
The Chris Tate Appreciation Society

Devoted to Emmerdale's Chris Tate, played by actor Peter Amory. This site is entirely unofficial.

Welcome to the website of the Chris Tate Appreciation Society.


CTAS in Cryo Shocker!

The Chris Tate Appreciation Society Website has ceased to be active. There will be no further updates but, because I think this is a decent archive (if I say so myself!) the site will remain here, intact, cryogenically frozen in time (not) for as long as Angelfire let it be.

R.I.P. the C.T.A.S.

R.I.P. Chris...yeah right!

Dear visitors

As you have read above, this site is now static.

Chris is dead. Long live Chris!.

Some will tell you Emmerdale is dead...well you're here, so decide for yourself. Enjoy the site!



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