Title: The Lost Possibility

Author: Jeanny

Disclaimer: I don't own the Buffy characters, probably not even the ones I've just made up because they're running around the Buffyverse. *sigh*

Distribution: I don't mind, just credit me and let me know where it's going.

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Season 5 Through Crush

Feedback: Please. jeannygrrl@hotmail.com

Summary: Missing scene from The Possibility of Friendship. Spike and Lydia have an encounter in a graveyard.


Lydia sauntered dazedly through the graveyard. Her lips were tingling from her kiss with Spike. Her amazing kiss with Spike. Of course, it might be a side-effect of the bonding spell. She realized she really didn't care one way or another.

"Watcher! Wait!"

Lydia turned in surprise. Spike was stomping angrily towards her. He looked like he was muttering to himself, but she couldn't make out the words.

*I wonder what this is all about?* she thought to herself. She hoped the vampire hadn't changed his mind about helping her; if he had, the Slayer and her friends would all die. Then she saw he was holding something out to her.

"Did I forget something?" she called to him as he approached. He was still a few yards away when two vampires came from nowhere, ready to attack. She dropped her handbag and the overnight bag that contained her priceless book, then reached for the holy water and cross in her coat pocket. One of the vampires grabbed her arm as she withdrew it from her pocket, and the cross and holy water went flying. She screamed and managed to pull free, but now she had nothing but her umbrella for defense. She saw a blur of movement and knew that Spike would be there in a moment. But would he help save her or let his fellow vampires finish her off? She was certain he was not yet aware of the bonding spell, but he had agreed to help. She pushed aside her uncertainty and readied herself as one of the snarling vampires tried to grab her.

She managed to hold them both off, landing solid blows with the umbrella, for the few moments it took Spike to reach her. Their eyes met, and for Lydia the world seemed to slow down. After a heartstopping moment of hesitation, he launched himself at her attackers. There were a few minutes of the requisite violence, then it was over. Despite her status as Watcher, Lydia had rarely witnessed vampires in action, let alone the aftermath of a staking. She stared at the piles of dust curiously.

"I've never heard of this...some kind of yellow and white residue...extraordinary." Spike followed her gaze and gave a short laugh.

"Twinkies," Spike said shortly.


"American snack food. Which one of those vamps was snacking on, before he decided you looked more tasty. That's what happens when you vamp the youth of today, can't stick to a proper diet."

"Quite," Lydia said, suddenly unsure how to respond. She hadn't expected to see Spike again, especially so soon after... She cleared her throat, and he seemed to remember why they were actually there. He felt his pockets, then began searching the ground. Lydia stood frozen in uncertainty. After a moment he gave her an angry glare.

"Well? Help me look for your bloody cell phone, would you? Found it in my crypt, and then I dropped it saving your soddin neck, right?" Wordlessly Lydia scoured the ground while Spike continued his muttered diatribe. Spotting something metallic nearby, she bent to retrieve it and presented it to him in a fluid motion.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

"That's it. Why are you giving it to me?"

"It's not mine," she replied patiently.

"What?" he asked, taking a closer look. When he turned it over, he saw pink flowered stickers pasted on the back, including one that read, "Property of Harmony." With a little smile he assumed the stance of a baseball pitcher, throwing the cell phone as hard as he could into the wall of the nearest crypt. It shattered with a satisfying crunch. Lydia gave him a questioning look, and he smiled.

"Sorry. Used to have my own junk food habit. That belonged to a different sort of American snack cake. Girl used to yammer on it incessantly. Even during Passions. Nothing like a good smashing of something to clean out the system."

"Of course," Lydia said, her lips curling in amusement. She picked up her things, now uncertain how she should leave things. "I'd best be off," she said softly, but he was already walking away. She watched him go for a moment, sighing. "A second goodbye kiss WAS too much to hope for..."