Sleeping With The Enemy

By Mel Dent

Rachael’s challenge was to write a story of a love triangle that forms when Kathy discovers Chris’ relationship with Charity and gets jealous. Chris and Charity must realise their love for each other and Chris becomes torn between the two. There’s only one thing. I want him to stick with Charity because she’s a good challenge for him.

The sunlight streamed through the window of Wishing Well Cottage onto Charity Dingle’s pillow. She rolled over and sighed. In her line of work it was surprising how often she woke up alone. Cain had tried to proposition her again the previous evening until she had told him flatly to get lost. She wondered what waking up next to Chris would be like. Today was one of her days for seeing him. Charity sat bolt upright when she remembered that. How did she ever manage to get into such a situation? If Zak or Cain found out they would make mincemeat of Chris.  It had been three days since she last saw him and Charity tried to ignore the fact that it felt like a lot longer.

‘’Is there anything else boss?’’ Terry asked Chris.

‘’You can bring Charity here later.’’ Chris said.

‘’You know how I feel ‘bout that.’’

‘’I don’t pay you to have an opinion Terry.’’

‘’Alright.’’ Terry held up his hands. ‘’Usual time?’’

‘’I see you narrowly missed an opportunity to revive an old flame the other night.’’ Chris said. He liked nothing better than to belittle Terry and the latter often wondered why on earth he put up with it.

‘’You mean Viv?’’

‘’The very same. Must say she did look rather more attractive than usual.’’

‘’Viv is history now.’’ Terry said firmly.

‘’I say the same for Kathy. Doesn’t mean that the fire has totally gone out.’’ Chris was quiet for a moment. ‘’That’s all for now Terry.’’ He waved his hand dismissively.

Although he was alone, Chris was deep in thought. How long had it been since he last saw Charity? A couple of days. Hell, was that all? How much longer it felt surprised him. He wondered what waking up with her would be like.  ‘’She’s a Dingle.’’ He told himself. ‘’It’s just a business arrangement.’’ Right?

He smiled as he thought of her; her sexy tight clothes, her long legs, her sweet face, her touch, and her blonde hair. ‘’Stop it Chris!’’ He chastised himself.

It was early evening.  Charity was sitting in the Woolpack, waiting for Terry to finish his pint.

‘’Come on Terry.’’ She said, drumming the table with her fingertips.

‘’You’re right keen to get up there.’’

‘’I like to get it over with.’’ Charity lied. The truth was, she wanted to see Chris again. She thought of him, his lean muscular form, his handsome face, and his immaculate dress sense. ‘’Stop it Charity! You’ll mess the whole thing up if you fall for him.’’ She told herself sharply.

Terry & Charity were on their way out of the pub when Kathy came in.

‘’Hi Kathy.’’ Charity said.

‘’Hi Charity. Terry.’’

‘’Alright Kathy.’’ Terry turned to Charity. ‘’We’re gonna be late. Chris won’t like that.’’

‘’He’ll be alright.’’ Charity said.

A puzzled expression crossed Kathy’s face as she heard their conversation. She wasn’t sure if she’d heard right. Was Chris seeing Charity? If so they were keeping it rather quiet. She felt a strange stirring deep within her; an unpleasant nausea. Thing is, she & Chris were history. Weren’t they?

‘’Are you alright Kathy?’’ Ashley put a hand on her arm.

‘’Yes.’’ She lied. However he did not believe her.


‘’No, I’m not alright.’’ She managed to say.

‘’Want to talk about it?’’

‘’Okay.’’ Kathy told Ashley what she had heard on her way in.

‘’That doesn’t mean anything’s going on Kathy.’’

‘’You don’t know Chris like I do.’’ Kathy replied.

‘’You have to move on Kathy. You’re not married to him anymore.’’

‘’I know Ashley but I thought he still felt something for me. After the crash and everything. I think he still hoped we might. Oh I don’t think I could get back with him but I can’t get used to the thought of him with someone else.’’

‘’Can’t or don’t want to?’’ Ashley said gently.

‘’Just ignore me Ashley, I’m turning into a blonde version of Viv, bitter and twisted.’’

‘’Like you, Viv’s just had a hard time.’’

‘’Yeah, but she can still pull a man.’’

‘’Is this what it’s really about?’’

‘’I guess. In a way I always will love Chris but I’m not in love with him. Does that make sense to you?’’


Just then Bernice called across the bar.


‘’Got to go.’’ He said. ‘’If you want to talk some more then you know where to find me.’’

‘’Okay, thanks.’’

However Kathy had an idea that she knew what she had to do next.

‘’Well, here you are.’’ Terry pulled up outside Home Farm.

‘’Thanks Terry.’’

‘’You know how I feel about this.’’

‘’Terry, it’s sweet of you to be concerned for me but I can look after myself.’’ She leaned across and gave Terry a peck on the cheek. Chris came out to meet them.

‘’What time do you want me back boss?’’

Chris thought for a moment.

‘’Not tonight.’’ He said. To Charity he said ‘‘go inside.’’

‘’Alright boss. I’ll pick her up in t’morning.’’

‘’You’re catching on Terry.’’ Chris said.

Charity perched on the edge of her favourite chair. Chris wheeled himself over opposite her. Charity looked around nervously.

‘’It’s alright.’’ Chris said. ‘’Zoe & Frankie have gone clubbing with Jason.’’

‘’Uncle Zak thinks me & Terry are having an affair.’’

‘’I bet Terry wishes that too.’’

‘’I think you’re right,’’ Charity said.

‘’I usually am.’’ Chris smiled. Inside he thought. I hope I am wrong about the way that I feel about her else I’m in trouble.

‘’So what’s on tonight?’’ Charity asked.

Chris took her hand and kissed it with dramatic flair. Both tried to ignore the spark that passed between them.

It was getting late.  Chris kissed Charity very gently on the lips. She tried to ignore the sensation that flowed through her as his hands ran down her bare arms. She didn’t want to take his money for this anymore and the intensity of her feelings was beginning to frighten her.

‘’You fall in love with him and kiss him on the mouth. Did I not teach you anything?’’

That line from the film ‘’Pretty Woman.’’ came recurrently to Charity’s mind. In her mind she saw her life in parallel with that of the characters played by Julia Roberts & Richard Gere.  ‘’Keep your mind on the money Charity. You have to deal with this.’’ She told herself. With a deep sigh she let herself enjoy the sensation of Chris' tongue exploring the inside of her mouth as his hands started to unbutton her blouse.

Kathy was just leaving the Diner as Terry dropped Charity off at the Post Office. Kathy didn’t know why the idea of Chris seeing another woman bothered her so much. They barely even spoke these days. Did a small part of her still want him despite everything? She didn’t know.

Kathy walked into the office at the Haulage yard. He looked up from his desk where he was reading a report.

‘’What can I do for you Kathy?’’ Chris glanced at his wristwatch.

‘’Are you seeing Charity Dingle?’’ Kathy decided it was best to come straight out with it.

‘’What gives you that idea?’’ He shot back.

‘’I know Terry brought her here last night.’’

‘’I don’t see that it’s any of your business.’’ Chris said tersely.

‘’I still care about you.’’ She said.

‘’How touching!’’ A sardonic smile spread across his face. ‘’Is there a point to this Kathy?  I do have work to do.’’

‘’Are you seeing Charity or not?’’

‘’What if I am? Like I say, it’s nothing to do with you.’’

‘’Suppose Zak was to find out?’’

‘’He’d make mincemeat out of me. So what? You know I like taking risk Kathy. Why, you planning on telling Zak?’’


‘’If I didn’t know better I would say you were jealous Kathy. We don’t want you turning into Viv Windsor now do we?’’

‘’I’m not.’’

‘’Time to move on Kathy.’’

Kathy left the Yard, trying to blink away tears that were stinging her eyes.

Chris sighed. He’d done his best to move on. Part of him still loved Kathy, and always would, but he was not in love with her anymore. He recalled the long cold night following the bus crash. The night when he had sat, refusing to be moved, waiting anxiously to know whether Kathy was alive or dead. Since she had recovered there had been few civil words between them as she had whipped up the village into a frenzy of Anti-Tate protests. He tried to remember the good times but it became harder. He tried not to remember the days before the air disaster when he could walk. What if he had met Charity then instead of Kathy? He thought of them both; Kathy and Charity. Ex wife and present ‘’companion’’. One living in the past and seemingly bitter, the other forward looking and carefree. Both were beautiful women and both had got under his skin. Chris felt torn between them. Many times he had entertained ideas about Charity & Terry which now made him sick with jealousy. He wanted Charity for himself but she was a free spirit, beholden to no one. Chris wanted to tame that spirit. Tame it but not break it. Despite himself he couldn’t deny it. He was in love with Charity and he needed her.  Such feelings were not part of Chris Tate’s nature and as such they frightened him.

Charity sat in the Woolpack, sipping a pint. However she kept looking over at Kathy who was talking to Bernice at the bar. Kathy was Chris’ ex wife and the idea of the two of them, incensed Charity with jealousy. There was something about ex’s which always posed a threat because you could never be sure that feelings were entirely burnt out. Charity wondered what Chris would have been like if she had met him before he lost the use of his legs. Would he have married her? Swept her off her feet? Charity did not know but one thing she was certain of was that things could not carry on the way that they were.

Charity knew that she had fallen in love with Chris. It was like the prostitute in Pretty Woman who had fallen for the rich businessman who paid for her services. Charity was frightened. If she opened her heart to Chris then she could never retract it and if he did not feel the same way then he would still exploit her emotions until, one way or another, it destroyed her. Could she put her heart on the line?

This wasn’t just any man she had lost her heart to.  It was the ruthless Chris Tate whom many people said was bitter and heartless. Charity didn’t care anymore. She left her drink and walked out into the pouring rain.

Charity ran almost all the way to Home Farm. The rain soaked through her thin clothes and she was freezing cold, She stopped to catch her breath.


She turned, her heart pounding, and saw Terry just leaving.

‘’Hi Terry.’’

‘’Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve given you a lift.’’

‘’I’m alright Terry.’’

‘’Call me if you need a lift.’’

‘’Okay. Are Zoe & Frankie about?’’

‘’No. Zoe’s at the Stud Farm and Frankie’s in Leeds.’’

‘’Okay. Thanks.’’

‘’Charity.’’ Chris was surprised to see her.


‘’You must be freezing.’’ Chris wheeled out of the room and came back with a large towel and a dressing gown.

‘’Thanks.’’ She took them. He poured her a brandy.

‘’To what do I owe this unexpected visit?’’

‘’It’s kind of difficult.’’ Charity faltered.

‘’Take your time.’’

The heavy sarcasm that usually laced Chris’ tone when he spoke to people never seemed to be there with Charity. The rain relentlessly poured down.

‘’Charity?’’ Chris said, breaking a silence. He looked at her. She looked so fragile, so beautiful, sitting there and he wanted to tell her how he felt about her. Both were at the point of no return emotionally. He realised she was crying. He put an arm around her, wishing he could stand up and draw her to him.

‘’What is it Charity?’’ He asked her gently. There was no hint of the irritated impatience that one would have heard in his voice had he been addressing anyone else.

‘’I’m sorry Chris, I can’t carry on our arrangement anymore.’’

‘’Why?’’ This was not what he had expected.

‘’I don’t want to take your money anymore. I want to be with you because I want to, not because you’re paying me.’’

‘’I don’t understand.’’ Chris said.

She looked at him. ‘’I can’t turn back now,’’ she thought, ‘’I have to say it.’’

‘’Chris, I.’’ She dissolved into tears. He held her close. The sensation of her body that near to him drove him wild. ‘’Sssh!’’ He said, stroking her cheek, her neck. She looked at him with tear filled eyes.

‘’Chris, I love you ’’ She said. ‘’I want to be with you.’’

He sighed deeply and kissed her gently. He felt warm inside.

‘’I love you too, Charity.’’ He said, almost inaudibly.

‘’Yeah?’’ She smiled.

‘’It won’t be easy.’’ He said. ‘’Your family isn’t going to like it.’’

‘’I don’t care.’’ She pulled him close and began to kiss him, sensuously, seductively. Chris pulled her into his lap and she put her arms around his neck.

‘’You’re a lovely girl Charity.’’ Chris said.

‘’Thank you.’’

‘’I just wish I could walk.’’

‘’Chris, it don’t matter. I fell in love with the man you are now, not the man you used to be.’’

‘’As long as you’re sure.’’

For an answer she kissed him and began to unbutton his shirt.

Chris relaxed at her touch, this was a luxury that the pressures of his life seldom allowed. Charity had once given him a massage and complained that his shoulders were like reinforced concrete.  He enjoyed the sensation of her touch, much as she enjoyed having him touch her. She knew that the Dingle family considered him the Enemy but since when did love respect social differences and disputes?  She knew that her cousin, Cain, would probably lynch them both if he found out and that was nothing compared to what her Uncle Zak might do. If they went for Chris they’d have to go for her as well, Charity decided. She hadn’t expected or asked to fall in love with Chris, it had just happened. For now Charity decided to forget her family and relish the attention of the man she loved. Pretty soon she and Chris were totally lost in each other.

‘’I want to wake up with you, Chris.’’ She whispered.

‘’I think that can be arranged.’’ He replied.

Charity felt her body tingle as he touched her. She wondered if Kathy had ever felt that way. She lay on Chris, touching him, wanting him. There could not be any secrets between them now. Chris drew her nearer to him, sighing deeply as she sank into his arms. Making love to Charity convinced him that there was no place for Kathy now. She belonged to the past, whereas Charity here now, loved him.

‘’I love you.’’ Charity said.

‘’I love you too.’’ Chris whispered back.

Sunlight streamed through the window as Charity woke up. A smile spread across her face as she looked at Chris, still sleeping. He looked really handsome, really contented, lying there and she knew that she was deeply privileged to see this side of him.

‘’Morning.’’ Charity whispered, as he woke up.

‘’Morning yourself.’’ Chris replied, kissing her.

‘’Thanks for last night.’’ Charity said.

‘’My pleasure.’’ He said. ‘’First of many I hope.’’

‘’I hope so too.’’ She ran her hand down his bare chest and drew him close to kiss.

‘’Want some breakfast?’’ He asked.

‘’What about Zoe and Frankie?’’

‘’I don’t think they’d taste too good.’’ Chris said with a grin.

Charity felt like she was floating rather than walking as she dressed.

The problem would be dealing with her family. They would call her a traitor since a Tate Haulage truck had killed their Butch, her cousin, and Emily’s husband.   Charity wanted to tell everyone that she loved Chris Tate but proceeding with caution seemed better.

‘’Are you going to tell your lot?’’ Chris asked, as if reading her thoughts. ‘’About us I mean?’’

‘’In time.’’ Charity swallowed.

‘’I’m here for you.’’ He took her hand in his. ‘’Meanwhile, stick to the bitter and heartless line.’’

‘’I will.’’ Charity kissed his neck. She did not want to leave him.

‘’Will I see you tonight?’’ He asked her.

‘’Usual time.’’ She said. ‘’I’ll be there.’’

Terry knew, without asking that something had happened between the two of them.  Having had to endure Kathy’s probing speculation in the Diner that morning he wondered just what was going on but he wasn’t paid to have an opinion or to care. He did care about Charity but she was big enough to take care of herself.

Chris sighed as he drove to the Haulage Yard. Had last night been real? Had Charity really said she loved him? He felt warm inside. Okay, she was a Dingle but first and foremost she was a woman and he loved her. They were together and Kathy belonged with the ghosts of the past.