Conclusion 2

One Month Later

  “I still can’t believe it.” Oscar said as they left the cemetery. “He walked with his arm around Jaime. “This has to be especially hard on you.”

“It is Oscar. It’s very hard. First of all Steve just vanishes, then I lose three children before we finally had Chip. Then I lose my husband.”

“I understand.” Oscar continued to hold her. “I appreciate your letting us bury Steve next to Rudy. I’m sure they both would have wanted it that way.” Oscar added.

“I’m sure they would too. I was so happy when Steve showed back up. I really didn’t care where he had been.” Jaime started crying. I was devastated when I lost Rudy, but then Steve returned …”

“Then the trial…” Oscar finished.

“Oh Oscar the past three months have be horrible.”

“I know that.” Oscar started to open the car door for her. “Too bad Chip couldn’t have gotten away.”

“He’s so busy with school.” Jaime sniffed.

They were just getting ready to pull away from the curb when Chip’s car pulled up beside them. “Please tell me you just got here.”

“Actually we were…” Oscar started

“We just got here Chip.” Jaime interrupted. The three of them headed back into the cemetery.

“I still say Steve didn’t get a fair trial.” Chip tried to hold back his anger. “I heard the lawyer who defended him was disbarred.”

Oscar nodded. “If everything hadn’t moved so fast Steve could have appealed.

“I think he could have won too.” Jaime sobbed.

“Same here.” Oscar also wept.

“Well he said after regaining his composure “It’s over with now. We can’t go back and change a thing.”


Rudy came out of the room closing the door behind him

“How is he Rudy?” Oscar asked moving closer.

“He’s going to be all right Oscar. You can come in if you want.”

Oscar followed Rudy into the room. “What do you suppose happened?”

“I’m not sure. My hunch is that he sustained a head injury during that earthquake we had.” Rudy surmised.

“If he would have stayed with us…” Oscar began.

“Let’s not go into that Oscar. Steve is going to be just fine. Although he is still unconscious.”

“Still?” Oscar quizzed.

“Don’t worry, he’s coming out of it. He had a pretty bad concussion “ Rudy reminded.

“I realize that.” In the bed Steve began to stir. Rudy moved closer to him.

“Steve?” He called out.

Steve slowly opened his eyes. “Rudy?” He asked.

“Yea Steve. Just lie still.”

Steve stated at him for several minutes. “You’re alive?”

“Of course I am.”

“You’re not married to Jaime?”

“Me? Married to Jaime?” Rudy looked up at Oscar who was staring at him.

‘What’s he talking about?”

“I don’t’ have a clue.” Rudy was perplexed.

“Steve listen you were hurt…”


“Yes we had an earthquake.” Rudy explained to him

“Earthquake?” Steve repeated.

Rudy nodded. “We started searching for you as soon as it ended. Like I said it was very small.”

Steve sat up and stared at Rudy and Oscar.

“You had us pretty worried pal.” Oscar stated. “You were unconscious when we found you.”

Steve tried to remember what had happened.

“You must have been going into that cave before it fell in. One of the rocks must have hit you in the head.” Rudy tried to make sense of what had happened.

“I’m sorry Rudy. I don’t remember any of it.” Steve laid back on the pillow.

“Well I guess that’s not important. What do you remember?”

Steve closed his eyes in deep thought. “I had to get away for just a little while. I don’t know I was looking so forward to the picnic but once I got there I just wanted to be alone.”

“Do you remember what happened after you left.” Rudy kept questioning.

Steve continued to think. “I walked through the woods. I was going to come right back. I saw the cave and….”

“And what?” Rudy pressed.

“I do remember the ground started to shake. I thought I better get back…that’s the last I remember Rudy, that is till I woke up here. Where are we by the way?”

“The air base hospital. We brought you here as soon as we found you.” Oscar interrupted.

Steve turned to him “You said we had an earthquake. Are the rest ok? I mean mom, dad?”

“Everyone is fine. As Rudy said you were the only casualty “ Oscar explained.

“Well that’s good. Where is everybody?” Steve wondered.

“Just outside.” Rudy told him.

“Is Jaime there?” Steve pressed

“She sure is. She is very worried about you. Now what’s all this about the two of us being married?”

“Steve proceeded to tell them what he had dreamt

“That was some dream Steve.” Oscar whistled.

“Yea just a dream.” Steve closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

“Come on Oscar let him rest.” He and Rudy stepped out of the room where Helen, Jim and the rest of Steve’s family pounced.

“Is he all right Rudy?” Jaime asked.

“He’s tough. He’ll be just fine.” Rudy told her.

“Well that’s good.” Helen sighed relief. “You’re sure?”

“I’m sure Helen.” Rudy assured.

“When will he be ready to go back to Washington?” Oscar wondered.

“In a few days.” Rudy rolled his eyes in disbelief.

“I’m sorry Rudy. I don’t mean to seem crass I just wondered when he would be strong enough to make the trip.”

“Give it a couple of days Oscar.” Rudy sighed.


Three days later Rudy gave Steve the all clear to leave the hospital. “I want you to take it easy for at least another 24 hours Steve. Then you can go back to work.”

“Thanks Rudy I appreciate everything.” Steve told him. “I think I’m going to hang around here. Then I’ll head back to DC. I want to spend a little time with Jaime.”

“After that dream you had I’m surprised you don’t come at me with both fists swinging.” Rudy laughed.

“Trust me I would have if I would have been myself. I didn’t even know where I was when I woke up.”

“You don’t have that trouble now do you?” Rudy sounded concerned.

“No Rudy. I feel great.”

“Well that’s good. I’ll see you back in Washington. Oscar’s and my flight takes off at 2:00. I suggest you fly commercial also. At least this time.”

“I understand. I will.” Steve promised.

Steve left the hospital. Jaime was waiting for him just outside. “You feeling better?” She asked.

“Much, now that I know you and Rudy aren’t married.”

“Imagine, me married to Rudy? I wonder what brought that on.”

“I have no idea, but see that it doesn’t happen ok?”

“It won’t.” Jaime assured.

They spent the afternoon together before heading back to Steve’s house. The phone was ringing the minute they walked through the door.

“Yes Oscar.” Steve said as he picked up the phone.

“Steve we have trouble. You need to get back here. Rudy says you’re ready.”

“I’m on my way.” He hung up and turned to Jaime. “Well duty calls.”

”I was hoping to spend more time together….”

“Yea so was I. Want to give me a ride to the airport?”

“I suppose.” They got in her car and Jaime drove him to the airport.


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