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Cartoons and TV on DVD or VCD

By e-mailing me, entering this site OR making a purchase you are agreeing with the following statement(s):

By e-mailing me, you understand that any transactions are on a collector to collector basis and any incidental costs that may be involved are not for the product, but for the labor and time spent preparing your product.

If you enter this site and do not agree with these terms you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act which means you cannot threaten my ISP. Do not enter and leave now if you do not or cannot agree to all of the terms stated above. If you have a problem with a title being offered here please e-mail us with the subject "Please Remove Title" in your e-mail stating why should this title be removed, the reason why the problem exists, and an official website where I can verify your reasoning information. I need proof before I remove a title. If this information is correct then we will remove the offending title (its that easy). It is automatically understood that your purpose will be to notify me on an offending title and under no circumstance will you put me in any copyright violation situation or to basically cause any kind of trouble including harassment's and Spam nor are you intending to shut down this website.
