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|| Kevin Kronos ||

- Handler - Charlie Richar

Experience: 6 Years

..||Experience the Silence||..

|| Kevin Kronos ||

Wrestler Statistics

- Name: Kevin Kronos

- Age: 23 yrs.

- Style: Striker/Brawler/Powerhouse

- Wrestler Base: The Undertaker

- Hometown: Charlotte, NC

- Height: 6'10

- Weight: 295 lbs.

- Cut Scene: Medium sized black sleeveless shirt with a logo showing his hand wrapped around a helpless guys neck thus showing his finisher, blue jeans w/ the skoal ring indention on the left back pocket, standing in combat boots. Hair is generally pulled back in a pony tail unless in the ring...
In-Ring Attire: Medium sized black wrestling pull over (Much like the takers top piece) with black leather pants, and his wrestling boots.

- Entrance Description (Generally appears after commercial break):

[Meanwhile backstage from commercial]

.::|| The camera, angled towards the concrete floor, capturing the vision of black boots. A clashing against the cold hard surface that one could only think of. A rythym... a beat... a pulse... and no more... silence.... The noise stops, the boots still, the visual lurking up the darkness of only one... ||::.

As we look on, this towering body casts a shadow towards the surface revealing his stature. A cold hard gaze, pain waiting to be unleashed, may come to mind as we look into the eyes of what remains ahead. The uttered silenced stare from the darkness within... enough to tremble.

.::|| As you see the body slowly lurking ahead, a curtain is revealed, much familiar to those of his past. He shreds through the opening leaving nothing left behind but silence. ||::.

It seems as if we're about to be silenced.

[The visual catches up to the attending fans]

Big bold red letters jump out on the LCD screen coming together forming the much feared SILENCER. The face of only one.... Kevin Kronos revealed! As the layer of mist and smoke pour over the stage the towering machine steps through the curtain. Not much changed from backstage, still focused, intent, and ready. As he continues he splits the smoke leaving it to trail behind... The fans are not sure what to think, but excited nonetheless...

With each step, every sound of the boots, closer he gets to where he said he wouldn't go back, ever. What once used to be that time...has ended. He treads the steps like so many before, grabs the middle rope, and enters the beginning of a long night. Tracing the very ring like many others, somewhat hesitant, he proceeds to farside for the microphone.

.::|| He stands with this microphone as if it were his last chance, last time, last breath. Towering in front of the live crowd, he brings the microphone to his mouth..Separating his lips...... ||::.

I have been... to where I'm going to take... someone tonight. [Revealing with a low deep tone] will....experience...the silence----

- Character History: Parts Unknown....though, 6 years behind the ropes of a wrestling ring. (In other words, too be displayed at a later date) || (Character rebuilding/construction underway)

Commonly used Moves


  • Spinebuster

  • Overhead Suplex

  • Powerful Clothesline

  • Body Press Front Slam

  • Numerous DDT's

  • High angle Spinebuster

  • Gutwrench powerbomb

  • Turnbuckle
  • Beat head on TB

  • 10 punch on TB

  • Flying Clothesline off TB

  • Mounted punches/kicks

  • Submission
  • Bow and Arrow Sub. Lock

  • Knee & Leg locks

  • Single Leg boston crab

  • Bearhug submission/slam

  • Overshoulder headlock

  • Pre-Finisher favorites
  • TB Chokeslam to floor

  • Toss over top rope

  • Toss over shoulder

  • Flying Lariat (while running)

  • Lifting chokehold drop

  • Favorite Weapon(s) Moves
  • Steel chair

  • -(slamming onto the mat and opponent face into chair)-
  • Toss the chair to opponent-following with a big boot

  • Table

  • Sledgehammer

  • Rolling trash cans
  • - Primary Finisher:

  • The Silencer -- (Tombstone Piledriver Pin)
  • - Secondary Finisher:

  • KronoDriver -- (Undertaker Chokeslam)
  • - Previous Promotions -

  • Gladiator Wrestling Association-(2000-2003)

  • Accomplishments
  • Gladiator Champion-(2.21.2002-4.08.2002)
    Defeated: Crisis
    Defeated by: Odyssey

  • 1/2 Legion Tag Champion-(8.31.2001-10.31.2001)
    Defeated: John Lindsey/Lita Shiranai
    Defeated by: Goliath/Vulture

    Theft to this biography is prohibited by the law.
    Created by: Charlie Richar.