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TGH * Dangerous Connections Ch. 1

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Chapter 1: Gaining & Losing Serenity

Port Charles
Year 2011

The night swept in easily in Port Charles. The highly urbanized city lit up with vivid neon lights and salty sense of air breezed in a sterilized state of matter. The driver put the dim shaded limousine, that emulated with the aura of the night, on park. The passenger window cringed down, revealing the silhouette of the tall, striking, and hubris man, blowing out huffs of smoke from his mouth as he enclosed the cigarette between the tips of his finger. The driver budged his hat to the right and stretched his legs before getting out of the vehicle and aperturing the passenger door, making way for the man’s entrance.

“We’re here,” the chauffeur said, smacking his sugarless gum and weaving his tie back and forth with his right hand. The man got out of the, blowing one last chunk of smoke before throwing it casually on the ground and indulging it mutely with his shoe while buttoning up his black trench coat. Taking four steps forward and one step back, he gazed intently, with his aloof hazel eyes, at the dreary Port Charles landscape that laid there before him like a painting waiting to be mused. Finally, he broke into a coiled smile. It was a long time since the people of Port Charles had seen his face. He’d be sure to give their lives a real twist.

“Why’d you want to come here, boss?” The driver queried clumsily, as he continued to smack his gum.
The man irritatingly thrusted his head back at him. “You shouldn’t ask questions that you’re not going to get an answer to,” he advised. “Besides,” he walked back towards the open limo, “I don’t pay you to ask questions. Now take me to Club 101. I have some business to discuss.” He ordered, straightening out his collar and getting inside the car.
“Yes sir, Mr. Hardy.” The driver sealed the door and headed back to the driver’s seat.
“And Gill,” Tom Hardy Jr. called from his ajar window, “I recommend you get used to this place. I’ll be staying here for some time.”

Club 101

Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue
Like him inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him
And himself and everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen

I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

The music bruited through the speakers of the club; the volume being unlimited. Carly stimutaneously moved to the rhythm of the music, with her body in continuous, nonstop motion. That was what she loved about her club, it was alive and it was sanctuary for her. She didn’t have to worry about her troubles, she could sit back and if she’s in the mood: have a dance or two. Or three. Four. She could’ve gone on. Maybe even forever, if she could.

I have a blue house with a blue window
Blue is the colour of all that I wear
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue
Blue are the people here that walk around
Blue like my Corvette, it's in and outside
Blue are the words I say and what I think
Blue are the feelings that live inside me
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

Zander looked at his girlfriend in slight astonishment. She looked breathtaking in her tight leather ensemble. She looked unstoppable. They had been dancing for hours and whenever Zander tried to get them out of the dance floor, Carly simply let herself in with another guy, maybe two. Zander sighed and made another attempt to lure her out the crowd by kissing her shoulders. Carly pulled back with a smirk that practically covered her entire face, “Giving up already.” With that she grabbed the arm of a cute guy nearby and began dancing with him on the center. Zander shook his head as he watched her go. “This is gotta be one big hangover by tomorrow,” he muttered, rejoining her on the dance floor.

Inside and outside
Blue his house with a blue little window
And a blue Corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
Cause he ain't got nobody to listen
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa
I'm Blue da ba dee da ba daa

Lucky Spencer looked out from the tenth floor of his wide apartment to the other high stature buildings of the city. The atmosphere was calm and subtle. Unfortunately Port Charles wasn’t. “Mom, please get some sleep,” Lucky beseeched to Laura over the phone. He jumped on the couch and lifted his feet on the table as he gave out a vast yawn. Lucky continued to listen to his mother’s worried quarrels. Laura had been ill for awhile from depression. Lucky closed his eyes, and remembered the last time he looked at her straightforwardly. Her eyes were baggy and pale with awe, and it wasn’t due to aging or any severe diseases. She had been like this ever since his father died; Laura had began to confuse insanity from serenity. For three, years she refused to leave her home. And when she did, it was only for a period of five or ten minutes. Her face had been uneased to the world, or at least to Port Charles.

“Lucky,” she said weakly through the phone.
“I know Mom.” Lucky responded, uncertain if she had the ability to finish that sentence. “Look, just try to get some sleep. Call me if you need to. Me and Daisy will see you tomorrow, okay.” He paused, waiting for a reply, but heard none. “I love you.” Lucky said before ending the call.
“Daddy,” the little girl called from up the stairs, holding her stuff animal tightly on her right arm.

A smile grew on Lucky’s face as he stood up and walked towards his daughters, leaving his arms open for her. “Hey sweetheart. What are you doing up?” Daisy Campbell-Spencer instantly ran into her father’s arms. “I couldn’t sleep,” she said balancing her hands on his shoulders.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?” Lucky inquired.
“Both.” Daisy giggled.
“Both, huh?” Lucky tickled her belly, receiving her blissful laughter in return.
“How about I take you upstairs and read to you a good story?”
“It’s a date.” The little girl grinned.
Lucky laughed. “I wasn’t expecting you to use that term until a couple more years.”
“Dad,” Daisy grabbed his father’s cheeks, “When do I get to see Mommy.”
“Mommy,” Lucky reiterated and stood silent. Instead of giving a response he held on to her small body and carried her up the stairs.
“Answer me,” Daisy jovially demanded.
But all Lucky said was, “Your mommy.”

Crest, France

Honeymoon Suite

Alexis tied the knot on her robe and opened the French-doors that lead to the balcony, thirty floors up the edifice and allowed the fresh windy air to hit the surface of the room. Alexis watched for a moment at her husband. Snoring. Shirtless. And snuggled peacefully in bed. She returned to seat next to a small table, which composed a laptop, fax, and documentations: all the essential necessities of a lawyer. She slipped on the glasses and read the fax that was sent to her earlier.

Time: 8:00 p.m. Eastern
From: Mr. Tom Hardy Jr.
Sent to: Alexis Davis


I’m in Port Charles. Look me up, I need some legal advice.

Alexis gave a blasé moan as she folded the fax and slithered it into her bag. The continuous, light snore made her somewhat grimaced. Her thoughts drifted towards their wedding night, their second one to be factual. They had made resolved their vows again; only this time it wasn’t a substantial lie. It was pure. It was good; a little too good to be true for that matter. Alexis slightly grinned as she sat back and continued to watch her husband sleep, and gave a sigh of liberation, for she knew he would never intentionally hurt her. He didn’t have the facility to commit such an act. Or did he? Alexis thought. For the past few days, he was the first thing that came into her sight as she woke up and the last as he fell asleep. And for once it would be the other way around. Alexis walked up to the edge of the bed, and ingenuously took off the blanket from his warm body, revealing his striped comfy pajamas. But the only reaction that took place was his sleepy body shifting to the other side of the bed.

“Jax,” she called tugging his arm. “I know you’re awake!” Alexis declared. Jax opened one eye and knew there was no chance of convincing her. He yawned as he opened both his eyes, sat up on the bed, and grinned at his wife.
“Did you have a good sleep?” Alexis asked genially.
“Great.” Jax nodded. “Probably the best I’ve had in a long time.”
“Good, because we have a plane to catch.” Alexis’s geniality dissolved as quickly as Jax’s grin.
“I don’t think my jet will be leaving without me, Alexis,” he said casually.
“No.” She concurred, walking over to where he sat, “But I will.”
Jax gave his eyes his eyes a good twirl before plopping himself back onto the bed. Alexis simply glared at him with her usual rounded stare. “What are you doing?”
“Going back to sleep,” Jax stated, “I just realized the one I just had wasn’t as good as I thought.”
Now, it was Alexis’s turn to twirl her eyes before grabbing his hand and making an unsuccessful endeavor to pull him out of the bed. “Jasper Jacks,” she leered as she continued to indulge his arm, “You are not putting me in a good position.”
“Really? Then how does this position suit you?” Instinctively, Jax grabbed her arm and pulled her down on the bed before lying on top of her. Alexis gazed at him, her emotions neutralized with anger and excitement.
“Well,” she said weakly, “I have to admit, this is much more comforting except for the fact that we don’t have time for this.”
Jax’s grin reappeared, “Are you sure about that?” He began to indulge his mouth with hers. Alexis wrapped her arms around his neck, but.
“Jax--,” Alexis repentantly pulled back.
“Alexis,” he mocked. “Are you saying you haven’t had a great time? On our honeymoon.” Alexis gave a shocked yet hesitant expression. Great time? It was the best time she’s had in--. “Its not that I haven’t took pleasure in the staggering essentials of our honey--.”
“Counselor,” Jax interrupted, “Could you please just tell me you had a good time?” He asked perceptively.
Alexis looked up at him and smiled, “I’ve had a great time.”
“Good.” Jax smiled as he moved his lips closer to hers.
“But we still have to go,” Alexis affirmed moving out of the bed and straightening out her robe, “I have an immense amount of work to catch up with.”
Jax plunking his head on the pillow in front of him. “We have been married for two weeks, and you’re already cheating on me with your job.”

Twisted GH
