By Mel Dent aka Diane’s Wig

An exclusively for CTAS adult tale of Chris & Charity


‘’That was a lovely evening.’’ Charity said.

‘’It was.’’ Chris agreed. They were alone as Terry had not driven them that evening and Zoe & Frankie had gone clubbing in Leeds with Jason Kirk and his new boyfriend Joe.

They sat in the lounge at Home Farm. Charity was wearing a long flowing red dress which Chris had bought for her. She looked radiantly beautiful ,sexy. It was hard to remember that she was a Dingle. He couldn’t get over how relaxed he always felt in her company, how desirable he found her. His guard was always down with her she could get away with saying things that no one else could. ‘’Come off it Tate.’’ He berated himself. ‘’You know you fancy her and want to be with her. Stop fighting it’’

Charity could not understand why people thought Chris was heartless. She found him charming, very attentive and generous. He treated her like a lady which was almost laughable when you considered his attitude to the Dingles in general. She found herself increasingly jealous when ever she saw Kathy Glover, thought of the fact that they had once been together. Charity knew that Terry really liked her without him needing to say anything but she didn’t want Terry, she wanted Chris. Much as she tried to pretend otherwise she was beginning to really care about Chris and she found him very attractive.

It was late. They were drinking wine, chatting. The sexual tension between them was almost unbearable.

‘’I want you.’’ Charity said.

‘’I want you too.’’ He replied.

‘’Then let’s do something ‘bout it before we both explode.’’ She said.

Charity sat on Chris’ lap. He could smell her hair, her perfume. She kissed him. The passion in her kiss took him momentarily by surprise. He was sure that Kathy had never kissed him like this. When his mind caught up with his racing heart he pulled Charity close and it was her turn to gasp as he returned the kiss. Each of their tongues slipped through the others’ lips, exploring one another’s mouths. Chris kissed her ivory neck, a series of white hot hard kisses. Charity felt her red silk dress slip from her shoulders. Their eyes met. Charity gently cupped his face in her hands. He took hold of her wrists, surprised to feel her pulse racing.

‘’Charity.’’ He whispered.

She removed his tie and began to unbutton his shirt.

Charity got up and helped Chris out of his chair and onto the sofa. He half sat half lay. Charity sat on the edge and he pulled her down to him. She ran her hands across his bare chest caressing him almost lovingly. He pulled her on top of him as she kicked off her shoes and wriggled out of her dress. Charity felt that she would explode as his arms snaked around her, coming to rest on the small of her naked back. She kissed him and he felt her breasts brush against his chest. At that moment he wished he was able bodied, able to move on top of her and pin her down. His fingers ran through her hair, down her neck and all she wanted was to be with him. She wondered what he might be thinking.

Chris pulled her towards him, holding her tightly. He covered her neck with kisses. He gently kissed her breasts, his tongue licking her nipple. Charity gave a long low moan as he aroused her.

She gently adjusted her position so she lay beneath him. She felt him press against her as she put her arms around his neck.

‘’You’re beautiful.’’ He whispered.

‘’You’re not so bad yourself.’’ She replied.

‘’Why didn’t you tell me that you felt this way?’’

‘’It complicates it.’’ Charity said.

‘’We’re both adults.’’ Chris replied.

He kissed her, feeling her tremble. He felt her push up against him. Her hand strayed to his belt and she deftly released him. He sank onto her and she traced his spine, making him tremble.

‘’I could fall in love with you Charity,’’ He said before he could stop himself.

‘’That would complicate things.’’ Charity replied, trying to deny the fact that she was probably well on the way to being in love with him herself.

‘’I know but we both like a challenge.’’

‘’Make love to me Chris.’’ Charity whispered as she felt his hands run down the length of her body, over her breasts, hips and thighs. She cried out as Chris touched her between her legs, arousing her as he kissed her hard on the mouth, parting her lips with the tip of her tongue. At that moment she wanted him desperately.

As the moment came their eyes met and Charity saw intensity in his expression. She gently pushed his head down onto her chest. She felt like she was going to cry, overcome as she was by pure emotion. She felt him move inside her. If Cain could see her now! She tried not to think of him. He was a Dingle through and through and Charity knew that he would kill Chris if he ever found out. He’d already come close to roughing up Terry before they’d both put him straight. Cain hated Chris and the feeling was mutual.

‘’Stop thinking ‘bout Cain.’’ She chastised herself. ‘’Chris is the one who is fucking you.’’

‘’Charity.’’ Chris sighed.

‘’Oh my God.’’ She pressed her lips against his. She was enjoying the intimacy between them and wondered if it would ever be more than just a ‘’business arrangement.’’

In the early hours they lay on Chris’ bed. Charity was anxious in case Zoe & Frankie came back and found her there. Chris didn’t seem too worried.

‘’I reckon people have got you all wrong.’’ Charity said. She lay beside him. holding him tightly. Chris had to admit that he liked being here like this with her. She wasn’t just a Dingle, she was first and foremost a very sexy woman.


‘’Yeah. I don’t think you’re bitter or heartless at all. You’re a nice guy, very sexy too.’’

‘’You’re a very sexy girl Charity.’’

‘’I love you.’’ She said. The words came unbidden from the depths of her being. Chris looked up at her and she saw something in his face, a spark in his eyes and a distinct softening of his features. He reached for her hand, held it tightly.


‘’I love you too.’’ He finally managed to say.

‘’What are we going to do?’’ She asked him.

‘’Stay with me.’’ He pleaded.

‘’I can’t. It’s too complicated. Cain would kill us both.’’

‘’At least stay until morning.’’

‘’I I don’t know Chris.’’

He pulled her onto him, kissing her, caressing her soft skin and she returned his heated passion tenfold. He gently aroused her and she gasped as she felt his fingers and then his tongue probing the intimate right places. He knew how to touch her and where. Charity forgot Cain, forgot the complications and focused on Chris. She wanted to be with him more than anything. Dingles and Tates were not socially compatible but love did not respect social convention, never had and never would. Finally. Exhausted but content they fell asleep in one another’s arms. They’d talk about it in the morning. As far as they were both concerned , it had been some enchanted evening.