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A full trip report will come very soon.. for now, enjoy these videos and still images from the trip. All images and video clips are ©2001 Worldwide Pants. I display them here without permission, and humbly ask that you please, please not sue me, Mr. Letterman.

get Real Player       get Windows Media

NOTE: the 56k clips are here just to be nice to those of you who are still wallowing around in Non-Broadband Dial-Up Connection Hell.. but honestly, the video is so blurry at that connection speed that it's not even worth watching.

LSwDL June 18, 2001 Opening Audience Sweep
During Dave's intro, the audience sweep showed several regulars in the "high profile seats" (as the annoying page kept reminding us). Click the image for a larger version of the picture, or enjoy the short video clip:

Real Player: 56K Modem   Cable Modem
Windows Media: 56K Modem   Cable Modem

LSwDL June 18, 2001 Act 5 Ticket Info Audience Sweep
Between Act 4 and Act 6 of Dave's Big Broadway Cavalcade of Funny Ha-Ha's, there is a 7-minute commercial break that includes a little something the LSwDL staff calls "Act 5". Note afl being "ambassadors to the audience" just like we were coached to be. Click the image for a larger version of the picture, or enjoy the short video clip:

Real Player: 56K Modem   Cable Modem
Windows Media: 56K Modem   Cable Modem

LSwDL June 19, 2001 Play-over Band Sweep
Al Chez was kind enough to stick around after the show Monday and hang with us for a few minutes. We gave him a DaveCon2001 button which he displayed on his music stand. It's kinda visible here on this clip from Tuesday's show. Click the image for a larger version of the picture, or enjoy the short video clip:

Real Player: 56K Modem   Cable Modem
Windows Media: 56K Modem   Cable Modem


© 2001 international idiots