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By Danielle

Disclaimers: I don't own Roswell or anyone or anything associated with it. But you already knew that.

Notes: If you saw the 2nd season premiere then you know the line the title refers to. I was so shocked when Maria said that I almost fell over. But then I kind of hoped the rest of the scene would have gone a little differently. So, this is just a brief scene re-write from my twisted mind, which I hope you find amusing.

"So, I hear Ex-Cons are really great in bed."

"Oh yeah? Who'd you hear that from? Your mother?"

Maria's jaw dropped and she whacked Michael on the arm. "Oh my god, Michael that was SO rude!"

"THAT was rude? What about what you said? Who walks over to their ex-boyfriend and says that? What's up with you? And where did you hear that ex-cons are really great in bed?"

Maria's face paled, and she gulped hard. "Um, nowhere. I just made it up… forget it." She turned and started to walk away.

"Hold it, Blondie!" He grabbed her by the arm and spun her back to face him. "What are you hiding?"

"Me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No secrets here. I'll just leave you alone now." She tried to leave again, but his grip remained firm.

"Maria. Tell me now," he spat out through gritted teeth.

"Okay, fine, I heard it from Max and Isabel."

"Max and Izzy? What the hell would they know about having sex with ex-cons?"

"Well, I just guess they were counting that time Liz and Alex got arrested after the party at the soap factory for being minors in possession of alcohol."

"Minors in possession? That doesn't count- plus the charges were dropped."

"So were yours."

"Yeah but I've been convicted on other stuff. Besides that still doesn't count since they've never… you know." Michael looked skeptical.

Maria's eyes widened as realization that Michael didn't know about the secret liaisons the two couples had had before the summer. "Yep, you're completely right. They have no idea what they are talking about. Bye now!" Again, Michael grabbed her arm and forced her to face him.

The fury in his eyes was almost more than Maria could take. "You mean Max and Liz… and Isabel and Alex… and no one told me!"

She looked sheepish. "Um… yes?"

Michael fumed. "And to think that all summer I've been trying to stay away from you because I thought it'd put us all in danger and there they were sneaking around behind my back and getting more attached than ever. God damn them!" He stood up and grabbed her hand. "Come on."

She dragged her heels as he started for the door. "Where are we going?"

"My place."

"What? Why?"

"You wanted to know how good ex-cons are and now you're going to find out."

"What? Michael, I was just kidding! We can't…"

"Why not? They did. I see no problem with it."

"Well I do!" She pulled on his arm trying to get him to stop.

"Oh, now you're being shy?" He bent at the knee and threw her over his shoulder. Which finally caused the rest of the group to look up in concern.

Isabel looked at Michael as if he were crazy. "Michael, what are you doing?"

Michael's eyes flashed in anger at his sister. "Maria tells me that she heard ex-cons are really great in bed." Max, Isabel, Liz and Alex all turned completely red. "I'm just going to go help her find out if it's true." His gaze widened to include Max. "And believe you me, the three of us will be having a long talk later." He turned and stalked out; Maria still slung over his shoulder, his hands creeping all over her body. She looked half embarrassed, half melted in desire.

As they watched him leave, Isabel turned to Max. "You think we should have told him?"

He smiled. "Maybe. But either way, I think they'll make up for lost time." The 4 friends broke out into laughter, knowing exactly what Maria was in for.

Questions, Comments, feedback to Danielle

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