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THIS WEEK "Forbidden Love" Terreis (Jullianna Atterton) is banished from her people when she helps a fellow amazon, Daphne (Catherine Highmore), who has broken Amazon laws by falling in love.

Special Episode Feature
| Exclusive Interview With Catherine Highmore | Disclaimer

Welcome to our official website. Dear Artemis is a new series based in the world of Ancient Greece. A group of Amazons are cast out from their tribe after one of them makes a terrible mistake. With Thalassa (Julianna Atterton) as their leader, they venture out into the world where they discover friendship, magic, adventure and most important of all, love.

> The Episodes - read what you've missed!

> Episode Schedule

> The Characters

> The Actors & Actresses

> History - Ancient Greece and the Amazons

> Acknowledgements

> About Hermione

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Text (c) by Hermione and Avalon Virtual Television