
After he left the OSI parking lot Steve drove to the Soviet Embassy. He pulled up to the gate and flashed his ID, “I want to see who ever is in charge.” He demanded.

“What is this in regards to?” the guard asked him.

“I have some information you may find interesting.” Steve showed him the file for the energy source project.

The guard looked at it. He recognized it right away. “You may go on in.” The guard stated.

‘I thought as much.’ Steve thought.

As soon as Steve’s car pulled into the parking lot, the guard called Ivan’s office.

“Yes what is it?” He was annoyed at being interrupted.

“There is a Col. Austin from the OSI on his way in.” The guard informed him. “And just for the record he has the file on the energy source project with him.”

“This is an interesting development.” Ivan smiled at Boris.

They greeted Steve at the main entrance. “What brings you here Col. Austin?” Boris greeted.

“I have something you want.” Again Steve held up the file.

“We are interested in this new energy source you and Dr. Wells have…”

“Wells had nothing to do with it!” Steve shouted. “This project is mine!”

“I see.” Boris turned to Ivan and shrugged.

“Wells is trying to lay claim to it. He’s billing it at his project.” Steve answered their unspoken question.

“I think I understand.” Ivan hesitated. “Let’s go to my office shall we?”

Steve followed Boris and Ivan to Ivan’s office.

“It’s like this.” Steve began once they were seated. “This project is my baby. I’m the one who came up with the idea. Now Wells wants the credit for it. He actually told Goldman the idea was his and his alone.”

“I understand now.” Boris smiled.

“I don’t know if you do. I’ve heard you are very interested in the project. You kidnapped my son; you even committed murder to get your hands on it.

He looked at the puzzled expressions on their faces.

“Don’t deny it. They found the body of the real Amanda King this morning. I’m sure the woman who says she is Amanda is one of your people.”

“That would be true.” Ivan admitted. “I’m terribly sorry for taking your son. We thought…”

“I know what you thought. As much as it goes against everything I believe in I want to trade sides. I feel you will give me the credit I deserve.”

“We will have to consider your proposal.” Ivan stood to leave. “Come Boris we must discuss this with the director.”

The two men left the room. Steve wanted to call Oscar and tell him all was going according to plan, but he was afraid the phones would be bugged. He moved around the office and scanned the faux file once again He wanted to make sure that anything they read was totally false and that they would not be able to figure the project out at all.


In Oscar’s office Oscar and Rudy were doing their own pacing. “I just hope he hasn’t done what I think he’s done.” Oscar broke the silence.

Rudy gave a nod toward the door that separated his inner office from the reception area. Oscar took the clue and began speaking louder so their conversation could be heard. It sounded as if he were yelling at Rudy.

“You don’t think he took the project to the other side do you?” Oscar kept his eyes on the door.

“I wouldn’t blame him if he did. Look what’s happened so far. Rob was kidnapped, Russ was shot.” Rudy also directed his conversation toward the door. “I’m sure he thinks he made the right choice to turn it over to them.”

They made their way across the office still yelling. Oscar flung the door open and Fayina stood just on the other side.

“Yes Amanda” Oscar spat.

“I’m sorry sir. I was just coming to see if I could get you anything.”

“A reliable agent would be good for starters.” Oscar snapped.

“Excuse me?” Fayina asked.

“Never mind not your concern” Oscar and Rudy stepped out into the hall They walked down to Rudy’s office where they were able to view Oscar’s entire office on the closed circuit TV Steve had insisted they have installed for security. It worked the opposite too. You could view Rudy’s office from Oscar’s office.

Sure enough Fayina picked up the phone and quickly dialed her comrades in the Soviet Embassy. “Col. Austin has left the OSI.” She confirmed.

“Really, that is very interesting.” Ivan smiled at Boris. “We were just about to call you to confirm this.”

“Then I saved you the trouble.” Fayina laughed.

Oscar and Rudy sat watching and listening to the conversation in Rudy’s office. “You were right Rudy. Steve obviously wants them to think he’s switched to their side. I better call Hanson and forewarn him.”

Oscar stood to leave. “You better do it from here, better yet go see Hanson in person.” Rudy suggested.

“Good idea Rudy. I forgot about our informant.” Oscar muttered.

How could you have forgotten?” Rudy wondered.

“I have a lot on my mind. If anyone needs me I’ll be at the NSB. As far as our informant is concerned I’m there discussing Steve defecting to the other side.”

“I’ll try to act upset.” Rudy ‘put on’ a somber face.

“I’ll be back in an hour or so.” Oscar left and headed for the NSB.


Back at the Soviet Embassy Ivan and Boris entered Ivan’s office where they had left Steve. “It’s about time!” Steve shouted. “I was getting ready to give up. Maybe someone else would like my project and my knowledge…”

“Don’t be so upset Col. Austin. We were just confirming that you did indeed leave the OSI.” Boris calmed.

“And what did you find out.” Steve only hoped Oscar and Rudy had been convincing enough.

“Welcome to the KGB.” Ivan stretched out his arms…

“I’m glad to see my talents won’t be wasted anymore.” Steve smiled.

“True, but first we must test your loyalty.” Ivan smiled.

“How’s that.” Steve was afraid he knew the answer he knew full well of the KGB and their methods to get you to do what they wanted.

“Just relax Col. Austin. We will let you know in time. In the mean time just sit back and enjoy our hospitality.”


Before going to the NSB Oscar stopped by Steve’s house to inform Jaime of what was going on. Fearing the house may be bugged by the Soviets Oscar spoke to Jaime so only she could here.

After they had sat in ‘silence’ for several minutes Oscar spoke aloud. “I don’t know how to tell you this Jaime. But it looks as if Steve has gone to work for the other side.”

“I know he has.” Jaime played along. “He’s very upset.”

“Do you know what he’s so upset about? Maybe we could remedy the situation.” Oscar was having trouble keeping a straight face.

“I don’t think so…” Jaime bluffed.

In a house across the street a tape recorder picked up the entire conversation.

After leaving Steve’s house Oscar made his way to the NSB He called ahead on his car phone to alert Hanson as to the conversation they were to have. Just in case the Soviets had a spy there as well.

It took a lot of convincing on Oscar’s part but he finally managed to convince him Steve hadn’t really defected.


In his room at the Embassy Steve was sitting in a chair waiting instruction on his first ‘assignment’ when the door flew open.

“Col Austin, please come with me.” Boris motioned.

Fearing the worst Steve followed. ‘Maybe this wasn’t such a hot idea after all.’ Steve thought as they went back into Ivan’s office.

“I want you to listen to something Mr. Austin.” Ivan sat behind his desk.

“Yea, what’s that?” Steve truly wondered.

Ivan played him the conversations between Oscar and Jaime.

‘Boy! These guys get around.’ Steve thought.

“Do you know what this means?” Boris asked.

“I’m an official member of your little club.” Steve smiled.

“Not quite yet. There is still one test left.” Ivan smiled.

“What would that be?” Steve wondered.

“We want you to kill someone for us. That within itself will prove your loyalty.”

“Who do you want killed?” Steve wondered.

“Here is his picture and file.” Boris handed him a folder. “It needs to be done before midnight tonight.”

“I understand.” Steve opened the file Oscar’s face stared up at him…

“I don’t like it Oscar.” Hanson said when Oscar was seated across from him “I don’t like it at all.”

“You’re telling me you don’t trust Steve?” Oscar demanded.

“No that’s not it.. I don’t trust the Soviets. They could…”

“I know. I’ve thought about that. But I trust Steve’s judgment.” Oscar sighed.

“Then I’ll just have to take your word for it.” Hanson stood, he reached his hand across the desk and Oscar took it.

“Thanks for meeting with me.” Oscar replied.

“Let me know if there is anything I can do.” Hanson called as Oscar stepped through the door.

Oscar gave him a final wave and stepped out into the hall. Rudy was waiting for him. “I thought it would be safer to talk here. We swept Steve and Jaime’s house …”


“Just what you suspected it’s bugged. I told Jaime I’d pick Rob up from school and explain everything to him.”

“Yea we don’t want them to slip.” Oscar pushed the button to call the elevator. “Hanson is ok with everything …for the moment anyway.”

“Well that’s good. What do you suppose they will have Steve do?” Rudy wondered.

Oscar shrugged. “I don’t know…”

“What’s bothering you?” Rudy wondered

“Something Hanson said. As much as we trust Steve I have a hard time trusting the Soviets. They could do things to him to get him to reveal things he doesn’t want to.”

“I thought about that. You’re saying they could brainwash him.”

“At least one of us has the guts to say it. Yea that’s what I’m afraid of. I never thought of that when Steve jumped into this head first.”

“I bet Steve never thought about it either.” Rudy sighed. By now the elevator had reached to main floor of the NSB building and they stepped off.


Steve continued to stare at the photo of Oscar’s somber facer staring up at him. “Why do you want Goldman dead?”

“Do you have a problem killing him?” Boris’ expression told Steve all he needed to know. This was the loyalty test they had spoken about. If he killed Oscar that would prove he was really ready to give up the OSI.

“No of course I don’t. But he’s not going to be an easy man to kill. He has a lot of security around him all the time.”

Boris and Ivan gave him a skeptical look.

“He does!” Steve roared “I worked for him for years. I know his security. The public can’t see it. Just like we don’t see the secret Service, but we know they are there. So you see I won’t be able to kill him before midnight tonight.”

Ivan and Boris nodded. “Ok we understand. How long do you think it will take?”

Steve thought for a moment he had to first get word to Oscar that his first mission was to kill him. He also knew about the stoolie they had in Oscar’s office. He wouldn’t be able to walk into Oscar’s office and just talk to him. “I’d say at least three days. More than likely four he’s not going to trust me now. I’m sure he knows I’m here.”

The two men nodded.

“You see He won’t trust me. I’ll need to arrange some sort of meeting away from the OSI” Steve explained.

“But if he won’t trust you…” Ivan questioned.

“You let me deal with that. But in the mean time there is another project I’ve been working on. I meant to bring it. I could go tonight and get it.”

“I don’t know it could be too risky.” Boris warned.

“I know the security system besides they aren’t going to think I’d dare go back there tonight.”

“Alright then’ Ivan reluctantly agreed.

“Good then I’ll go tonight.” Steve had it all planned. He had to meet with Oscar or at least give him some sort of warning that the Soviets had a contract out on him.”

“Boris will drive you. I’m sorry Co. Austin. I don’t trust you at all just yet. I won’t until you have killed Oscar Goldman.”


“Oscar and Rudy drove back to the OSI. “Did Col Austin call by any chance? Oscar asked Fayina.

“Not since he left here Mr. Goldman.” Fayina smiled.

“I was kind of hoping he had changed his mind.” Oscar smiled. “Well come on Rudy I better put out an APB. He does have classified material on him. He’s gone to the Soviets he needs to be arrested for treason.” They stepped into Oscar’s office and continued talking, hoping there words were being heard by the woman in Oscar’s reception area.

“Are you going to call Hanson?” Rudy asked.

“I suppose I’m going to have to.” Oscar sighted. “I was hoping he had come back with the file on the Energy source project.

“Can’t you give him another day?” Rudy tried to defend.

After much thought Oscar finally agreed “I’m headed home can I give you a lift?”

“No I’m not ready to leave just yet I have some work to do. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Rudy stepped out into Oscar’s reception area. “Good night Amanda.”

“Yes, Dr. Wells have a nice evening…’

Oscar soon stepped out as well. “You can go Amanda I’m finished for the night.”

“You’re sure there’s noting more I can do for you?” Fayina smiled.

‘Yea you can get the hell out of my office.’ Oscar thought “no nothing else.” He faked a smile then left the room.

As soon as he left Fayina called the Embassy again. “Mr. Goldman has gone for the evening” she reported.

“That’s fine. Fayina hang around for another hour or so, see if he comes back.” Ivan told her.

“How much longer do I have to keep this up?” Fayina snorted.

“I don’t know, we may keep this up even after Callahan returns. We could arrange for her to have an accident, and who would replace her?”

“I suppose that would be me, but what if they catch on?” Fayina wondered

“They won’t figure it out, they are way too stupid.” Ivan laughed.

An hour or so later as Rudy left his office he saw ‘Amanda’ leaving Oscar’s office. He quickly glanced at his watch then made a mental note to himself to tell Oscar what time she had left.


Later that night Boris pulled up to the curb across the street from the OSI. “Ok Steve you have exactly five minutes.”

“I won’t need that long.” Steve slipped out of the car. Of course they had no idea Steve was bionic. As soon as he was out of sight of Boris’ car he went at top speed. He slipped past the guards who he was sure would be looking for him.

It was quiet as he crept down the hall. He didn’t go into Oscar’s office rather he went into Rudy’s He wanted to leave a note and didn’t want the Soviet secretary to discover it before Oscar.

Steve walked over to Rudy’s desk and scrawled a quick note

‘Tell Oscar I need to meet with him tomorrow afternoon 2:00 at the Mall. If I’m not there by three tell him to leave.’ He left it where he knew Rudy would be sure to find it then ran back out to the car where Boris was waiting.

“Just a little under four minutes I like that. Where’s the file?”

“Let’s get out of here and fast!” Steve bluffed.

“Why what’s wrong?”

“I had a reception committee.” Steve lied.

“A what?” Boris was not familiar with the term.

“Someone was waiting for me. I’m not surprised. I’m surprised I got in at all.” Steve sighed.

Boris screeched his tires and they took off.

“You said you were going after a file. Where is?” Ivan demanded when Steve showed up empty handed.

Like I told him they were expecting me.” Steve slumped down in a chair hoping Rudy would see the note and pass it to Oscar with out Callahan’s replacement seeing him do it. He also had to think of a way to get out of the embassy for a short period of time so he could make his meeting with Oscar.

“They’re on to you; does this mean they don’t trust you?”

“Steve nodded. “That’s about it.”


The next day Rudy saw the note the minute he arrived and called Oscar down to his office to give it to him.

“What do you suppose this is all about?” Oscar wondered.

“I don’t know but if I were you I wouldn’t miss the meeting.” Rudy cautioned.

“I plan not to.” Oscar folded the note and stuck it in his breast pocket then headed back for his own office.

At about 1:50 Steve glanced at the clock. ‘I better come up with something.’ He turned to Boris who had become his personal escort “I need to use the restroom” He stated .

Boris led him down the hall “Ok I’ll be right here. Knock when you’re ready.”

“Yea right” Steve slipped inside the bathroom then the out the window He was only a block away from the mall so he knew he would make it with no problem. He jumped out the window and then headed for the mall.

Oscar was waiting on a park bench when he arrived

“I only have a minute.” He whispered. “I got my first assignment from Ivan.”

“What is that?” Oscar asked.

“I’m supposed to kill you. So in the next few days I’ll contact you for another meeting where I’m supposed to kill you. I’ll try to meet with you before then so we can come up with something. Steve thought for a moment “Watch the classified ads.” Steve quickly wrote down what add he would place and handed it to Oscar. “Look for this ad in the next two days. I’m trying to stall them on killing you.” He also handed him another slip of paper. “Just more information look I have to get back.”

Oscar watched as Steve headed back toward the Soviet Embassy. “I don’t know if this is all worth it pal.” Oscar muttered.

Back at the embassy Steve climbed back in the window only to come face to face with Ivan and Boris.

“My, my Mr. Austin, where have you been?”…


After his meeting with Steve Oscar got in his car and told his driver to take him back to the OSI. When he arrived, rather than go to his own office he went to Rudy’s

“Did Steve show up?” Rudy asked.

Oscar nodded. “It’s the loyalty test. They want Steve to kill me.”

“What are you going to do?” Rudy asked.

“I don’t know. Steve is hoping to meet with me again to discuss a plan. He said he would post an ad in the classifieds “

“So you’ll have to look for it?” Rudy was still in the dark as to what exactly what was going on.

“Can you come up with something to make it look like he killed me?” Oscar wondered.

“What exactly is Steve doing?” Rudy wondered.

“He wrote everything down here. He wants to find out why they want this energy source what is their plan once they get it. Rudy what could they do with it?”

“They could control the world’s energy.” Rudy admitted.

“That’s what I thought. I hope to hear from Steve soon.” Oscar sighed.

“I’m sure you will.” Rudy gave some thought to his assignment at hand. “I think I’ve got it.” He almost yelled. “He’ll throw you off of a building.”

Oscar grimaced “That might hurt.”

“Not really. You two meet on the top of a building. Then you get into a fight. You both fall to the roof and Steve comes back up with a life sized dummy of you…”

“I get it he throws the dummy off the roof.” Oscar finished.

“Exactly” I’ll get busy and construct one.”

“Rudy what if they examine my ‘body’ Oscar asked

Oh. I never thought of that. Back to square….no I think I have an idea. After he throws you he takes jumps with you off the roof and replaces the dummy with you…”

“But Rudy I won’t be dead.” Oscar reminded.


“I’m sorry.” Steve responded. “What did you say?”

“Don’t play us for fools Austin. Where were you?”

“Look you guys have been on my back ever since I got here. I came here on my own power I needed a break ok. I wanted to clear my head.”

“Let us know the next time and we will take you to a more secluded area to ‘clear your head.” Boris snapped.

“Look I’m sorry if I stepped on anyone’s toes.” Steve apologized.

“Step on toes?” Boris wrinkled his brow.

“Never mind I’ll ask next time I feel I need a break.”

“That would be a good idea; I don’t want you to leave the building unescorted again.” Ivan snorted.

“Yea fine” Steve wondered how he would meet with Oscar. He hoped Rudy had come up with something to make it look like he killed Oscar.”

That night Steve thought and though of a way to contact Oscar. He knew sneaking out was out of the question. ‘I’ve got it.’ he thought.


The next day Oscar picked up the afternoon paper he went straight for the classifieds the ad was there


Meet me in the men’s room Union station, 3:00 tomorrow.


This was the exact ad Steve had written down for Oscar. Oscar tore the ad out of the paper folded it and put in his pocket. Then he strolled down to Rudy’s office.

“Are you sure it’s from Steve.” Rudy questioned looking at the ad.

“It’s the same ad he gave me yesterday. He was afraid the Soviets might catch on so he used your first initial and my last then my first and his last. He figured they wouldn’t catch on to that. Tomorrow at 3:00.” Oscar paused for a moment. “I wonder how he’ll get there.”


The next day Steve stepped into Ivan’s office. “I need to call my wife.”

“Your wife is an OSI agent. I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Ivan denied.

“I have to check on my son. I’ve been worried about him. If I’m not around he tends to run away. I need to make sure he’s all right. You can listen on the extension if you want.”

“Very well call your wife, but I listen to the entire conversation.”

“Deal.” Steve picked up the phone and dialed his house he only hoped Rob didn’t answer.

“Hello”. Jaime spoke.

‘Jaime it’s me. Listen say exactly what I tell you.’ Steve spoke quickly so only Jaime could here. ‘I need you to tell me Rob ran away. Tell me he’s headed for Union Station.’

Jaime had heard from Oscar and knew what was going on. So she played along.

“Your wife answered.” Ivan was getting irritated.

“I guess you’re making me nervous.” Steve snapped.

“Steve? is that you?” Jaime called into the phone.

“Yes I was wondering about…”

“Oh I’m sot glad you called Robbie ran away again. He’s headed for Union Station. He said he’s going to Seattle to live with his other grandparents.” Jaime really played it up.

“I’ll try to head him off. You stay there.” Steve hung up the phone and turned toward Ivan. “You heard?”

Ivan nodded.

“I have to go get him. You can come with me if you want, but stay out of sight Rob doesn’t like strangers.”

Ivan told Boris to take Steve to Union Station. “You can help.” Steve handed Boris a picture of Rob. “I’ll check the bathrooms, you check the waiting room.”

“We’ll find him don’t worry.” Boris assured.

Steve watched as Boris headed for the waiting room then ducked into the men’s room.

Oscar stood at the sink washing his hands Steve made a quick sweep then jammed the door so no one else could enter. “Did you come up with something?”

Oscar handed him a paper with he and Rudy’s plan. “I think it will work. I have to find out what they want the Energy Source for.”

Oscar nodded. “You better get going.”

As Steve opened the door Oscar ducked into one of the stalls just in case Steve had company on the other side. He did.

“I don’t see him. Was he in here?” Boris was looking around.

Steve shook his head. I’ll call Jaime again and tell her to call my other in-laws so they can be looking for him.”

“We’ll call as soon as we get back.” Boris promised.

Steve called home and Jaime told him Rob had ‘come home’ on his own.

“Well that’s a relief. I have to go now.”

Steve hung up and turned to Ivan and Boris. Now that my son is safe I can do that job you wanted me to do. Afterwards you need to tell me what you want the Energy Source for. Then maybe we can do business.”

“Very well just as soon as the job in complete.” Ivan assured.

“I’ll call Oscar.” Steve picked up the phone and dialed Oscar’s private number.

Jaime and Oscar who had been discussing the situation looked at one another in shock. Oscar reached for the phone and picked it up. “Steve?”

“Yea Oscar” Steve smiled at Boris and Ivan. “I was wondering if we could get together.”

“I don’t know Steve.” Oscar tried to sound suspicious feeling the Soviets were listening.

“I want to come back. I’m sorry I left, can we at least talk about it.”

Oscar agreed he knew that in order for everything to play out, he had to meet with Steve.

“Ok the roof of the Plymouth building at midnight.” Steve told him.

“Ok Steve. The Plymouth building at midnight” Oscar confirmed.

“Come alone,” Steve added then hung up.

At 11:45 Oscar prepared to leave his office. “Well Rudy I’m off.”

“The dummy is already in place.” Rudy assured.

“I just hope they believe I’m dead.” Oscar sighed. “I hope Steve can convince them that the dummy was really me when he throws me off.”

“Same here, good luck Oscar.”

Oscar left and found Steve already waiting for him. “Are they watching?” Oscar asked as he approached Steve

Steve gave a slight nod and then pointed to the roof top across the street.

“Ok let’s make this look convincing.” Oscar began waving his arms at Steve indicating the conversation was not what Steve had in mind.

Steve pushed Oscar to the ground and came up with the dummy. He threw it off of the building then walked away leaving Oscar on the roof to wait for his chance to leave.

Steve jumped over to the other roof top surprising Ivan and Boris who were getting ready to go down.

“You saw?” Steve asked

Both men nodded. “I think you have proven yourself.” They headed back for the Embassy without examining the body.


The next day Oscar tried to stay low key, he was in fact supposed to be dead, so he spent the day a Rudy’s house. Jaime sat with him.

“I just hope Steve knows what he’s doing.” Oscar sighed as he and Jaime sipped coffee.

“Don’t worry Oscar. As soon as he finds out what the Energy Source is for he’ll be back.” Jaime assured.

“I suppose.” Oscar managed a smile


“Is it ok for me to go out on my own now?” Steve asked after they had had a meeting discussing the usage of the Energy Source. “I need to see my family. I’ll be back in the morning.” Steve assured. “I just need to tell them what’s going on. And check up on my son.” Steve hoped they let him go without argument.

“That will be fine. You proved yourself go ahead.” Ivan allowed.

Steve was on his way home to tell Jaime and Oscar it was over when Ivan picked up the phone in his office.

“I just thought you would want to know,” came the voice. “Goldman isn’t dead. It was a trick.” The caller hung up without saying who they were.

Ivan slammed the phone down. “He betrayed us. I want Austin, I want him dead!” Boris shouted…

“What are you saying?” Boris asked.

“Austin, he betrayed us. Goldman isn’t dead.

“I saw him throw Goldman…We both saw him throw Goldman off that roof top.” Boris

“It was a dummy. And now Austin is gone, I’m sure he’s gone back to the OSI…”

But we have the file on the energy source project.” Boris reminded.

“I’m sure it’s bogus. I want Austin dead. I don’t care who gets in the way, I want the man dead!!” Ivan ordered

Boris stood “I’ll get right on it.” He assured.

“See that you do!!” Ivan called as Boris walked through the door.

Boris hit the streets of DC with one thing in mind finding Steve Austin and making an example of him.

He thought his best bet was to sit outside the OSI and follow Steve when he left.


Rudy, Jaime and Oscar were at Rudy’s house when he arrived. He thought they would all be there because if Oscar were supposed to be dead, he couldn’t show up at the OSI. And he knew his house was bugged, so Rudy’s was the best possibility.

“Steve!” They all called out surprised to see him so soon. “How did you get away?” Oscar asked.

“I gained there trust.” Steve said as he sat next to Jaime on the couch. “Where’s Rob?” He asked.

“He’s in school. Russ will be there to pick him up and bring him here as soon as schools out.” Oscar assured. “Did you find out what they wanted the energy source for?”

Steve nodded “Yea it’s just what I thought. They want to control the world’s energy. What with the energy crisis and all…”

“I was afraid you were going to say that. The plans you gave them were completely bogus right.” Jaime asked

“Oh yea it may take them a couple of days to discover it’s a fake.” Steve assured, “but they won’t be able to do a thing with it.”

“Well that’s good.” Oscar breathed a sigh of relief. Little did he know the sigh would be very short lived

Steve turned to Oscar. “I think you better get out of the City for a while. I don’t want anyone to see you. The story of your untimely death will hit the papers in the morning.”

“Any idea who killed me?” Oscar smiled.

“Not a clue. No one knows you were to meet with me except Rudy and he’s to scared to say anything.”

Rudy nodded. “I’ll make sure Oscar gets out of town. In the mean time you, Jaime and Rob make yourselves seen. I don’t know it the Russians will still want you or not, I’d try again in the morning.”

“I told them I just wanted to see my family I’d be back in the morning.”

“Good.” Oscar agreed. “You find out what your next mission is. Try to let us know.”

“I’ll do my best. Is ‘Amanda’ still in your office?”

“Oh yea she’s still there. Of course I haven’t seen her since I was killed by you. I suppose they will have to let her go.”

“Hey dad!” Robbie bounded through the door.

“Hi son how was your day?” Steve asked

“It was ok. How is every thing here?”

“I’ll tell you in the car.” Steve turned his attention back to Oscar. “I think Rudy better get you out of town… how about Rudy’s uncle’s house in Arlington?” Steve suggested.

“I was thinking the same thing.” Rudy concurred. “Come on Oscar it’s about an hours drive.”

The two men left and Steve suggested that they go out for dinner, make it look as normal as possible.

“Let me get this right.” Jaime stated when they were in the car. The Soviets still think you work for them?”

Steve nodded. “It’s just till we get this Energy Source cleared up. Actually if they had the actual plans, it still might not work….”

“What do you mean?” Jaime asked.

Rudy and I still don’t have all the bugs out of it. It may be years away. To be real honest, I don’t know if it will ever work. It’s just an idea I had.”

“I see. “ Jaime stared out the window.

“By the way do our walls still have ears?” Steve asked as they pulled into the drive.

Jaime nodded.

“Good then prepare for a fight. Just follow my lead.” Steve said. “When we get inside say something like I have a lot of nerve showing up, or something like that.” He turned to Rob. “Just play along son.

“Ok Dad. Rob gave a smile. “I think I kind of like this.” They got out of the car Robbie and Jaime went inside.

“Where’s dad?” Rob asked.

“I don’t know.” Jaime could see Steve in the garage waiting the right moment to enter.

“So I see you decided to come dragging home!” Jaime screamed when Steve finally walked into the house. “You have some nerve…”

“What are you saying?” Steve tried to sound shocked.

“You killed Oscar!” She screamed. “Rudy’s positive it was you…”

“What makes him…”

“Oh Steve, Rudy knows Oscar was to meet you on some roof top, and then Oscar is found dead after being thrown off of a roof top. It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to figure it out!” Jaime was still shouting.

“Ok maybe you’re right. But you can join me Jaime, the pay is better…”

“If you think for one minute that I’m going to…”

“Hey I was just asking.” Steve smiled. He was glad they were only bugged and not video. He as well as Jaime was finding it hard to keep a straight face.

“And I’m just telling you the answer is NO!” Jaime screamed. “I think Robbie should stay here?”

“No way!” Steve screamed more out of shock then anything. He had no idea Jaime would involve Robbie.

“Well fine!” Jaime concluded “If you want me to tell the court you’re suspected of killing Oscar…” Jaime gave him a wink.

“Dad I think I want to stay with Jaime.” Rob decided he’d better jump in.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” Steve asked

Rob nodded “yeah I think so.”

Let’s go to dinner and talk about it?” Steve suggested.

The three headed out the door.


“Great show Mr. and Mrs. Austin.” Ivan applauded. “But I don’t buy it not for one minute.”

“Do you still want me to do the job?” Boris asked.

“Are the explosives ready?” Ivan wondered.

“All set.” Boris smiled.

“They are out of the house. You should probably get to work.” Ivan ordered.

“I’ll get right on it.” Boris walked out of Ivan’s office and drove to Steve’s house. It took well over an hour but he set the explosives.

After he set them he called Ivan.

“Yes?” Ivan answered.

“Job is complete.” Boris reported.

Very good, what time are they set to go off?” Ivan laughed.

“I’ve set them to go off at around 2:00 in the morning. I figured everyone would be beddy bye at that time.”

“Yes, yes. No time for them to get out.” Ivan continued to laugh.

“Do you want me to stay around here?” Boris asked.

“I don’t think that will be necessary.” Ivan stated.

“Ok then I’ll come back.” Boris got in his car and headed down the street.

As Boris pulled around the corner Steve, Jaime and Robbie pulled into the drive.

“So you ok with this Rob.” Steve asked before they walked into the house.

“Sure dad. I think this will be fun.” Robbie smiled.

“Ok son, but you have to make it sound real.” Steve reminded.

“I will dad.” The trio stepped into the house. “Well if you’re sure that’s what you want son.” Steve asked.

“I’m sure dad I want to live with Jaime.”

“Well I’ve tried to talk you out of this all through dinner. I guess you’ve made your choice.” Steve smiled at him.

“Yea dad I have. I hope its ok with you.” It was all Rob could do to keep from laughing.

“Well I guess it will have to be considering your mother is blackmailing me.” Steve spat. “I will come back for him though.” Steve told them.

“Just remember what I said would happen if you did. Rudy will tell the NSB Oscar was to meet with you the night he was killed.”

“You won’t quit will you?” Steve demanded.

“No. Not when it concerns the welfare of a child.” Jaime shot back.

“Maybe I won’t even stay here tonight!” Steve shouted.

At the sound of this Ivan cried out. “No, no!” that will ruin everything!”

“You can stay but you sleep on the couch. I mean Rob wants to have you here. Steve I wish you would change your mind.” Jaime pleaded.

“We went all over this at dinner.” Steve reminded.

“So it’s pointless huh?” Jaime sighed.

“Yea I guess it is.” Steve sighed.
