
“I knew if we hung around long enough we would catch one of them off guard.” Adrik turned to his friend Ivan.

“Yes, yes.” He smiled. We grab the boy and Austin is ours. I don’t think we ever needed Calina. In fact she may have impeded us.”

“That’s true, but at least they let their guard down.” They followed Steven through the woods that led to the lake.

Steven could here someone behind him fearing his brother had snitched he kept going. He had just set down his pole when Ivan stepped up behind him and everything went dark for Steve Austin’s oldest son.

Steve stood from the table where he had been talking with Rudy and Oscar. “I’ll be right with you. I just want to check on the boys. I don’t hear anything coming from the yard.”

“Sure Steve.” Oscar stood to join him.

They stepped out into the yard. Steve did a quick scan. Michael was fine he was feeding the new lambs that had been born the previous week.

Steve walked over to him. “Say Mike, where’s your brother?” Steve asked as he knelt down to the five-year-old’s level.

Michael looked up at Steve with tears in his eyes. “I can’t tell you.” He cried.

“Can’t tell me? Why not?” Steve wondered.

“Stevie told me not to.” Michael made a fist. “He said I would eat my dinner through a straw if I told.”

Steve glanced up at Oscar. “I bet he went fishing after all.” Steve checked the barn. Sure enough Steven’s pole was missing.

“I’ll go down by the lake and get him. If Cassie asks, tell her I’ll be right back.” Steve headed out.

“Wait Steve. I’m coming with you.” Oscar called to him after he told Rudy what was going on. “Rudy says he’ll tell Cassie.” Oscar panted as he caught up to Steve.

“The lake is just over that hill.” Steve started out again. “Come on. I know his favorite spot.”

They climbed the small hill Oscar could see the lake from the top, but Steven was nowhere to be seen. Oscar could read the expression on Steve’s face. He could tell he was scanning the entire area for his son.

“Come on Oscar!” Steve cried as he ran down the hill at top speed.

It took Oscar several minutes to catch up to his friend. “Do you see him at all?” Oscar questioned when he reached Steve’s side.

“No. I don’t see him anywhere, but his fishing pole is right here.” Steve noted.

“Maybe he dropped it and went looking for something else.” Oscar suggested

“No. He would never just leave it. Oh my God! What am I going to tell Cassie?”


At the rented house in town Calina stood over the boy that Adrik and Ivan had brought back with them.

“You’re sure he’s Austin’s son?” She pressed.

“He looks just like him. Plus I heard the other kid call him Steven.”

“Oh.” Calina laughed “This is to perfect. You mean not only do we have Austin’s son, we have the one named for him?”

“That’s right.” Adrik and Ivan smiled.

“How long will he be out?” Calina wondered.

“For a couple of hours at least. We didn’t give him a very big dose.” Ivan informed her.

“Why not? I don’t want him to wake up and start crying for his mommy.” Calina snorted.

“I have plans, they involve the boy being awake.” Ivan hissed back. “You watch him for a while let me know when he starts to come around.”


“What????” Cassie screamed after Steve and Oscar delivered the crushing news. “Where is he?” She ran out the door and down the path that led to the lake screaming the boy’s name the entire time.

Steve ran after her. “Cassie. Calm down. We’ll find him. I’m sure that whoever was here last night has him.”

In her frenzy Cassie began to beat on Steve. “Why weren’t you watching him??” She cried.

“Cassie. Take it easy!” Steve tried to calm her.

“I won’t take it easy, not till I get my baby back.” She screamed as she buried her face in Steve’s chest.

By now Steve had managed to get her back to the house. Rudy had heard the commotion from all the way down the path. He was prepared when Steve and Cassie walked through the door.

He quickly injected Cassie with a sedative and Steve laid her on the bed.

“Thanks Rudy.” Steve managed. “Look I’m going to go look for my son.”

“Yea sure Steve. I’ll stay with Cassie. Don’t worry.”

Before he left Oscar grabbed him as he went through the door. “Steve. Russ is on his way. He’s taking the rest of the kids to the air base hospital. ”

“I won’t argue with you on that one Oscar.” Steve left the house and started searching for the ‘needle in the haystack’.

He started out on foot. ‘First I’ll search those woods.’ He thought. ‘Maybe Oscar was right. Maybe he went chasing something and got lost or hurt. Maybe those people don’t have him at all.’

Steve scanned the woods. ‘Rudy was right. It does have a better range.’ Steve continued to think. He scanned till he thought he would ware the eye out.

Dejected he made his way back to the house. He carefully carried the fishing pole, hoping it might have some evidence attached to it that might lead to the whereabouts of his son.

By the time he arrived back at the house, Russ had taken Michael and Charlie. They were now safe in Rudy’s office at the air base hospital

Steve walked up the stairs and into he and Cassie’s room. “How is she Rudy?”

“She came out of it just a few moments ago.” Rudy told him

“Good I need to talk to her. Steven’s fishing pole is on the porch. I was very careful how I carried it back. Maybe it could give us some sort of lead.”

“I’ll get right on it. I’ll take it to the lab at the hospital and see what I can come up with.”

“Thanks Rudy. I appreciate it.” Steve gave him a smile.

Rudy stood to leave so Steve and Cassie could talk.

Steve walked over to Cassie and sat next to her on the bed. “Oh Steve!” Cassie cried. “What are we going to do?”

“I don’t know. I searched the woods around lake. I’m sure they have him.” Steve held his head in his hands and cried. “Oh Cassie. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn’t I take him fishing myself? Why didn’t I just take him?”

“It’s not your fault Steve.” Cassie assured.

“Yes it is. All he wanted to do was go fishing. The only birthday present I want is for that boy to walk through the front door.”

In the mean time what do we do?” Cassie put her arms around her heartbroken husband.

“I guess we just sit a wait. They will obviously contact us.” Steve’s sobs had let up just a bit.

“What do you suppose they want?” Cassie pondered.

“Information,” Steve assumed, “on what I don’t know. Oscar is going over all of our projects for the past several months.”

“Ok then we wait.” Cassie could see she was going to have to take charge.

In Rudy’s office Rudy had just dusted Steven’s fishing pole for prints. He was able to lift two neither of which were Steve’s or the boys.

“Hopefully that will lead us somewhere.” He told an anxious Oscar who was waiting. “Any idea what they might want?”

“I’m afraid not Rudy.” Oscar sighed. “But we’re working on it.”

“Well I sent the prints through the data base. They should have something in an hour or so.”

“I’ll call Steve. See if they have heard anything?” Oscar lifted the receiver, and then set it back down. “You know on second thought, I’ll just drive out there I’m sure they are waiting for who ever took Steven to call.”

“Good idea. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything in the mean time.” Rudy waved as Oscar left his office.


Ivan walked into the room where Steven continued to sleep off the drug they had given him an hour or so ago.

“How is he Calina?” Ivan wondered.

“He’s still sleeping thank goodness.” She snapped.

“I was hoping he would start to come around by now.” He thought a moment. “Maybe we gave him too much.”

“I hope that’s the case.” Calina hissed.

“I want him to wake up. I told you I have plans!” Ivan shouted back

“Well I’m sure your shouting will rouse him soon enough.” She stood to leave.

“I hope so. You know we really don’t need you on this project. I don’t think we ever did. In fact you may have hindered the mission. Austin was on his guard.” Ivan reported

“Well I never.” Calina huffed out of the room “You deal with the boy then.”

On the cot next to him Steven began to stir.

‘Good.’ Ivan thought ‘as soon as you are awake we will call your father. Then we get what we want.’


When Oscar arrived at the ranch Steve and Cassie were sitting in the living room, planning what to do next.

“Anything?” Steve jumped to his feet when Oscar walked in.

“I was hoping you might have some news.” Oscar sighed.

“No not yet. I expect them to contact us somehow.” Steve muttered. “I mean why take Steven if you’re not planning something?”

“That’s what we think. Still no line on what they want.” Oscar sat across from them. “I just left the kids, they seem fine.”

“Well that’s a relief.” Cassie stated.

Just as Oscar was preparing to leave and go back to Rudy’s office the phone rang. Steve picked it up. “Hello. Yes he’s here.” He handed the phone to Oscar. “It’s for you. It’s Russ “

Oscar took the phone. “Yes Russ.”

“We have a break Oscar.” Russ said.

“Yes Russ.” Oscar listened for a few moments. “Yes thanks Russ.” He hung up and turned to Steve and Cassie. “That was Russ. Two days ago a Russian scientist by the name of Ivan Beemer slipped into the country.”

“What do they want?” Cassie asked.

“What else Cassie? The secrets of bionics.” Oscar sighed. “Steve your whole family is in danger. Cassie you’re going to Rudy’s lab as well… “

“Oscar I won’t do it!” Cassie argued. “If Steve needs my help I’m going to stay here.”

“Cassie for once, do as Oscar asks.” Steve pleaded. “I don’t want you or the kids hurt.”

“Steve I…”

“Cassie. Do it not for me but the kids.” Steve reasoned. “They already have one of our kids. I don’t want them to get hold of you or the younger two.” Steve continued.

“I don’t like it. But if you think it’s for the best I still don’t…”

“I do.” Steve put his arm around her. Russ will be here in a few minutes. “Frankly I want Rudy to stay put too. If they are after the secret of bionics…they could take him as well.” Steve surmised.

“You have a point there Steve.” Oscar sighed. “I’ll tell Rudy to stay put till this is taken care of.”

“And besides Cassie, you will be helping. I want someone to watch over Rudy. So you see, you’ll have your hands full.”

“Ok I’ll go, but I’m protesting all the way.” Cassie jabbed Steve in the ribs with he finger. “You be careful.”

“I always am.” Steve hugged her. “Now you take care too.”

Within moments Russ arrived and escorted the still protesting Cassie to the airbase hospital.

“Ok Oscar, now what?” Steve asked relieved that at least 90% of his family was safe.

“You know as well as I do that if the Russians have Steven they won’t let him go, even if you offer them the world.” Oscar reminded.

“Too much of a good thing, huh?” Steve threw up his hands in frustration.

“That’s about it.” Oscar removed his glasses and turned to Steve.

“OK. What now?” Steve asked again.

“I guess we just sit back and see if they make contact.” Oscar continued to look at Steve.

“If they make contact” Steve sunk deep into the couch.

“They will Steve.” Oscar assumed.

“How can you be so sure?” Steve wondered his eyes full of mist.

“Well I guess I can’t be 100% sure, but they will contact you.

“Unless we find them first do you think they would keep him here in Ojai?”

“I don’t know.” Oscar’s eyes narrowed I never thought of them taking him out of town. You know if they take him out of the state …never mind.

“What were you going to say?” Steve demanded

“Just that if they take him across state lines in becomes federal, but we already have that because you’re a federal agent that‘s all.”

“Oh I see.” Steve’s voice trailed off causing Oscar to wonder if his friend was up to his current mission. Oscar also couldn’t bring himself to tell Steve that more than likely once Steve was lured into their trap; the chances were pretty good they would kill the young Steven.


In Rudy’s lab at the base Cassie was reunited with her two youngest children. “Where’s daddy?” Michael wondered.

“He’ll be here soon” Cassie assured. “Just as soon as he finds your brother.”

“You mean Steven?” Michael wondered. “I told daddy, he went fishing.”

“Daddy looked, but he wasn’t there.” Cassie’s eyes filled with tears.

“Speaking of that husband of yours” Rudy interrupted. “Have you told him?”

“I was going to surprise him on his birthday, but now with little Steve missing and possibly in the hands of the Soviets…Oh Rudy I just don’t know…” Cassie began to sob.

“Cassie calm down.” Rudy tried to soothe her.

“I can’t oh Rudy. You know as well as I do that once they get what they want…” Her voice trailed off in a sea of tears.

“Cassie Steve will find him don’t worry.” Rudy assured.

“I hope so Rudy” Cassie dried her eyes and sunk onto the couch in Rudy’s office. She held baby Charlie on her lap.

“Just relax Cassie. I know Steve and he’ll stop at nothing to find his son.” Rudy assured.

“I hope you’re right.” Cassie seemed to calm down just a bit.

“I know I’m right. Why don’t you go lay down for a while. I’ll watch the kids.”

“Thanks Rudy. It has been a rather trying day.” Cassie lay back on the couch and was soon sleeping. Rudy tried to keep the younger two Austin children entertained.


At the rented house in town Steven woke up. “Who are you?” He demanded of his captors.

“Just a friend of your father’s” Ivan lied.

“I don’t believe you.” Steven snarled.

“Now, now I see you’re just like your father.” Ivan noted.

“I want to go home NOW!” Steven cried.

“You will, just as soon as we place a phone call.” Ivan explained.

“What phone call?” Steven snapped.

“We are going to call your father and tell him where to find you.” Ivan smiled.

Steven scowled at him.

“Now just relax.” Ivan coaxed.

“No!” Steven cried. He made a run for the door but Adrik caught him.

“What Ivan? You can’t control one little boy?”

“It won’t happen again Adrik.” Ivan walked over to them. “Now as I was saying you and I are going to call your father.”


“You ok Steve?” Oscar asked after several minutes of silence.

“Yea I guess so. I just wish we could find them.” Steve’s voice was getting weaker all the time.

“Look Steve. We’re going to put a tracer on the phone.” Oscar told him. “That way if they do call we can hopefully trace the call.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Steve’s voice still sounded distant.

“Come on Steve!” Oscar yelled. “Get hold of yourself! Your son’s life is at stake!”

“It’s no use Oscar.” Steve muttered. “You know as well as I do. As soon as they get what they want out of him they’ll kill him.”

“I know no such thing.” Oscar resounded.

Within moments the equipment was installed on Helen and Jim’s phone. And not a moment to soon Russ had just finished when the phone rang.

Steve answered.

“Colonel Austin? Some one wants to talk to you.” The voice with the Russian accent exclaimed.

“They’re Russian.” Steve covered the mouthpiece to the phone.

“Ok kid.” The voice continued.

Steve could here the commotion on the other end then the voice of his young son “Daddy?”

“Steven? Are you all right?” Steve cried into the phone.

“Yes daddy.”

“Ok Austin. You know we have the boy.” Ivan was back on the line.

“What do you want?” Steve demanded.

“Very simple we want you.”

“Ok you have me. Just don’t harm my son.” Steve clenched the receiver so tight Oscar and Russ were afraid he was going to crush it.

“You turn yourself over to us and I return your son, simple as that.”

“I’ll do whatever you want.” Steve tried to keep him talking. With the tracer on the phone all Steve had to do was keep him talking for at least two minutes. He hoped he could do it.

Steve turned to Russ who indicated he keep him talking longer.

“How do I know you’ll return him?” Steve tried to stall.

“You don’t, that’s a chance you’ll have to take.” The voice continued.

Russ waved frantically saying they got what they wanted.

The man on the other end hung up and on his end Steve hung up too.

“Ok Steve.” Oscar began. “Here’s the address.”

Steve didn’t say a word. Concerned Oscar turned toward him. “Steve. Are you all right? Steve? Steve?”

To Oscar’s shock Steve collapsed to the floor.

Oscar and Russ ran to where Steve lay on the floor. “Steve? Steve!” Oscar called.

Steve didn’t respond.

“Russ. Call Rudy. He should be at the hospital.”

Russ quickly dialed Rudy’s number at the base hospital. “Rudy? It’s Russ. We need you at the ranch right away! Better bring an ambulance with you.”

“I’m on my way.” Rudy called.

Within minutes Rudy and the ambulance arrived. Rudy gave Steve a quick overview. “Let’s get him to the lab.” He ordered the attendant he had brought with him.


Cassie greeted them as they Rudy rushed Steve into his lab. She followed him in. “What is it Rudy?” She demanded.

“I don’t know yet?” Rudy began to examine Steve. “I do know that Oscar has the address where Steven is being held.”

Cassie tore out of the room. “Let me have it Oscar!!” She commanded.

“Have what?” Oscar wondered what she was talking about, and then it hit him “Oh yea the address. Cassie let Russ handle it.”

“Oscar I want that address and I want it now!” She screamed. “I’m going to get my son!!”

Knowing it was pointless to argue, Oscar passed her the address. “Take Russ with you.” He ordered.

“I will.” Cassie flew down the hall startling Russ who was coming off the elevator.

“Cassie. Where’s the fire?”

“Here.” She held up the slip of paper with the address on it. “You’re coming with me.” She shrieked. “I’m sorry Russ. I didn’t mean to yell at you. It’s just that Steven has been missing for several hours…”

“No reason to apologize.” Russ soothed. “Come on Cassie. Let’s see what we can come up with.” The two left and headed for the address Russ had written down only a half hour ago.


Back in Steve’s room Rudy was still examining Steve. “How is he Rudy?” Oscar asked as he walked in.

“I’m not sure yet.” Rudy replied. “I can’t seem to find any physical reason to explain why Steve collapsed.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means it’s probably emotional.” Rudy whispered.

On the bed Steve began to come around. “Rudy?”

“Yes Steve. Just take it easy. You blacked out.” Rudy explained.

“Blacked out?” Steve tried to sit up, but Rudy held him down.

“Just relax. I’m not finished with you.” Rudy cautioned.

“Yes you are.” Steve turned to Oscar. “Did we manage to trace the call?”

Oscar nodded “Yea Steve. I have the address.” Oscar told him.

“Well give it to me!” Steve demanded.

“Not so fast Steve.” Rudy was still trying to hold him down but not having very good luck.

“Come on Rudy let me up. Come on Oscar. Tell him!!”

“No Steve. I have to agree with Rudy on this one. I have two agents working on it…”

“Who?” Steve had pushed Rudy aside and had jumped out of bed. “I’m going to help them.”

“Russ and Cassie” Oscar mumbled.

Steve stomped around the room. “Where are my clothes?” He grabbed Rudy by the shirt. “You get them for me NOW!!”

“Ok Steve ok.” Rudy stepped over to the closet. “They’re in here.” He indicated.

“Thanks.” Steve grabbed his clothes and started to get dressed.

“I really wish you would just relax. I think the reason you collapsed is do to emotional stress.”

“No? And for that you went to med school?”

“No reason to be sarcastic.” Rudy defended.

“I’m sorry Rudy. But my son is out there somewhere. I have all of these abilities to help everyone else, now I’m going to find my son!! You said emotional stress? Of course it’s stress. My son has been kidnapped more than likely by one of our most powerful enemies, the Soviets.”

“I get what you’re saying.” Oscar wrote the address down for him. “They just left.”

“Thanks Oscar.” Steve grabbed the address and sprinted down the hall.


Russ and Cassie stood across the street from the house with the same address Oscar had given them. “Do you see anything Russ?” Cassie questioned.

“Nothing yet why don’t you stay here? I’ll go around to the back of the house and see if I can find out anything.”

“Don’t bother Russ.” The voice from behind startled both Russ and Cassie

“Steve!” Cassie cried what are you doing here?”

“The same as you I’m here to rescue our son.” Steve put his arm around her. “Is that the house?”

Cassie nodded. “Steve, Russ was about to go see if Steven were in there…”

“I’ll see.” Steve zoomed in on the house. He scanned all of the windows. The blinds had been lowered, but not closed. The new improvements Rudy had made to Steve’s eye really played a part in Steve seeing through the slits of the blinds.

“Do you see him Steve?” Cassie’s voice was shill.

“Yea I see him. He’s in that room right there.” Steve pointed to a window in front of the house.

“Is there anyone in there with him?” Russ asked.

Again Steve was able to scan the entire room. “I don’t see anybody. They all seem unconcerned about him.”

“Is he alright?” Cassie had tears running down her cheeks.

“He seems fine.” Steve observed. “I think I have an idea. I’ll go over to the other side of the house and create some sort of a distraction. You take that chance and go grab Steven out of the room!”

“What about you?” Cassie eyed him seriously.

“I’m not concerned about me right now. The only one I’m concerned about is our son.” Steve gave her a shove. “Now go on. I’ll try to keep their attention. You get Steven and get out of here.”

“Ok Steve.” Cassie reluctantly agreed. “You take care of yourself too!”

“I will.” Steve headed across the street.

While Steve created a diversion Cassie and Russ slipped up to the window. Cassie prayed it would open and that no one would be there but at the same time felt sorry for anyone who tried to stop her from reclaiming her son.

By now Steve had slipped around the side of the house. He grabbed a rock and hurled it through the window.

“What was that?” Adrik jumped out of his seat. “Calina, you and Ivan check it out.”

“Right Adrik” Ivan stood. He and Calina walked to the window and picked up the rock.

“It’s just a rock Adrik must me some kid.” Ivan informed him.

Adrik thought for a moment. “Better go outside and check. I don’t want anyone poking their nose in around here kids or not.”

While Steve was throwing the rock Cassie was grabbing Steven out of the window. “Come on honey.” She lifted Steven out or the window and darted across the street with him

“Where’s Daddy?” Steven cried. “They want to hurt him. I heard them talking…”

“What are you saying?” Cassie pressed once she and Steven were safe in Russ’ car. Cassie knew if anyone could answer it was her perceptive seven year old.

“I heard them talking. They made me talk to daddy. They knew that daddy would find them. That’s what they wanted…”

“Oh Steven” Cassie cried. “This is a trap to get your daddy?” Cassie realized

Steven nodded “Yes mommy.”

From Steve’s hiding place behind a tree he could see Cassie safe in Russ’s car. ‘Now I just have to get to them.’ He thought.

As Steve stepped out from behind the tree he could see Russ across the street waving frantically.

‘I wonder what he wants. Wait. Maybe something is wrong with Steven.’ Steve started to cross the yard. He could hear Russ yelling but couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“Did you warn him Russ?” Cassie stepped next to him.

“I don’t know. I don’t think he can hear me.” Russ turned to Cassie.

“Shout louder. Russ he has to hear you.” Cassie ordered.

Russ once again called across the street. “Steve. Don’t move stay there. It’s a trap!!”

This time Steve heard. He headed back to hide behind the tree.

“There he is Ivan!” Adrik cried. “Get him.”

Just as Steve leaped behind the tree Ivan aimed his shotgun and fired striking Steve in the head.

After firing the potentially fatal shot Ivan ran toward the front of the house where Russ was waiting for him. He grabbed Ivan by the back of the shirt and handcuffed him.

While Russ was pouncing on Ivan Cassie was calling Oscar. She told him that Steve had been shot and to send back up for Russ and an ambulance for Steve.

When Cassie finished she walked over the car that Calina was using to try and make her escape. “Not so fast honey.” Cassie grabbed the keys out of the ignition. “You better just step out of the…” Then she saw the silver wig lying on the front seat. “So that was your game. You were Beulah Barron?”

Calina remained silent. Cassie handed her over to Russ and then ran to the aid of her husband who lay bleeding and unconscious on the ground. “I wish that ambulance would hurry.”

Russ had both Beulah/Calina and Ivan handcuffed in the back of his car. He walked over to Steven who was staring at the door. “Come on Stevie.” Russ tried to coax.

“Uncle Russ there’s another one. He just hasn’t come out yet.”

“I’m not going to leave you alone…never mind Oscar and Rudy are here.”

Russ walked over to the back up team Oscar had brought. “Here.” He threw Calina and Ivan toward Mike Wilson. “Steven says there is another one inside.”

“How’s Steve?” Oscar watched as Rudy ran to the man lying on the ground. Oscar rushed to join them. “Rudy how is he.”

“I won’t know till I get him to the lab.” Rudy muttered. The ambulance attendants helped Rudy load Steve into the back of the waiting ambulance. “Cassie you can ride up front. I’ll ride back here with Steve. Russ will bring Steven.”

Cassie sat in the passenger seat of the ambulance and they rushed Steve back to the air base hospital.

“Wait in my office.” Rudy called. “I’m taking Steve straight to surgery!”

“While she waited she wondered if Steven was alright. The rest of the kids joined her in Rudy’s office.


At the house Adrik was trying to think of a way out. They had planned on Austin showing up to rescue his son. They hadn’t counted on an entire OSI task force beating him to the job. Now he was trapped. ‘Maybe we got lucky after all. Maybe Austin is dead.” Adrik smiled to himself.

“Come on Steven.” Russ tried to coax again. “Let Oscar’s friends take it from here.”

Russ knew they were about to shoot tear gas into the house in order to subdue and capture the man inside.

“No!” Steven cried. He ran to the back of the house.

“Steven!” Russ cried. It was too late. Oscar’s task force had already fired the tear gas into the house.

“He ran around back Russ.” Oscar called.

“I’ll get him.” He left the capture of Adrik to Oscar’s men.

When he got to the back of the house he was shocked. Steven was nowhere to be seen.

“Steven?” Russ called. “Steven where are you?” No answer. Thinking the boy had gone all the way around the house, Russ headed back.

“Is Steven here?” He asked. Oscar.

“No I thought you went after him.” Oscar’s voice sounded strained

“Where is Adrik?” Russ asked fearing the worse,

“He didn’t come out yet.” He pointed to the men with gas masks. “They’re getting ready to go in.”

Just then a car pulled up to the curb. “Goldman!” Adrik shouted. “Tell Austin I still have his kid. If he doesn’t turn himself over to us, or if any of you try to follow me. I’ll kill him. Understand?”

Russ drew his gun to fire, but Oscar held him down. “No Russ it’s too risky.”

They watched as Adrik sped away with Steve’s son in his car.

“Why didn’t I let Cassie take him?” Oscar chided himself. “He should have gone with her.”

“Don’t blame yourself Oscar. No one knew that there was a third person involved.”

“Well let’s go give the news to Cassie.” Slowly the two headed back to the air base hospital.


Adrik drove just outside the city of Ojai. “Here’s where we stop. I’m sure all the roads from here to LA will have cops on them looking for you.” Ivan sneered at Steven. “I’m going tie you up so you don’t try to run away. Then tomorrow night we will find another place to hide.”

Terrified Steven watched as Adrik started a fire then put a pot of stew on to cook. “That’s our dinner don’t complain about it!” Adrik ordered.

Steven was still scared till he saw the ropes, he smiled lightly to himself. “Is that what you’re going to tie me up with?” Steve asked.

“Yea” Adrik sneered. “Now get over here!”

“Ok but I don’t think it’s going to work.”

“Just shut your mouth till I tell you to open it.” Adrik ordered. He now had a roaring fire going and the stew started to boil. He reached for the ropes he had laid on the ground beside him.

“Ok, but it’s not going work.” Steven tried to explain. “And I can’t shut my mouth. I have to breathe don’t I?”

“Breathe through your nose.” Adrik snapped.

“I can’t, my nose is stuffy. I have a cold.”

“Isn’t that too bad.” Adrik sneered.

“For you maybe” Steven threatened.

Frustrated Adrik began to tie Steven’s legs together.

“The rope’s too big and my legs are too small. You’re doing it wrong.” Steven tried to be helpful.

“Don’t tell me how to do this. I’ve been doing it for years.” Adrik shouted.

“Ok.” Steven shrugged. “But…”

“There!” Adrik proclaimed. “Just try and get away.”

Steven stepped right out of the rope. “See. If you want I can show you how to do it the right way.”

Frustrated Adrik screamed “Show me!”

Steven began to tie Adrik up. He finally tied the last knot. “Now put your hands between you legs and under the rope.”

Adrik did and Steven tied his hands together as well. “I bet you couldn’t move if you tried.”

Adrik struggled to get free. “Ok now untie me.” He ordered.

“What?” Steven asked. “I’m young, not stupid.”

“Come on kid. Untie me and I’ll take you back into town and by you and ice cream cone, then I’ll take you to your parents.”

Steven looked at him. “I don’t believe you!” He shouted.

“Come on kid I’m begging you untie me and I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

Steven shook his head. “No way” He smiled. “Did you want your stew?”

Adrik nodded.

“Ok I’ll get it for you.” Steve walked over to the fire as he did Adrik skidded over and tried to kick Steven into the fire. ‘I’d rather see you burn to death,’ he thought. Just as he was about to give him a kick Steven thought the fire should be stirred.

He took a stick and moved the hot sticks that were burning. One flew back and smacked Adrik in the forehead. Adrik screamed in pain.

“I’m sorry.” Steve giggled to himself as he held the spoon with the stew. “Here you go.” He shoved the spoon of bubbling stew into Adrik’s mouth. Again Adrik screamed in agony.

“What’s the matter, is it too hot?” Steven asked as smile on his lips

“Just get away from me kid.” Adrik screamed.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Steven took off running through the woods in hopes of attracting the attention of someone, anyone for that matter.

“Hey!” Adrik screamed “Don’t leave me here.”

“I’ll send someone for you.” Steven shouted over his shoulder as he made his get away.


“Any luck Russ?” Oscar asked when Russ joined them at the hospital.

“I think we’re on to something Oscar. How’s Steve?”

“Rudy’s still in surgery. I’m hoping to have Steven back here before he wakes up. What did you find?”

“A report of a campfire in the woods just outside of town, I’m going to check it out.”

“I’m coming with you.” Oscar stopped by Rudy’s office where Cassie and the other kids were waiting. “We think we have a line on where Steven might be.”

“I’m coming with you.” Cassie set Charlie on the couch and stood.

“No Cassie let us do this.” Oscar sat her back down.

“Oscar!” She protested.

“Stay here Cassie. When Steve comes out of this I don’t want him to know Steven is still missing. You stall him.”

“Ok Oscar I don’t like it very well, but I’ll stay.” Cassie sighed.

Oscar and Russ dashed down the hall and out the door. “It’s probably just some one who has a vendetta against Smokey the bear.” Oscar muttered as he and Russ pulled out of the parking lot.

“Yea well we haven’t found any sign of Adrik on any road between here and LA. It could be him.”

“Well let’s go then.” Oscar watched as Russ pulled off the main road and headed for a wooded area just outside Ojai.

“The park ranger says the campfire was in this area.” Russ pointed. They were startled to see Steven run in front of their car.

Russ screeched to a stop. Oscar jumped out of the car. “Steven, are you all right?” He asked.

“Uncle Oscar!” Steven cried. “That man is back there.” He pointed.

“Russ.” Oscar jerked his head in the direction Steven and pointed.

“I’m on it.” Russ darted into the woods while Steven clung to his father’s friend.

“It’s ok son. It’s ok.” Oscar soothed.

Startled by what he saw at first Russ couldn’t help but laugh. “Well Adrik I see you met your match.” Russ continued to laugh as he helped Adrik to his feet. He untied him then handcuffed him. “Ok Adrik let’s go.”

Oscar and Steven were still waiting by Russ’ car. Steven screamed and ducked behind Oscar when he saw Adrik.

Oscar let Steven sit in front with him and Russ sat in the back with Adrik

“I’ll call and have someone waiting to take Adrik into custody. Then do you want to talk to your mom?”

Steven nodded. After calling security at the Base hospital to arrange them to take Adrik into custody, then he called Rudy’s office.

“Cassie? Steven wants to talk to you.” Oscar told her.

“Steven! Are you alright?”

“Yea I’m fine mom. Is Daddy ok?”

“Doc Rudy says he’s going to be just fine. In fact if ‘uncle’ Oscar hurries, you can be here before daddy wakes up.”


A week later Rudy said Steve was strong enough to return to his parents’ home. “I don’t want you to do anything too strenuous. Just sit back and let your mother pamper you.” Rudy laughed.

“I will pamper him.” Helen smiled. “I know it’s a week late, but would you care to join us for cake tonight? We never did get around to celebrating Steve’s birthday.”

“I’d love to. I’ll see you tonight.” Rudy promised.

Oscar had told Steve how Steven and captured Adrik all by himself. So at the party that night Steven had the place of honor on his father’s lap.

“I know it’s a week late son.” Jim handed Steve the gift he and Helen had bought.

“Take it back.” Steve said. “I got the only gift I wanted right here.” He hugged his son and namesake tight. “Nothing could compare with that.”

“Well mine better.” Cassie looked at him. “And there will be no returning it.”

“What is it Cassie?” Steve wondered.

“I wanted to tell you before this, but then with your birthday so close…I wanted to wait. Steve, I’m going to have another baby.”

Steve fainted. Face down in his birthday cake.


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