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TGH * Dangerous Connections Ch. 3

Chapter 3: Getting acquainted

Port Charles Airport

Tom waited for ten minutes for Alexis to walk into the airport lobby. When she finally did come out of the exit, she came alone.
“Good evening, Mrs. Jacks,” he proclaimed carrying her light baggage for her.
“Wasn’t I supposed to reach you?” Alexis inquired walking with him out the airport.
“You took too long,” he clarified.
“So you decided to take matters into your own hands.” Alexis nodded. “A very common, second option.”
“Did you look over the files I sent you?” Tom asked, getting directly into business mode.
“Yes. I’m quite surprised though,” she said putting on her coat as they headed towards the parking lot. Tom didn’t bother asking why, he knew what she would ask.
“How did you manage to get Tracy and Alan Quartermaine to hand over their chars of ELQ?”
Tom’s face grew into a devious grin, “Lets just say. You’d be surprised what a good combination blackmail and nepotism make.”
Alexis shook her head, undoubtedly. She wondered if she would ever receive the opportunity to defend a client who was innocent; that would be a real modification. “Of all the lawyers in Port Charles, Tom, why do you favor me to secure your business profits.”
Tom stopped walking for a moment. “I’ve seen allot of female lawyers in this town. And I must admit they’re not half as good looking as you are, counselor.” Alexis rolled her eyes and put her hands to her hips. “Do you honestly expect me to be enthused by that comment?”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he shrugged. Tom searched across the lot for his chauffeur. Finally seeking him out, he gave a signal to Gill, to bring out the car before turning back to Alexis. “So now that the honeymoon’s over, did your husband decided to leave you?”
Alexis frowned, “Not every man in this world is repellent and illusive as you are.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Of course they are,” he said heedlessly.
“Jax had to go somewhere.” Was all she said. Or more so, all she knew. After they got out of the plane, Jax received a phone call and left. Alexis didn’t even bother to ask where to, just like he didn’t bother to give an explanation. Tom handed her back her baggage as well as a manila envelope.
“What’s this?” Alexis held up the envelope.
“Some contracts for Deception. I want you to look over them for--,” he paused a moment, “for a friend.”
“Gia Campbell?”
“Yeah.” Tom continued to wait, edgily, for his ride to arrive. “She claims that someone might be searching over confidential documents that belong to the company.”
“That makes no sense. Deception is a perfume amalgamation.”
“Exactly,” Tom moderated.
The limousine reached near their footsteps and Tom opened the door for her.
“I’ll give you a ride counselor,” he proffered.
“I don’t need one.” Alexis waved a hand.
“Yes you do. It’s not easy getting a cab in Port Charles anymore.”
“You’ve only been back for two days. How would you know?”
“Alexis,” Tom carped, “I have places to be. Do you want a ride or not?”
Alexis thought for a moment. It wasn’t as if Jax was planning to come back and pick her up, and her intention was to get home as quickly as possible. She looked back at Tom, who waited impatiently for her answer near the door.
“Sure.” She accepted, entering the limousine.

PC Police Department

The smoky air conditioning of the PCPD had never seemed to be able to cleanse itself. Agent Hannah Scott walked in, she hadn’t set foot on the department in years, and she was apologetic yet satisfied to realize that it hadn’t change much. She looked at the scene of police officers, some sitting down, others walking around the place, and very few bringing in criminals. Lt. Taggert finally caught her eye. She watched him as he continued to tirade possibly a rookie officer. “Same ole’ Taggert,” she said under her breath, before tapping his shoulder. “That’s enough Lieutenant. You have better things to do.”
Taggert turned around, his eyes surprised to see his ex again. “And what would that be?” He asked, crossing his arms.
“Talking to me.” She heralded. “How have you been Taggert?”
“I’ve been good,” he said genially.
Hannah smiled, “I’m glad.”
“So, what brings you hear Scott?” Taggert asked, walking towards his office, with Hannah following behind.
“I need some information. I was wondering if you can help me.”
“Depends.” Taggert turned around. “Who?”
“Tom Hardy Jr.,” she stated.

The Beach House-- Two Hours Later


“You did what?” Gia raged while taking out some dishes from a glassed cupboard.
“I invited Courtney to dinner,” Dillon elucidated. “What’s the problem?”
“The problem?” Gia bit out. “The problem is that me and Courtney Corbin do not get along.”
“Well how was I suppose to know. Besides, you hardly get along with anyone,” Dillion stated, taking the plates from her hand: mainly so that she wasn’t given the opportunity to throw them at him.
“Dillon, I don’t get it. You can get anyone to work for you at ELQ. Why do you want to give Courtney a job?”
“I think she has good potential.” He fibbed.
“Right.” Gia lampooned. “You have a thing for her, don’t you?”
“Okay. So she gets to me, a little. But the fact is she doesn’t trust me.”
“Can you blame her?” Gia snickered. “After what she went threw with AJ. I can see why she doesn’t want to be involved with ELQ. Maybe you haven’t noticed this Dillon but most women don’t prefer to work in a company that their ex-husband owns.”
“AJ’s hardly ever around ELQ anymore. And for someone who you don’t like, you sure are defending her allot.” Dillon moped. Gia jumped up on the island stand next to Dillon. “I’m not defending her. I’m simply giving you the facts.”
Dillon turned his head to face her. “I know. Look, AJ and her are long from over. And whatever happened between you two, that accident crap, that was years ago.” Gia gives a hesitant nod. The doorbell rings and Dillon immediately jumps off the islander, but turns around to Gia before answering the door. “You’ll behave, won’t you?”
“Who me?” Gia said slyly.

Dillon opens the door and gives Courtney a welcoming smile, “Glad you could make it. Come on in.” Courtney came in steadily, and directed herself towards Dillon.
“Dillon, I can’t stay. I just came to say that I don’t want to work for ELQ. And I’d like for you to give me that recommendation back.”
“Why?” Dillon pouted. “ELQ can give you better qualifications then any other company in town.”
“The last thing I need is to be near your family.”
“Fine,” Dillon laid a hand in defeat, “I’ll give you back your recommendation letter as long as you stay for dinner.”
“I’d rather not,” she shifted towards the door.
“Fine. Then no letter of recommendation.”
“You can’t do that?” Courtney wrathed.
“Baby, I’m a Quartermaine. I can do whatever I want,” he snapped back.
Oooh, wrong thing to say. Gia thought as she overheard the conversation from the living room.
“Well that says it all doesn’t it.” Courtney said with vehemence. “And stop calling me ‘baby’!
“Hey, where’s the fire?” Tom asked, entering the house.
“Who are you?” Dillon inquired.
“I’m the guy who owns half of your family’s company,” he presented.
“So your Tom Hardy Jr?”
“Yep.” Tom looked at Courtney. “And you would be?” He laid out a hand.
“Courtney,” she said, shaking his hand.
“Another beautiful woman’s joining us for dinner. I think my day’s getting better and better,” he remarked. Courtney looked at him, vaguely intrigued.
“Dinner? Who invited you?” Dillon barked.
“I did.” Gia said, walking towards them.
“Nice of you to mention that to me.” Dillion asserted.
Gia gave him a sharp look, “I could say the same thing to you.”
“Just what was the commotion about until I walked in?” Tom asked offhandedly.
“Me,” Courtney inserted, “Well partly at least. I needed to get a letter of recommendation from ELQ. But apparently I’m getting less than I baragained for.”
“Well, in that case. You can join us for dinner and tell me what kind of recommendation you need and I’ll be happy to send it to you first thing tomorrow morning,” he said amiably.
“Great.” Courtney responded to him genially, before flinging Dillon a harsh look.
“You probably want to wash up,” Dillon said ignoring her expression, “The bathroom’s across the hall.”
Courtney nodded and headed down the hall. Gia looked back at Tom after watching Courtney exit the living room, “Is it your specialty to hit on anything in a skirt.”
Tom chortled lightly. “Actually it’s just a hobby. But if your prefer to entitle it a specialty its okay by me,” Tom said removing his coat and gloves before he sat on the couch.
“You know,” Dillon said turning back to Gia, “I think I could get used to this guy.”

Carly’s House

“Oh Lucy I’m home,” Michael Corinthos Quartermaine said shutting the door and dropping his duffle-bag to the ground as he mimicked the famous TV show. Carly came out threw the kitchen door and instantly pulled her son into a hug, “I’m so glad your home. And no offense kiddo, but that is the worst Ricky Ricardo accent I’ve ever heard.”
Michael gave his mother half a smile. “None taken. So, did you miss me like crazy?”
“You know it.” Carly laughed. “Well come on, I was just making something to eat,” she said walking down the steps and noticed Michael wasn’t following her.
“You were cooking,” Michael grimaced. He ducked as Carly playfully threw a pillow from the sofa at him.
“Ha-ha. Missed.” Michael stood up.
“Well, I won’t miss this time.” Carly jumped up and began tickling him to the very core of his stomach. “Say uncle,” she ordered.
“Yeah right.” Michael giggled.
“Hey.” Zander came out of the kitchen munching on an apple, and immediately realized that he walked in on a moment. Michael’s chronic laughter had instantly faded with his presence.
Michael directly turned towards his mother. “Mom, what’s he doing here?”
“Michael,” Carly began with a warning tone, “Zander was nice enough to bring Chinese for dinner. Your favorite. I think it’d be great if he stayed and joined us. Don’t you agreee?”
“No,” he responded bluntly.
“Come again?” Carly pinched him on the arm.
“Fine.” He blurted unwillingly.
“Good. I’m going to set the table.” Carly said looking between Michael and Zander. “Why don’t you men get acquainted.” Carly jovially headed towards the kitchen, Michael’s grudging stood solitary as he looked at Zander.
“So,” Zander began, “Your mom said that you had a great time with AJ.”
“Yeah.” Michael replied tediously as he grabbed his duffle.
“Need some help with that?” Zander asked sincerely.
“Yeah.” Michael threw the duffle at him. Zander caught it unequivocally, while dropping the apple. “It’s the second door upstairs to the left. Leave it on the doorstep.” Michael ordered brushing past him and into the kitchen.
“If you weren’t Carly’s kid…” Zander muttered under his breath.

Back at the Beach House

Tom, Dillon, Gia, and Courtney headed back into the living room after their dinner. Gawkily enough, it had gone better than they could’ve imagined. No food fights. No curses. No complaints. A normal dinner. Gia was surprised to find that she didn’t hate Courtney as much as she thought. And Courtney, was simply surprised and relieved that Dillon didn’t try to make another pass at her. Halfway through their conversation, Tom’s cellular went off. He excused himself, and went into the kitchen to take the call. Glancing over his shoulders, he turned the phone on, “Hello.” Both of Tom’s eyebrow’s suddenly arched. “What the hell are you doing? Aww, f**k. I told you not to call me on this number!”
“I don’t really give a damn what you tell me, anymore,” the voice on the other end barked back.
“Well you better.” Tom’s tone was rampant yet not detectable. “Do you have any idea what you were putting in jeopardy. Calling me like this.”
“Maybe you didn’t hear me when I said that I don’t give a damn. Look Hardy, you owe me some explanations. And I want them now.”
“I don’t owe you anything,” Tom clenched. “I’m in the middle of something right now. I’ll contact you later. Don’t call back!” Tom growled, turning off the power on his phone.
“Hardy. Damn. That son-of-a-bitch!” Luke cursed, jamming down his phone.

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