
Next Morning, Sunday, January 22, 1871

As Heath opens his eyes he catches sight of ranch hand Bobby standing over him saying, “Goodmorning Heath,” and realizing he has a blanket over him replies, “Goodmorning.”

Bobby asks, “Did you have a good sleep?” Heath replies, “Don’t know.”

“You okay?” Bobby concerned asks. Heath replies, “Yeah,” still baffled by the blanket being over him.

Reading his thoughts, “Are you wondering how that,” Bobby asks, “Got there?” referring to the blanket. As Heath nods his head, “It came from me,” Bobby getting on one knee mentions, “It was a little chilly out here last night and thought you could use it.”

Opening his mouth but nothing coming out, “It’s quite alright Heath,” Bobby informs him, “I know you don’t know what to make of this but I hope this to be our first step towards becoming friends.” Heath replies, “I’d like that…uh….”

“Bobby,” telling him, “You could call me by my name.” Heath replies, “I’d like that Bobby; don’t know what to say though.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Bobby mentions, “You will, just give it time and I think its best you get inside, I think they expect you for breakfast.”

Nodding his head, getting up and as he is about to leave Bobby calls out, “Oh Heath.”

“Yes Bobby?” Heath replies. Bobby informs him, “I like having you around. Maybe later on if you’re around today, perhaps we could do something, okay?”

Responding, “Okay,” Heath continues on heading for the front door while Bobby heads for the bunkhouse.

Seeing Heath coming up the walk Silas waits for him and upon opening the door bids him goodmorning. Heath in turn replies, “Goodmorning Sir.”

“Did you get enough sleep?” Silas asks of him who replies “Yes, sir.”

“Breakfast won’t be ready for a little while yet,” Silas then suggests to Heath, “And seeing the rest of the family is still asleep yet how about you going up the stairs and getting first bids on the bathroom and get cleaned up and into your clean threads. I have them all laid out for you on your bed,” in a low voice.

Replying, “Yes um,” Heath goes up the stairs and as he is headed for the bathroom he is met and greeted by Audra coming out with her hair up in a towel.

Audra asks him, “Did you sleep well?” Heath replies, “Yes um.”

“Why don’t you go and use the bathroom before anybody else gets to it?” she suggests. Replying, “Yes um,” Heath goes into the bathroom closing the door behind him while Audra continues on down the hall to her room.

Minutes later coming out of the bathroom, Heath goes to his room and seeing the set of clothing lying on his bed starts dressing. Once he’s finished and as he comes down the stairs he is met by Silas who informs him, “Well Mr. Heath, looks like you will be the first one to be at the table. Come with me.”

Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath follows him to the dining room. Reaching the table Silas instructs him to take a seat. “Which one?” he asks. Silas offers him the one he usually sits in and upon replying, “Yes sir,” he takes his seat.

Entering the dining room next all dressed up and her hair still a little wet but brushed out, “My Heath,” Audra calls out, “You are the first one here.”

As he replies, “Yes um,” Audra says, “Well how about if I join you and we wait for the others?” Heath replies, “You could,” and after taking the seat next to him she smiles and says, “I’ll say one thing this morning.”

“What’s that Ma’am?” Heath asks.

“Nick,” Audra informs him, “Won’t have any reason to be yelling and I think he will be just a little surprised to see you already seated.”

Walking in next Victoria greets each of them with a kiss on the top of their heads as she takes her seat noting, “You’re both up early.”

“I couldn’t sleep anymore,” Audra replies, “I was too excited about the train ride that I just had to get up.”

“Heath,” Victoria asks, “What about you? Why are you up so early on a Sunday morning?” “I wake,” Heath responds, “When it’s light out.”

Peering out the window and seeing the sun beginning to rise, “And,” Victoria notes, “I guess it’s light out.”

As Heath replies, “Yes um,” Jarrod is next to stroll into the dining room and as he is taking his seat he greets each of them seated.

Glancing over at Heath, “You’re up early Heath,” Jarrod notes.

“Yes um,” Heath replies again. Audra says “Won’t Nick be surprised.”

Showing a crooked smile “Indeed he will,” Jarrod replies.

Strolling in next Gene says, “Goodmorning Mother,” giving her a kiss on the cheek as he goes to his seat. As Victoria replies, “Goodmorning Gene,” Nick is the last to walk in and is taken back as he sees Heath already seated.

“Goodmorning Nick,” Jarrod replies glancing up at him. Responding, “Morning,” Nick takes his seat across from Heath. Victoria then says, “Goodmorning.”

Nick answers, “Goodmorning Mother.”

“What’s the matter Nick?” Audra asks, “You look like you’re in a state of shock.”

“I am,” Nick admits, “I’m surprised to see Heath already here before the rest of us,” as he stares over at him who in turn returns the stare.

“Figured as much,” Jarrod replies glancing over at Nick who gives him a slight leer, “What’s the matter Nick? Have no reason to yell first thing on a Sunday morning?” showing his crooked smile.

“Stuff it Jarrod,” Nick retorts.

“My, my,” Jarrod continues saying, “A little touchy this morning, are you?”

“Well,” Victoria point out, “He’s here now, that’s all that matters. We have a long day ahead of us.” Jarrod replies, “Indeed we do.”

Walking in with a fresh brewed pot of coffee Silas greets the family.

Victoria tells the family “We will have to cut our time at the table this morning. We need to be getting to town so we could be there before the train is to arrive.”

“That is fine Mother,” Gene says, “We don’t want to be late for the train.”

Victoria asks of Nick, “What do you have planned for today?”

“Not sure yet,” Nick answers, “Haven’t thought that far ahead.”

“Heath,” Victoria then asks, “Would you mind taking us to town?”

As he replies “Yes um” Silas comes in with their breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, slices of ham, toast with a jar of jelly that he places on the table.

“Heath,” Nick then says, “I don’t know if Duke told you or not but tonight you will be working with Barrett on the West Ridge” as they start fixing their plates.

“Nick,” Victoria surprised asks, “You’re having Heath work on Sunday?”

“Until the fence is put up,” Nick explains, “I have three 8 hour shifts riding the West Ridge making sure the cattle don’t get out. When Duke made out the roster he mentioned we were short one so I had him put Heath on it. And Heath doesn’t have anything planned today, right; except taking you into town?”

“Right,” Victoria then says, “I just hope you don’t make a habit of this Nick.”

“It can’t be helped Mother,” Nick mentions.

“Alright for now Nick,” Victoria then says, “But remember when we return you and I will have a long talk.”

While Silas walks out the family says grace and then they start eating. Seeing Heath just sitting there, “Heath,” Victoria tells him, “You better start eating.”

Replying, “Yes um,” Heath picks up his fork and slowly starts eating still looking down at his plate.

The family once again eats in silence with Jarrod constantly keeping his eyes on Nick and Heath as does Audra, Gene and Victoria. As they are finishing Silas brings in more coffee and after filling up their cups walks out.

Shortly thereafter Jarrod asks Heath to come with him to get the buggy hitched up. Replying, “Yes sir,” Heath quickly gets up and follows him out the door.

Victoria then informs Audra and Gene to get ready in which they quickly comply. Nick realizing she wants to talk says, “Mother I take it you are not happy with me this morning.”

“No Nick,” Victoria admits, “I’m not. I haven’t been happy with you yesterday and I am not happy with you now. I didn’t want to say anything in front of Heath but you know I didn’t like the idea of you putting him to work on a Sunday.”

“It couldn’t be helped,” Nick informs her. Victoria then says, “Then, why didn’t you volunteer yourself instead?”

“I didn’t think of it at the time,” Nick admits, “And I thought I was the one running the ranch.”

“Running this ranch,” Victoria says, “That is correct. It’s yours as we both know, but you could’ve either at least thought about volunteering yourself to start with or you could’ve asked him instead of telling him. I do hope that by the time I return you are still not acting the way you are and I also hope that you do keep your word regarding him.” Nick replies, “I said I would.”

Responding, “Well, we’ll see,” Victoria excuses herself from the table leaving only Nick by himself toying with his coffee.

While saddling up Jingo, Jarrod says, “Heath,” who is busy getting the buggy hitched up, “Once we get to town I will need for you to bring Jingo back to the house.” Heath replies, “Yes sir.”

“Don’t worry about anything while we’re gone,” Jarrod informs him, “You should be okay. Nick promised Mother that he will be on his best behavior so he shouldn’t be giving you any trouble.” Heath once again replies, “Yes sir.”

Standing around in the front room holding their suitcases Victoria ponders on whether they have everything they need with them or not. Gene says, “I think we do.” Glancing over at Heath standing in the doorway Victoria hands him her suitcase and asks him to place in the buggy in which he obediently complies.

Shortly thereafter Victoria, Jarrod, Gene and Audra proceed out the door while Nick still seated at the table gets up and heads up the stairs. After everyone is seated in the buggy Heath at Victoria’s request begins driving away. Going past the gate he exits the ranch with Jarrod riding alongside of them.


Arriving at the train station and upon seeing the train already there “Mother” Audra announces “Look the train is here already.” Victoria replies, “I see it dear.”

Watching as the buggy comes to a stop Henry and Carl go to greet Gene who are then introduced to the newest brother Heath. While Jarrod is assisting Victoria out of the buggy Gene boards the train. As Ed approaches he is greeted by Jarrod, Victoria and Audra who in turn says goodmorning to Heath who quietly replies goodmorning back accepting the extended hand from Ed.

Glancing around, “Where is Nettie?” Victoria inquires. Ed replies, “Inside.”

“Are Rosie and Mary on board too?” Audra wanted to know.

“Yes,” Ed replies. She then hears, “We are,” coming from Patty, Rosie and Mary standing in the doorway.

Audra then calls them over and introduces them to Heath. Shortly thereafter she grabs her suitcase and saying a quick goodbye to Heath and Jarrod joins them on the train. Victoria then says to Heath, “Heath, try and get along with Nick, okay?”

As he replies “Yes um” Victoria kisses him on the cheek and walks over to Jarrod.

“Jarrod,” Victoria asks concerned, “You think they’ll be alright?”

Jarrod replies, “They’ll be fine Mother. Nick assured you he’ll be good and who knows maybe with some kind of luck or miracle, he will find it in his heart to accept him.” Sighing, “I do hope you’re right, Jarrod,” Victoria says.

“Me too” Jarrod replies “Let’s just keep praying.”

“I will be doing that from now until I get back,” she mentions.

“Mother” Jarrod says “Let’s not worry about them for right now they’ll be alright. You better get on board.”

Realizing there isn’t any point in worrying about it anymore at the moment she looks back at Heath one last time seated in the driver’s box of the buggy and after taking a deep breath and bidding Ed and Jarrod goodbye she boards the train.

As the train is pulling away, Jarrod goes over to Heath and asks, “You remember the way back right?” Replying, “Yes um,” Jarrod then tells him to head back in which he obediently complies and as he is driving away Ed calls out, “Bye Heath; we’ll be looking forward to seeing more of you.”

Continuing to ride away, “Bye sir,” Heath responds back. As Ed and Jarrod walk over to the awaiting buggy and are climbing in, “Your new brother,” Ed says, “Sure says a lot of sirs and yes’ums and ma’ams.”

“He does,” Jarrod admits, “Perhaps once he’s been with us awhile he’ll ease up and feel more comfortable around us.”

As Ed is taking hold of the reins he asks, “Where is he from?” Pulling away from the station Jarrod answers, “Strawberry.”

“I heard of it,” Ed says “Your father owned the mine there. I remember my father talking about it quite often,” as he heads for the road leading to his ranch.

“He did at that,” Jarrod notes, “And that is how he met Heath’s mother.”

“Nick still hasn’t come to terms with it, I take it,” Ed mentions.

“No,” Jarrod replies as Ed is going up the dirt road, “Not yet. We keep hoping though.” Ed says, “I guess that is all you could do at the moment.”

Jarrod responds, “True,” as he looks at the scenery they come up on.

As the train continues leaving Stockton Nettie is seated next to Laura and Victoria with Audra seated next to Mary, Rosie and Patty while Gene is seated next to Carl and Henry looking out at the various scenery they pass along the way.

Returning to the ranch Heath is met by Nick who is there waiting for him telling him, “Heath, go and unhitch the buggy and then take care of Jarrod’s horse. After that you are free to do whatever until it’s time to go to the West Ridge.”

While Heath replies, “Yes sir,” Nick mounts up on Coco saying, “Remember, I expect you to be there at 3. Barrett will be waiting for you, so that you could go up there together.”

Replying, “Yes sir,” again Heath takes Jingo inside the barn while Nick rides off.

While Heath is in the barn taking care of Jingo putting everything where it needs to go Bobby walks in and upon seeing him unhitching the buggy greets him who in turn looks up and returns the greeting. Bobby then asks, “What you doing?”

“Unhitching the buggy,” Heath answers. Bobby asks, “Where did Nick go?”

“Don’t know,” Heath replies, “Got on horse and left.”

“What else are you doing?” Bobby wanted to know.

“Going to West Ridge with Barrett,” Heath informs him.

“That won’t be until 3:00,” Bobby mentions, “What are you doing now?”

“Don’t know,” Heath replies shrugging his shoulders.

“Come with me then,” Bobby suggests, “I could show you some areas of the valley that you probably didn’t see yet.”

“Don’t know if it’s okay to do,” Heath mentions. Bobby asks, “How come?”

Grimacing “Don’t know,” Heath replies.

“Heath,” Bobby says, “This is Sunday. You don’t have anything planned right now your family went off and won’t be back for a few days and Nick left you flat.”

“Don’t know,” Heath replies again.

“What’s the matter?” Bobby asks, “Don’t you want to do something fun?”

“Fun?” Heath mimics. Bobby replies, “Yes fun. There’s nothing wrong with having a fun Heath.” Swallowing hard, “What about,” Heath says and then stops.

“Nick?” Bobby finishes the sentence asks. Nodding his head, “He may not like it,” Heath informs him.

“Perhaps,” Bobby asks, “Did he say you couldn’t have any fun?” Heath replies, “No.” Bobby inquires, “Did he say anything at all?”

“Said I am free,” Heath replies, “To do whatever until it’s time to go to the West Ridge with Barrett.”

“Then,” Bobby says, “That means you could come with me. You don’t have to be there until 3 and I will make sure you are back long before then. Come on Heath, it’s better than hanging around doing nothing. I assure you it will be okay.”

Pondering the thought and looking at Bobby studying him for a moment and then scanning around the perimeter of the barn he asks, “You sure?” grimacing again, “I’m not sure about this,” he mentions.

“Well I do” Bobby says “Here, I’ll help you” and helping Heath they get the buggy unhitched and Gal saddled. After mounting up their horses they ride off together.


Arriving at the Sempleworth ranch the two wagons loaded up, Jarrod and Ed occupy one of the wagons while Bill and Kenny occupy the second. Grabbing the reins both Ed and Bill do the driving away from the ranch and heading out. Watching from the doorway Chrissy and Jean stand there waving to them as they go up the road and once they are no longer in sight they go back inside closing the door behind them.

Meanwhile Nick stops off at Harry’s Saloon and upon grabbing a beer he catches sight of a card game in progress with one of them looking over asking, “Would you like to join us?” motioning him on.

Grinning, “I would indeed,” Nick replies joining the game and throwing in a couple coins into the center.

“I don’t see you that often in here on a Sunday morning,” one of them notes.

“Yeah,” another one mentions, “You’re usually home with the family or off to church.”

“Well today” Nick says “The family is gone and won’t be back for a few days so I thought I’d do something different than what we usually do on a Sunday morning.”

“I guess so,” a third player at the table retorts.

Riding around Bobby shows Heath various back hills of the valley closest to the ranch. Reaching the top of the surrounding forest and probing it with his brown eyes and dark hair swaying Bobby turns his head and asks, “What do you think?”

Observing from atop of Gal, “A lot of land,” Heath states.

“It sure is,” Bobby then asks, “Is there a lot of land where you came from?”

“Guess you could say that,” Heath notes. Bobby then asks, “How do you like what you see thus far?” Heath replies, “Fine.”

Bobby then suggests, “How about we walk around a bit and stretch our legs?”

Replying, “Yeah okay,” Heath follows his lead, dismounts and begins walking around the nearby trees.

Making conversation Bobby asks him questions about the Barkley family. As he tries asking about Nick he notices Heath turning away and looking towards the nearby trees and surmises, “I take it you’re not crazy about him,” watching as Heath still doesn’t answer he then asks, “What about Duke?”

“He I like,” Heath answers without hesitation. Bobby says, “I must admit I like working with him myself; where you from?” Heath answers, “Strawberry.”

“I remember you mentioning that the first day you arrived,” Bobby says thinking back to his coming in the bunkhouse for the first time, “Where is that exactly?”

“Up in Stanislaus County,” Heath mentions. Bobby asks, “Is it anything like Stockton?” Heath answers, “Some, but not too,” as they move about and look around the nearest undergrowth.

Reaching a line of trees Heath glances over his shoulder and sees Gal next to Bobby’s steed. The vegetation on the other side of the forest is somewhat dense. Pushing themselves through it they go on the other side of it. Catching sight of two chickadees nearby and a couple flies buzzing about their heads Heath smiles up at the birds. Noticing, “You like birds?” Bobby asks of him.

Replying, “I do,” Heath and Bobby continue walking about and reaching a towering Northern Red Oak tree they stare up at the branches above their heads. Then continuing on they stop at the edge of a cleared field bordering a stream.

Calling out to Heath, “Heath,” Bobby says, “How about we take our boots and socks off and go wading around the water? I use to do it a lot when I was younger and back home and thought we could do that now. That is if you like?”

“Don’t know,” Heath replies.

“Come on Heath,” Bobby says, “It’ll be fun. Something different for you to do; it’s not too deep. It only comes up to your ankles or just a little past that.”

Studying Bobby for a moment, “I’ll try it,” Heath replies, “If it’s okay.”

“Of course it’s okay,” Bobby tells him, “Just for a few minutes and then we will head back, alright?” Replying, “Alright,” Heath and Bobby remove their boots and socks and then after instructing Heath to roll up the bottom of his pant legs up close to his knees they go over to the stream and after placing their big toe in which at first is cold. Removing their foot, “A little cold, huh?” Bobby says.

Glancing over at Bobby, “A little,” Heath answers and trying again they put their toe followed by their foot into the water and then slowly start wading around.

As they wade about their feet go over small pebbles, rocks, broken twigs that happen to be there and as they continue going up the stream they catch sight of small animals such as fish swimming about and frogs that are sitting there hopping from one side to the other.

“Look at that,” Heath calls out. Looking, “That’s a bull frog,” Bobby points out.

Smiling “Has big eyes too,” Heath notes. Returning the smile, “Better to see you with,” Bobby quips. Heath says, “Maybe.” Bobby asks, “Have you ever had one before?” Heath answers, “I picked them up but not had one as in pet.”

Grabbing hold of it, “Now,” Bobby says, “He could see you much clearer.” As Heath is petting it, “Would you like to take it back with you?”

Shaking his head, “Nah,” Heath replies. Catching sight of another little animal, “Oh look,” Bobby calls out, “Isn’t he cute?”

Coming up on a turtle, “Not bad” Heath replies.

Picking up the turtle Bobby hands it off to Heath who puts the bullfrog down and takes hold of the turtle and while holding it he looks at it and smiles as he pets the bottom of its belly, “Soft,” he notes.

Bobby replies, “That it is,” as he and Heath go about the water again for about ah hour or so and coming up on a toad Heath puts the turtle down and takes the toad that Bobby hands him.

“Nice,” Heath states as he looks and pets him. As they resume their wading Heath puts the toad back down and watches as it hops away. Noticing the time Bobby suggests, “We better be heading back. I don’t want you to be late. Nick may not like it and I don’t want you to get into trouble with him.”

“I try to be good,” Heath tells him. Placing his hand on his shoulder, “I know,” Bobby replies, “Come on,” and leaving the stream they retrieve their belongs and unrolling the bottom of their pant legs they go back up the hill wiping off the excess dirt from their pants and after Bobby takes a sip from his canteen he hands it off to Heath to drink who asks, “It’s okay?”

“Of course it’s okay,” Bobby replies and upon taking it from him Heath graciously accepts and once he’s taken a satisfying mouthful hands the canteen back to Bobby thanking him again who says, “Don’t mention it.”

As they mount their steeds, “Bobby,” Heath calls out, “You okay.”

Smiling back at him, “You’re not so bad yourself Heath,” Bobby comments as they start back for the ranch. Bobby then says, “Oh, maybe some weekend when you’re free maybe we could do some camping up here or perhaps maybe you’d like to accompany me and some of the men to town, join us in a drink and maybe play some cards. You play cards, right? I remember you saying that.”

“I do yes,” Heath replies. Bobby tells him, “We’ll see what happens” as they continue moving Heath replies, “Okay.”

Returning from their afternoon outing and catching up with Barrett waiting for him Heath goes heading for town.

Arriving at the West Ridge Barrett relieves Chad and Davy who are there patrolling the area and upon asking how everything was, Chad mentions, “Everything is fine. Nothing got out.”

“So far so good,” Barrett replies, “Hope it remains that way,” and upon bidding them goodbye he turns and says to Heath, “Well, here we are. Just you and I. This should be a long fun evening; I guess we make the best of it. What do you say?”

“Not know,” Heath replies. Barrett then tells him, “You certainly talk funny.” Heath replies, “Yes um.”

Squinting from the glare of the sun attacking one of his eyes and upon looking over at Heath, “Tell me,” Barrett inquires, “How is it feel to be a bastard?”

Shrugging his shoulders, “Don’t know,” Heath replies, “Never been anything but.”

Goading him “Is that right?” Barrett asks. Heath once again replies, “Yes um.”

“I guess so,” Barrett then says, “I heard you were the Barkley’s bastard son, is that right?” Heath replies, “It is.”

“How are they treating you up in that big fancy house of theirs?” Barrett inquires.

“Um,” Heath replies, “Fine.” Barrett asks, “What about Ol’ Nick?”

“Fine,” Heath replies.

Watching Heath turn away, “Yes,” Barrett says, “I could see how you would feel about him. He knows how it is.” Heath replies, “He does.”

“Do you ever notice the B brand they have on the cattle?” Barrett brings up.

“I have,” Heath answers. Barrett says, “It fits you.” Heath asks, “It does?”

“Yes,” Barrett replies, “B could stand for Barkley or it could stand for Bastard. Did you know that?” Heath admits, “I did.”

“How come you don’t get riled up or something?” Barrett inquires.

“Riled up?” Heath mimics.

“Doesn’t that bother you?” Barrett asks “Being called Bastard or referred as one?”

“Get use to it,” Heath states “Always’ been one so not much to do about it.”

Replying “I guess so,” Barrett then suggests they split up and start checking on the herd with Heath replying, “Yes sir,” and following his orders goes towards one side of the ridge while Barrett takes the other. After checking on it and meeting back up, “Did any get out?” Barrett asks. Heath replies “Don’t see any.”

“Well,” Barrett says, “Double check. Nick won’t like it if any get out.”

Replying, “Yes um,” Heath resumes checking on the cattle once more.


Gulping down a mug of beer at Harry’s Saloon Nick is still in the midst of the poker game with his saloon buddies. One of the men at the table says “Alright call” to another.

Displaying his hand “A straight flush” the second man replies “Beat that” showing a king, queen, jack, ten and a nine of diamonds.

As the second man reaches out for his winnings from the center, “Not so fast Herbie,” Nick calls out smiling, “A royal flush,” displays an Ace, King, Queen, Jack and ten of hearts, “Eat your hearts out boys,” raking the money towards him, “This belongs to me,” holding a cigar in his left hand as well while grinning from ear to ear saying to one of the men, “Your deal Jack.”

Retorting, “Thanks Nick,” Jack says, “You’re all heart,” as he reaches for the deck.

“I have to agree with that hand I just had,” Nick replies stretching his arms out and back, “Yes sir, this is the life,” while Jack shuffles the cards.

“Are you enjoying all this Nick?” another man at the table asks.

“Immensely,” Nick comments, “Haven’t done this kind of thing on a Sunday in quite some time,” placing two coins in the center, “It’s been long over due,” chuckling and gulping down another mug of beer.

“While the cat’s away,” Jack replies, “The mice will play,” dealing the cards out, “Isn’t that right?” he asks.

“Something like that” Nick says “I am free now and want to really enjoy myself.”

“We heard about your new brother,” the third man at the table says.

“He’s not any brother of mine,” Nick snaps.

“That’s why you’re avoiding the ranch,” the third man states, “Right now.”

“That is not true,” Nick replies.

“That is not what we heard,” the third man says.

“How long,” Herbie asks, “Are you planning on remaining in town for then?”

Shrugging his shoulders, “Until I’ve had enough,” he says, “Or until I clean you fellas out whichever should come first.”

“Well” the third man replies “I hope you don’t clean me out. I’d like to win a few.”

“Maybe I’ll go,” Nick says, “See what else there is to do on a Sunday night in town. I’ve been a little out of touch around here.”

“Not that out of touch Nick,” Herbie quips.

“True,” Nick replies.

Meeting up with Heath on the West Ridge and after checking on the status of the cattle and seeing none got out Barrett decides it’s time they stop to have some grub. Watching as Heath goes over to his saddlebag Barrett is surprised when he sees that he grabs only his canteen and an apple and as they sit together to eat their dinner, “Is that all you have to eat?” he asks.

“It is,” Heath answers.

While eating a bite of his sandwich, “Is that going to fill you up?” Barrett inquires.

“Don’t know,” Heath replies.

“I would give you some of what I brought,” Barrett states, “But I only brought enough for me. So tell me more about what it is to be a bastard.”

“You ask and I tell,” Heath replies. Chuckling, “Is that right?” Barrett asks.

“Yes um,” Heath replies. Barrett says, “I’ll say one thing for you, you may be a bastard but you’re a funny one. I don’t think I ever met one quite like you before you must be one of a kind.” Heath replies, “Yes um, I am a kind.”

Raising an eyebrow, “I guess so,” Barrett retorts, “And you sure do have a hang up on those yes’ums, don’t you?” Heath replies, “Don’t know.”

“Well you seem to” Barrett then feeling a little guilty of what he has compared to what Heath is having says “Here, Ba…” then rephrasing himself “Heath, take this.”

“It’s yours,” Heath balks. Barrett says “It is, but here” handing him half “Take it.”

Reaching for it hesitantly “It’s okay to?” Heath asks. Barrett replies, “Yes, take it.”

Taking it and after thanking him Heath asks, “What do you want for it?”

Replying, “Nothing,” Barrett then says, “On second thought, do you have anymore applies?” Heath replies, “I do.” Barrett says, “I’ll take one of those as an even exchange.”

Replying, “Sure,” Heath gets up and retrieves an apple from his saddlebag and hands it to him. Taking it from him Barrett thanks him and tells him, “Now we could call this a fair trade.” Once again Heath answers, “Yes um.”

As they continue eating their lunches, “Oh,” Barrett informs him, “Next time we shall work together again be sure to bring something more than just an apple. Apples are good but it won’t fill you up and you do need to eat more to keep your energy going.” Replying, “Yes um,” Heath takes another bite of his half sandwich.

Trying to make conversation Barrett asks Heath what they could talk about to which he responds, “Not know.” Then thinking he asks him about his family outside the Barkleys, to which me mentions Uncle Matt, Aunt Martha, Aunt Rachel and Hannah. They then talk a little about Strawberry. When Barrett inquires about the population there Heath replies, “Not too many.”

Barrett then says, “It must’ve died down when the mining up that way stopped. I believe it was big at one time.” Heath answers, “It was.”

“I heard some talk about Strawberry mostly from your father on occasion but,” he then asks, “Did you ever work in the mines when it was booming?”

“I did,” Heath replies. Barrett asks, “What was that like?” Heath answers, “Not know. Never thought; just did.”

“How old were you when you worked in the mines?” Barrett inquires.

As Heath answers, “Six,” Barrett not sure he heard him right asks, “Six? You worked in the mines when you were six years old?” Heath states, “I did.”

“Your mother let you work in it?” Barrett wanted to know. Heath answers, “No, uncle did.” Barrett says, “May I ask why he would want you working in a mine?”

“Money,” Heath replies, “Money for doing it.”

“Didn’t you go to school?” Barrett wanted to know. Heath replies, “I did.”

“Then how is it you worked in the mines?” Barrett inquires, “While going to school.” Heath answers, “No more school. Worked.”

“So you stopped going to school,” Barrett reiterates, “So that you could work inside the mines?” As Heath replies, “Yes um,” Barrett asks, “Didn’t your mother say anything?” Heath answers, “No. My kind don’t need school.”

“Is that right?” Barrett inquires. Heath replies, “It is.”

“I see,” Barrett then asks, “Is your uncle your father’s brother or your mother’s?”

“Mama,” Heath replies. Barrett asks, “Are you pulling my leg? Did you really work in the mines?” Looking at Barrett “I did,” Heath states.
