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A Dream Come True?

By Danielle

Disclaimers: Roswell isn't mine. There, I've admitted it. Are you satisfied?

Notes: This is a dream/AU fic. Michael wants something better than Roswell. Maybe he doesn't want or need it as much as he thinks. Set after Blind Date, but pre- Independence Day.

Part 1

Opening the door to the cramped trailer, Michael noticed the large black boot sticking into the air over the back of the couch. Hank was home. And passed out. Which was good- at least he wasn't going to be screaming at Michael for not cleaning the bathroom or smacking him for not vacuuming the living room.

He walked quietly past the drunk to get to his room, where he collapsed onto the mattress he called his bed. He kicked off his shoes and sat up long enough to throw his jacket into a corner. Nasedo hadn't come. He'd tried to get him here. He thought he understood the map, but maybe he'd messed it up. Wouldn't be much of a surprise- he always messed things up.

He thought about the evening that he and Isabel had spent trying to contact the 4th Alien. She wasn't as eager to find Nasedo as he was, but he knew she loved him and wanted him to be happy, so she'd helped. Of course he felt like that much more of a failure because she'd been there than if he'd done it on his own. But that was the price he had to pay for opening up to someone. He'd do it again if it meant he could get the hell away from this town. Where he was hunted and hurt by the people who were supposed to look out for him.

All he'd ever wanted was a normal life. Was it too much to ask for? To want a dad who actually cared whether he put beer on his cereal because there was no milk. To want a house that wouldn't roll away. To want clothes that didn't come from the second hand store on Main St. To want a mom who loved him no matter what he did. To want friends that hung out with you not because they were the same species as you, but because they liked you. To want someone special who loved him just because he was Michael. He rolled over to his side, contemplating the things that everyone around him seemed to have that he didn't.

He'd almost had at least one of those things once, with Maria. But true to form, he'd screwed that up, too. No one to blame but himself. Life in Roswell sucks, he thought. Why couldn't I have had a family that cared about me? The thought echoed in his mind as he grew more tired. Then maybe my life wouldn't suck so badly. Maybe I would know what it's like to live with love in my life. Maybe I would still have Maria. I wish a family that loved me had adopted me, he thought in all seriousness. His eyes flickered shut as he drifted off to sleep.


The next thing he knew, his ears were being assaulted by the shrill sounds of an alarm clock. "What the..." he said as he slammed the snooze button.

"Damn, is it time to get up already?" asked a male voice from the other side of the room.

Michael sat bolt upright in bed and looked around the room he was in. It was not his. That was for sure. For one thing, the walls were covered in racecar wallpaper. He glanced at the other bed and saw a sleepy brown-haired head sticking out from underneath the covers. The other body moved, and Michael's jaw dropped as he saw who it was. "Kyle?"

The boy groaned. "What?"

"What am I... what are you... what's going on?"

Kyle threw back the covers. "Were you having another one of those dreams where you lived at the orphanage again? Because I thought you were over those like years ago." He stood and walked to a dresser on the other side of the room and began pulling out clothes.

Michael swallowed hard, but decided to play along. "I thought so, too. But humor me for a second and pretend I have no idea what happened to me over the past 10 years. Quick recap, please?"

"Man, are you ever going to get used to the fact that you have a family now? You were abandoned in the desert when you were 6. Dad found you when he was out on patrol. Brought you home and Mom got all happy. She decided you needed to be taken care of, and that no one but her could do a good job. We adopted you later that year. And now here we are almost 10 years later, still sharing a bedroom. Which I am none too happy about mind you, because you snore."

Michael blinked. He'd been adopted by the Sheriff and his family? What the hell was going on? The last thing he remembered before he went to sleep was that he and Isabel had tried to contact Nasedo and he hadn't showed up. Then he'd gone home and went to bed. Then his last thought before he fell asleep came back to him. I wished a family that loved me had adopted me. He looked around. It happened? My wish came true?

He smiled- a rare occurrence in the life he knew, but he had a feeling that was all about to change. Kyle's voice broke him out of his happy thoughts. "Mike, if it's okay, I'm going to take the 1st shower. You don't seem to be too motivated today, but since it's the season opener tonight, I'm kind of jumpy. Just do me a favor and don't freeze the water with your powers if I take too long."

"Freeze the... huh?" Michael stuttered, not wanting to admit anything to Kyle quite yet.

"Dude, don't play dumb with me- I know it was you who did it last week and not the heater breaking. You better be more careful about that stuff if you don't want mom and dad to find out. Max has warned you about it like a million times, and I'm sick of hearing him whine."

"Um, okay. I'll be more careful." He stood and walked toward the bedroom door. "I'll just go get some breakfast. Let me know when you're done."

"Save me some eggs, okay? You know mom only makes them on game days and the star QB has as much right to eat as the star wide receiver."

I play football? Michael nodded his head in agreement, still trying to grasp this morning's revelations. "No problem. I'll see you in a little bit." Kyle nodded and headed into their adjacent bathroom as Michael walked out of the bedroom and down the hall toward the wonderful smell of a hot breakfast.

Part 2

Walking into the kitchen, Michael saw the Sheriff seated at the table reading the paper and drinking coffee, and who he could only assume was Mrs. Valenti at the stove preparing what looked to be some delicious scrambled eggs. "Good morning," he said non-comittally; still feeling like he'd walked into a Norman Rockwell painting.

Mrs. Valenti smiled at him, "Good morning, Michael." She stepped away from the stove and gave him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, which he tried to shy away from, not used to the physical contact. "What? Are you getting too old to give your mother a hug and a kiss?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess that's it." He said as he sat down next to the Sheriff. Jim Valenti put down his newspaper and looked at Michael.

"Ready for the game tonight?"

Michael sighed. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

"Well, don't be nervous, Mike, I know you'll do fine. Coach told me that between you and Kyle, we're practically guaranteed a win."

"Jim, don't put pressure on him! He's under enough stress as it is what with being one of the only two sophomores to start! Here, honey, have some eggs and bacon. It'll get you going on the right foot." Mrs. Valenti put a plate in front of him laden with the eggs he'd seen, several strips of bacon and a few pieces of toast. Then she handed him a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks... Mom." He said, a little uncomfortably, but not wanting to upset things. They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, Michael and the Sheriff eating heartily, while Mrs. Valenti looked on, sipping her tea. Soon, Kyle entered the kitchen, hair still wet, but combed neatly in place. He was wearing jeans and a button down flannel- a far cry from his normal cowboyish attire.

"Dude, you didn't eat it all did you? Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your shirt."

"No, Kyle I didn't eat it all. And thanks for asking first."

"Boys, don't bicker. There's plenty for you, too, Kyle." Mrs. Valenti put down a similarly heaped plate in front of Kyle as Michael stood and put his empty plate in the sink.

"I'm going to go take a shower."

Kyle spoke through a mouthful of eggs. "Hurry up, I don't want to be late. I don't need a detention today. And I'm driving to school, got it?"

"Yeah, fine. Whatever." He moved to leave the kitchen, but a hand on his arm stopped him.

"Michael, are you okay? You seem a little, I don't know, upset or confused." Mrs. Valenti looked at him with concern.

"No, mom, I'm fine. I'm just tired and nervous about the game. Everything is fine." She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek, and this time he let her. She ruffled his already messy hair and he smiled, walking down the hall toward the bathroom to get ready.


In the car on the way to school, he was pretty quiet, while Kyle chatted on about football and school without waiting for Michael to respond. He was apparently used to his brother's reticent nature. His thoughts kept traveling back over the life he knew and the differences between that reality and this one.

For example, he knew for a fact that the Sheriff's wife had walked out on he and Kyle years ago. But apparently in this world, the inclusion of Michael into the family gave her reason enough to stay and find something else to be happy about. It was weird to think of having a brother, and that it was Kyle was even stranger. But all in all Kyle wasn't a bad guy. They seemed to have a pretty laid back relationship.

The other thing he kept wondering about was Max and Isabel. Kyle had mentioned Max warning him about using his powers, so obviously he and Max and Izzy knew each other and what they were. But were they close? Did Max save Liz? Did they even know each other? And what about Maria and Alex? Were they the same? He was dying to find out, and it seemed the only way he was going to do so was to get to school and see what happened.

As Kyle pulled into the parking lot, he saw the jeep across the way, Max just getting out, helping Liz, and Isabel jumping out of the back. Kyle killed the engine and grabbed his backpack out of the backseat. "Come on, I know school isn't your favorite, but if you suffer through the day at least you'll get to catch a few touchdowns tonight."

Michael looked over at his brother as he grabbed his own backpack. "Yeah, like you could throw a touchdown pass."

"Hey, man, don't blame me because you were dropping everything in practice yesterday. I have talent." He smirked and Michael affectionately punched him in the arm. The more he thought about it, it might not be that bad having Kyle as a brother.

They got out of the car and immediately Kyle started walking toward the jeep. Max had his arm around Liz, and they were seemingly waiting for Isabel to fix her hair before heading inside. Izzy had her back turned to he and Kyle, and as they approached, Kyle held his finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet. He strode up behind Isabel and slipped his arms around her waist, planting a surprise kiss on her neck. "Hey."

She spun in his arms, surprised. When she saw who it was her face lit up with recognition and she leaned in for a good morning kiss. "Hey, yourself."

Michael tried to pick his jaw up off the ground as they continued their morning make out session. Kyle and Isabel? Weird. He looked over at Max and Liz, who were trying not to get too embarrassed by the other couple's exuberance. Max grinned at Michael's shock. "Disgusting isn't it?"

Michael nodded, Liz laughed and Isabel and Kyle broke apart. "Shut up. Like you two are any better," Isabel chided.

"At least we can control ourselves in public," Liz stated.

Kyle smirked. "Yeah it's in private where they have trouble." Max leaned over and playfully smacked Kyle in the arm, and Isabel and Liz laughed. Michael was still in awe at the easy-going relationship that seemingly existed between all of them. Kyle and Isabel started to walk toward the school, hand in hand and Liz and Max followed. Michael couldn't help but scan the parking lot for a red Jetta or a sign of his favorite blond waitress, but no such luck. He followed the others inside.

"So are we all meeting up after the game tonight?" Liz asked.

Kyle answered. "Of course. Paulie's having a victory party. You guys are coming, right?"

Max nodded. "You think that just because I don't start I'm not invited? Of course we're coming."

"And the cheerleaders are invited, too. So that counts me and Liz in. And Vicky, too, if you wanted to bring her, Michael."

His head snapped up. "Vicky Delaney?"

Isabel raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, Vicky Delaney! You've only been drooling over her since school started. Why don't you just ask her out."

"Um, I, well I would but..."

Kyle shook his head. "Admit it, you're chicken! Dude, look at yourself. She would totally say yes."

"Maybe," was the only answer he would give. He really didn't want to take Vicky Delaney anywhere if he didn't have to. And besides, where the hell was Maria? He was so confused- Isabel and Liz were cheerleaders? Max was on the team, too? When had they turned into All-American kids rather than scared for our lives Aliens?

He decided to ask some direct questions to get to the bottom of things. "So, Liz, are you working after school today? Cause I'm craving some Saturn Rings."

Kyle turned around and whacked him, and Max just glared. "Dude, what have you been smoking? Liz hasn't been back to work since she got shot and Max had to heal her."

He looked around the hall to make sure no one had heard Kyle's harsh whisper, then backtracked, figuring it must be a painful subject. "Sorry, I forgot."

Liz smiled at him. "No Michael, it's okay. Actually my dad's been trying to get me back to work on the weekends. I'm still thinking about it." Her voice dropped a few octaves. "After the whole shooting and finding out my boyfriend is an Alien fiasco, I just still haven't gotten back into the swing of working is all."

"Right. Sorry I brought it up." He felt bad. The Liz in this world was obviously more emotionally scarred about the incident than her alternate self. "Anyway, where are Maria and Alex today? I haven't seen them."

Isabel was the one who looked at him strangely this time. "Maria and Alex? You mean DeLuca and Whitman? Michael since when have we hung out with them?"

Max's eyebrows knit together. "I mean, yeah, Liz works with Maria at the Crashdown, and I think she sings for that band Whitman started, but... we don't even know them really. Why would you ask where they are?"

Kyle stared at his brother. "Are you feeling okay, man? You've been acting weird all morning. Mom asked me about it at breakfast and dad even noticed it. Does it have something to do with that dream you had last night, cause I know they freak you out and all, but you don't even seem like you remember reality."

Michael scrambled to make up an excuse. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe I got hit too hard yesterday at practice. Forget it- let's get to class." He pulled his class schedule out of his notebook and determined where he had to be. He'd deal with this stuff later, but he meant to get to the bottom of things. Soon.

Part 3

The day wasn't passing quickly enough for Michael. People who he normally would never have spoken to, nevermind been friends with, kept coming up and saying hi, asking about the game and if he was coming to the party. Girls who would have never given him a second glance where he was from were suddenly staring at him in the halls, grinning and waving at him, passing notes to him in class, and coming over to talk with him between periods. He felt like Elvis.

The only problem was that the girl he wanted to see, wanted to talk to and pass notes to was nowhere to be found. Where the hell was Maria? She must have a completely different schedule than she did in his world, because they had a few classes together at home. Anyway, he had a study hall this period and he was heading to the administrative offices for some answers. Maybe he could find out about Maria, too.

He headed into the main office, and approached the secretary, Mrs. Levy. As he stepped toward the desk, she smiled broadly at him. "Hello, Michael."

He was amazed. How many times had he been to the office, and usually she never gave him a second thought. "Hi Mrs. Levy. I was wondering if you could help me out?"

"Sure, Michael, what is it?"

"Well, I was thinking about what colleges I want to apply to the other day, and it got me wondering about what was in my permanent record. Is there any way I could look at it?"

He held his breath ready for the negative response. "Well, usually that's not allowed, dear." He exhaled, figuring he was out of luck. "But for you, Michael, I guess we can make an exception." She stood and walked over to a large filing cabinet, and pulling out the bottom drawer, started searching until she found the file she wanted. She walked back to the counter where an amazed Michael took the folder from her. "Now, you can look at it here in the office, but you can't take it with you. Why don't you go sit in the Guidance Counselor's office to read it? He's at lunch so no one should bother you."

He smiled at the woman as he started for the small office. "Thanks so much, Mrs. Levy. I really appreciate this." He entered the office with the file, and sinking down in the chair, he flipped it open to the 1st page.

Name: Michael Anthony Valenti. DOB: ? (Given date: 12/14/83) Address: 134 Elm St. Roswell, NM. Parent's Names: James Valenti, Jr. and Michelle Valenti. Siblings: 1 brother, Kyle James Valenti.

Michael, an average student and excellent athlete who maintains a steady B average, has had a troubled past which he has worked hard to overcome. Abandoned at the age of 6 in the desert near Roswell's infamous crash site, Michael was found at approximately 10:45 PM on 1/23/90 by Sheriff James Valenti, who was patrolling nearby. The Sheriff brought the boy to the station, and after an attempt at questioning him, it was determined that the boy could remember no relevant facts pertaining to his life and parentage, aside from his name- Michael. The Sheriff, having no place to bring the boy at such a late hour, brought Michael home. After the state determined that the boy needed foster care until a suitable situation could be found for him, the Sheriff and his wife decided to keep Michael. After several months, the Sheriff contacted the state and requested to legally adopt Michael. The adoption was final on 12/14/90, and so the date was given as Michael's legal birthday.

Since his start at West Roswell High, Michael has been a consistent student, and due to the influence of his brother, Kyle, he has socially and athletically excelled. A good natured and sometimes quiet boy, Michael is often found in the Art room. Art is the one academic subject where Michael excels above most other students. His natural ability is phenomenal and should be encouraged. Mr. Valenti is well adjusted, polite, and charismatic when he wants to be and is overall an excellent addition to our school.

The next page went on to detail his absences and tardys, detentions and grades over the years. He closed the file, stunned silent at what he'd read. It felt so surreal reading what the guidance counselors thought of you and your life situation. He wondered what his other file had looked like. Well, it didn't matter anyway. This is where he was now, and since he had no idea how or why his wish had been granted, it appeared this was where he'd stay. Now, he just needed to find Maria, and maybe things would be perfect.

He glanced through the rest of the file quickly; looking for anything of relevance that might help him adjust to his new life. When nothing jumped out at him, he closed the folder and walked back out into the main reception area. "Thanks Mrs. Levy, that really helped a lot. I think I have a pretty good idea what I have to work on if I want to get into a good school."

"Well, that's great, Michael. I'm glad I could help you out." She grinned at him and took back the file.

Michael started to turn to leave, but on impulse spun on his heel. "I have another thing you could help me with actually if you don't mind."

"What's the problem?"

"I was wondering if Maria DeLuca was in school today?"

She flipped through the pages on a clipboard looking for the information. "Actually, no, she wasn't. Poor girl. I hope she's okay."

Michael's brows knit together. "What do you mean? You think she's sick?"

Mrs. Levy quickly answered, "Oh, yes, of course she must be. I just hope she'll get better soon."

"Does she still live on Harrington Court?"

"I think so, Michael, why? I wasn't aware you two were friends."

"Oh, we actually know each other pretty well. I think I'll bring her her homework assignments. Would that be okay?"

"Sure. Let me just get her class schedule so you can ask her teachers for her work."

Mrs. Levy walked into the recesses of the office, while Michael waited patiently at the counter. Any excuse to track Maria down was good enough for him, even if it involved homework.


After school, Michael piled his and Maria's assignments into his bag, then walked outside to wait for Kyle in the parking lot. After 5 minutes he finally showed up, face stained red by Isabel's latest lipstick. "Sorry," he mumbled, then unlocked the door for his brother before climbing into the driver's seat.

On their way out of the lot, Michael turned to Kyle. "Hey, do you mind if we stop by the Crash Down? I really am craving those Saturn Rings." And that's not all, he thought to himself. He was craving Maria really badly at the moment, and while he couldn't have her in his reality, he was hoping things could be different for them here. And his 1st step? Stopping by the Crash Down to see if she was there. If she was, having her homework would give him an excuse to talk to her, and if she was really sick, then he had an excuse to go to her house.

"Fine. I could use a snack. But I worry about you- all you do is eat. You think with your stomach."

"Hey, I'm a growing Alien boy. I have to have nourishment. And besides it's better to think with your stomach than the part of the body that you think with." Kyle grinned and whacked Michael in the arm.

"Shut up. You just have no idea what it's like to be in a relationship."

Michael thought about that for a minute. "No, you're right I don't. But believe me, I am working on it."

"Oh yeah? Did you ask Vicky to the party?"

"No. But I don't think I want to ask her anymore. I have someone else in mind."

Kyle nodded his approval. "Cool. I won't ask who she is, but if it's got you thinking about relationships it must be pretty serious."

"Oh it's serious. I just hope she still has feelings for me in this life." Oops! What was he doing? He wished he could take that last sentence back. Kyle was going to think he was nuts.

"What are you talking about?"

"Ah… nevermind. But trust me. I'm going all out for this girl."


As the Valenti brothers sauntered into the diner, Michael's eyes were peeled for a flash of that blond hair he missed so much. Kyle went to go sit in their normal booth, which was in Liz's section, but Michael kept on walking. "You mind if we sit over here?"

Kyle just shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever." He plopped down in the booth across from Michael, who made sure the table they chose was in Maria's section. He grabbed a menu and started looking for any differences in the food, but other than one or two items, most everything was the same. Before he could choose what he wanted to eat, he heard a quiet voice welcome him to the restaurant.

"Hi. Welcome to the Crash Down. I'm Maria and I'll be your waitress. Can I get you some drinks?"

Michael dropped the menu and looked up into those gorgeous eyes that liked to see through his soul. He studied her without thinking. She looked… tired. Her hair was a little longer than at home, and she hadn't done anything with it. Usually she had some hair thing in, or she made it do that flip thing or she pulled it back or something. Today it just hung in her eyes. Like she was hiding behind it. And she looked thin, too. Not that she normally wasn't thin, but she looked thinner than she should. Like if he hugged her he'd break her bones. And there was something different in her eyes. Her confidence was gone, replaced by… could that be fear?

"Mike. She asked you what you want to drink." He shook his head, and looked at Kyle, who was glaring at him.

"Sorry. Um, Cherry Cola."

Maria wrote the order down and said, "Okay. I'll be right back to take your order." She hurried off behind the counter and grabbed some glasses. Kyle was still staring at Michael as he watched Maria fill the cups with their respective beverages.

"What is up with you today, Michael? You are really out of it. You better snap out of it before the game."

"Huh? Oh yeah. I will. I'll be fine." He went back to watching their waitress as she approached carrying the drinks. Silently she placed one in front of each of them, then pulled her order pad back out. "What'll it be?"

Kyle looked up at her. "I'll have an ET burger."

She turned to Michael. "And you?

"Just a plate of Saturn Rings." She nodded and walked off to put the order in. Kyle started talking again, but Michael had no idea what he was babbling about, since he was too wrapped up in watching Maria. When she headed into the back room a few minutes later, Michael pounced on the opportunity to speak to her in private.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I just have to use the bathroom."

Kyle nodded. "Okay, but hurry back. Cause if your rings get here while you're gone you know I'll have to eat them."

"Don't even think about it." He stood and walked through the door to the break room, pretending to looking for the bathroom, but really searching for Maria. She was sitting on the couch, head in her hands. She looked exhausted. Michael walked over and stood in front of her.

"Hi. I'm not sure if you know me, but I'm…"

"I know who you are Michael. We've only been going to school together for 10 years."

He was a bit taken aback by the tinge of bitterness he heard in her voice. Maria was usually so bubbly and fun. "Well, um, I noticed you weren't in school today. I hope you're not sick."

Raising one eyebrow, Maria finally picked her head up. "No, I'm fine. I just needed a mental health day is all."

Michael grinned. "Good. I… well, I got your homework for you if you want it."

Maria practically snapped at him. "Why did you do that?"

"Oh, I just didn't want you to get behind. And I was in the office anyway, so… I just thought it'd be nice."

She faltered, surprised by his thoughtfulness. "Oh. Well, thanks. I guess."

"I'll go get the stuff. Be right back." He headed out the back door and walked down the alley to where Kyle had parked. He grabbed her things and walked back to the break room. He sat down next to her on the couch and put the pile of books on the floor in front of her. "Here you go. I know it's a lot, but since it's Friday I guess they decided to give out a ton of work."

She nodded, the slightest grin reaching the corners of her mouth. "I guess. So, thanks for getting it for me."

"You're welcome. Hey- are you coming to the game tonight?" He wasn't sure why, but a big part of him wanted her to see him play well, and he knew he'd play even better if she were there to watch.

"Oh, no, I have to work. But good luck." She gave a quick smile, still very uncertain as to why he was being so nice to her.

"What time do you get done?"

"Nine. Why?"

"There's this party at Paulie's. A bunch of us are going. Liz, Isabel, Max, Kyle, and me. Do you, maybe want to come with?"

The shocked look on her face was priceless. Quickly she stood up. "Oh, no, I can't, really. But thanks for asking. I have to get back to work now." And without waiting for his response, she beat a hasty retreat toward the main dining room.

Michael sat on the couch in disappointment. This was going to be harder than he thought. This Maria wasn't sure of herself and confident. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to break her out of her shell. He stood and walked back through the swinging door to rejoin his brother at their table.

Part 4

They'd actually won the game. Kyle had thrown 3 touchdowns, two of which Michael himself had caught. He had no idea how he'd known the plays or what he was supposed to do, but somehow, he'd always ended up in the endzone. And it seemed like Kyle had painted a bullseye on his chest, because every time he was open, Kyle hit him easily. Weird, but kind of cool. Michael never thought he'd enjoy being a football hero, but he felt kind of elated.

Jim and Michelle Valenti, or Dad and Mom as he would have to get used to calling them, had waited for their sons outside the school after the game to congratulate them.

As the boys approached, Michelle had thrown her arms around the both of them, hugging them to her. "I'm so proud of you both!"

Michael blushed while Kyle merely rolled his eyes. As she released them, Jim came forward and clapped them both on the back. "Great job, guys. They're going to be writing all about the Valenti brothers in the paper tomorrow."

Michael didn't say anything, but looked across the parking lot to where Max was getting the same treatment from his parents. He seemed kind of embarrassed too, but like he was enjoying the praise. He'd had a fumble recovery when he went in during the 2nd half, and his father, Phillip was beaming. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Isabel and Liz walk over to the small group, Liz reaching out to hold Max's hand as Isabel smiled at him.

"So what are you boys going to do tonight? I hope you're not planning on getting into any trouble," Michael heard his mom say as she chatted with Kyle and Jim about the game.

"Oh, Michelle, leave them alone. They've probably got a victory party to go. They'll behave." The sheriff looked sternly at Kyle. "Right, son? Nothing illegal, okay?"

"Sure, dad." Kyle smiled and excused himself to go grab Isabel. Mrs. Valenti took the keys from her husband.

"I'll go get the car, Jim." She turned to Michael. "Great job, sweetie. Have fun tonight."

"Okay, mom. Thanks." He blushed, still not used to the praise. His father turned to him.

"Now, Michael, I want you to have fun as much as the next guy, but I know Kyle a little too well to think that things are going to be completely innocent tonight. I didn't want to say anything in front of your mother because you know how she worries, but just please be careful. I know you're the responsible one so you won't let him do anything too crazy. And please don't let him drive if he's been drinking, okay?"

Michael smiled at the parental concern he was so unused to hearing. "Sure, dad. No problem."

The Sheriff ruffled Michael's hair, still wet from the shower he'd taken in the locker room, and walked toward the spot where his wife had just pulled up. "I want you both home by 1, okay?"

Michael nodded and watched at his parent's drove off, then went to join his friends. The Evans' had left, and Kyle, Isabel, Max and Liz were waiting for Michael. As he approached, Kyle looked a little put out. "Dad give you the same speech about not letting me do anything crazy?"

"Yeah. I told him I'd look out for you. And we have to be home by 1, okay?"

"Yeah, I know." He paused, looking at his brother. "So do you need to take the car? You know, to go pick up your date or anything? 'Cause Isabel and I can go in the jeep with Max and Liz."

"Michael you asked someone?" Isabel blurted out before she could stop herself.

He blushed. "Um, actually I did, but she can't make it tonight, so I'll just come with you guys, okay?"

Liz was stunned but smiling. "Who did you ask Michael?"

"Oh, well, I'd actually rather not say if that's okay."

Max nodded, understanding his secrecy. If some chick had turned him down he probably wouldn't be all excited to tell who she was either. "That's cool. So, are we out of here?"

Kyle nodded. "Looks like it. C'mon, Izzy." He grabbed his girl around the waist and started to walk to where he'd parked the mustang. Michael followed after waving to Max and Liz, who were heading toward the jeep. He looked around the lot one last time, still hoping to see a red Jetta or a flash of blond. Seeing neither, he hopped into the backseat of his and Kyle's car and tried to concentrate on the party he was going to, and not on Maria.


An hour later, Michael was surrounded by drunken teenagers playing various drinking games and being generally loud and obnoxious. He sat on the couch, glass of coke in his hands, watching the madness go on around him. Isabel and Liz weren't drinking, but Kyle had gotten heavily into a game of Anchorman when they had gotten to Paulie's, and Max's small sip of whiskey before they had arrived guaranteed his drunken state for the rest of the evening.

Michael was just plain bored. If the kids here weren't drinking, they were busy making out with their latest flame. He saw Vicky Delaney in the corner, giving him the eye, but he just wasn't interested. She wasn't Maria. She couldn't compare. Why the hell had Maria run away so quickly when he'd asked her to go to the party? Was she scared of him or something?

He stood up and downed his cola and headed off to find his brother. He needed to get out of here, and to do that he needed the keys now. He searched the house, but only found Max and Liz kissing in kitchen. "Hey guys. Have you seen Kyle?"

Max laughed. He was wasted. Liz cleared her throat and answered, "I think he and Isabel are upstairs."

Michael only lifted his eyebrow and nodded. Typical. Kyle gets drunk and gets some action. Michael couldn't even get Maria to come to the party with him. He started to walk away, but Max's hand on his arm stopped him.

"Dude, your brother is upstairs with my sister. I should be so pissed, but I think it's funny. Is that wrong? If they got married would that make us brothers in law?" Max laughed and Liz gave Michael an apologetic look. He smiled to let her know he didn't mind, and walked away as he heard Max start to tell Liz how beautiful she was and how he wanted to make sweet love to her. Liz rolled her eyes and laughed, but resumed kissing him.

Michael headed up the stairs to Paulie's parent's room, knowing that would probably be where he'd find Kyle. Tentatively he knocked on the door, only to hear his brother yell, "This room is taken- find another one!"

"Kyle, it's me! I need the keys."

"Oh, okay. Hold on a second." He heard scurrying and muffled dressing sounds. Then, "Okay, come in."

Kyle lay under the covers, presumably naked, while Isabel sat next to him dressed only in his shirt. Michael looked miffed, but Kyle simply stated the obvious. "Dude, you're killing me here."

"Sorry, but I just need to leave. Where are your pants?"

Isabel blushed. "I think they're on the floor in the corner over there." She pointed to a pile of shoes and jeans and he went to sift through them.

"Why are you leaving, Mike? Vicky's here..."

"I know. I saw her. I'm just not into it tonight. I need to go for a drive. Clear my head."

"You didn't drink anything, did you?" Isabel asked protectively.

"No, Iz, I'm fine. Will you make sure this bonehead gets home okay?"

"No, problem. Sorry you didn't have fun." She looked sad for him. Or as sad as a girl who was half-naked and in bed with her boyfriend could look for her boyfriend's departing brother.

He finally found Kyle's jeans, which looked suspiciously like his, and grabbed the keys out of the pocket. "That's okay. Not your fault. You two go back to... whatever you were doing." He walked out the door, closing it behind him as he heard Kyle's slightly slurred goodbye. Before he could get away from the door he heard Isabel squeal in delight and Kyle's low laughter.

Heading down the stairs, he waved goodbye to the people who saw him going and walked out the front door toward the Mustang. Why did she say no? He wanted her there. Watching him help win the game and having fun with him. He quickly glanced at his watch. 10:10. Good, she was probably off work by now. Maybe he'd go see if she needed a ride home.

Part 5

He pulled the Mustang up in front of the restaurant, but the lights were off and it didn't look as if anyone was in there, so he drove around to the back entrance. Maria was just closing the back door and locking up when he got there. She covered her eyes at the sight of the blinding headlights, so Michael killed the engine and got out of the car.

She looked very confused and a bit nervous until she saw who it was. Michael noted that she'd changed out of her uniform and was wearing jeans and a tank top covered by a button down shirt. Her clothes hung off her like they didn't fit her right. It made him miss those inventive and imaginative outfits she used to come up with.

She was quiet, so he decided to break the ice. "Hi."

"Hi." was her only response.

"Are you all finished here?"

"Yeah, I was just locking up. Did you need something? Cause if you're really hungry, I can go put some Saturn Rings on..."

He smiled, not only at the fact that she'd offered to make him something when she was obviously done for the evening, but also because she remembered what he liked. "No, thanks. Actually I came to see you."

Again, confusion spread across her face. "Why?"

"Well, I was really bored at the party. We won by the way."

"I know. I heard it on the radio. You caught two touchdowns, right?"

He grinned again, glad that she knew. "Yeah. Anyway I was bored, and I was hoping that you might want to go back to the party with me? You know, to keep me company?"

Maria laughed. "Me keep you company? I think you have enough groupies already, don't you? Can't one of them keep you company? Like maybe Vicky Delaney?"

"I wouldn't say they were groupies for one, and I don't want them to keep me company. I don't care about any of them. I want to spend time with you."

Maria started to walk away from him. "Is this some kind of bet? Because I saw 'She's All That' too, you know."

Michael burst out laughing. "God, Maria, you're funny. Why is it such a big deal if I want to get to know you?"

"Because things like this don't happen in real life. The football player doesn't suddenly start to want to spend time with the class nothing unless you're in the middle of a random teen flick, so forgive me for not believing your motives."

Again, Maria started to walk away, but Michael caught her by the wrist. "Please? Just come back with me?"

She shook her head. "No way. You know as well as I do that as soon as I stepped foot at that party I'd get laughed out the door. I am not in the mood for that."

"Okay, fine, forget the party. Come for a drive with me? Or at least let me give you a ride home."

"Yeah, right! I've seen stalker movies; too- you drive some chick out into the middle of the desert and then cut her into pieces. I think I'd rather walk."

"Why are you so closed off and skeptical? What can I say to convince you that I am not going to hurt you or humiliate you?"

"Hmmm, can't think of a thing." she turned on her heel and strode down the alley.

A thought struck him and he yelled after her. "If you don't come with me, I'll quit football and start working here as a cook and I'll tell everyone that I did it to be closer to you."

She stopped and turned back to face him. "You can't do that! That's blackmail!"

He grinned, knowing he might have finally won her over. "I know."

"But everyone at school will hate me if you quit, and I would be so embarrassed if they thought you quit for me! That's horrible Michael."

He smirked, loving the way she said his name. "So then I guess you'll have to come with me."

Maria frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. But I am NOT going to the party. And I have to be home by 11:30 or my mom will worry."

He pulled open the passenger door to the Mustang. "Your chariot my lady."

"And don't think quoting a Kenicke line from Grease is going to get you laid. I am not Rizzo, buddy, so don't think you're getting any!"

Michael chuckled as she put her bag full of books and her uniform in the back seat and closed the door after her as she got into the passenger seat. Walking around the car, he nearly skipped with glee he was so excited.


He'd parked the car overlooking the bluff that he and Isabel and Max used to meet at in his world. He loved it here- it was quiet and beautiful. Even at night. Especially with a girl you liked seated next to you on the hood of your car. Why didn't he ever bring Maria here before?

She broke the silence. "You know, I wouldn't have pictured you as the kind of guy to just sit and look at the view."

"Well, there's a lot about me you probably don't know."

"Yeah, like what you're doing here with me when you could be at some party with girls hanging all over you."

Michael turned to face her. "When did you become so cynical? You used to find the joy in everything."

She pulled her eyes up to meet his. "What makes you think you know anything about me?"

He smiled. "Because I know you, Maria. I know the real you."

"Oh? And who is the real me? A cheerleader like your friend Isabel and Liz? A blond bimbo like Vicky?"

He shook his head. "No. The real you is sweet and spunky. You make people smile and you sing like an angel. You are beautiful, Maria, and you shouldn't hide it."

"Oh sure! Let me guess... you think I'm special, right? If that's not a sign that this is a put on, then I don't know what is. I don't understand why you had to pick on me, Michael, why you decided to play with my feelings, but let me tell you something. Just because I'm poor and I have to work for a living doesn't mean I'm some slut who'd sleep with a football player just to get some status at school. Will you take me home now?" She shivered as she spoke, he wasn't sure if it was from the cold or anger.

"It's not like that." He took off his WRH Football letter jacket and hung it over her shoulders. "Have I even tried anything? You know if all I wanted was sex, I could get it from any number of girls who were at that party. I'm making a sincere effort to get to know you, Maria, because I want to. I just wish you'd give me that same chance. Maybe you'd see I'm not like most of the guys at school."

She was quiet, and he took that as a sign that their conversation was over. At least for the moment. He looked at his watch. 11:03. He hopped off the hood of the car and held his hands out to help her off. "Come on, it's after 11 and you said you need to be home."

Reluctantly she took his hands and he helped her down off the hood. She stumbled at her feet his the ground, falling into him. He caught her around the waist, taken aback for a moment by the amazing feeling of having her in his arms again. But he knew he had to let her go or she'd never trust him. She reached down to pick up the jacket, which had fallen off her shoulders when she slipped. As she did, the long sleeve button down she wore slid off her shoulders a little, draping down her back. It was then that Michael saw the nasty purple bruise on her shoulder blade.

"What happened?"

"Huh?" She realized what he was looking at and slipped the shirt back on all the way. "Oh, nothing. I tripped and fell against the counter at work." She handed him the jacket and he took it and slid it back over her shoulders.

"You're cold. Keep it until we get to your house." He opened the door and she slid in.

"Thanks," was all Maria said as Michael closed the door after her.

They were quiet on the way home, and 15 minutes later they pulled up in front of her house. The only light on was the flashing TV screen that could be seen through the living room window. He hopped out of the car and went to go let her out, but she had already opened the door and was reaching for her bag.

"Hey, let me get that for you, okay?" He grabbed the bag and slung it over his shoulder. Then he held out his free hand to help her out of the car, which she reluctantly took. Hand in hand they walked to her front doorstep. "So, do you want to maybe do something tomorrow? We could go to the movies or get something to eat?"

"I really can't. I have to work. My mom's kind of sick right now, and we need the extra money. But thanks for asking. And thanks for the ride."

"Sure. Well, how about I come by the Crash Down for lunch tomorrow. You could take a break and eat with me maybe?"

She grinned for the first time since he's seen her in this reality. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Not if there's something I want." He rubbed the inside of her palm with his thumb, and she looked down at the ground, blushing.

"Well, I can't stop you from coming in to eat lunch, and if it happens that I have my lunch break at the same time, then I can't stop you from sitting with me."

He smiled. "Well, if you can't stop me, then I guess that's what's going to happen. I'll be there tomorrow." He took the bag off of his shoulder and handed it to her.

"Okay, then I guess I'll see you tomorrow." The quiet moment was suddenly shattered, though as the front door of Maria's house flew open. Michael looked to see who had destroyed his moment with Maria. He nearly passed out when he saw Hank leaning drunkenly against the doorframe.

Part 6

"Maria, where the hell have you been? And who the hell is this?"

Maria's face instantly returned to its former closed hardness. "I'm sorry Hank, I got done late, and then Michael asked if I needed a ride."

"Yeah, I bet he gave you a ride. You're just like your damn mother. Pain in the ass- get in the house." She nodded, and took Michael's jacket off her shoulders, gave it to him, and slipped past Hank into the house.

He turned on Michael. "Who the hell are you, boy?"

Michael stood up to his full 6'2", the anger and resentment already beginning to pour out of him. "I'm Michael Gue...Valenti. The Sheriff's son. I'm a friend of Maria's. And I don't think you should talk to her like that."

Hank's eyes widened. "You don't think... You punk! Get the hell out of here! I don't want to see you near her again."

"I'll see her if I want to. You don't own her."

Hank reached his arm behind him to backhand Michael, but in this world, Michael wasn't afraid. Here he had people who loved him and would stand up for him. He stood tall and Hank's hand fell back to his side. "She's my step-daughter. And that's about as close to owning someone as you get. If I see you with her again, believe me when I say I'll shoot you. I don't care who the hell your father is." He slammed the door in Michael's face.

No wonder Maria is so afraid, he thought. He remembered all too well what life with Hank was like for him. He couldn't stand the thought of Maria having to go through that. He made a promise to himself right then as he walked back to his car. He would get Maria out of that house. He would get her out if it killed him.


The next morning, Michael practically flew out of bed. He was having lunch with Maria today. That was reason enough to get excited. But he wanted to talk to his dad about Maria's situation before he went in to the office. As he got out of bed he heard Kyle groan.

"Are you awake, Kyle?"

There was a grunt and then, "No."

"I was just wondering how the rest of the party was."

"It was fine. I have a hangover. Leave me alone."

Michael chuckled, glad he hadn't indulged last night. "Okay, grumpy, go back to sleep then. But don't think I'm saving any food for you."

"Arrggghh- food. The thought is making me sick. Get out of here if you're going to be cheerful." Kyle flipped over on to his stomach and pulled the covers over his head. Michael shook his head in amusement and headed down the hall to the kitchen.

His dad was seated at the table sipping his coffee and reading the paper as usual. When he heard Michael come in, he looked up.

"You're up early. Have fun last night?"

"Well, the party sucked, so I left and went to hang out with a friend."

The sheriff raised his eyebrow. "A friend? A girl maybe?"

"Maybe," was Michael's only answer. He opened the cabinet and took out a bowl. Pouring himself some Count Chocula he sat down next to his father.

"Dad, can I ask you something serious?"

The sheriff put down the paper completely and looked at his son. "Sure, Michael, anything. What's up?"

"Well, see there's this friend of mine. And I think that maybe her family situation isn't very good. What can I do to help her?"

"Not good in what way?"

"Well, I'm not positive, but I think her step-dad may be hurting her and her mom."

The sheriff thought for a minute. "That's a pretty serious accusation, Mike. Are you certain?"

"No, not 100 percent, but I met him and he seems like a real jerk. Called her names and yelled at her. And I know he drinks a lot. He even acted like he was going to hit me just for giving her a ride home. Then he said he would shoot me if he ever saw me with her again. Plus she has a bruise on her back- a pretty bad one. She says she fell at work, but I don't believe her."

"Well, I think the first thing you should do is talk to this friend and make sure it's not all some big misunderstanding. If you get her to confirm that he's hitting her or her mom or both, then see if you can get them to come to me voluntarily. But even if they don't we can fill out a report to get Social Services to look into the situation, okay? And whatever you do, Michael, don't confront the stepfather alone- if he's as bad as you say, we don't know what he might do."

"Okay, dad. Thanks."

Jim sipped the last of his coffee and stood up. "No problem. Just be careful. I have to get to work, but remember that you can come to me about this anytime, okay? I'll see you later."

Michael nodded and watched his father's retreating form. Then he looked down at what section of the paper he'd been reading. Sports. There was a huge article about the game last night, and a lot of it focused on he and Kyle. As he dug into his cereal, he read it, biding time before he could leave for the Crash Down and his lunch date with Maria.


The restaurant was pretty busy when he got there. He searched the room, and finally his eyes fell on the girl he was looking for near the back. He approached her as she stepped away from a table to put an order in.


She looked up, shocked. "Oh, hey."

"So when do you have your lunch break?"

"15 minutes." She walked behind the counter and placed the slip of paper on the rotating wheel for the cook. She grabbed a glass and filled it with ice, then put it under the soda machine. "Are you sure you still want to have lunch with me?"

Michael was a little hurt. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Well, because last night... Hank... after what he said I didn't think you'd come."

"You heard what he said to me?" She nodded, too embarrassed to look up. He continued. "Well, then you heard what I said to him, too. And I meant it. I'll see you if I want to." Her head jerked up in surprise at the forcefulness of his tone. He softened, looking down at the counter. "I mean... as long as it's okay with you."

She responded by placing the now full glass of cherry cola in front of him. "Take this to the table in the far corner. That's where we sit for meals. What do you want to eat?"

"Um... a Chili Rocket Dog with fries and a side of-"

"Saturn Rings. I know." She smiled at him. "I'll put it in and be over in a few minutes, okay?"

"Okay. See you in a few." He picked up his drink and walked to the table Maria had directed him to.

10 minutes later, she placed his food in front of him, and a salad and shake across the table for herself. She slid into the booth and made herself comfortable.

He looked at her plate skeptically. "Is that all you're eating?"

She rolled her eyes at him. "No, I've got 10 burgers on back order. Yes, this is all I'm eating."

He grinned, glad for the spark she had shown in her response. But he was still didn't like that fact that she was so thin. He decided to drop the subject for the moment. "Okay fine, if you want to shun the greatness that is the Saturn Ring then that's your problem."

Maria shook her head and picked up her fork to take a bite of her salad, while Michael grabbed his Rocket Dog and took an enormous chunk out of it, dripping chili and cheese all over the table.

"Oh great! I'm the one who's going to have to clean that up, you know."

"Sorry. Just really hungry," he replied with his mouth full. He smiled again, cheeks full, and Maria couldn't help but smile back.

Michael swallowed, and emboldened by her response, decided to act on impulse. "So, what time are you finished here tonight?"

"It depends, actually. Mr. Parker said he might need me until close. If not then I get done around 3."

He slid his hand across the table and placed it over her free hand. "Want to do something tonight? Please say yes."

Maria sighed. "I'm not so sure it's a good idea, Michael. Especially after last night."

"Oh come on. I promise we'll have fun. We'll go to the Launching Pad and play mini-golf, or go to the movies, or for another drive. Whatever you want."

"But if Hank finds out... and my mom..."

"Maria, it seems like all you do is work and go to school. You're 16 years old. Every 16 year old deserves a little fun." He stroked the back of her hand with the pad of his thumb. He wasn't sure what it was doing to her, but it was sending shivers of excitement through him. Her eyes widened slightly.

"Are you sure this all isn't some big joke? Because that would really suck."

"I swear on my life this isn't a joke. I just think you're really pretty... and I want to get to know you. Is that wrong?"

She shook her head, embarrassed by his compliment. "No, it's not wrong. It's just that no one's ever really noticed me before. It feels kind of strange."

"In a good way?" He asked hopefully.

She nodded. "Yeah. In a very good way." She paused. "Okay, I'll go out with you tonight. If I don't have to work."

"Awesome! I'll pick you up at 7, okay?"

"Okay." He took his hand back and started to take another bite of his hot dog. She got quiet and they continued to eat in silence for a few minutes, until...

"Hey, Michael!" He looked up to see the Evans siblings entering the Crash Down. His eyes widened, and he looked to Maria, who suddenly seemed really jumpy.

She started to get up, obviously made nervous by the approach of his friends. "Oh, um, I should probably get back to work now."

He looked at her as if she were crazy. "What? You haven't even finished eating. And you have like 20 minutes left in your break. Sit," he commanded.

Surprised, she did as she was told, and Isabel and Max sauntered up to the table. "Hi Michael. How's it going?" asked Max.

"Really good, actually. You guys know Maria from school?"

"Yeah, I think we have geometry together, right?" asked Isabel.

"Uh, yeah, you sit in back of me." Maria didn't dare pick her head up. These people made her nervous. Michael noticed that, and captured her ankle between his legs under the table in an effort to comfort her. She looked at him, surprised, but said nothing. Michael turned to Max.

"So how are you feeling after last night? You were bombed."

"Oh I'm fine. One of the benefits of a low tolerance- no hangover."

"How about you, Izzy? Last time I saw you, you seemed pretty occupied."

Isabel whacked Michael on the shoulder. "Shut up." She went to sit down next to him and he pushed over. Max followed her lead, sitting next to Maria. "What are you doing out and about so early, anyway? Is Kyle still in bed?"

"Yeah, Kyle's sleeping it off. And I had a lunch date with Maria."

Isabel looked a little shocked. "Aha! So this is the fair maiden who you've decided to throw Vicky Delaney over for. Congratulations, Maria, not many women have been able to tie Michael down."

Maria reddened, but said nothing. She could tell by Isabel's tone she meant no harm, but it embarrassed her nonetheless. Michael noticed and decided to come to Maria's rescue. "So what are you guys doing here?"

Max brightened. "It's Liz's first day back."

Maria actually smiled. She'd always gotten along well with Liz. "Oh, that's great. I was so scared when I heard what happened with the robbery and all. I was glad I wasn't here that day. I don't know what I would have done. Liz is really brave to come back so soon."

Ahhh, it was a robbery and a shooting. No wonder Liz had been more upset here. Michael felt like twice as big of a jerk for even having brought it up the other day. Max was grinning at Maria. "I'm sure she'll be glad you said that." Maria simply nodded, self-conscious that she'd even said that much.

As if on cue, Liz came out of the back room in her uniform and antennae. "There's my girl!" Max exclaimed. Liz spotted them and walked over to the table.

"Hey guys. Hi Maria." She smiled at the group at the table. "Why aren't you guys at your normal table?"

Isabel decided to be the first to spread the word. "Oh, well, Michael and Maria were having lunch together and we decided to join them. Right, Max?"

He nodded. "Yep. And I want to be the first one to order from you on your first day back."

She smiled. "Thanks. Oh, Maria, my dad told me to tell you that we don't need you to close, so you can go home at 3, okay?"

Before Maria could respond, Michael smiled, saying, "Cool!"

"Why are you so excited?" asked the ever-interested Isabel.

"Because that means that Maria and I are going out tonight. Right, Maria?"

4 sets of eyes turned to her, and Maria nearly choked on her last bite of salad. "Oh, um, yeah. We're going to go out. Together. Me and Michael," she babbled, internally berating herself for acting like an idiot.

"Wow. Good for you guys! Well, I guess we'll leave you alone to make your plans. Come on, Max." Isabel stood. "Have fun tonight. See you later." She walked off in the direction of their regular table, and Max stood to follow.

"See you later, Michael. Bye Maria." He grabbed Liz around the waist and directed her to where Isabel was now seated. Liz simply waved at the couple seated in the booth and let Max lead her.

Michael sipped his drink and looked at the bewildered Maria. She had been so uneasy around his friends. "Don't worry. You'll get used to them."

"What makes you think that?"

He smiled a knowing smile at her. "I just know." She finished his dog and wiped his mouth. "Help me finish these Saturn Rings?"

Reluctantly, Maria picked one up and put it in her mouth, chewing slowly. Michael scarfed a few down then looked up at her. "So... got any ideas for tonight?"

"Me? No. Why? Do you?"

"Oh I have plenty. It'll be great. Trust me."

"Why does it make me nervous when you say that?"

He didn't answer and popped another ring into his mouth with a devilish grin. "Don't worry about it, Maria. I'm going to make sure you never have to worry about anything ever again."

She looked at him strangely, but continued to help him eat the rings. Michael felt blessed as he enjoyed the rest of the lunch break chatting and getting to know Maria all over again.

Part 7

Michael listened to one of his favorite songs as he got ready for his date with Maria. He was beyond excited that she had actually agreed to this. Kyle walked into their bedroom as he was putting on some after-shave.

"Oh man! After-Shave and you're listening to Filter? You must be in a good mood."

"Shut up Kyle. Just because some of us didn't get wrecked last night..."

"No, Michael, don't play dumb with me. You have a date. And if what Isabel called and told me is true, it's with Maria DeLuca. How in the world did I miss this?"

"I just didn't mention it, okay? Like you said, we're not really friends with her and I didn't know how you guys would react. But now that I actually got her to agree to go on a date with me, I don't really care what you think Kyle. If you don't approve keep it to yourself, because I really like this girl."

"Whoa! I never said I didn't approve. I was just surprised you never told me. I'm your brother- I just thought we were closer than that."

"Kyle, we are close. It's just that some things are private. How I feel about Maria- it's the same as how you feel about Izzy. You don't tell me everything, and I wouldn't expect you to." He thought of the conversation he'd had about his and Maria's relationship with Max in the bathroom that one time. It just didn't feel right discussing that with anyone. "It's about respecting the girl you're with."

"Wait, this is your first date, right? Because you're talking like you've been together for a while."

Michael quickly backpedaled, realizing his mistake. Here he and Maria hadn't had their little Eraser Room/Crash Down kitchen sessions, and he sounded like a stalker. "No, it is our first date. I've just been thinking about her for a long time. It took a while to figure out how to get close to her and convince her to come out with me."

"Convince? Man, Mike, you do like to do things the hard way. You could have had it easy with Vicky."

"I know. But I like girls who have a brain in their head. You know, the kinds who don't jump at the chance to date any guy who comes along. Maria is special. And I want this date to be special, so if you don't mind..."

"Fine, I'm gone. But will you at least let me know how it goes? No big details- just generally good or bad?"

Michael smiled at the concern on Kyle's face. "Sure." He watched Kyle leave the bedroom, and called down the hall after him, "And I'm taking the car!"

Kyle poked his head back in the room. "Fine. Good luck, Michael."

"Thanks." Kyle left and he went back to getting ready, singing along now to the music that filled his room.


Michael pulled the Mustang up to the curb in front of 182 Harrington Court at 6:59 PM. He noticed that there were no cars in the driveway, so presumably Amy and Hank weren't home. Too bad. He'd have liked to give Hank another piece of his mind. And find out what the hell in the world was wrong with Amy DeLuca that's she'd married Hank in the first place.

He grabbed the small bunch of wildflowers off the front seat and opened the door, heading for the house. Ringing the bell, he waited nervously for Maria to answer.

Finally the door creaked open and Maria stood before him dressed in a long skirt and peasant blouse. She looked fantastic. "Wow. You look great."

Maria blushed. "Um, thanks."

"Oh, uh, these are for you." He held out the bouquet of wildflowers he'd brought, knowing that she'd appreciate them much more than roses. She smiled.

"They're beautiful. Thanks. I'll go put them in some water. Did you want to come in?"

"Sure." He followed her back into the house. He looked around. It was much different than he imagined it would be. It was clean, but shabby, probably due to Hank's spending all their money on booze. Maria had reached the kitchen and opened the cabinet to grab a small vase. She stepped in front of the sink to fill it and Michael couldn't help but watch her. She was so beautiful. He couldn't stop himself from stepping up behind her. His hand reached out to stroke her back.

Inexplicably, she cried out at the touch and dropped the vase, which smashed into the sink.

"Maria, I'm sorry! What's the matter?"

She was bent over the sink, her knuckles white from gripping the edge. "Nothing. Sorry, you just scared me." Her eyes were clenched closed and she was taking deep breaths.

"Are you sure? It seems like you're in pain."

"Oh, no, it's nothing. I have to clean this up."

"I got it." He stepped back and grabbed a towel, and began scooping the broken glass out of the sink. Maria stood out of his way and grabbed another vase, filling it with water.

"You didn't get cut, did you?" Michael asked as he threw the remnants of the first vase into the trash.

"No, I'm fine." She put the flowers in the vase and set them on the table. "Can we go now?"

"Sure. Come on." He reached out his hand to her, and she took it, letting him lead her out the door.


In the car, Maria was quiet. Michael wasn't sure if she was upset or just nervous. "So, do you wanna know what we're going to do?"

"Okay. What are we doing?"

"Well, I was thinking we could drive out to the desert and have a little picnic. If that's okay?"

Maria grinned. "Sure. That sounds great. As long as you didn't cook the food yourself."

Michael looked at her. "And what makes you think I can't cook?"

"Well, you come in to the Crash Down for like every meal. What am I supposed to think?"

Michael reached his hand out and took hers. "I was just looking for an excuse to come see you."

Maria said nothing, but she gave his hand a slight squeeze. Michael beamed, and continued to drive to the spot he'd taken Maria to the previous night.

10 minutes later they arrived. Michael opened Maria's door and helped her out. Then he rushed to the trunk of the Mustang and took out a blanket, which he spread on the ground. Next he produced a large cooler, and placing it on the blanket next to Maria, he sat down.

"So, what's for dinner?"

Michael smiled, and opened the cooler, and started pulling out all kinds of treats from the Crash Down menu. "Liz told me what you usually eat on your breaks, so I took the liberty of getting all your favorites." He handed her a fork, and together they dug in to the meal Michael had brought for them.


"God, that was great. Thanks, Michael. It was really nice of you to get my favorites." Maria swallowed the last bite of her Oreo Mud Pie and grinned a chocolatey toothed grin at him.

Michael started laughing. "Oh, you got chocolate all over your mouth! Let me help you." He put down his apple pie and grabbed a napkin. Scooting over to sit directly in front of her, he began dabbing at the corners of her mouth. Maria sat completely still and watched as he cleaned her face off. He stopped abruptly and stared at her mouth.

"What? Did you miss a spot?" She asked quietly.

"No, I was just thinking about your lips. They're…"

"Huge. I know." She looked down at her lap. Michael tilted her face back up to look at him.

"I was going to go with gorgeous. Amazing. Glorious. You have lips I am dying to kiss." He dipped his head and gently pressed his lips to hers. Maria's eyes drifted closed, and Michael moved his hand around to grasp her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss.

It was everything he'd remembered and more. This time he knew what he wanted and there was no getting away from the nagging feeling in his gut that told him this was right. She belonged with him.

A quiet Maria noise escaped from her parted lips. A noise he recognized from their time in the Eraser Room. It meant he was getting to her. Breaking her resistance down. Without warning, he began to lean forward, pressing his body to hers, supporting her with his hands. He knew she would stop him if she wanted to, but he was hoping beyond hope that she didn't. But as her back met the ground, she stiffened completely and pushed at him.

"Ow, Michael, please, get up!" Her voice was filled with anguish and impatience. Quickly he sat up, and she followed. She exhaled loudly and tried to compose herself. Michael said nothing, waiting for her to break the silence.

"I'm sorry, it's just that was a little too fast, and your hand was on my hair…"

"Maria, what's the matter with your back?"

"Nothing. I told you. I fell at work. No big deal. It's a little bruise."

Michael frowned. "No, it's not a little bruise. I saw it- it's huge and purple. And I bet it's not the only one."

Folding her arms over her chest, Maria glared at him. "What do you mean?"

"First of all, you completely dropped the vase at your house when I touched your back. You don't do that if it's just a bruise. Plus that wasn't even in the same spot."

"You scared me, that's all. Michael, please drop this."

"No, I won't drop it. He hurts you doesn't he." Michael looked directly into her eyes.

She avoided direct eye contact. "Who?"

"Hank. Maria, please tell me. I know how it is- he's hurting you and maybe your mom, too, and you're covering up for him. Please tell me the truth."

She stood up quickly. "What truth? What do you think you know? You don't know my family or me. What gives you the right to say this to me?"

Without thinking, Michael blurted, "Because he's done it to me, too!"

The look on Maria's face was pure shock and confusion. "What are you talking about? How… I mean… how do you even know him?"

He had to think quickly, but he came up with a good story. "You know I'm adopted, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, Sheriff Valenti found me in the dessert. I was abandoned by my real family. And for a while before the Valenti's could adopt me, I had to live with a Foster family." He knew it was bad to lie to her, but how else could he convince her that he knew Hank was bad news?

"The only person who would take me in was Hank. He just wanted the money. He told me so all the time. And when I didn't do what he told me… he would hit me. Sometimes he would just grab me and throw me into things like the stove or the refrigerator. And sometimes he would actually punch me. Or hit me with his belt. It was horrible, Maria. I hated it there, and I was so happy when the Sheriff came to get me that I never told anyone. If I had… then maybe he wouldn't have moved on to you and your mom. That's why I was so shocked when he opened the door to your house. I thought he was going to recognize me. But he didn't. Hell, I bet he doesn't even remember he took in a foster kid once- he was always drunk." He stopped his speech to look at Maria, whose eyes betrayed the truth. He reached out and grasped her shoulders firmly, forcing her to look at him. "Tell me I'm right, Maria. I know I am. We can make him stop. We can talk to my dad and get you away from him- you and your mom."

Her face fell, and she crumpled into his arms, tears erupting from her eyes. He sank to the ground, holding her gently as she cried onto his shoulder. "Oh, Michael, you have no idea… it's so bad. It's so much worse than you think." She took a gasping breath and clutched at him. He pulled her into his lap, rocking her in his arms, and brushed her back gently as she finally let her pain pour out.

Part 8

As Maria's tears continued to dampen Michael's shoulder, he wondered what she could have meant by "it's so much worse than you think." Then a thought occurred- a horrific thought that he prayed was wrong. He continued to rub her back softly as he tried to find the courage to ask her how much worse.

"Maria, when you say worse, you don't mean... Hank hasn't tried to... you know..." The thought made him want to retch and Maria's silence scared him. "Maria?"

She sniffled. "He's hit on me, yeah. So far, I've been able to avoid him so nothing's happened. But I don't know how much longer I can deal with it- he's so strong, Michael. I'm afraid to go to sleep, because you never know what he's going to do."

He hugged her to his chest, then kissed her forehead gently. "I'm so sorry, Maria. Sorry that you have to go through any of it. What about your mom? What does she say? Did you even tell her?"

"She knows, but she can't do anything about it. Michael, I lied when I said she was sick. She's more than sick." He looked at her for an explanation, so she continued. "See, when I was 7 my dad walked out on us. And my mom started to feel bad for herself. Instead of being happy the fighting was over and trying to get back on her feet, she started drinking. All the time. She went out every night." Michael sighed, knowing the rest of this story wasn't going to be pretty.

Maria took in a ragged breath and continued. "I don't know when or how, but somewhere along the line she started doing drugs. And things got worse and worse. She met Hank out at a bar one night when she was high and he knew that since she was an addict, she wouldn't give him any trouble. When I was 11 he married her to get her alimony payments and the child support. She's a junkie, Michael, and Hank feeds her habit to get what he wants. Whenever she tries to stand up to him, he beats her and refuses to give her any drugs until she gives in. She can't even get out of bed most days. That's why I have to work all the time." She paused to catch her breath, and Michael didn't know what to say.

He stroked her cheek, wiping away the tracks of her tears. "I didn't know, Maria. I wish I had known."

Maria hugged him. "What would you have done?"

"I don't know. Something." He paused, looking into her eyes. Slowly he spun her around so that her back was to him and he gently untucked and lifted the back of her shirt. The streaks of purple and blue crisscrossed her back, some spots a sickly semi-healed yellow, others puffy and painful looking. "Hank hits you, too." It was a statement not a question.

"Yeah. When I don't do what he tells me. Like you said. He usually pulls his belt off and uses that."

Michael grimaced, wanting to take the pain in her back and her heart away for good. "How long has he been doing it? And when did he start..." He stopped, unable to finish the sentence. She knew what he meant.

She continued to face away from him as she spoke. "Since a few months after they got married. Mom was always too messed up to clean or do the laundry. So I had to. And if I didn't... well, you can guess what happened. I didn't tell her for a long time, because I knew if she tried to stop him, he'd just hit her, too. She had enough problems. But one night, she woke up hearing me screaming, and she stumbled into the room, and tried to stop him from hitting me. He broke her nose and cracked 3 of her ribs." Maria paused, and he spun her around to face him. The look of sheer anguish on her face was almost more than Michael could handle.

"She stopped trying after that- she just did more drugs so she didn't have to think about it. It got to the point where she was strung out almost 24 hours a day. He stopped bothering to try to sleep with her after that. I was about 14, and had just started to... grow up. That's when the comments started. Always something about how beautiful I was getting, and how I was filling out. It made me sick. And scared. That's when I got the job at the Crash Down- as soon as I got my working papers. It got me some money to give to him to keep him off my back, and a reason to be out of the house. I put the rest of the money away. So someday I can get out of here and live on my own." She sniffled one last time and tried to calm her breathing.

"I can understand why you want to leave. And why you don't let anyone get close to you. But, Maria, it's no way to live. Always in fear and pain like that. Don't you want it to stop?"

She nodded slowly. "Of course I do, Michael. I want to get rid of Hank, and I want my mom back. The way she was before. And if I keep saving, I can get us out of here. Some night, when Hank's at work, I'll pack up our things and get her out of town and into a place where she can get better. No one will even notice we're gone except Hank, and who'd help him? We'll be safe, and no one will even miss us."

He swallowed hard. Hearing his own thoughts from his other life echoed back at him kind of shook him. "I'd miss you."

She wiped at her face, feeling her heart grow heavy. "Would you?"

He nodded solemnly. "Very much." Before he knew what he was doing, he was pressing his lips to hers again, feeling the electric current build between them. Ending the kiss before it got too intense, Michael leaned his forehead against hers. "Let me help you, Maria."

She breathed deeply, obviously as much affected by the kiss as he had been. "How?"

"Come with me to talk to my dad. We'll explain to him what's been happening to you. He can help you Maria. Help get rid of Hank for good, and help your mom get better."

She shook her head. "No, Michael, it'll make it worse. They'll arrest my mom for the drugs, and Hank would kill me if he knew I even told anyone. Promise me you won't say anything."

"I won't do that, Maria. You're in danger living with him. It's not right- you have to get out of there."

"And leave my mom to him? He'll probably try to get her to OD. I need my mom, Michael- I love her. I need to help her."

"Then let's ask my dad for help- there are people who can fix situations like this, Maria. Let them help you. Please?"

"I can't take the chance, Michael. My mom's life and maybe mine, too, depend on it. Please don't ask me to do that to her."

He sighed, knowing that this was going to take some convincing on his part. "Okay, fine. But promise me you'll think about this. I know we can get you some help. Things can be okay if you let me help you. I swear."

Reluctantly, Maria agreed, "Okay, I'll think about it. As long as you promise me you won't go to your dad or tell anyone until I've made up my mind."

He hugged her as tight as her injuries would let him. "I promise."

She returned the hug somewhat sheepishly. "It's been a long time since I was able to tell anyone what was really going on in my life. Thanks for listening, Michael."

"No problem. I'm just glad you finally told someone. It's a lot to hold in, you know?" She nodded in response.

"I know. I just never thought I'd be telling that stuff to anyone, never mind one of the most popular guys in school. You're a lot different than I thought you'd be."

Michael smirked. "Is that a good thing?"

She grinned and looked at him. "Well considering I pictured you as a sex-crazed macho pig like a lot of the guys you hang out with, I definitely think it's a good thing."

He leaned in to touch his lips softly to a spot on her neck he knew drove her crazy. "Who says I'm not sex-crazed?"

She jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow, and giggled at his grunt. He rubbed the sore spot. "Remind me not to make you mad!" She giggled again and he smiled. "I love that sound."

"What sound?"

"You laughing. You need to laugh more, Maria. Have more fun. And I plan to make sure you do. Come on." He stood up, gently dragging her up with him.

Maria watched in bewilderment as he threw the empty containers and the blanket into the trunk. "Where are we going? I thought we were going to look at the stars."

"We were. But I decided we need to go do something more exciting." She looked a little disappointed. "Well if you really want to we can stay here and make out for hours…" He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

Maria rolled her eyes and pushed against his arm gently. "Let's go, lover boy." She climbed into the front seat and he gently closed the door behind her. As he walked around the car to his door, he mumbled, "Actually, I like it better when you call me space boy, but we'll get to that later." He chuckled to himself and opened his door, slid into the driver's seat and started up the engine, roaring away toward their new destination.

Part 9

Michael pulled the Mustang up in front of one of Roswell's most popular restaurants- the Pizza Pan. Maria looked at him quizzically. "What are we doing here? We already ate."

Michael laughed mischievously. "Oh, we're not here to eat. We're here to sing." At the strange look on Maria's face, Michael explained, "It's karaoke night- and we're singing. Come on."

He opened his door and got out, and quickly went around the car to get Maria's door. She didn't budge.

"Michael, there is no way I am singing in public. I'll get laughed off the stage."

"No way! You have a great voice. I know for a fact."

She raised her eyebrow. "How do you know that?"

He scrambled to think up a story. "Um, I hid out behind Whitman's garage one day and listened to you guys rehearse." Maria promptly whacked him in the arm.

"What? Are you crazy? We suck. Why do you think we've never played out?"

"Ouch. You're the crazy one- you guys are good. Really good. And you should sing in public to get up your confidence. Besides no one here is going to be really trying. Most of them are probably just drunk and doing it for fun. No one is going to be serious about this, so there's no reason for you to be nervous."

"Michael, no. What if we see someone we know? I'd be mortified." She refused to budge from the seat, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't care, Maria. This will be fun, and that is the point of tonight. Now, come on!" He grabbed her by the shoulders and practically lifted her out of the front seat, standing her next to the car and slamming her door. He spun on his heel and walked toward the door of the restaurant, but quickly noticed she wasn't behind him. He turned and walked back to stand in front of her. "Please, Maria? I would really love to hear you sing."

She gulped hard. He was weakening her resistance, he felt it. "No, Michael, I can't."

"Yes, you can. Do you want me to carry you in there? Because I will, you know." She shook her head in the negative and without another word, he lifted her and threw her over his shoulder.

"Michael! Put me down!"

"Not until you promise me you'll sing."

"No, I can't- I'm too scared. Please put me down." He heard the tremor in her voice, but her knew she could do this- he just had to get her mad enough. He took a few steps toward the door, then spoke. "Oh, by the way, did I mention my friends were coming here tonight? They'd probably love to see me walk in the door carrying you over my shoulder. It'd be all over school on Monday for sure."

Maria made a noise that sounded pretty close to a growl. "Fine. I'll sing. Just don't walk in there with me like this."

"Say that you promise. You have to promise, or I won't put you down."

"I PROMISE TO SING!" Maria promptly found her feet on the ground and Michael grasped her shoulders, planting a quick kiss on her lips.

"I knew you'd do it! Let's go." He grabbed her hand and led her quickly into the Pizza Pan before she could run away.

As they entered, Michael's eyes quickly found Kyle, Isabel, Max and Liz in a corner booth, watching the stage. The man up there presently was singing an awful rendition of "Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks. Michael waved at his friends as they saw him, and then he threw his arm around Maria and whispered in her ear. "See this guy sucks. You will blow them all away."

"Yeah, because I'm going to suck worse! Please don't make me, Michael."

As they walked over to meet the group, he shook his head. "Oh, no. You promised. And now you have to do it. I'll even go up with you if you want."

"Can you sing?"

"Not one note. But if it'll help you get over your nervousness, I'll make a fool of myself."

"Great, that'll make two of us then." They reached the booth and Michael greeted everyone. Maria waved shyly, and Kyle and Isabel pushed in to make room for the new additions.

Michael looked at his brother. "Hey. Did you sing yet Kyle?"

Kyle shook his head in the negative. "Nope. I'm pretty soon after this dude. You got here just in time."

"And what are you gracing us with this evening?"

"What else? Elvis!"

The rest of the table groaned, and Maria giggled. "Is Elvis a bad thing?"

Max rolled his eyes. "When Kyle sings him it is!"

Kyle shot Max an evil look. "Shut up, Max. Like you don't sound like crap when you sing sappy love songs to Liz."

Liz defended her man. "Hey, I happen to like it when he sings me sappy love songs."

Isabel jumped in to add, "Yeah, and you're the only one!"

The table erupted into laughter and Maria suddenly felt more at ease. At least she wasn't going to be the only bad singer in the bunch. She looked at Michael and smiled. He returned the grin and then stood up and excused himself. The rest of the group continued to chatter among themselves.

Maria was self-conscious for a moment until Liz looked over at her. "Did you guys have a good picnic?"

Maria nodded. "Yeah we did. How did you remember all my favorite foods?"

Liz looked Maria point blank in the eye. "You're not as invisible as you'd like to think, Maria." Maria blushed, and Liz smiled, letting her know that she meant no harm with the bold statement.

Isabel looked over at Maria and Liz chatting and decided to bring them into the conversation. "So, Maria, are you going to grace us with a song?"

Before she could answer, Michael appeared behind her. "Yes, she is. We are actually."

"What song are you doing?" asked Max.

"Just wait and see." Michael slid into the seat next to Maria again as terror filled her eyes. "Don't worry," he whispered, "I picked a good one."

"I hope so," she whispered back. "I have an okay vocal range, but I don't want to sound too bad."

He slipped his arms around her waist and drew her body close to him. "I wasn't talking about the song."

She blushed, and Michael snuggled a bit closer. Maria let him, realizing that the feeling of being held by Michael Valenti was one of the most amazing things she'd ever felt in her life. They rejoined the conversation and waited for their turn.


"I'm caught in a trap- I can't walk out! Because I love you too much baybeee!" Kyle belted out his own special version of "Suspicious Minds" as the group at the corner booth howled with laughter. He jumped off the stage and pointed at Isabel. "Why can't you see what you're doing to me when you don't believe a word I'm saying? We can't go on together with suspicious minds, and we can't build out dreams on suspicious minds!"

Maria was speechless. Who'd have thought this group of popular and supposedly snobby kids could be so goofy? Tears were rolling down Liz's face and Michael was standing up clapping and cheering his brother on.

As Kyle finished to a round of thunderous applause, Michael leaned over to whisper in Maria's ear. "See I told you it'd be fun. And there's no way we can be worse than Kyle."

She laughed and clapped as Kyle proudly returned to the table. Isabel leaned over and gave him a big kiss. Max clapped very sarcastically. "Thanks for showing us how it's done, Kyle. You're the man!"

Kyle just laughed. "Then why don't you get up there and do it better, Max?"

"I will- just as soon as it's my turn, buddy."

Liz rolled her eyes at them both. "Cut out the macho man act, both of you. You suck equally."

Maria laughed as the announcer came on the microphone. "Okay, that was Kyle with 'Suspicious Minds'. Next up, we have duet- here are Michael and Maria."

Michael saw her eyes bug out of her head, and he grabbed her before she could get away. "It's now or never, Blondie. Let's do it."

Maria took a deep breath and let Michael lead her to the stage as their little corner group cheered them on. The announcer handed them each a microphone and then waited for their song to come up. Maria gasped as the cheesy 60's music wafted through the speakers. The words she was supposed to sing lit up and she choked them out. "They say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow."

Michael fell to his knees and started to sway back and forth, then in a very froggy voice, sang. "But I don't know if all that's true, 'cause you got me and baby I got you."

The crown started cracking up at Michael's Sonny Bono impression and Maria started to get into it. Her voice rang out clearly as she sang the next line. "They say our love won't pay the rent, before it's earned out money's all been spent."

Michael responded. "I guess that's so we don't have a plot, but at least I'm sure of all the things we got." He stood as the chorus came on and put his arm around Maria's shoulders, and together that sang. "Babe. I got you babe. I got you babe."

By the time it came for Maria to belt out the bridge, she was completely at ease, and the crowd went crazy as she did. "And when I'm sad, you're a clown. And if I'm scared, you're always around! So let them say your hair's too long, I don't care with you I can't go wrong!"

An overwhelming sense of pride came over her as the song wound to an end, and together they sang the last chorus of "I got you babe." The Karaoke fans exploded into laughter and hoots and hollers as they ended. Someone stood up and soon a standing ovation was happening all around them. Maria blushed; never having felt so appreciated in her life. Maybe Michael had been right- maybe she should sing in public. She never would have done it without his urging.

Looking over at the boy with her on the stage, she smiled broadly and in a completely uncharacteristic move, reached up and drew his face down to hers for a kiss. The crowd in the corner hooted especially loudly and she drew back, a bit embarrassed. Michael beamed, sure that he'd finally broken through to her.

Part 10

"Oh God, and did you see Max's face when the crowd started booing? I thought he was going to cry!" Maria was hysterical talking about the farce that was Karaoke night at the Pizza Pan on the drive home. "I mean, doesn't he know how bad he sounds?"

Michael grimaced. "No, he really doesn't. Because Liz lets him think he sounds great."

"She must really love him because god, I thought I was going to have to rip the Mic cord out of the machine to get him to stop."

"Well, if Max was the big bomb of the evening, then I know who the biggest hit was." He smiled in her direction to let her know who he meant.

"Yeah, well they did love it when we did Sonny and Cher. It was a good pick."

"No, I'm talking about later when you sang Patsy Cline. The crowd ate it up. What was the name of that song?"

"Crazy." She paused, then looked over at him. "You really think they liked it that much?"

Michael nodded enthusiastically. "I though some of the older women were going to bawl their eyes out. You did a great job."

She blushed, still not used to praise. "Thanks. Maybe I'll agree the next time Alex tries to talk me into singing at a club.

"You should do it. I'd hate to see you waste your talent just singing in a garage all day." As he was talking, Maria noticed that he was driving down her street.

"Michael, why don't you drop me off here."

He looked really confused. "Why? Are you ashamed to be seen with me?"

"God, no. It's just that… well Hank's probably home and I know what he said he'd do to you if he caught you with me again. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"And I don't want anything to happen to you, which is why I won't drop you off 3 blocks from your house. You never know what kinds of weirdoes hang around Roswell at night. I'll drop you off at your door."


"No buts."

"Fine. But don't walk me to the door, okay? I just don't want Hank to see you."

"Okay, I won't walk you in." He pulled up to the curb in front of her house, and turned to look at her as he shut off the engine. "I had a really good time tonight."

"Me too. The picnic was great, and Karaoke was really fun. I'm glad you made me sing."

"I'm glad I made you do it, too. Because now you know how good you are. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone anything about what we talked about earlier. As long as you'll really think about what I said about going to talk to my dad."

"I promise, I'll think about it. Thanks for listening. It felt really good to be able to talk to someone about things and know they really understood me."

He smiled. "I want to do more than understand you, Maria. I want to be the one to help you when you decide that this life isn't the way you want to live anymore. I'm going to be there for you 100%. I promise you that much." He closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers. His fingers grazed over her cheek as he moved in closer and deepened the kiss. As if on cue, Maria's hands wound up and around his neck, letting him press his body flush against hers.

My god, how he loved this. She was so amazing. She made his heart feel full, like it was about to burst out of his chest. He could feel her heart pounding against her rib cage, and he knew she was happy, too. For the moment, anyway. But he was going to try to make that moment into a lifetime. Because a lifetime of Maria DeLuca was exactly what he wanted.

He cradled the back of her head in his palm, trailing his fingers through her golden hair. She was just one of those girls that you never ever wanted to stop kissing. She let him explore her mouth with his tongue, and he moaned at the sweet taste of her. No matter that she was hiding it from the world, this girl was all passion and fire, and she couldn't hide that from him.

He felt something cold pressing into the base of his skull, and nearly jumped at the contact. Maria looked at him strangely as he pulled away from her, but suddenly her eyes widened and he heard a voice say, "Get out of the car, now."

Slowly Michael turned his head, and came eye to eye with the barrel of Hank's shotgun.

Maria was frozen as Michael slowly slid back toward the driver's side door. Hank pulled the gun back to let Michael exit the vehicle, and as he did, he spoke menacingly to the boy. "Told you what would happen to you if I caught you with her again," he slurred, obviously drunk.

Maria snapped out of her stupor as Hank spoke. Quickly she flew out of her door and came around the car to face her stepfather. "Hank, please, just leave him alone."

"You shut up you stupid bitch. I knew you were a whore just like your mother. I shoulda locked you in your room years ago."

Michael's teeth ground together. "Don't talk to her like that."

Hank turned his attention back to Michael. "And you, you stupid fuck. I hope she was good, cause she's the last piece of ass you're ever gonna get."

"Shut up, you drunk son of a bitch! She's not like that!" Hank reached out and grabbed a fist full of Michael's shirt, and threw him onto the pavement. As Michael rolled over, Hank again pointed the barrel of the gun at him.

"She's not like what? A stupid junkie whore like her mother? You better be glad I'm putting you out of your misery now, boy, 'cause you'd have been awfully disappointed when she started sleeping around for drug money in a few years. What's that they say? Oh yeah- like mother, like daughter. So you just know she's going to turn out to be a junkie whore just like my wife."

Maria saw red. "My mother is not a whore! You made her what she is, Hank! She was never this bad until you came into our lives. I hate you and everything you've done to us!"

Without a word, he reached out and backhanded Maria so hard she fell to the ground. Michael pushed himself off the street and lunged at Hank. As he did, Hank turned in just enough time for his finger to find the trigger. The blast tore through Michael's stomach, the bullet exiting through his back and flying off into the nearby woods. He staggered backwards, his hands going to his abdomen. He drew back his fingers and felt the blood cascading from the wound.

Maria's scream echoed through his head as if everything were in slow motion. "Michael, oh god! Michael!" She ran to his side, pressing her hands to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "Michael, talk to me! Michael!"

His voice was strained even to his own ears. "Maria, I'm fine." He was lying. He wasn't fine at all. He looked up into her face, taking in the damage Hank had done to her. Her nose was bleeding and her lip was split. "He hurt you again."

His eyes were not focusing, and she knew he was going to pass out. "Michael, you're shot. I'm going to call an ambulance." But before she could move, Hank came up behind her and grabbed her by the hair.

"You ain't gonna do no such thing, you little whore." He dragged her to her feet and punched her in the face. "You gave yourself to this boy." He punctuated his sentence with another punch. "And now I'm gonna show you what it's like to be with a man."

He grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her up against the side of the car. She was dazed, and she tried to push him off, but it did nothing. She started screaming as loud as she could, so he slapped his hand over her mouth. Maria bit him, and Hank reared back and punched her in the stomach. She keeled over in pain, coughing and trying to catch her breath. Hank took the opportunity to fumble for his zipper.

Michael was woozy- losing consciousness fast. But he knew she was in trouble. There was no way she could stop Hank by herself. Drawing all his remaining strength, Michael stretched out one arm, palm open, at Hank. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on making his powers work. And there, lying bleeding and dying on the pavement, he shot a beam of pure energy out at Hank. It glowed with an eerie luminescence and hit the older man directly in the chest. Mid-unzipping, Hank suddenly stood straight up and seized his chest. A look of intense pain crossed his face, and he gasped, hard. He stumbled backwards, still clutching at his heart, and crumpled back onto the pavement.

Maria gasped for her own breath, and looked at Michael in awe. Wiping some of the blood from her face, she stumbled over to where Michael was lying in the street. "Michael, I'm going into the house to call for help. Please, try to stay awake, okay."

He grabbed her arm as she tried to stand. "Maria, no. Call Max. I need Max."

"Max? You need an emergency room, Michael, or you're going to die! Please let me go."

He choked on some of the blood that was starting to clog his lungs. "NO. MAX!" he commanded about as forcefully as he could. "Promise. Only Max."

Knowing he needed as much help as he could get, and figuring a neighbor who'd heard the scuffle might have already called the police, she nodded. "Okay, I promise I'll call Max." His hand slid away and as quickly as she could, she made her way to the door. Pushing her way into the house and knocking over a chair on the way, she reached the phone in the living room. Quickly she dialed 411, and told the operator she needed the number for Phillip and Diane Evans in Roswell. She pressed the button to automatically dial the number and exhaled in relief as someone picked up after one ring. "Hello?"

It was Isabel. "Isabel, get Max, quick."

"Maria? What's going on?"

"Just get him for me. I promised Michael."

There was a muffled noise as Isabel handed the phone to her brother, and finally Max got on the phone. "Hello? Maria? What's wrong?"

"Max, come quick. Michael's been shot. He made me promise to only call you- I don't know why. He's lost a lot of blood and I think he's going to die."

"Where are you?"

"My house. Please hurry, Max."

"I'll be there in 2 minutes." The other end of the phone clicked and Maria ran back outside. Michael's eyes were fluttering, and she knew he was fighting to stay conscious. She dropped to the pavement beside him and grasped his hand tightly.

"Michael, stay with me. Please. Max will be here soon. Just please stay with me."

His eyes focused one final time on hers. "I'll always be with you, Maria."

"Michael, don't give up. He'll be here in a minute. Please, don't leave me, Michael."

He smiled serenely. "Won't leave you ever. I love you, Maria." His eyes flickered shut. Maria ripped off her shirt and pressed it to his stomach.

"Don't you die on me, Michael Valenti! Don't die!" The tears came on unexpectedly and mixed with the blood on her face, causing big red droplets to drip on to Michael's shirt. He was so still. Eyes heavenward, Maria prayed. "God, please don't let him die! He was just trying to help me. Please save him, please!"

What seemed like hours later, she felt herself being pulled away from him held at arms' length by Isabel. Max dropped to the ground. "How long has he been out?" Maria stared helplessly at him. "Maria, how long?"

"Just a minute." Still staring at Michael, she started sobbing and babbling incoherently. "He was talking. He made me call you."

Isabel pulled the distraught girl into her arms. "It'll be okay, Maria. Max can fix it."

The dark-haired boy looked at his sister. "I hope so." Without another word, he opened his hand over Michael's wound, pouring every ounce of his power into his fallen brother.


"I love you Maria. I love you." Michael thrashed around on the bed, his subconscious holding him in the dream, but reality calling him back. Finally he pushed through the barrier of sleep and broke into consciousness. Am I dead? He thought. Opening his eyes, he realized he was in the pitch black of a bedroom. Finally, he sat straight up and looked at his surroundings. He was home. In the trailer park. Back to his old life.

Throwing back the covers he got out of bed. Quickly he grabbed his jacket out of the corner where he'd thrown it. Pausing only to put his shoes on, he walked out into the main part of his home and noticed Hank's boot was still sticking up in the air. Good, the loser was still passed out so he wouldn't give him grief for going out at this hour. There was something he needed to check on to make sure he was really back to where he started.

He headed out the door and began to walk. It had been so real. Why couldn't he have stayed there? He thought about his life, both here and there. And yeah, things sucked for Maria in a major way, but he knew he would have helped her fix them. If he wasn't dead. Oh what was he talking about? It was just a dream. Wasn't it?

He thought more about it as he walked. Imagine him and Kyle as brothers. What a laugh. And he and Max on the football team? Man he must have been really upset to come up with such a weird dream. The thought of him actually singing karaoke was enough to make him shudder.

But there were nice things about his dream. Like the feeling of having parents who cared about you and loved you. And the feeling of acceptance from his peers. He hated to admit to himself that those were things he might actually want. Maybe that was even why he'd had the dream. To make him realize that while things were never as perfect as you wanted them to be, there was always some good in a situation.

And in his situation, he had Max and Izzy. And Liz and Alex. And maybe, if he hadn't screwed things up too badly, maybe he still had Maria, too. They were his family here. And maybe he shouldn't be so willing to give them up for some dream life he would probably never have. Maybe he should concentrate on making his real life better instead of hoping for something unattainable. Maybe he should try actually opening up and admitting that he cared about people, and wanted them to care for him instead of closing himself off from the world he actually did live in.

With those thoughts in mind, he approached the small house on Harrington Court. Carefully walking around to the side of the building, he peered in the window of Maria's bedroom. It was dark, but he could see her sleeping peacefully. Quietly he knocked on the glass, hoping to wake her, but not her mother, who was possibly asleep in the bedroom down the hall. It took a few minutes, but she finally sat up and looked around for the source of the noise. Seeing him at the window, her face went from sleepy to surprised to happy to annoyed in a matter of seconds. Silently she slipped out of bed and approached the window.

After sliding it up, she sat on the window seat and looked at him. "What's up? Is everything okay?"

"I think so. Let me ask you something. Is your mom still dating the Sheriff?"

"You woke me up at 3 am to ask me that?"

"Just answer the question, Maria."

"As far as I know she is, why?"

"And she hasn't been dating anyone else, right? Or going out every night? I mean, she's home now, asleep isn't she?"

"Yes, she's asleep in bed. Where do you think she'd be? Out painting the town?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to make sure she was taking care of you. You know, not out partying and meeting Hank in bars."

She looked at him with eyes wide. "Michael, what the hell are you talking about?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, forget it. Go back to sleep."

She looked at him with concern. "Are you okay? You seem… weirded out or something."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'll let you go back to bed now." He turned to go, and Maria started to shut the window. On impulse, he spun back around to face her. "Maria?"

She paused. "Yeah?"

He took a deep breath. He needed to do this if he wanted to make his life better. "You know if you ever need to talk or if anything's bothering you, you can talk to me about it." The look on her face was pure shock and confusion.

"Michael, are you sure you're feeling okay? You're not slipping back into fever/cocoon mode are you?"

He reddened, embarrassed that his attempt at friendship had obviously been misunderstood. "No, I'm not," he snapped. "I was just saying that because I wouldn't want you to go running to the Sheriff with any information just because you got scared. I'd rather deal with you myself than have to deal with the Sheriff."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Space Boy. Goodnight." She slammed the window shut and he turned to walk away. Typical, he thought. I try to open up and she'd rather believe I was looking out for myself. He groaned and kicked a rock, heading back to his house. He thought again about the dream, wondering if somewhere out there across time and reality, if he was actually happy. He shook his head and continued walking. Probably not. I mean, if it was real, he'd been there not even 48 hours and he was probably dead. Maybe that's why he'd had the dream- to say to himself- hey, look on the bright side. You could be dead right now.

He thought about it, coming to the conclusion that yes, it had all been a dream, but a happy one that he might like to experience again. And maybe someday he'd get the chance to be as happy as he was for those couple of days in the dream world. But he was going to have to work on it. He continued walking, eventually arriving home and going back to bed. But the thought that somewhere out there, there could have been another life for him still nagged at the back of his mind on occasion. He hoped that the other him hadn't died. That Max had been able to save him and give him another chance at life. Another chance to be with Maria. Another chance to be happy.

And somewhere across time and space and reality, Michael Valenti woke up in the middle of a quiet street in the arms of Maria DeLuca and smiled.

Questions, Comments, feedback to Danielle

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