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What would DAYS be without couples?
Here you will find all the couples that have ever been on DAYS.

70's / 80's / 90's

Last Updated: 2nd January 2004

I would like to thank Crystal. C. for all of these latest pictures- Donna

All the photo Galleries from the 70's have moved,

so if you have book marked them, you will have to change the links.

If you find any dead links could you please email me and let me know


The 00's
Abe and Lexie: 4th December 2003
Austin and Greta: 3rd December 2003
Austin and Sami: 24th October 2003
Bo and Billie: 4th December 2003
Bo and Hope 1 / 2: 3rd December 2003
Brady and Chloe: 4th December 2003
Brandon and Sami: 3rd December 2003
Craig and Nancy: 24th October 2003
Jack and Jenn: 3rd December 2003
John and Gina/Hope: 27th June 2003
John and Marlena: 3rd December 2003
Lucas and Sami: 3rd December 2003
Mickey and Maggie: 4th December 2003
Phillip and Chloe: 4th December 2003
Rex and Mimi: 4th December 2003
Roman and Kate: 4th December 2003
Shawn and Belle: 4th December 2003
Shawn and Caroline: 4th December 2003
Victor and Nicole: 1st August 2003
Miscellaneous 00's Couples: 4th December 2003

The 90's
1998- 2000
Austin and Carrie: 2nd January 2004
Bo and Billie(2): 25th June 2003
Eric and Greta: 30th July 2003
Eric and Nicole: 2nd January 2004
Lucas and Nicole: 25th June 2003
Mike and Ali: 25th June 2003
Mike and Carrie: 2nd January 2004
Nicholas and Kate: 25th June 2003
Roman and Billie: 4th February 2003
Victor and Kate: 24th October 2003
1995- 1997
Edmund and Susan: 2nd January 2004
Franco and Hope: 25th June 2003
Franco and Sami: 25th June 2003
Jack(2) and Jennifer(1): 2nd January 2004
Jack(2) and Jennifer(2): 6th March 2003
Jack(3) and Jennifer(2): 2nd January 2004
John and Kristen: 2nd January 2004
  Peter and Jennifer(1): 2nd January 2004
Peter and Jennifer(2): 10th December 2002
Stefano and Celeste: 27th April 2003
Tony and Kristen: 2nd January 2004
Victor and Vivian: 6th March 2003
1990- 1994
Austin(1) and Carrie: 2nd January 2004

Bo(2) and Billie(1):

2nd January 2004
Bo(1) and Carly: 2nd January 2004
  Bo(2) and Carly: 21st September 2003
  Bo(2) and Hope: 11th December 2002
Brian and Ginger: 2nd January 2004
Emilio and Melissa: 18th March 2003
Frankie and Eve: 2nd January 2004
John and Isabella: 2nd January 2004
Johnny and April: 2nd January 2004
Lawrence and Carly: 2nd January 2004
Mike and April: 2nd January 2004
Nick and April: 2nd January 2004
Nick and Eve: 2nd January 2004
Scott and Faith: 15th August 2002
Shane and Kayla: 15th August 2002
Tanner and Molly: 2nd January 2004
Miscellaneous 90's Couples: 2nd January 2004

The 80's
Chris and Kayla: 1st January 2004
Chris and Savannah: 12th July 2002
Emilio and Jennifer: 1st January 2004
Eugene and Calliope: 12th July 2002
Frankie and Jennifer: 1st January 2004
Jack and Melissa: 12th July 2002
Justin and Adrienne: 1st January 2004
Mike and Robin: 30th July 2003
Pete and Melissa: 25th June 2003
Roman and Diana: 1st January 2004
Roman and Marlena: 1st January 2004
Shane and Kim: 1st January 2004
Steve "Patch" and Kayla: 1st January 2004
Tony and Anna: 1st January 2004
Miscellaneous 80's Couples: 1st January 2004

The 70's
Bill and Laura: 4th July 2002
Don and Marlena: 4th July 2002
Doug and Julie: 1st January 2004
Tom and Alice: 25th June 2003
Miscellaneous 70's Couples: 1st January 2004


If you would like to email me, I would love to hear from you- Donna

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