pulling me forward until I too joined her and cried out her name in a haze of emotion and pleasure. "Isabel!"

I woke up, body drenched in sweat, sheets stuck to me, boxers in a tangle around my ankles, pressing myself into the mattress for friction. It had all been a dream. The best wet dream I'd ever had in my entire life. I looked at the stereo, which, as I'd fallen asleep, had been playing the mix CD she'd burned for me only the night before. I grabbed the remote control and turned it on, skimming through the songs, searching for the one I knew had caused such an intense reaction. Poe's "Hey Pretty" blared through the room, and I rolled to my back, pulling my boxers back up around my waist. Lying there in a post-coital heap, I thought of her and waited for my alarm to go off in a few minutes. The phone rang instead. I picked it up after the 1st ring, and immediately the voice on the other end asked, "Hey Pretty- have any good dreams last night?" Only then, as the loud click of a disconnection was heard, the dial tone echoing in my ear, and Isabel Evans' voice fading out of my consciousness, did I understand what had really happened.


"Hey Pretty", Drive-By Remix

(forgive me if the lyrics are wrong- I had to listen to them over and over and write them down myself, so I might have messed something up)

Kyrie suggests we go for a drive in her new 2-door BMW Coupe.

In the parking lot we slipped into her bucket seats.

Kyrie took over from there.

At nearly 90 miles per hour she zipped us up to that windy edge known to some as Mulholland, insinuous road running the ridge of the Santa Monica Mountains, where she then proceeded to pump her vehicle in and out of turns, sometimes dropping down to 50 miles per hour only to immediately gun it back up to 90 again.

Fast, slow, fast fast, slow, sometimes a wide turn, sometimes a quick one.

She preferred the tighter ones; the sharp controlling jerks swinging left to right, before driving back to the right only so she could do it all over again, until after enough speed and enough wind and more distance than I'd been prepared to expect, taking me to parts of the city I rarely think of and never visit, I heard her say...

Hey Pretty

Don't you wanna take a ride with me through my world?

Hey Pretty, don't you wanna kick a slide through my world?

(Do you get the gist of the song now?)

I can't remember the inane things I started babbling about then.

I know it didn't really matter, she wasn't listening.

She just yanked up on the emergency break, dropped her seat back, and told me to lie on top of her.

On top of those leather pants of hers, her hands immediately guiding mine over those soft, slightly oily folds, positioning my fingers on the shiny metal tabs, small and round like a tear.

Then, murmuring a murmur so inaudible that even though I could feel her lips tremble against my ear she seemed far, far away.

Pinch it she said which I did, lightly, until she also said pull it, which I also did, gently parting the teeth one at a time down under and beneath, the longest unzipping of my life.

Hey Pretty

Don't you wanna take a ride with me through my world?

Hey Pretty, don't you wanna kick a slide through my world

Hey Pretty, my pretty baby, rocket through my world, my


Hey Pretty, (hey pretty) my pretty baby

We never even kissed or looked into each other's eyes.

Our lips just trespassed on those inner labyrinths hidden deep within our ears.

Filled them with the private music of wicked words, hers in many languages, mine in the off color of my only tongue.

Too bad dark languages rarely survive.

Hey Pretty, Hey Pretty baby

Don't you wanna take a ride with me?

Don't you wanna take a ride with me My Baby?

Don't you wanna take a ride with me, My Baby?

My pretty baby, (don't you wanna) rocket through my world

Don't you wanna take a ride with me, My baby?

Don't you wanna, don't you wanna...

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