
"Since you are both here, I suggest we go to your mother's house," Tom said. Anna took Tom’s hand and followed Tom, Jarrod, and Heath to the house where already they could hear Leah coughing, hard.

Rachel came up to Tom, Jarrod, and the children wiping her hands on a towel. "I'm glad you came, Thomas," was all that Rachel would say.

"How's Mama, Aunt Rachel?" Anna asked, moving to Rachel's side.

"Not well, Child. She's very sick. Sicker than she's been since she was diagnosed with the consumption," Rachel said, her heart breaking for both Anna and Heath.

"If me and Heath continued asking, can God heal Mama for Christmas?" Anna asked, her blue eyes filling with tears.

"God answers everyone's prayers. Sometimes it happens that it's not the answer that we want, but He always answers prayers," Rachel said, wrapping an arm around Anna's slim shoulders.

"Do you think Mama would like it if we sang to her?" Heath asked, pushing his long blond locks out of his eyes.

"I think she would love that. She loves it when you two sing for her," Rachel said, smiling at Heath.

"What do we sing, Anna?" Heath asked, turning to his sister.

"Let's sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem." That's Mama's favorite and mine too. Especially the part of, "Within thy dark street shineth the everlasting light. The hopes and fears of all the years at rest in thee tonight," Anna sang the last part.

Tom's eyes welled up. His daughter had the voice of a crystal bell. Already he was imagining her voice singing along with the family on Christmas Eve. Her voice would be a terrific addition to the family's voices.

"I like the song "Auld Lang Syne," Heath objected.

"I do too," Jarrod put in.

The twins turned to look at Jarrod. They had almost forgotten that he and his father was there. "Mr. Jarrod, Mr. Barkley, would you like to sing with us for Mama?" Anna asked, her eyes begging.

"Of course," Jarrod said, following the twins into the parlor.

"Thank you, Rachel for taking care of Heath and Anna," Tom said, as soon as the door to the parlor closed.

"You're welcome, Thomas. I didn't want to tell the children that Leah is more than just very sick. She's dying. The way her cough sounds it could be at anytime," Rachel said, a concerned expression creeping into her eyes.

"Why didn't Leah tell me about Heath and Anna?" Tom asked, his eyes tearing up.

"She felt that she had ruined your life, and quite possibly, your marriage. She didn't want to do any more damage than she had already done," Rachel said.

"I understand that, but I wouldn't of cared about hearing that I had babies. It could have spared Heath from working in that mine and Anna from working in that terrible hotel," Tom said, his voice deepening with sadness.

"I agree, Thomas. I told Leah that she should have told you about the twins the night they were born. She said no and that she didn't grow up with a father. She has felt that a mother could raise children by herself," Rachel said, pushing an errant strand of grayish-brown hair out of her eyes.

Who was born first?" Tom asked, instantly curious about these new children.

"Anna came first. She was five minutes older than Heath, so she has always seemed like the big sister to him," Rachel said, her voice filling with pride.

"What do they want for Christmas?" Tom asked.

"I don't know, but those two are so unselfish. Anna once said that if God could heal her mother, then she doesn't want anything for Christmas," Rachel said.

Tom and Rachel entered the parlor. Leah was seated on the sofa, listening to Heath, Anna, and Jarrod sing "Silent Night." At the end of the rendition Hannah and Victoria clapped. The sound of Tom and Rachel's clap caught everyone's attention.

"Tom, did you know that these children could sing?" Victoria enthused.

"I heard Anna sing a few minutes ago. I agree she does have a wonderful voice," Tom admitted, kissing his wife's forehead.

"Hello, Mr. Tom," Hannah said.

"Hello, Hannah. It's nice to see you again," Tom said, greeting the old Negro woman.

"Would you like some coffee, Mr. Tom?" Hannah asked, picking up a pitcher of coffee and a coffee cup.

"Yes please," Tom said cordially.

Tom sat down on the settee, next to Victoria. "Hello Leah," Tom said.

"Hello Tom. I'm glad you got my letter," Leah said weakly, starting to cough again.

"You didn't think I would come?" Tom asked, surprised.

"No. I thought that if I told you the truth about the twins you would hate them and me," Leah said, bringing a handkerchief to her mouth.

"Do they know, Tom?" Victoria asked, looking into her husband's eyes.

Tom shook his head. "I was going to tell them as soon as we got here," Tom said, standing up and walking over to the twins.

Heath and Anna looked up as the tall man came over to them. He had something important to tell them. Anna could feel it to her very bones. It would be up to her and Heath if they liked the news he had to give or not.

Tom looked at his two children, feeling slightly nervous. He didn't know how Anna and Heath would take the news. Both wore twin expressions of curiosity. Anna's eyes were begging him to finish what he had started to say. Tom took a deep swallow and started to say what he had started before.

"Anna, Heath, this is very difficult for me to tell you," Tom said, his voice trembling slightly.

"Is it bad, Mr. Barkley?" Anna asked, putting her small hand on his shoulder.

Tom smiled weakly at his daughter. "That depends on what you consider as bad," Tom said, patting her hand gently with his hand.

"Is it important?" Heath asked, his eyes two large round pools of blue.

"Yes Son. I better tell you this before I lose my nerve. Heath, Anna, what did your Mama tell you about your father?" Tom asked, talking very fast.

"That he went away and then Mama found out that Heath and me were coming," Anna said, her eyes turning stormy.

"I see no better way than to tell you. I AM your father," Tom said, looking into first Anna's and then Heath's blue eyes.

The range of emotion that crossed the twins’ faces nearly broke Tom Barkley's heart. Surprise, shock, sadness, and then anger entered their eyes in just a matter of five seconds.

Anna removed her hand from her father's shoulder. This man was her father. That explained why he looked at her with such kindness and why Jarrod Barkley gave her his handkerchief.

Anna backed away feeling slightly sick to her stomach. She wanted to throw up. All the color drained from her face as she sank to the cold dirt floor of the house.

Victoria Barkley looked at Heath and Anna. Heath was frozen in shock and Anna was biting her tightly compressed lips.

Victoria touched Anna's shoulder gently. Anna turned to face Victoria. Her father's wife looked at her in pity. Anna didn't know what made her angrier, the fact that Tom Barkley was her father or that Victoria Barkley felt sorry for her.

The anger slowly melted away as the kind look in the brown eyes made tears come up. The tears slowly ran down her cheeks in scalding hot torrents and she sobbed and hiccupped at the same time.

Victoria took the sobbing nine-year-old into her arms and gently rubbed her back as if she were Audra.

Tom looked over at his daughter. She was crying out of pain, pain that he was responsible for. Tom Barkley had never felt so low in his life.

Tom turned from Anna to Heath. Heath was staring at him in shock. The news had affected him differently than his sister. Tom put his hands on Heath's shoulders. "So Heath, do you have anything to say?" Tom asked, looking into his son's ice-blue eyes.

"What do you want me to say?" Heath asked, evading the question as if it were the common cold.

"Do you want to ask me anything? Like what I am doing here? Or what's going to happen to you and Anna?" Tom prodded.

"What do ya mean what's gonna happen to me and Anna?" Heath asked, his blue eyes narrowing.

"Your mother wrote me, Son. She asked me to come get you and your sister. You're coming home with me," Tom said, trying to make it sound exciting to his son.

"WHAT?!" Anna screamed from the floor. Apparently she had a voice that matched Nick's when she was mad.

Tom looked slightly surprised. "Your mother she didn't want you raised by Matt and Martha Simmons. She asked me to take you back to Stockton," Tom explained to his daughter.

"I ain't going nowhere with you," Heath said stubbornly.

"Me neither," Anna said, her voice just as stubborn.

It was all Tom could do not to laugh. His children were obviously Barkleys. They had his stubborn streak too. As far as he could see it was a mile wide. Maybe two miles, in Anna's case.


The cold air was like water as it brushed Anna's face. After Heath and Anna had found out who Tom was, he had ordered Jarrod to take the twins on a walk while Tom and Victoria talked to Leah, Hannah, and Rachel.

Jarrod was holding each hand of his brother and sister. He talked as they walked around town. The silence was tense and it could be cut with a knife, or so Anna thought.

"So what do you two want for Christmas?" Jarrod asked, trying to break the ice.

"Don't know," Heath answered vaguely.

"What about you, Annie?" Jarrod asked.

"I would have said a doll two months ago and don't call me Annie," Anna said shortly.

"What would you say now?" Jarrod persisted.

"All I want for Christmas is Mama to get well," Anna said, letting pain enter her voice.

Jarrod was taken slightly aback. What the twins wanted was a miracle. Only God could grant a miracle like that for Christmas.

"Have you prayed?" Jarrod asked, hoping the answer was yes.

"Yes. I pray twice a day. Once when I get up and before I go to bed," Anna said.

Jarrod and the twins were silent a few more minutes as they stepped up to the windows of the general store.

Anna's eyes were fastened on a pair of sturdy winter boots. Jarrod could have been sure that she had looked fleetingly at a doll standing in the window.

The doll was as big as Audra and had flaxen blonde hair and intense blue eyes. She wore a blue silk dress; the exact color of forget-me-nots.

Jarrod locked the memory away in his mind to tell his father and mother later. Anna may have never had a doll in her life, but if Jarrod could he could see to it that his little sister got one this Christmas.

"That's an interesting doll there," Jarrod commented, trying to get his sister to say something.

"I guess so. It's a silly, extravagant waste of money though," Anna said, never taking her eyes from the boots.

Jarrod caught the wistful tone in his sister's voice. She really wanted a doll. Jarrod hated to think of all those years that Anna had wanted one and never gotten it. How at a young age Heath and Anna had learned that they couldn't have gifts like that for Christmas.

"Anna, Heath, did you feel bad that you couldn't have Christmas gifts?" Jarrod couldn't help asking.

"Not really. We had Mama and each other. Mama used to say that our family behaved like Jesus would want us to. She said Jesus wasn't selfish when he came to Earth and we shouldn't be selfish either," Heath said, sounding like a very old nine-year-old.

Jarrod was again shocked. He had never known nine-year-olds that talked like this. Nick never talked like this. At Christmas, the more Nick could get the happier he was. These two thought of what they could give others instead of themselves.

"What do you two normally do for Christmas?" Jarrod asked.

"Mama never worked on Christmas and neither did we. Mama, Aunt Rachel, and Hannah would tell us the Christmas story about Baby Jesus and they would cook a nice Christmas dinner," Anna said, her eyes shining with remembrance.

"Don't forget the Christmas carols," Heath chimed in.

"Oh, yeah. Mama would start with "O Little Town of Bethlehem" and we'd end with "Silent Night" on our way to bed," Anna said, smiling.

"Sounds like you two had a wonderful Christmas," Jarrod said.

"Mr. Jarrod, could we go back to the house now? I think the temperature's droppin'" Heath said, blowing on his hand with his breath.

"Sure. I'm sure Father and Mother want to try to get your things together tonight," Jarrod said walking back to the house.

"Mr. Jarrod, we like ya and everythin,' but we don't want to go with your ma and pa," Anna said, her lips tightening into a thin line.

"Your mother would want you to. And anyway he's not just my father. He's your father too," Jarrod said seriously.

The rest of the trip back to the cabin was silent. Anna and Heath were thinking of what their brother had just said.


When Heath, Jarrod, and Anna entered the house Tom was asking Leah how long it would take the twins to get ready.

"It shouldn't take long. The children don't have much. Anna has two dresses and that's about it," Leah said, coughing.

"What ya talkin' about, Mama?" Anna asked, her blue eyes filling with tears.

The adults turned to look at the children. Jarrod cast an apologetic look at his father and mother. "Anna said that she felt cold," Jarrod said by way of apology.

"That's all right, Jarrod. We're almost done with the planning," Victoria said, smiling warmly at Jarrod, Heath, and Anna.

Anna still had a perplexed look on her face as her eyes were focused on her mother.

"Sweetie, come here," Leah said to her daughter.

Anna walked over to her mother, sitting down on the settee next to her.

"Anna, I know you have prayed for me every day since I've been sick-" Leah started.

"Yeh. I have never forgotten, Mama," Anna said in a small voice.

"You have been diligent in your prayers, Baby, but God has seen fit to take me to Heaven soon," Leah said, starting to cry.

Anna started to cry as well. "Mama, what are we going to do without you? When you die who's going to love us?" Anna sobbed, sounding scared.

Leah looked at Tom. Tom looked as if he wanted to cry as well. "That's why I sent for your father. When I die he's going to take my place and raise you and Heath," Leah said, wiping her daughter's tearstained cheeks with the palm of her hand.

"Why him? Why can't Rachel and Hannah do it?" Heath asked angrily.

Leah turned to look at her angry son. Heath's blue eyes were stormy under his mop of blond hair. "The sheriff said that Hannah and I couldn't raise you, Heath. He said that your Uncle Matthew and Aunt Martha would raise you," Rachel filled in the information.

"I'd rather die than be raised by them, Aunt Rachel. Aunt Martha hit me today for knocking a bucket of water over," Anna said, shaking with fear at the thought of Matt and Martha raising her and Heath.

"That's why your mother wrote me, Anna. I want to take you to our house in Stockton and you will meet your brother Nick, your sister Audra, and your other brother Eugene," Tom said gently.

"How old are they?" Heath asked curiosity overwhelming the dislike he had for his father momentarily.

"Nick is thirteen, Audra is three, and Eugene is one," Tom said.

"I guess we can live with you. I'd rather live with complete strangers than with Matt and Martha Simmons," Anna said uncertainly.

"Yeh, me too," Heath said, agreeing with his sister.

It would become common in the Barkley family that Heath and Anna would finish each others thoughts like all twins do. Tom felt pain at the face that his children saw him as a stranger, but he brushed the feelings aside for the moment.

"Let's get your things together. Victoria, your mother, and I agree that the sooner we get you out of Strawberry the better," Tom said, his voice turning serious.

The rest of the afternoon and night was spent packing for the trip.


Heath and Anna collapsed onto their beds tiredly later that night. The packing had been long and hard on both twins, but their things were finally into the trunks that Tom had provided for them.

Anna said her prayers and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. Anna stayed asleep until she felt a hand shaking her shoulder. Hannah stood over her, her old wrinkled face scrunched up in concern.

"What's the matter, Hannah?" Anna asked, alarmed at the look on the elderly black woman's face.

"It be yo' mama, Anna honey," Hannah said, her voice sounding like she was crying.

"Should we wake up, Heath?" Anna asked.

"No need. Hannah already woke me up," Heath said, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What's wrong, with Mama, Hannah?" Anna asked, following Hannah to the front room.

"She cain't... cain't breathe," Hannah faltered.

Both twins ran into the front room where Leah lay on the couch coughing hard. When Leah caught sight of her two children she waved them over to her.

Both twins went shyly to where Leah lay. "Mama, is it time?" Anna asked, knowing that it was close for her mother to go to Heaven.

Leah nodded her head and coughed again into the handkerchief. “Anna... Heath," Leah wheezed.

"Yes Mama," both twins said at once.

"I ...love...you," Leah forced out the words breathlessly.

"We love you too, Mama," Anna said, the tears rolling down her face.

"Don't cry for me, Anna. Forget Strawberry as much as you can," Leah said, touching her daughter's wet cheek.

"Not you, Mama. We'll never forget you," Anna said, kissing her mother's hand gently.

"No. Never forget what I taught you. I taught you to stand on your own two feet and never to be selfish. That's a problem with the world. God never intended man to be greedy and hurt each other. When you go to live with your father, live as I taught you to. Make me proud that you are my children," Leah said, worn out by the effort it took to give this speech.

Both twins nodded their heads. For the next four hours they sat with their mother. Often Leah would wake up and start coughing and then she would fall asleep again.

At dawn, just as Tom, Victoria, and Jarrod entered the house, Leah Thomson died.


The trip back to Stockton was cold and windy. The bleak gray sky matched Heath and Anna's sullen frowns. To say that the twins were grieving was to put it mildly.

Jarrod sat with his brother and sister, trying to interest them in a book that he had brought. Only Heath looked slightly interested.

Anna sat at the back of the wagon, looking at Strawberry fading away. They had buried Leah on this cold, dreary morning. Leah had died this day and it was as if the sky itself was about to cry for her.

When Leah was buried Uncle Matt and Aunt Martha had come to the funeral. Matt and the sheriff were ready to take them to the hotel when Tom intervened.

When Tom produced the letter that Leah wrote to him, Matt knew that he couldn't take the children. Matt and Martha walked back to the hotel, angry looks on the faces.

Anna 's thoughts were broken as a hand gently touched her shoulders. Victoria looked at her with a gentle kindness in her eyes.

"Anna, dear, why don't you come away from there? You'll get pneumonia," Victoria asked, smoothing Anna's blonde hair.

"Why are you being kind to me? You aren't my mother," Anna asked, confused.

"I can't be cruel to any child. It's not your fault, or Heath's, that you were born. I want to love you and your brother as much as one of my children," Victoria said, tears falling down her chubby cheeks.

"You don't hate us then?" Heath asked, looking up from the book.

"Of course not. You're very special, Anna and Heath. And not just because you are twins. Every child is special," Victoria said, wrapping her arms around Anna's thin shoulders.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Heath and Anna both said in unison.

"Why don't you children call me Victoria?" Victoria asked.

"Ain't right. You're older than us. Cain't call ya that, Ma'am," Heath said.

"You can't call me Mother. You don't know me well enough yet for that," Victoria contemplated.

"That sounds right nice. We called Leah Mama. Can I call you Mother? You will be Mother, but Mama will still be Mama," Anna said, cocking her head to one side.

"Me too?" Heath asked, his blue eyes like a puppy's.

Victoria's eyes filled with tears again and a huge smile spread across her face. "I'll be honored to have you call me Mother," Victoria said, hugging Anna. Heath came over to where Victoria and Anna sat and let her hug him as well.

It was not like Leah hugging them, but the same love that Leah had for them was there in that hug.

Tom looked back at his wife and children and saw Victoria hugging the twins. He smiled as he turned his eyes on the road. Everything was going to be fine for the family. The only problem was Nick.


The wagon pulled into the Barkley ranch just as the sun was setting. Anna and Heath's blue eyes were huge as they looked at the mansion.

"Mr. Barkley, this is your house?" Anna asked, speaking the surprise of both twins.

"Yes it is, Anna. But don't forget that it's your house too," Tom said, ruffling Anna's hair.

"Boy Howdy!" Heath breathed softly.

"Mistuh Barkley, Miz Barkley, Mistuh Jarrod, welcome home," a elderly black man in a black coat said coming out into the cold.

"Hello Silas. Silas, these are my two children, Anna and Heath," Tom said, stepping behind the twins and putting a hand to their shoulders.

"Welcome, Mr. Heath. Welcome, Miss Anna. I be Silas, the butler," Silas said, stooping so he could look into their eyes.

"How do you do, Mr. Silas?" Anna asked. Beside her Heath murmured the same greeting.

Silas looked at the children in surprise. Mr. Nick never talked like this to him! These children were polite and well mannered. Silas's surprise didn't last long.

"Silas, where's Nick, Audra, and Eugene?" Victoria asked.

"In the dining room eatin' dinner, Miz Barkley," Silas said.

"Silas, you tend to their things. I have a feeling that these two are very hungry," Tom said, teasing the children.

Both twins nodded and followed Tom and Victoria into the house and dining room.

"Mother, what kind of food do you have?" Silas heard Anna’s voice as they went into the house.

Silas smiled. This house was in for some exciting times with Heath and Anna joining it.


Christmas Eve was cold and snowy. Anna and Heath were pretty much always in the house. Their father thought that if the children went outside they would catch pneumonia.

Heath had rudely pointed out that if they went outside in Strawberry without coats, then chances were they wouldn't get sick here either.

Anna was wise enough to keep her mouth shut during all of this. Jarrod had said that it was good that she was quiet this time. Tom Barkley had a terrible temper. Nick had inherited the same temper. If Anna and Heath incurred their father's wrath, there would be no peace in the house whatsoever.

Not that it was a picnic with Nick Barkley. The thirteen-year-old spent his hours working outside. Whenever Nick had to speak to the twins it was rudely and not where their father could hear them. Christmas Eve was no exception.

Anna was helping Victoria and Silas bake gingerbread for that night along with some gallons of eggnog and hot cocoa. Heath was with Jarrod hanging some more holly and ivy. Nick came into the house, slamming the door and shouting.

"MOTHER! FATHER! WHERE IS EVERYONE?" Nick boomed at the top of his voice.

"Nick, do you mind? All of us are quite capable of hearing without you shouting," Jarrod reprimanded his younger brother.

"Pappy, where's Mother and Father?" Nick asked, ignoring the question.

"Mr. Barkley is out in the barn takin' care of some horses. And Mother is in the kitchen with Silas and Anna bakin' gingerbread and fixin' other treats for tonight," Heath filled in for Jarrod.

Nick's eyes turned dark as he scowled at his little brother. "I didn't ask ya, Shorty. I asked Jarrod," Nick said, his voice colder than outside.

"Nick!" Jarrod reprimanded again, horrified that Nick was going to be mean to Heath and Anna on Christmas Eve.

""Ya know somethin' else, Shorty? I didn't even want you and that twin of yours to come here," Nick said, finally letting out what he wouldn't say to anyone in the family.

"NICHOLAS JONATHAN BARKLEY!!!!" Tom Barkley's voice boomed across the foyer.

All three boys turned to stare at their equally angry father. His blue eyes smoldered like fire and his mouth was in a firm hard line.

Heath had never seen his father angry before and it was frightening. "Nicholas, go up to your room. Until you can behave yourself I don't want to see you down here tonight," Tom said, his voice cold like an icicle.

Nick went upstairs without a word. Heath stepped up to his father. "Don't be mad," Heath said in a tiny voice.

Tom looked down at his son. Heath was afraid of his father's temper. Tom was sorry that he had shown it in front of his son, but Nick had no call to be rude to the boy.

Tom stooped down in front of his son, his blue eyes meeting Heath's blue eyes. "Son, Nick had no right to talk like that to you. I expect him to show you and Anna the same respect that he has for Eugene, Audra, and Jarrod," Tom said, softening his voice.

"He's just upset," Heath said, sticking up for his brother.

"That is still no excuse to be rude to someone, Heath. You and your sister are people with feelings and Nick will treat you as such," Tom said, brushing an errant strand of hair out of Heath's eyes. Victoria had managed to cut Heath's hair, but what remained of it kept getting into the little blond's blue eyes.

"Come along, Little brother. We have plenty more holly to hang up," Jarrod said, trying to get back to the task at hand.

Tom kissed his son's head and went back outside. Tom was sad and subdued. Nick treated both twins horribly and all Tom prayed for was for Nick to like his new brother and sister.


Christmas Eve night was fun for the Barkley twins. Anna and Heath were drinking mugs of hot cocoa as the family played "Charades."

Tom stood in the middle of the room, his making an elephant noise through his mouth and nose. Heath cast a sideways glance at his sister and snorted. It was all the twins could do not to laugh.

"You're an elephant, Daddy!" Three-year-old Audra Barkley piped in with a childish voice.

"Good thing you guessed that, Honey. I was giving myself a headache," Tom said, chuckling.

Audra bit into her gingerbread cookie, the crumbs getting beside her mouth. "Hey, Audra, are you getting any of that cookie in your mouth?" Nick asked, coming into the living room.

The family grew quiet as Nick went to the fireplace and plopped on a footstool.

"Nicholas, don't you have something to say to Heath and Anna?" Tom asked, his voice grim.

"I'm sorry," Nick said, looking at the carpet.

"For what?" Victoria asked.

"I'm sorry for being mean to ya," Nick said, grabbing a cup of cocoa.

"It's all right, Nick. Ya ain't the first to make fun of me and Heath and I don't think you'll be the last either," Anna said, speaking up for both twins.

"Thanks, Annie," Nick said faintly.

"You're welcome, Nick. And don't call me Annie," Anna said.

'Don't anyone every call ya Annie?" Nick asked, taken aback by her concise way of talking.

"A few. Until I say something about it. Even Heath doesn't call me that," Anna said, picking up another gingerbread cookie.

"Well, how about some Christmas Carols?" Jarrod asked, changing the subject.

"Oh yes! Please, Mr. Barkley, let Anna sing. She has a great voice!" Heath said excitedly.

Anna blushed slightly at her brother's praise. She did have a good voice, but she didn't like to brag on it in front of everyone.

"Is that true, Anna?" Victoria asked her new daughter.

"Could be. It's only Heath's opinion," Anna said, her face redder than a tomato.

"Victoria, go over to the piano," Tom ordered.

Victoria ran over the piano keys and ran her thin fingers over the piano keys. "All right. Someone name a song and Anna could sing it," Tom said.

"Anna, sing "Silent Night," Jarrod said, making the first request.

Anna sang, her voice trembling slightly with the notes. By the time she was finished everyone applauded, causing Anna to blush an even bigger shade of red.

"See? Told ya," Heath said gleefully.

"Son, we should have believed you," Tom said, pleased at hearing the singing. The nine-year-old girl could sing exceptionally well. She just had a thought that just because people always made fun of her they would make fun of her voice.

The clock chimed ten o'clock. "Well time to do the chores and head to bed," Victoria said, picking up Eugene.

Audra yawned widely as she followed her mother upstairs to her bedroom.

Anna finished off her cookie, while Heath finished his cup of cocoa. Tom stooped in front of the twins. "You heard your mother. Go upstairs and get ready for bed," Tom ordered, kissing Heath and Anna's foreheads.

"Yes, Mr. Barkley," Anna and Heath both chimed at once.

As Anna crawled into bed that night, she felt happy in one respect. Nick had actually talked nicely to her and Heath. He may not have liked them enough to say they were his brother and sister, but it was an answer to a prayer that Anna had been praying for.


Anna woke up early Christmas Day. The smell of sausage from downstairs had wafted up to her room, causing her to wake up. Anna quickly dressed into one of the new dresses that Victoria had bought for her after arriving in Stockton.

The dress was Christmas green and made her tanned skin look darker. Anna wasn't particularly fond of green, but this dress was the exception. It was one of the prettiest dresses she had ever owned.

Anna brushed her long blonde hair, taking care with the snarls. Anna laid the brush down and went to the parlor. The whole family had congregated in the parlor, talking excitedly.

"Good morning," Anna said, stopping all conversation.

"Merry Christmas, Sweetie," Victoria said, hugging and kissing Anna.

"Merry Christmas, Mother," Anna said, kissing Victoria's cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Anna," Tom said to his daughter.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Barkley," Anna said, turning her blue eyes to her father.

"Now that all of us are down here, why don't we open the presents before Silas calls us to breakfast?" Tom suggested, his blue eyes twinkling merrily.

Anna and Heath sat on the floor and watched the handing out of gifts. Since they had rarely received a Christmas gift at all, they weren't looking for one this year either.

Anna was surprised as Tom laid a huge package before her. "Mr. Barkley, what's this?" Anna asked, confused.

"It says that it's from Jarrod. Why don't you open it and find out?" Tom suggested, smiling at his daughter.

Jarrod had told his father that Anna had never gotten a doll in her life and when Tom heard that he told his son to go out and buy one. Only Tom knew what the gift was.

The expression on Anna's face would make her father happy and Tom waited to watch for that look as she opened the wrapping paper carefully.

Anna's face turned from skepticism to pure delight as a beautiful doll with golden brown hair and deep blue eyes stared back at her. The doll wore a silk lavender dress and had a pair of blue satin shoes on.

Anna turned to face her brother, tears streaming down her thin cheeks. "Jarrod, how did you know?" Anna asked, taking the doll in her arms.

"Remember when we went to the general store in Strawberry? I saw how you looked at that doll. You wanted one didn't you?" Jarrod asked, taking out a handkerchief and wiping his little sister's face.

"Yes, but I wasn't expecting it. I thought I would be selfish if I asked for it. And I wanted Mama to be better more than I wanted the doll," Anna admitted, hugging the doll as she looked into her big brother's eyes.

"Anna, there is nothing wrong for you to have this doll. Jarrod told me how much you wanted one and that you and your brother are the two most unselfish children that he has ever seen. I think it is right that you have it," Tom said, sitting down next to Anna.

"Would Mama want me to have this doll, Mr. Barkley?" Anna asked, looking up at her father with an equally solemn look in her eyes.

"I think she would. She knew that you would be taken care of here and that Matt and Martha Simmons would never give you something as simple as a doll," Tom said, hugging Anna and stroking her hair.

Anna turned to look at Jarrod. "Thank you, Jarrod," Anna said softly.

"You're welcome, Honey. I know that isn't the one in Strawberry, but I hope she makes you happy," Jarrod said, kissing his sister's forehead.

Tom stood up and continued to pass out gifts. Anna and Heath received a lot of Christmas presents that day. More gifts than either twin had ever seen. Later that night as Tom and Victoria tucked Anna in bed; Anna held the doll in her arms.

Tom sat in the chair across from Anna's bed. "Did you have a good Christmas, Anna?" Tom asked, after he had said the evening prayers with her.

"Yes Sir. Sir, thank you for all our gifts today," Anna said, looking into her father's eyes.

"You're welcome, Honey. Your mother and I enjoyed getting them for you," Tom said, smoothing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Sir, would it be all right if I called you Father like your real children do?" Anna asked.

A glimmer of tears came to Tom Barkley's eyes. "Anna, you and Heath are my real children. Of course you may call me that," Tom said, smiling through his beard.

Anna sat up and threw her arms around her father's neck, nearly cutting off his breathing. "I love you, Father," Anna whispered in Tom's ear.

"I love you too, Anna. Good night," Tom said, kissing her forehead gently.

Anna laid down wrapping one of her thin arms around the doll and closing her eyes. Tom stood up and looked at Victoria. Victoria was crying happy tears. Tom and Victoria walked to Heath's room, happy. Anna opened her eyes as she walked out of her room. She had prayed to God for Leah to get well, but God must have known that Tom and Victoria was going to come for her and Heath.

"Merry Christmas, Mama," Anna whispered in the dark of her room. Anna fell asleep, anxious and exited about her future with her new father and mother.


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