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We planned a partay...

For more information about this partay, you should go to...

*~*THE message boards!*~*

Okay, so, Sabrina and I got together and created a partay. We conducted this little fun time in an AOL chat room. (the BEST things happen in AOL chat rooms...check out IHEG for more details!)

You have just entered room "The Little Inn."

MestisaPrincesa8 has entered the room.

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: this is terrific

MestisaPrincesa8: Cool!

IMLizzieMGuire: :-P

IMLizzieMGuire: We forgot one thing

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: to get everyone's AOL names

MestisaPrincesa8: hehe

MestisaPrincesa8: that's funny

MestisaPrincesa8: do they have any listed?

IMLizzieMGuire: I dunnnnnnnnnno

IMLizzieMGuire: I'm gonna check

IMLizzieMGuire: it was mostly US that replied to that

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx has entered the room.

IMLizzieMGuire: hi ya

IMLizzieMGuire: we were planning this partay, but then we forgot to get people's screen names!

MestisaPrincesa8: hello

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: Chris, Sabrina...Sabrina...Chris

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: I dunno if you know each other or not

MestisaPrincesa8: hi

IMLizzieMGuire: but, know you do

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: im not really drunk, the screenanem is the name of a song

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: hey

MestisaPrincesa8: right...

MestisaPrincesa8: hehe

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: :-D

IMLizzieMGuire: soooooo, what are we doing first?! Dancing...watching

IMLizzieMGuire: lol..there's a list about a mile long

MestisaPrincesa8: we'll do it all!

MestisaPrincesa8: at one time

IMLizzieMGuire: at once?

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

MestisaPrincesa8: of course!

IMLizzieMGuire: umm..

IMLizzieMGuire: sure

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: lol

MestisaPrincesa8: well, do you want the list?

IMLizzieMGuire: I dont' think I can handle more than 6 things at a time

IMLizzieMGuire: ;-)

IMLizzieMGuire: Let's start by "watching" an episode

IMLizzieMGuire: and we getta vote...

IMLizzieMGuire: YAY!

IMLizzieMGuire: so, what episode should we "watch"

MestisaPrincesa8: cool...doesn't matter

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: uh...

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: Store Games :-P

MestisaPrincesa8: k

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: since its such an inspirational episode

IMLizzieMGuire: lol...inspirational?!

MestisaPrincesa8: of course...

MestisaPrincesa8: so is that what we're watching?

IMLizzieMGuire: umm..sure

MestisaPrincesa8: ok

IMLizzieMGuire: (how exactly are we gonna watch these episodes?)

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *makes crossaints*


IMLizzieMGuire: I want one

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: :-P

MestisaPrincesa8: me too

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *makes Wisconsin cheese puffs*

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *dresses up in disguise and spies in rival shop*

MestisaPrincesa8: still want a crossaint

MestisaPrincesa8: so your blair?

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *hands over two crossaints*

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: i can be blair, lol

MestisaPrincesa8: yay!

MestisaPrincesa8: thank you

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: with my....shiny gold hair and chestnut eyes with green and gold specs

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *tosses hair*

MestisaPrincesa8: lizzie, are you mrs g?

MestisaPrincesa8: right...

MestisaPrincesa8: i'll be jo

MestisaPrincesa8: shut up, blair

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: Joanna....Maris *cracks up*

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *Marie

MestisaPrincesa8: yeah, my dad calls me that sometimes

MestisaPrincesa8: but nobody else

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: isnt that just delicios?

IMLizzieMGuire: Would you girls care for a bowl of MEOW mix?!

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: *delicious

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: i prefer Jo myself

MestisaPrincesa8: soo good!

IMLizzieMGuire: (having trouble getting your fingers to work there, Chris)

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: im sorry, im a bad typer :-P

MestisaPrincesa8: hehe

MestisaPrincesa8: ...

IMLizzieMGuire: (I know, me too)

xDrunkeNSwaggeRx: if you are, then quit ragging on me!! :-P

MestisaPrincesa8: heh

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: ooooooooookaaaaayyyyyy

IMLizzieMGuire: goshness goodness

MestisaPrincesa8: goshness goodness!!!

MestisaPrincesa8: ahaha!

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

MestisaPrincesa8: sooo......

IMLizzieMGuire: *makes Quiche with Mrs. G*

MestisaPrincesa8: *fixing bike*

MestisaPrincesa8: if this party isn't going to start, might as well finish some work!

IMLizzieMGuire: yea, how come this partay is sooo slow?!

MestisaPrincesa8: don't know....

IMLizzieMGuire: let's liven it up a little

IMLizzieMGuire: *plays 80's music really loud*

MestisaPrincesa8: ok

MestisaPrincesa8: got that going...

MestisaPrincesa8: k

MestisaPrincesa8: i'm listening to You've Lost that Loving Feeling

MestisaPrincesa8: :-D

IMLizzieMGuire: AH!

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: super!

IMLizzieMGuire: *first season theme*

MestisaPrincesa8: never been kissed

IMLizzieMGuire: ahhh

IMLizzieMGuire: that's sooooo gonna be next

MestisaPrincesa8: we pledge allegiance to the facts of life...

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: umm

IMLizzieMGuire: yea, we need to finish that...let see...

MestisaPrincesa8: where'd chris go?

IMLizzieMGuire: we pledge allegiance to the Facts of Life, the best sitcom ever...

IMLizzieMGuire: I dunno

IMLizzieMGuire: must be busy

IMLizzieMGuire: tooooo busy for our PARRRRRTAYYYYY!

MestisaPrincesa8: :-(

MestisaPrincesa8: it's ok. lets finish our pledge

MestisaPrincesa8: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: okay..

IMLizzieMGuire: and to the VCR, which plays it so well

IMLizzieMGuire: lol

IMLizzieMGuire: no wait...the VCR, or the actresses?

IMLizzieMGuire: THE ACTRESSES, who play the characters so well

MestisaPrincesa8: yes!

MestisaPrincesa8: anything else?

IMLizzieMGuire: one sitcom, five actresses, indivisible...(doesn't that STILL work here?) with laughs and lessons for all!

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

MestisaPrincesa8: perfect!

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: so let's put it all together..."I pledge allegiance to the facts of life, the best sitcom ever, and to the actresses who play the characters so well, one sitcom, five actresses, indivisible, with laughs and lessons for all!

IMLizzieMGuire: "

MestisaPrincesa8: we pledge allegiance to the facts of life, the best sitcom ever, and to the actresses who play the characters so well. one sitcome, five actresses, indivisible, with laughs and lessons for all!

IMLizzieMGuire: YAY!

IMLizzieMGuire: gotta put THAT one on my site!

IMLizzieMGuire: ;-)

MestisaPrincesa8: woohoo

MestisaPrincesa8: me too

IMLizzieMGuire: I'll probably just put this whole CHAT on my site.

MestisaPrincesa8: once i finish my site..

MestisaPrincesa8: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: mine just keeps growing

MestisaPrincesa8: where's your site?

IMLizzieMGuire: angelfire

IMLizzieMGuire: Have you ever heard the song '19 Something' by Mark Wills?!

MestisaPrincesa8: yes!

IMLizzieMGuire: I LOVE that song!

IMLizzieMGuire: and it talks about the 80's

IMLizzieMGuire: so I'm listening to it

MestisaPrincesa8: i like that song, but i didn't know who sings it

MestisaPrincesa8: now i know

IMLizzieMGuire: haha

MestisaPrincesa8: what next?\

IMLizzieMGuire: *shrugs*

IMLizzieMGuire: I dunno

IMLizzieMGuire: AH!

IMLizzieMGuire: it's not letting me make a new page for this chat on my site

IMLizzieMGuire: :-(

MestisaPrincesa8: eepers!

IMLizzieMGuire: goshness goodness!

MestisaPrincesa8: really!

IMLizzieMGuire: "I'm too young to play bridge, it's BORING!"

MestisaPrincesa8: oh, ok

MestisaPrincesa8: :-(

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe...

IMLizzieMGuire: okay..

MestisaPrincesa8: i've just had another one of my brilliant ideas!

IMLizzieMGuire: Ah! what?

IMLizzieMGuire: (BTW, i got a new page for this chat!

IMLizzieMGuire: )

IMLizzieMGuire: :-)

MestisaPrincesa8: blair can do her ventriliquism act now.

MestisaPrincesa8: cool

IMLizzieMGuire: oo

IMLizzieMGuire: I'll be the dummmmmmmie

MestisaPrincesa8: ok

MestisaPrincesa8: "hello, lizzie"

MestisaPrincesa8: *blair to dummy:

IMLizzieMGuire: *Lizzie opens mouth as Blair says* Hii, gorgeous

MestisaPrincesa8: don't let blair pull your pony tail too hard, lizzie!

IMLizzieMGuire: Don't worry...I bite back..she pulls mine, I pull hers!*gives Blair's hair a little yank*

MestisaPrincesa8: Jo: go lizzie!

IMLizzieMGuire: hehe

IMLizzieMGuire: *giggles*

MestisaPrincesa8: Blair: hey! do you know how long it takes for me to get my hair this perfect?!

MestisaPrincesa8: hmm...

IMLizzieMGuire: hmmmm