
“You’re sure that’s what the problem is.” Oscar asked.

“Of course, what else could it be?” Rudy asked.

“Well it just doesn’t sound like Steve.” Jaime commented.

They were interrupted by the doorbell Jaime stood to answer it. She opened the door and was shocked to see little Jeff Martin standing on the porch.

“He needs you” was all the boy said. He handed Jaime something and ran off the porch and was gone.

Jaime looked down at what Jeff had handed her. She screamed in horror as she looked down at the Mickey Mouse watch Steve wore when he was a boy…

“Jaime! What is it?” Oscar and Rudy ran to her.

“I have to get to Steve.” She cried. “I’ll be back.”

“Where is he?” Oscar called after her.

“I’m sure he’s at the schoolyard. I’ll be back, Rudy I think you theory is hog wash I’ll tell you when we get back.”

Jaime raced all the way to the school yard. She found Steve sitting all alone on the swing.

“Steve?” She called out.

“Jaime?” Steve looked up at her. “It was awful, just awful.”

“What was awful Steve?” Jaime sat next to him.

“I know what’s been bothering me for the past few days.” He spoke slowly choosing his words carefully. “Do you remember the Preston murder?”

Jaime nodded. “Wasn’t Rick one of your friends?”

“Steve nodded. “Yea he was.”

“I remember I don’t believe they ever caught the killer.” Jaime remembered.

Steve looked up at her. “I have something to tell you, but not here. When I tell this I’m only going to repeat it once, so we might as well have Rudy and Oscar in on it. By the way what made you come looking for me?”

Jaime reached in her pocket and withdrew his Mickey Mouse watch. “Jeff brought it to me.” Jaime handed it to him.

Steve held it for several minutes. “I think we better get back to the house. I hope you drove.”

“No I ran. I wanted to get here as fast as I could.”

“Well then we better start walking back.” Steve smiled.

“You seem in a much better mood.” Jaime noted.

“I feel better. Everything makes sense now. It will all make sense to you too once I tell you what I have to say.

Everyone listened as Steve told his story. “I feel a lot better now. At least it explains the nightmares.” Steve finished.

“I was way off base.” Rudy admitted. “Steve I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Steve wondered.

“Well you weren’t here to hear what I said I thought the problem was so let’s just leave it at that. What the problem is is repressed memory.

“Steve. Why didn’t you say something to us?” Helen asked.

“How could I?” Steve asked “I don’t even think I remembered it at the time.” Steve told her. The he turned to Rudy. “Why would that be?”

Rudy thought for a moment. “You say you stood for a few minutes after it happened?”

Steve nodded.

“That explains it. The mind of a child is way different that that of an adult. You more than likely used that time to tell yourself it hadn’t happened. It must have been very traumatic to see the father of one friend murder the father of another.” Rudy reminded.

“You mean I tried to convince myself it didn’t happen and in so doing I blocked it out completely.” Steve asked.

“Well. Not completely.” Rudy reminded. “That’s what your nightmares have been about.”

“I’ve been thinking about that.” Steve said. “It seems like every year around this time they come around.”

“That would be the case then. Your subconscious was trying to tell you.” Rudy explained.

“I have a question.” Jaime asked. “Where was I when all this happened?”

“If I remember right, you were home sick with the chicken pox.” Helen told her.

“That’s why I’m not in any of the scenes Steve saw.” Jaime muttered.

“That’s right.” Rudy turned toward her “because you weren’t there to begin with.”

“I have a question.” Oscar looked at Helen and Jim. “Did they ever catch Jeff’s father?”

Helen shook her head. “No they didn’t. It was the only murder to ever occur in Ojai and it has gone unsolved all these years.”

“Is Jeff’s father…”

“Paul.” Helen told him.

“Thanks Helen. Is Paul still around?”

“As a matter of fact he is. He owns a car dealer ship just outside of town.” Jim replied. “Why?”

“There is no statute of limitations on murder. Steve needs to go to the police and tell them what he knows.”

“Come on Oscar that was…what? Over twenty years ago.” Steve protested.

“Steve you need to tell the police what you know, other wise Paul will get away with it.” Oscar argued.

“I agree with Oscar.” Rudy added. “Steve if you don’t tell the police what you know you will more than likely continue to have the nightmares. And now that your conscious knows what they are all about, they will be worse.”

“But will the police believe me?” Steve asked. “They’ll wonder why I didn’t come forward before this.”

“Steve you were a little boy when it happened.” Oscar reminded.

“But I’ve been grown up for a long time now.” Steve continued to argue. “I’m not saying I don’t want to see justice served, I just don’t know how to go about it.”

“We’ll be there for you.” Jaime put her hand on his shoulder. “We’ll help you anyway we can.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Steve moaned. “I’ll go first thing in the morning.”

“I’ll go with you.” Jaime offered.

“No this is something I have to do myself.” Steve stood and stretched then turned to Jaime. “I’m going to bed are you coming?”

“Steve before you turn in.” Oscar pressed. “Do you have any idea why Paul would kill Rick’s father…”

“Noel” Helen told him.

“Thanks again Helen. Do you have any idea why Paul would want to kill Noel?’

“From the sounds of the conversation I think it had something to do with gambling.”

“I see. Ok I’ll have some friends in DC check up on that. Maybe you won’t have to go about this alone.”

“Thanks Oscar. Come on Jaime I’m beat let’s go to bed.”


At Paul’s Auto just outside of town Paul and his friend Vic were talking. “Did you know Austin is in town?” Vic Parker asked.

“Yea I heard that.” Paul replied. “So what’s wrong with that? He comes here all the time to visit his folks.”

“He’s been seen around the schoolyard.” Vic responded.

“The schoolyard?” it’s all fenced in.” Paul reminded.

“Yea well I don’t like it.” Vic continued. “There is no statute of limitations on murder. Remember he was there that day. I wish you would have killed him back when you had a chance.”

“I couldn’t with all those kids around including my own kid.” Paul defended.

“What if he goes to the cops?” Vic offered.

“What if the sky turns green tomorrow? It’s not going to happen.” Paul snorted.

“I still say we are running a risk, having him in town a year to the day you killed Noel.”

“Look that was twenty three years ago. I think everyone has forgotten.” Paul sniffed.

“The cops haven’t forgotten. They keep the case open. I have a friend who works at the police station. The case is still filed as active. It’s filed as active till its twenty five years old. Then they put in it into the cold case file where half baked rookies work on it. I can’t wait for that day.”

“If they haven’t caught us by now, they never will. Don’t worry about it.”

“I say we have a lot to worry about with Austin. I’m going to keep a very close watch on him and if he goes anywhere near the cop’s house I’ll kill him.” Vic smirked….


“Steve!” Jaime cried. “Steve, wake up!”

Steve opened his eyes to see Jaime shaking him while Rudy and Oscar watched from the door way. He sat up and looked around. “Boy Rudy were you right, they are worse. I’m going to the police station right after breakfast.”

“That’s great Steve.” Oscar applauded. “Do you want one of us to take you?”

“No. Like I said last night, this is something I have to do on my own.” Steve sighed.

“Ok Steve. If you think that’s for the best.” Oscar replied. “Let us know if there is anything we can do.”

“I will.” Steve gave him a smile. “I’m just glad all of you are here now.” He walked over to Jaime “I’m sorry for snapping at you when I found out they were here In a way I’m relieved to have them here. I truly thought I was losing my mind or something.” Steve added. “I don’t know, it was like nothing made any sense, and now everything does.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that Steve.” Jaime gave him a kiss. “I’d really like to come with you. But I understand why you feel you have to do this alone.”

“Thanks Jaime. I’m not going directly to the police. I have some things to think about first”

“Like what?” Oscar scolded.

“Nothing like that Oscar I fully intend to tell the police everything, I just need to get the events in order in my head. Events in order… you know that’s what it was. Every time I went to the park the events took up from where they were interrupted the time before.”

“Really?” Rudy questioned.

“Yea now that I think about it, that’s what it was. Everything was leading up to that. Is that how it works Rudy? The repressed memory I mean.”

“I guess it can. I’ve never dealt with it before. I’ve just read articles about it. I suppose it could go that direction.”

“That has to be it.” Steve snapped his fingers. “It has to be. Each time I went to the schoolyard the events would play out in the order they actually happened.”

“If they played out at all” Rudy muttered.

“You still don’t believe what I saw?” Steve sounded shocked. “After all I’ve told you. You still don’t believe it.”

“Of course I believe you. But I think it was more or less your memories coming back to pay you a visit.”

“Well real or imagined, I did see Paul Martin murder Noel Preston.” Steve reminded. “I think I’ll go fishing before I head for the police station. I need to get everything straight before I go screaming murder.”

“You have to do what you think is best Steve.” Rudy patted him on the back. “I can see where you want to get all the facts together first.”

“I’ll see you guys later.” Steve left the house and headed for the lake where he knew he wouldn’t be bothered and he could get all of facts together. He now remembered the entire course of events as if they had happened only yesterday.

As he sat fishing he was unaware that he was being watched. He sat on the bank and let everything play out in his mind….

“When his mind came back to reality he was still sitting on the bank. His fishing pole was gone. “Now where in the world…” Steve looked into the lake just in time to see it sink to the bottom. “Well that blows that.” He scowled. “I better get to the police station and get this over with, then maybe I can concentrate on what I’m doing.”

Steve headed back toward the house where he planned on getting in his car and heading into town. But one look at himself in the mirror and he decided he needed to clean up first.

When he came back down stairs Oscar was waiting for him. “So what did the police say?”

“Nothing…I haven’t been there yet.”

“Why do you keep putting it off?” Oscar sounded angry.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m scared.” Steve admitted.

“Scared of what?” Oscar wanted to know.

“I don’t know Oscar. I guess in some ways I feel like I’m nine years old again and no one is going to listen to me. I feel like I need my mommy to go along and hold my hand. I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s how I feel.”

“Steve I don’t blame you, look let one of us come with you. That might help.” Oscar suggested.

“It probably would, but I’m not nine years old. I can handle it myself.”

“Maybe you can’t. Steve you just relived a serious trauma. I’m surprised you made it this far.” Rudy stated as he entered the room.

Steve sighed and slumped down in the chair. “I think you’re right, but if I don’t go to the police, I’m almost afraid to go to bed tonight, after the night I had last night.”

“I understand. Steve why not let Jaime go with you.” Rudy suggested. “Not to hold your hand like a baby, but just to be there for you.”

“I think I will. Where is she?” Steve looked around the room.

“I think she’s in the kitchen with Helen.” Rudy went to get her.

The two of them headed into town Vic was right behind him. ‘Now where are you going Col. Austin’? He asked himself. ‘I think I’ll just follow you and see.’

“Jaime. Do me a favor before we go to the police.” Steve tried to delay the inevitable

“What would that be?” Jaime asked.

“I want to stop by the playground one more time.” Steve told her. “There is something I have to check on.”

“Can’t we do that afterward?” Jaime was getting annoyed.

“No we can’t!” Steve shouted. “Just stop already.”

Jaime pulled up the curb and Steve started to get out of the car. “You stay here. I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the fence and looked around to make sure no one was looking. He saw lots of people on the street and decided not to risk it. He climbed over the fence and walked around.

He walked over to the swings and sat down. Steve closed his eyes then opened them. The fence was still there, he could hear Jaime’s car out by the curb. He stood and walked over to the fence but rather than climb it again he noticed there was a makeshift gate at on end.

“Guess this must be for the contractors.” Steve said to himself. He opened the gate and joined Jaime at her car.

“What was that all about?” She asked when Steve got into the car

“It’s over.” Steve told her. “I wanted to see if the visions would come back, they didn’t”

“Well that’s good. It’s probably because you’re about to do the right thing.” After they left the schoolyard they headed for the police station. Vic continued to follow them.

“I knew that’s what you was doing.” He said to himself. “Well I’m not gong to let you.”

As Steve got out of the car Vic pulled up to the curb. He watched as Steve walked toward the building.

“Steve, wait I’m coming with you.” Jaime called.

Steve turned in the direction of Jaime’s voice that’s when Vic pulled out his double barrel shot gun and fired at Steve. The bullet hit Steve in the chest sending him falling to the ground.

Jaime screamed and the police came running out of the building.

Vic brought his gun back inside the car and sped away in the confusion.

“Steve!” Jaime held his head in her hands “oh Steve.”

“I’ll call an ambulance.” The police sergeant offered.

“From the base hospital” Jaime took charge. “I’ll let his Dr. know what happened.”

Rudy and Oscar were waiting at the hospital when Jaime and the ambulance arrived.

Rudy assessed the damage then rushed Steve into surgery.

“What happened?” Oscar asked when he and Jaime were settled in Rudy’s office.

“I don’t know. He was on his way into the police station to tell them about the murder, when someone shot him.” Jaime cried.

“I give you odds it was Paul Martin.” Oscar headed for the phone and dialed the Ojai police. “This is Oscar Goldman of the OSI. I believe I know who shot Col. Austin.” he informed them.

“Who is it?” They wanted to know.

“I believe his name is Paul Martin. He was involved in a murder in town about twenty some years ago. Steve witnessed it as a child and was on his way to tell you that.”

The police were shocked. “Are you sure of this?” they asked.

“Of course I’m sure. Steve blocked it out when he was a kid, but now remembers it as if it were yesterday.” Oscar continued.

Oscar and Jaime sat for what seemed like hours. Rudy had to as of yet come and give them a report on Steve’s condition.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up yet.” Oscar noted. “He usually comes and tells us what’s going on.”

“Unless Steve is so critical he can’t leave him.” Jaime muttered.

“I suppose you’re right.” Oscar sighed.

Several minutes after he placed the phone call the police arrived at the hospital. “We picked up Paul Martin. He has an alibi he was no where near the police station when the shooting took place.”

“Then that means he has someone working with him.” Oscar realized.

“That could be. When can we question Steve?” the police wanted to know

“I don’t know. We haven’t heard from his Dr. since we brought him in.” Oscar explained.

“Well let us know the minute he can talk to us. We are interested in anything he has to say. We always wondered if one of those kids saw it.”

“From what Steve told us it may have something to do with a gambling debt.” Oscar stated.

“Yea well anyway have his Dr. give us a call and let us know when he’ll be able to answer questions.”

“We will.” Oscar promised.


In the OR Rudy had run into one complication after another. The bullet had missed the heart completely, but it looked like the lungs had taken some damage. He was trying hard to remove the bullet when his nurse called out.

“Dr. Wells his pressure is dropping!”

Rudy looked at the heart monitor just in time to see it go flat line…

Rudy grabbed for the paddles and shocked Steve back into reality. Steve’s heart started beating like normal once again.

“That was close.” Rudy breathed a sigh of relief. He finished repairing the damage and moved Steve from surgery to the ICU, then headed down to his office to meet with Jaime and Oscar.

“When will he be ready to talk to the police?” Oscar asked. “They are most anxious to speak with him.”

“I don’t know. Probably a couple of days” Rudy presumed. “Just tell them I’ll let them know.”

“I already did. I was hoping you might have some idea.” Oscar muttered.

“Not just yet.” Rudy sat at his desk and began going over files.


A week later Rudy decided Steve was strong enough to be interviewed by the police. “I’m Sergeant Bill Majors.” The elderly man introduced himself. “I was on the force the day Noel Preston was murdered. It was so close to the school, we always wondered if one of the kids witnessed it.”

“Well I guess I did.” Steve replied. “The only problem is, is that I didn’t remember it until just a few days ago.”

“That’s not true Steve.” Rudy corrected. “You did remember, you just chose to keep it hidden.”

“I guess you’re right.” Steve sighed. “But now I remember it as if it were yesterday.”

“Why don’t you tell us everything?” Sergeant Majors asked.

Slowly Steve told his story to the police. He was actually surprised they believed him.

“You say two other men approached Martin?” Majors asked.

Steve nodded. “Yea I’d never seen them before.”

“Would you recognize them today?” the sergeant pressed.

“Oh yea I’d remember. His face is etched in my brain.” Steve replied. “You say Martin has an alibi?

The sergeant nodded. “Yes he does.

“Well then I’ll assume it was one of the other two guys who took a shot at me.”

“Now you say you felt it had something to do with a gambling debt?” The sergeant continued.

“I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong on that aspect, but I don’t think so.” Steve replied.

“Well then that’s where we’ll start.” The sergeant closed his note book “Let me tell you, this is one case I would love to see solved.”

“I hope I can help.” Steve added.

“No you just sit back and do what the Doc tells you to do.” The sergeant ordered.

“I’ll try.” Steve smiled up at Rudy.

“I’ll see to it that he does.” Rudy assured. “Are you finished with him?”

The sergeant nodded “for now anyway.”

“Good.” Rudy wheeled Steve back to his room. “He’s right you know. The best thing for you to do, is stay here and get fully recovered.” Rudy helped him back into bed. “Jaime said she would stop by later.”

“Thanks Rudy. I think I will take a rest. I’m beat.”

“I’ll be in my office if you need anything.” Steve was asleep before he left the room.


Two days later Steve and Jaime were sitting in Steve’s room talking. “Well.” Steve began. “Rudy was right. The nightmares have all but vanished.”

“You mean since you told the police?” Jaime asked.

Steve nodded. “I mean I’ve had a couple of bad dreams, but nothing like the ones before.” Steve added.

“Well that’s good. When did Rudy say you could come home?”

“He said maybe by the end of the week. I can’t wait. By the way have they picked up Martin yet?”

Jaime shrugged “I’m not sure. I haven’t heard. Of course they can’t hold him for shooting you, but I guess they could pick him up on suspicion of the Preston murder. The police say when they do pick him up your testimony will put him away for life.”

“Well I guess it was all worth it then. I just wish I could remember who the other guys were. I’m sure one of them shot me.”

Rudy stepped in. “Steve I don’t know if you’re ready for this just yet, but the police sent over a sketch artist. They want to see if they can get a composite of the other two guys.”

“Yea, I think I can handle that one.” Steve replied.

“Good then he’ll be here this afternoon.” Rudy told them

“Have they arrested Martin yet?” Jaime started

Rudy nodded. “Yea they picked him up yesterday.”

“He won’t reveal his accomplice?” Steve asked.

Rudy shook his head “He refuses to speak to anyone other than his attorney.”

“I see.” Steve sighed. “You said I could get out of here in by the end of the week?”

“That all depends on how your tests go. We’ll try tomorrow. In the mean time you should get some rest.”

“Ok Jaime, say hi to the folks for me.” Steve spoke as Jaime left the room

“Say hi to them yourself, they’re right here.” Jaime opened the door to let them in.”

“It’s ok, isn’t it Rudy?” Helen asked as she moved toward her son.

“Of course, but only for a few minutes he really needs to get some rest.” Rudy cautioned.

“We’ll only be a minute. Helen just wanted to see how he was doing.” Jim assured. He turned to Steve. “How are you feeling?”

“I’ve felt better dad. Did you hear? Oscar says Paul Martin has an alibi for the time this happened although they can hold him on the murder of Noel Preston. ”

“Yea that must mean he had…”

“Someone working with him? Yea I know. They’re sending a sketch artist so we can get a composite of him.”

“Think you can get it for them?” Jim sounded concerned.

“Yea I can. I can see his face just as well as I see yours.” Steve assured.

“Well that’s good.” Helen gave him a hug. “I suppose we better go before Rudy kicks us out. We just wanted to see for ourselves that you were alright.

“I think I’m going to be just fine.” Steve assured. “When does Paul’s trial start?”

“Not for a while.” Jim explained. “They have all the evidence they just need to convince the grand jury, then we’ll go on with the trial.”

“I suppose I’ll have to testify at that.” Steve sighed leaning back on his pillow not sure if he had the strength to go through grand jury testimony or not.

Helen and Jim left him to his own thoughts.

As they were walking down the hall Rudy ran up to them. “Helen. Can I speak to you for a moment?”

“Of course Rudy” Helen turned to him.

Rudy opened his office door “It will take just a minute.”

“What is it Rudy?” Helen asked.

“I guess what I would like is some back ground on Steve. I mean I have most of his medical history, but that doesn’t include parental observation.” Rudy gave her a smile. “After this incident did Steve have nightmares?”

“Yes he did. Every year in fact I was always very concerned about them, but as Steve grew older they became less and less frequent.”

“How about, when he returned home as an adult?” Rudy pressed.

“No not really…wait. There was one time. It was around this time of year. Steve came home for a vacation and he did have a ‘bad dream’ as he put it…”

“We could tell he was very troubled about it.” Jim interrupted.

“I see. Well thank you. That will help a lot. You see Paul’s attorney is going to give Steve a hard time about this. Repressed memory is sort of new and people don’t know whether or not to trust it.” Rudy explained.

“I hope they don’t go to hard on him.” Jim groaned. “I don’t think he could take it.”

“I know.” Rudy agreed. “It could just make matters worse….


A week later the DA was getting very agitated. “Dr. Wells when will you let Col. Austin out of the hospital. We need to get an indictment on Martin. He’s already complaining about not being formerly charged. We need his testimony.”

“I’d say day after tomorrow. But don’t hold me to it.”

“Well let’s hope so. I have Martin’s attorney breathing down my neck. Screaming how unfair we are being to his client.”

“Unfair? Unfair?” Rudy screamed “I want to meet with Martin’s attorney!” Rudy demanded. “And right now while I’m still angry enough to rip him to shreds I have a few things to say!”

The DA picked up the phone and called Tom Cleary “I’d like to meet with you for a moment if I could.”

“I was just about to call and suggest the same thing John.” Tom said. “Say your office in fifteen?”

“Sounds good” John hung up and turned to Rudy. “We have a meeting with him in fifteen minutes in my office.”

Fifteen minutes later Rudy was sitting in a chair in John’s office when Tom Cleary stormed in. “My client wants you either indict him or let him go!” Tom screamed. “It’s not fair to him.”

“Not fair?” Rudy was just as furious as he had been twenty minutes ago. “Let me tell you what’s not fair!’ He seethed.

“Who is this?” Cleary pointed to Rudy.

“He’s Col. Austin’s Doctor.” John informed.

Rudy stepped over to him “Now I’m going to tell you what’s unfair. A nine year old boy sees your client shoot and kill someone. The incident is so traumatic that he blocks it from his conscious mind. It surfaces in nightmares as he grows. Then as an adult the memories come splashing back so hard he can hardly stand it. Now you go tell your client that one.” Rudy stormed out of The DA’s office.

Tom lowered his head. “Just let us know when Col. Austin is ready to testify. I need to go talk to my client.”

“I take it I will have no more argument from Martin about being in jail?” The DA asked.

Tom shook his head. “Take your time.”

Later that day Paul Martin had two visitor’s at the prison. The first was Vic Parker. “Did you hear? Austin told the cops everything.”

“Of course I’ve heard you fool. Other wise why would I be here? To bad you missed.” Paul hissed.

“I won’t next time. Austin will never testify at the grand jury. You can bank on that.” Tom assured.

“See that you don’t. I’m not spending the rest of my life in prison for a crime committed over twenty years ago.”

“Don’t worry I plan on doing something about that tonight.” Vic promised.

The second was his lawyer. “I’d seriously think about pleading guilty if I were you.” Tom told him.

“They will never prove it.” Paul sneered.

“How do you know that?” Tom asked.

“I just do. The grand jury will never hear the case.” Martin continued. “I have a back up plan.” He gave a haunting smile that sent shivers up his lawyer’s spine.

Tom left feeling very uneasy. He decided to stop by and see the DA. “I’m telling you John I didn’t like what he said.” Tom stated after he finished relaying what Paul had told him. “We all know that Paul had and alibi when Col Austin was shot, which means he has an accomplice.”

“You think he was trying to say the accomplice would go after Steve?” John wondered.

“I think that’s what he was trying to tell me. I know I am bound by ethics not to reveal what my client says. But that goes out the window when you feel a crime is about to be committed.”

“You’re right on that assumption.” The DA assured.

That’s what I thought. Now if it’s alright with you, I would like to try to cut a deal with you.”

“What sort of a deal?” The DA was suspicious.

“A lighter sentence in a way, take the death penalty off the table in exchange for his confession and he has to reveal his accomplice.”

John thought for a moment he knew he was running on borrowed time. After all if Tom was right Paul Martin’s accomplice would strike tonight.

“Let me call Goldman and see what he says. Come back in about ten minutes. I’ll let you know if Goldman agrees, I’ll go with you to see if Martin wants to cut a deal.”

“That sounds good. I have to go get some paper work I’ll be back in about ten minutes or so.”

The DA contacted Oscar and told him the latest development.

“Let me ask Steve. He’s right here.” Oscar told Steve the situation and Steve agreed the deal the DA wanted to offer would be just fine.

A half an hour later Tom and the DA were seated in the conference room of the Jail. “Do we have a deal or not?” The DA demanded after several moments of silence.

At first Paul was angry. He turned to his attorney. “You told him that. That’s privileged information….”

“No not when you tell me a crime is about to be committed” Tom corrected. “Now are you going to take the deal or not?”

Paul didn’t have to think any more. “Yes, on one condition. We don’t serve time in the same place.”

“That can be arranged.” The DA assured. “Now who was your accomplice?”

“His name is Vic Parker. He was in on it from the beginning. I worked for him and a man by the name of Big Jim Thompson…”

“I’ve heard of him. He died in prison a few years back.” The DA interrupted.

“Yea that’s right. We were running a gambling ring. Noel Preston got in over his head it was my job to either collect the money or ‘take care’ of Preston.

“So you shot him?” The DA pressed.

“Yea I had no idea the Austin kid saw the whole thing till it was over then Parker wanted me to kill the boy right then. I followed him to the playground but couldn’t bring myself to do it. He wasn’t saying a word to anyone about what had happened. And as the days passed nothing came out of it. I just figured the kid wasn’t talking.”

“You say Parker is going after Austin tonight?” The DA pressed more.

Martin nodded. “He says Austin will never testify before the grand jury, and without his testimony you have no case.”

“Well he would have been right. Now I have to call Goldman and warn him. That way they can be ready for tonight.” The DA left the conference room and headed for the hospital.

In Steve’s room they started laying the ground work to catch Vic Parker in the act. That would really cinch everything.

It was decided that Steve would pretend to be sicker than he was and when Vic came he would let him have it. Of course Oscar, Rudy and the DA would be right there to catch him in the act.

It was well past midnight when Vic Parker slipped past the guards and into Steve’s room. Steve was lying ‘unconscious’ on the bed as Vic approached. He drew out his gun and held it to Steve’s head.

He was shocked when Steve’s hand reached up and grabbed the barrel of the gun and ripped it out of his hands. “Just what were you planning on doing?” Steve hissed.

Vic didn’t say a word, as far as he knew no one had seen him and it would just be the word of a sick man that he had been there. He slowly started to back away. He backed right into the waiting arms of the DA, Oscar and Rudy.

“I say we have enough for an indictment.” The DA held tight to Parker. “Now let’s be a good boy and go down to police headquarter shall we?”

“Boy am I glad that’s over with.” Steve breathed a sight of relief.

“Don’t be so sure.” Rudy pointed out. “We won’t know till next year if it truly is over for you.”

“What do you mean?” Steve asked.

“If you no longer have nightmares, it will be over.” Rudy continued.

“Yea I suppose you’re right.” Steve sighed.

“I want to watch you closely till that time.” Rudy said. “I just think it would be a good idea all the way around considering you were shot and all.”

“Yea I think I follow.” Steve rolled over and went back to sleep.


A couple of days later Rudy let Steve go home. “I want to keep a close eye on you though I think it would be a good idea if you just stayed here and relaxed for the next few weeks.”

“I bet Oscar won’t like that one.” Steve smiled.

“Oscar won’t like what?” He said as he entered Rudy’s office at the air base hospital.

“The fact that I want Steve to take the next few weeks off” Rudy muttered.

“That’s fine. I want you in tip top shape. You sit back and relax. By the way I have some good news Parker plead guilty.” Oscar informed them.

“That is good news.” Steve and Rudy agreed. “Is the DA going to keep his promise and send them to separate prisons?” Rudy wondered.

Oscar nodded. “Yes he thinks if they were together they could plan an escape or something like that.”

“Best to keep them separate.” Rudy and Steve agreed.

“That’s what we thought.


Steve reported to Rudy for his monthly check up. Rudy and been watching Steve closely he was mainly interested in Steve’s sleep patterns as the anniversary of the Preston shooting grew closer.

“So how did you sleep last night?” Rudy asked.

“We slept pretty good till David woke us up.” Steve laughed referring to he and Jaime’s six month old son.

“Well that’s par for the course. I thought he was sleeping through the night.” Rudy smiled.

“He was. He has a little cold and woke up coughing.” Steve explained.

“I see how about you, any nightmares?” Rudy asked.

Steve shook his head “For the first time in I don’t know how many years I slept pretty good.” Steve smiled.

“Well that’s good. I guess we can say it’s over.”

“Yea I think you’re right.” Steve left Rudy’s office and joined Jaime who was now pregnant with their second child. “Let’s go tell mom and dad the good news.” Steve put his arm around her and they headed for the airport.


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