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Disclaimer: This page is a fan sight only.  Dark Angel is the property of James Cameron and Fox. copy/daweekly 2001

This page continues with what would have been season III. There's only so much I am able to upload, email me for more scenes as they are written if you like the story. Please enjoy. DA4EVR....                  

DARK ANGEL SEASON III – Episode I – The Horizon: Dedicated to X595

Opening Scene: Adam Thompson - pitching Hay in a  barn.
He looks up to see a scruffy man in Flannel
standing in the doorway of the barn.
Adam: "Can I help you?"
DECK: "Don't you recognize me Zack?"
Adam: "Zack?  You're mistaken, My name is Adam Thompson"
Deck: "No - Your Zack X5-599"
Flashes of Memory - Young Zack "X5-599 Reporting for duty...flashes of Lydecker...
Adam: "Lydecker - You were in charge of my unit.
 What are you doing here?"
Lydecker explains the situation about taking down
Manticore, about Max, About Logan, about how Max
burned manticore to the groud.  How they are trapped in terminal city"......
DECK: "That's not even the worst of it Zack, the
government agency that's trying to take them out
has a traitor. He's part of the natural genetic breeding group.

> Adam sits on a bale of hay, he's confused. "How do I know you just didn't make all that up? How  do I know you didn't just brainwash me? And that you're taking me back to Manticore now that you found  me?"
DECK: "That's my boy Zack.  Always wanting a straight answer.  Hang on a second, wait here." Lydecker gets  up and walks over to the barn door.  He motions to
 someone outside the door.  A tall young man matching
 Max's facial features walks in the door. > Adam has flashes of Memory
 KRYT: "Hello brother." A large smile comes across his  face.
ADAM: "Kryt!" the two embrace.  Adam looks up, a blonde haired girl has walked into the barn as well.
SYL: "Hey Zack." She smiles and Adam runs over to hug  her.
ADAM: "Syl!"
DECK: "I kept in touch with Kryt and Syl after we took  out the genetics lab. We didn't know what happened
to you, and we thought that Max had died in the raid.
 We were all devastated of course, especially Logan.  He wanted to keep fighting, so with his help and  connections we found more of your brothers and sisters." Lydecker motions to the door.
 Pan to barn door, More young teens walk in the door - X5's, X6's.
 X6:to Adam and Lydecker: "Sir, we've set up camp in  the woods outside of Seattle. We're ready to help
 free our brothers and sisters from Terminal city.
DECK: "Will you help us Zack? It's your family, my family, and the threat is greater than we ever could
of imagined."