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Walking through the Capeside's Docks

*Last Update: 06/05/01

Oh my god! Have you seen the last episode (Promicide) ?? It was so sad and really good...I'm wondering what is going to happen! Watch the next episode of Dawson's Creek on the WB!!

What's new here?
A quiz, new polls and the episode guide is finally updated! Come back for more updates!

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some new pictures of the characters

Episode guide
your episode guide to all the episodes to come

you missed an episode? well come and read the transcript!

you think you're a real Dawson's Creek fan?

Goodbye Andie... :~(
a page dedicated to the departure of a great character

Message Board
you're bored? go to the message board!

sign my guestbook or simply read it

this is the place where you can tell me your opinion

wanna see other good websites on Dawson's Creek, click right here

My banner
put my banner on your site or simply look a it!!

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